The Scavengers

Chapter 48: Recycling gold-eating insects 10


"Gluttonous Beast Virus? Do you know anything?" Qian Yunkai sat up straight.

Xiao Mo wanted to explain, but Xue Lihong interrupted him directly, "I will tell you these things later. Before that, let's make a deal first."

Qian Yunkai already felt that this tall, sickly-looking young man was much more difficult to deal with than Xiao Mo, and also harder to talk to. However, Xiao Mo seemed to trust him, and even had a faint tendency to let him dominate everything.

"What deal?" Qian Yunkai asked cautiously.

"Don't you want to repay the favor? There's no need to pledge yourself. Just do something for us. If you finish it, you'll return the favor. How about that?"

Xiao Mo kind of understood what Xue Lihong meant, but wasn't this bad? It felt like a threat.

Qian and Wang looked at each other. Qian Yunkai kept his eyes closed.

Qian Yunkai said, "This is not how you repay kindness. You tell me what it is first. If we can do it, we will definitely help."

Xue Lihong turned her head to look at Xiao Mo and said with her eyes: Look, they are not idiots, right

Xiao Mo was speechless and pulled him secretly.

Xue Lihong sat on the armrest of the single sofa, looking condescendingly at the two people sitting on the couch opposite, and said: "This is a very simple thing for you. If we were not short of manpower, we would not have enough time." It’s not enough and I won’t bother you.”

Xiao Mo saw that Xue Lihong was speaking too harshly, so he forcibly took over the conversation, "That's it, I received a mission, saying that someone released twenty-four gold-eating female insects in this city. If not tomorrow at noon Kill them all and recycle them before twelve o'clock, and the gold-eating insects will be all over the city."

Then Xiao Mo described in detail the gold-eating insects' habit of eating metal.

Qian and Wang changed their expressions before Xiao Mo finished speaking. Wang Cheng said solemnly: "Who did this immoral thing? If this kind of bugs are rampant in the city..."

"Factory shutdown, machinery failure, house collapse, train derailment and other extreme situations may happen." Xue Lihong said that she was not threatening them, and this speculation could completely become a reality.

"What are we going to do?" Qian Yunkai asked.

"It's very simple. Follow the map I gave you, catch those bugs, put them in this glass bottle and bring them back to me or Xiao Mo. Remember, it must be completed before eleven o'clock at noon, and the target must not be killed. Xue Lihong said and took out another sealed glass bottle from her backpack.

Xiao Mo began to explain the key points that need to be paid attention to when catching gold-eating insects.

Xue Lihong drew five key marks and handed the map and the glass bottle to Wang Cheng, "We have recovered nine today. Later, Lao Xiao and I will be responsible for recovering the remaining ten, and you only need to complete These five will be fine.”

"The bugs are so small, how can we find these bugs quickly?" Qian Yunkai asked the most critical question.

Xue Lihong seemed to have expected that they would ask this question, and took out a small, palm-sized instrument from his backpack.

"This is a miniature metal detector. I made some modifications. Press this button and it will automatically search for gold-eating insects within fifty meters. You just need to follow the red dots on it to search. The numbers next to the red dots indicate The distance in meters from the target can be accurate up to five centimeters. The time is too short, and I can only achieve this accuracy for the time being."

Just this was enough to surprise the other three people, especially Xiao Mo. He couldn't remember exactly when Xue Lihong got this thing out.

Xue Lihong finally said: "I believe that with your abilities, you will be able to complete such a simple task very well."

This sentence became the most hated sentence by Qian Yunkai and Wang Cheng in the future.

But at this time, they didn't know anything. They just sat there and listened to Xiao Mo explaining the energy crystal to them.

"You said you can convert energy crystals?" Qian Yunkai was surprised and envious. Having this ability is so convenient.

"Yes, but it is not very stable. I have only mastered this ability not long ago. Last time, Xue Lihong accidentally killed a blood mosquito beast, and I discovered that I could absorb the energy of the blood mosquito beast and then convert it into energy crystals. But the second time I only converted one at a time. Then I accidentally discovered that energy crystals can be absorbed while treating Xue Lihong's wounds."

