The Scavengers

Chapter 4: The metal content exceeds the standard


Finally, the neighbors who had gossiped enough left with satisfaction. Xiao Mo had no energy to continue business and closed the store directly.

He felt very sorry for the middle school student and his family, but after all, they were not the ones related to him, so he just sighed and passed away.

Others had the same idea as Xiao Mo, thinking that the matter had just passed.

"What is supposed to come will always come, and you can't escape even if you want to."

"What?" Xiao Mo closed the rolling shutter door and turned around. Was that what a child said just now

"Brother, I've changed my mind. How about adopting me? I'm very capable." The child poked his head out from behind the computer screen.


At the same time, on the third floor of a residential building in Xinxinjiayuan.

Originally planning to contact the parents of the child who was hit, all the traffic police who had been involved in the traffic accident withdrew and were replaced by criminal police with live ammunition.

"The special transport vehicle will be here shortly. According to your instructions, there will be six special police officers escorting the vehicle." Wang Cheng walked to forensic doctor Qian Yunkai and whispered.

Qian Yunkai's brows were furrowed like the Chinese character for Sichuan, and he forbade other criminal police officers from approaching the two people who were tied up in the bedroom.

"What's going on with Mr. and Mrs. Liu Wang? They look like that... are they suffering from some infectious disease?" Wang Cheng, who was wearing a mask, walked around in a circle, but couldn't help but get close to Qian Yunkai and asked.

"have no idea."

"You are the most powerful forensic doctor in our city, don't you know that?"

"This is the first time I have seen this disease." Qian Yunkai tentatively stepped forward to take photos of the couple.

A flashbulb came on, causing the couple to struggle.

"Hehe, the binding is quite strong, although the technique is not professional. Yun Kai, do you think who tied the couple to the chair and gagged them?"

"His son." Qian Yunkai calculated that time was almost up, put down the camera, and turned to look at the test results he had just done.

Wang Cheng was shocked, "How do you know?"


"..." Wang Cheng rubbed his covered nose, not daring to tease Qian Da/Forensic Doctor anymore, and instead looked carefully at the tied Liu couple.

The two men were swollen, like corpses that had been soaked in water for three days. They were so swollen that if Liu Wang's parents hadn't identified them, no one would be sure that the man and woman were really Mr. and Mrs. Liu Wang.

If it was just bloating, it might not be called terrible, and it wouldn't make Qian Da/Forensic Doctor frown like that.

In addition to the swelling on the surface of the couple's body, huge yellow pustules appeared on the skin.

Most of these pustules are found on the lower body, while some are found on the abdomen and back.

The pustules haven't broken yet, which is why the detectives and forensic doctors still dare to stand in this house.

But the stench coming from the two of them was almost like that of a dead person who had been dead for a few days. If the air conditioner hadn't been turned on all the time in the room, it would have definitely spread outside in this mid-June weather.

The couple were tied back to back on two armchairs.

Judging from the marks on their bodies, they had been tied up for at least a day.

According to Qian Da/Forensic Examiner, there were not many scars of struggle or friction on the bodies of the two couples. They should have performed the binding voluntarily.

But why should you keep your mouth shut? Are you afraid they will call for help? But if he was bound voluntarily, why did he call for help? If he called for help, how could he be tied up voluntarily

The second question is, why don't they go to the hospital? Where are the people who bound them? Really their son? Is that the young man Liu Yu who didn’t know whether he committed suicide or was killed? Does Liu Yu know anything

Doubt 3: Why didn't Qian Da/Forensic Doctor let him remove the blockage in the mouths of Mr. and Mrs. Liu? Maybe all the answers lie in the mouths of the couple.

Wang Cheng was puzzled and could only wait silently with his colleagues for the arrival of the special transport vehicle.

"Captain Wang, do you feel that this room is getting more and more smelly? Can we go out and wait?" Detective Xiao Lei covered his nose.

Before Wang Cheng could answer, Qian Yunkai suddenly raised his head when he heard the question, "No! No one who has already come in is allowed to go out! Xiao Chen, call the disease center and ask them to send two closed vehicles. Hurry. !”

Assistant Xiao Chen was frightened and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

The other detectives were also shocked, especially Xiao Lei, whose expression changed at that time, "Qian Da/Forensic Doctor, don't scare me. What kind of disease do these two people have? We won't be infected too, right?"

Qian Yunkai did not answer, but stared nervously at the simple testing tool in his hand, waiting for the results to appear.

The results came out. Qian Yunkai looked at them for a while and slowly closed his eyes...

"Yunkai?" Wang Cheng took a step closer to him.

Qian Yunkai took a deep breath and opened his eyes, "You can tell the special transport vehicle and the special police not to come."

Wang Cheng frowned. Hearing Yun's tone, he didn't think this was a good thing. On the contrary...