"Do you think we will also need energy crystals?" Qian Yunkai asked again.

Xiao Mo nodded, took out the energy crystal that had absorbed a quarter and handed it to him, "I'm lucky this time. I converted two of them. This one is for you to use first. You can use it when you feel tired or can no longer use the energy crystal." If you can, try absorbing it, but first you have to find where your energy nest is."

Qian Yunkai felt that this favor was a bit big, but after thinking about it, he accepted it. He decided to pay double the amount back to Xiao Mo when he hunted the blood mosquito beast in the future.

Xiao Mo began to quickly explain the concept of energy nests again, and specifically explained that most people's energy nests are located in the pineal gland in the forehead, in the middle of the line connecting the two breasts/heads, and three inches below the navel. This is what Taoists call the upper, middle and lower Dantian. Some people may also appear on the soles of their feet and palms.

This is what the system just told him.

It was rare for Xiao Mo to see the system speak on its own initiative. He wanted to ask it more, but the system stopped talking again.

Xiao Mo was extremely helpless and could only ask Qian and Wang to find the location of their energy nests in these five places and teach them how to feel the energy nests.

Someone is quick to point out. Qian Yunkai is still looking for his own energy nest, but Wang Cheng has already found it.

"Mine is in the lower abdomen. It turns out this is the energy nest. It's so magical." Wang Cheng seemed to be comprehending something, and couldn't help but ask: "How do you know this?"

"Exploration, coincidence, speculation." Xue Lihong, who came out of a quick combat bath, happened to hear the question and said: "We are exposed to combat faster than you, so that we can discover and study our own abilities earlier than you, but It’s just that, Lao Xiao and I are still exploring our abilities.”

"Thank you!" Qian Yunkai also found the location of his energy nest. He said this thank you very sincerely.

Because both he and Wang Cheng knew how important this knowledge about supernatural powers and energy crystals was to them, especially when people in the world didn't know what it was about, these pointers had already put them ahead.

Xiao Mo rubbed his forehead. He seemed to have persisted to a certain extreme, and his brain felt abnormally heavy.

Xue Lihong patted him and said, "Go take a shower and take a rest. From now on, we have an hour and a half to rest, and we will start again in an hour and a half."

Wang and Qian also noticed that Xiao Mo was unwell and quickly asked him to rest first. Wang Cheng also offered to let him rest for a while so that he and Qian Yunkai could find two more gold-eating female insects.

Xue Lihong shook her hand, "You have just started to get familiar with the abilities, and five is already a lot."

Xiao Mo stood up, but his feet went soft and he fell to the ground.

Wang and Qian were startled, Xue Lihong quickly picked up Xiao Mo.

"What's wrong with him?" Qian Yunkai asked hurriedly.

"Energy overdrawn." Xue Lihong hugged Xiao Mo and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Wang and Qian looked at each other.

Qian Yunkai was a little uneasy. He didn't understand Xiao Mo's ability, but seeing that Xiao Mo had cured his knee in such a short time, it was obvious that he had paid a heavy price.

"He absorbed the energy crystal before treating you, but he didn't absorb much. He was probably in a hurry, and then he started treating you." Wang Cheng said in a low voice.

Qian Yunkai nodded. Although his eyelids were closed, he saw it.

"Xiao Mo... is a good man." Wang Cheng said: "He doesn't have to help us, give us treatment, don't expose his abilities, and doesn't have to tell us about the energy nest and energy crystals. He even teaches us how to use them. Taking us to his house knowing there was a possibility of being caught.”

Qian Yunkai was silent.

"That Xue Lihong is not easy to get along with at first glance. If Xiao Mo was not here, he would most likely not care about us."

"What do you want to say?" Qian Yunkai asked.

Wang Cheng scratched his head, "I don't know, I just feel... we owe a lot of favors."

In the bathroom, Xue Lihong pressed the receiver hidden in her ear and showed a faint smile. It seemed that the two people Xiao Mo saved this time were not bad. If there was anything wrong with these two people, he would never It will make it possible for these two people to get out of this room. He is not like that fool Xiao Mo, who easily believes that the other party will not betray him because he thinks they are both mutants.

Then, regardless of Xiao Mo's weak resistance, the young man stripped him naked, leaving only a pair of underwear on him, and stuffed him into the bathtub where hot water had been put.

After being soaked in hot water, Xiao Mo sighed comfortably, closed his eyes, and no longer cared about Xue Lihong's domineering behavior.

Xue Lihong took out the energy crystal and handed it to Xiao Mo, "I don't think your ability can be used like this."

"I know, the system warned me just now." Xiao Mo held the energy crystal.

"What does it say?"

"It says that abilities should be used step by step instead of blindly overdrafting. Energy crystals can indeed quickly replenish energy and expand the energy nest, but you cannot rely entirely on it. It says that people with energy nests have their own bodies that absorb the energy floating in the universe. The function of energy.”

"In other words, the energy crystal is an auxiliary. If you want to fully develop your own abilities, you need to carry out reasonable and systematic self-training?"


"Will your overdraft these past few times create hidden dangers for your body or energy nest?" Xue Lihong's tone was a bit gloomy.

Xiao Mo shook his head, "The system said that I was lucky to replenish my energy in time and it did not damage the fundamentals, but it will definitely not work if it continues like this."

"In the future, try not to use your abilities unless absolutely necessary."

"No, it's not that I don't use it, but I use it with reservation." Xiao Mo opened his eyes and smiled at Xue Lihong, "I'll soak for another ten minutes and absorb this energy crystal. I'll use the remaining one later. I will spend hours studying the training schedule given to me by the system, and I think that thing should be very useful to me."

An hour and a half later, Wang Cheng and Qian Yunkai also tried to share the energy crystal Xiao Mo gave them.

The effect that the energy crystal brought to them was extremely significant, and Wang and Qian felt something different almost immediately.

When they saw Xiao Mo appear, they both stepped forward happily to tell them about their feelings about using the energy crystal, and expressed their gratitude again.

Xiao Mo shook his hand and said it was nothing, and then based on his own experience, he told the two of them not to use their powers casually. It is best to try out the limits and ranges in a planned way, and then train it.

Then, Xiao Mo, who regained his energy, looked at Xue Lihong with a little worry.

Although Xue Lihong had slept well, he was obviously not in good spirits, and his extremely thin body made him look like he was seriously ill.

"Let's go!" Xue Lihong pushed Xiao Mo.

Without further ado, the four of them went their separate ways. Wang and Qian were still riding the "borrowed" motorcycles. Xiao Mo took Xue Lihong out of his Ford sedan. This time Xiao Mo took the full He bought all the tools he thought he could use, and also gave Qian and Wang a set of spare common tools.

Because Qian Yunkai's mobile phone was confiscated, in order to keep in touch, Xiao Mo took out one of the mobile phone cards from his dual-SIM mobile phone, installed it in an old mobile phone and gave it to Wang Cheng.

At this time, at 23:00 sharp in the middle of the night, the phone could still make calls.

Not long after Xiao Mo and others left home, two military jeeps with military license plates and headlights installed on the roof rushed into Shannan Jiayuan and quickly found Xiao Mo's building.

A group of heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the jeep. A soldier wearing a lieutenant's epaulettes rang the doorbell of Xiao Mo's house. Seeing no one responded for a long time, the lieutenant took out his gun and broke the electronic lock of the building door. He opened the door and opened it. He led the team and rushed upstairs.

After knocking on the door to no avail, the lieutenant turned on the internal communicator and loudly said: "Report to the commander, no one opened the door when you pressed the doorbell. The target may not be at home. Can you break the door?"

The person on the other side was silent for a second, "Zheng He, be polite. We are asking for help, not for arrest and torture. Don't damage other people's doors."

"Yes! But no one opened the door. Do you need to call his cell phone?"

"No, don't alarm him. It won't be worth it if you scare him away."

"Then we just wait here? Did they go out to catch bugs and haven't come back yet, or have they gotten the news and ran away?"

"The roads out of the city have been blocked. Unless they swim across the river and dodge the patrol boat, they will definitely be stopped. You wait another half an hour. If there is still no one there after half an hour... then you go and get Xiao first. Everyone in the last family is invited to come to the military area, remember, it’s an invitation!”