Qian Yunkai turned to all the criminal policemen and his assistant Xiao Chen present and said: "My test told me that Liu and his wife should be suffering from metal poisoning, but you have also seen that except for the temporary inability to check the oral cavity, the couple is now The pathological characteristics displayed on the body are quite different from those of metal poisoning.

And according to the results I tested, the metal content in the couple's bodies has already exceeded the standard. No, it should be said that any ordinary human being with such a large amount and variety of metals in his body would have died seven or eight times long ago. "

After listening to Qian Yunkai's explanation, not only did everyone not become nervous, but they all exhaled. It turned out that it was just metal poisoning, which was fine. Only Wang Cheng looked at Qian Yunkai with a frown, waiting for his next words.

"But… "

Wang Cheng looked at the sky and thought, I knew you would make a big turn.

"I hate it," an older detective muttered.

"Me too." Xiao Lei also said with a sad face.

Everyone nodded heartily together.

But what needs to be said is what needs to be said. Qian Yunkai looked around at the six colleagues who were still in the room, and said very apologetically: "I just did a test on myself."

Wang Cheng and his colleagues felt a sense of fear.

"Unfortunately, in just one hour, the metal content in my body also exceeded the standard." Sighing, Qian Yunkai continued: "Although it has not reached the level of a couple, it is not something that healthy people can have. . And I can say with certainty that an hour ago, the metal content in my body was definitely at a reasonable value."

Assistant Xiao Chen took his cell phone and asked Qian Yunkai, "Teacher Qian, Director Qian of the disease center wants to talk to you personally."

Qian Yunkai paused and stretched out his hand, "Give me the phone. Also, Xiao Chen, you can do a simple test of metal content for everyone."


Xiao Chen conducted a metal content test for the detectives, including himself, while Qian Yunkai explained the situation of Liu and his wife to the department head of the disease center, as well as his judgment.

The final test results came out. As Yunkai expected, everyone present had excessive metal content.

Qian Yunkai was silent for a while and said to the person on the other side of the phone: "It is suspected that there are at least two ways of infection, contact infection and airborne transmission."

A gasp came from the other side of the phone, "Are you sure air can also spread?"

"A total of eight of our colleagues came, two were guarding outside the house, and six were inside. Only Xiao Chen and I were exposed to the Liu couple. However, according to the current test results, the other four colleagues have not been exposed to the patient. Metal poisoning also occurred.”

"..." The other side was silent.

"So now I suggest," Qian Yunkai said slowly: "Immediately send people to test all the residents of the eleven buildings of Xinxinjiayuan, Liu's parents, and randomly check a hundred other residents of Xinxinjiayuan. According to According to the scope of the spread of the virus, we should implement the entire territory's closure and isolation measures until we find out the cause and source of infection, as well as treatment methods."

"Okay, I will send out immediately..."

"It's broken!" Qian Yunkai's face suddenly changed, and he turned to Wang Cheng and said urgently: "Wang Cheng, please immediately have someone control the young man's body, and just tell me what I asked, and let the morgue be sealed and preserved. All colleagues who have been in contact with the teenager should be temporarily quarantined and do not tell them the reason."

Wang Cheng's face also became very ugly, "But in addition to people from our department, there were also many ordinary people who came into contact with the boy at that time."

Qian Yunkai clenched his palms, took his mobile phone and hurriedly explained to the other side about the boy who was killed, focusing on the relationship between the boy and the Liu couple, as well as the boy's strange behavior.

Wang Cheng was also busy calling the bureau. This matter was getting more and more troublesome.

After Qian Yunkai explained the boy's affairs, he hesitated for nearly ten seconds and finally said, "I personally recommend that the incident be upgraded to a red alert."

"Red? This... I need to have a meeting with the relevant personnel first."

"Dad, this can't wait!"

"I know, give me five minutes. Send the test results to a computer immediately. The more detailed the data, the better."


When Qian Yunkai uttered the words "red alert", everyone present knew that he was in big trouble!

the other side--

After mulling it over, Xiao Mo, who was about to ask the child for details, suddenly shuddered.

The child looked up at him.

"It seems a bit cold. Maybe the air conditioner is turned on too low."

"Cold? Don't you think summer came early this year and is hotter than in previous years? It's only June and it's already thirty-six or seven degrees!"

"Hiss, but I feel really cold. You can see I have goosebumps."

The child reached out and poked the small particles that appeared on the surface of the skin, and pinched them with his little fingernails.

"Hey, hey! I let you see, but I didn't ask you to pinch me. It doesn't hurt you, it hurts me!" Xiao Mo opened up the little paw that didn't know its weight, rubbed his arm to increase the temperature of the air conditioner.

The child tilted his head, rubbed his fingers, and then put them under his nose for a sniff. His face was half puzzled and half doubtful. He looked at Xiao Mo's back with an indescribable strange look. Suddenly, the child's He raised his eyebrows and ordered:

"Hey, let me see your eyes!"