The Scavengers

Chapter 52: Recycling gold-eating insects XIV


Xiao Mo pressed his forehead against the window and looked silently at the nearly collapsed city outside the window. If the tragic scene he saw the night before yesterday was the announcement of the end of the world, then now it is the real scene of the end of the world.

Unless they have ulterior motives, unless they are lunatics who have lost their humanity, no one will really want to see the end of the world come, no one!

Xuelihong didn't seem to be much affected by the earthquake. If the road hadn't cracked too much, he might not have even slowed down.

"Now we have two choices. First, go to King Qian's last target to gather. If they haven't collected it yet, we will help collect it together. Second, let's take a detour to your house to visit your family."

Xue Lihong's voice was the same as usual, causing Xiao Mo to regain his consciousness immediately.

"I want to take a detour to my house first."

"But!" Xue Lihong emphasized her voice.

"but what?"

"Qiu Feng probably sent someone to watch you at the door of your house. And if I were Qiu Feng, I would definitely control your family first. I will act in extraordinary circumstances. This is entirely possible."

Xiao Mo's brain started to work again, "I still want to go home and take a look, otherwise I won't worry. We can go separately. Later we go to the car street in front to find a car with gas. You go to the meeting point to help Qian Wang and the two. I’ll go to the city to make sure my family is safe, and we’ll meet at the appointed place at eleven o’clock, what do you think?”

Xue Lihong seemed to have expected that he would say this, "It is indeed more efficient to act separately, especially when we are racing against time. But!"

Xiao Mo looked at him helplessly, coming again

Xue Lihong raised her lips slightly, "If you go to your house alone and I go to the meeting point, there is a 90% chance that you will not come back. But if I go to your house alone to make sure that your family is safe, have you seen it with your own eyes? They will definitely feel uneasy when they arrive. So... we can only act together."

Xiao Mo gritted his teeth, but he had to admit that this boy was telling the truth.

However, he still kept a sense of luck, "With such a strong earthquake just now, maybe no one would even care about us."

Xue Lihong said lightly: "Excellent soldiers will never ignore orders from their superiors, even if they face death."

Xiao Mo was defeated, "Okay, you're right, I need you. Now... shall we go to the city?"

Xue Lihong drove the car toward the city and said, "Actually, if your family is really controlled by the military, it would be a great thing at this time."

Xiao Mo thought about it and immediately turned around.

Yes, if the military had monitored or taken away his family directly, then his family would probably have escaped the danger of this strong earthquake.

Second, even if his family falls into the hands of Qiu Feng, Qiu Feng's tone says that he just wants to get more information from them, and logically speaking, he will never harm his family.

Third, he felt that Qiu Feng was not the kind of person who would do anything to achieve his goals. He firmly believes that even in the most critical times, Chinese soldiers will not take the initiative to harm innocent people as long as their military morale remains intact.

Xue Lihong suddenly braked at the intersection and turned to look at Xiao Mo, "Before going to the city to confirm the safety of your family, I hope you will promise me something first."

"Say, what's going on?"

"I want you to promise me that no matter how miserable and in need of help you see on the road or at your doorstep, you will never reach out except for your family!"

"… I try my best."

"It's not about trying your best, it's necessary! We don't have time to meddle in our own business now. Once this disaster occurs, we will see many lives that need you to save as we go by. But can you save everyone? Can we afford to delay? How long are you sure that only one energy crystal can last you? What if it is exposed? What if someone comes to catch us? Remember, get rid of the gold-eating insects, and you will save the world. More life, and your own.”

Xiao Mo nodded heavily. He was compassionate and willing to help others, but he would not be confused about the importance at this time. And he never wants to drag Xue Lihong down because of himself!

"Very good. As a compliment, I can tell you good news. I know where Qiu Xin lives. From the map, that kid does not live in the military zone. Even if he lives there, as long as I know the exact location, I think It won’t be hard to get him out of it.”

Xiao Mo straightened his back and looked at Xue Lihong in surprise.

"Please call me Technology Emperor, and the fact that you look at me so affectionately will make me mistakenly think that you want to... kiss me?" Xue Lihong looked at him deeply and restarted the vehicle.

Xiao Mo's face was full of black lines, "...I swear I have never thought of kissing a man in my life!"

"Oh, so you want me to take the initiative to kiss you?"

"... Are you telling me cold jokes to help me adjust my mood? Thank you so much! I feel much better now!"

Xue Lihong replied slowly: "You're welcome. If you need, you can always come to me. I really don't care much about the gender of my partner."

Xiao Mo was completely defeated! He immediately turned around angrily and pulled his backpack from the back seat of the car, killing all the gold-eating female insects filled with two glass bottles and recycling them - he didn't want to add more uncertain risks to himself, and vented his anger at the same time!

The system issued a prompt: "Nineteen of the targets were successfully recovered. Please recover the remaining five before 12 o'clock noon today."

"Hold on tight, we have to start competing with Qiu Feng and the others for time." Xue Lihong seemed to be smiling.

"Seizing time? Why? Ah! Do you want to...?" There was a bump, and Xiao Mo grabbed the armrest, "You want to get ahead of Qiu Feng and get his son?"

"Just like you think of your family immediately after a disaster, Qiu Feng will definitely take his loved ones to the safest place immediately. Qiu Xin may also run to his father by himself. If we want to catch Qiu Xin, we must be quick!"

The journey that follows can simply be described as terrifying.

Xiao Mo thought he was already very strong, but in such a bumpy and high-speed environment, as well as sudden stops or turns anytime and anywhere, he felt dizzy and his stomach was churning as if he was about to vomit at any moment.

At this time, no matter how miserable the scene outside was, he couldn't see the bottom of his eyes. He had tried his best to ensure that he would not be thrown out of the car and vomited out!

Xue Lihong thought that someone whose heart was not hard enough would close his eyes on the road and not see or listen.

Unexpectedly, that person looked all the way with his eyes open! He seemed to underestimate this person again.

The situation in the city was worse than they could have imagined.

Fortunately, the place where Qiu Xin lives is a test site for emerging technology residential areas. The road facilities are relatively reasonable and it does not enter the second ring road. It is at the junction of the third and fourth ring roads.

There are many residential communities on this stretch of road. The residential complex where Qiu Xin lives is not eye-catching in appearance. The buildings inside are generally not high and have little appearance design. Most of them are boxy and look particularly solid. The only thing worthy of praise about this community compared to other communities is that it has a back mountain and a large natural lake, and the distance between buildings is relatively large.

"There are relatively few ground cracks in this community, the houses are almost unaffected, the security system is functioning normally, and the residents inside seem calmer than those outside. Some people even stay at home and do not come out."

"What?" Xiao Mo got out of the car and didn't hear clearly.

Xue Lihong didn't explain any more, but just observed the community more carefully.

Xiao Mo asked him: "Is it okay for you to go in alone?"


Xiao Mo patted the young man on the shoulder and walked out of the community. He had to get some food and water.

Ten minutes later, without alerting the security guards at all, Xue Lihong jumped out from the community wall with a person on her shoulders, opened the trunk and stuffed the person in.

There were panicked crowds everywhere, and few people noticed the two of them. Even if they did, no one noticed Xue Lihong's behavior when people were carrying, dragging, and carrying the injured around everywhere. has a problem.

"Everything went well?" Xiao Mo rushed back with a lot of food and water. There were people in a nearby supermarket starting to grab things. He finally fought his way in and out again.

"He was about to go out, and a guard came to pick him up." Xue Lihong got into the driver's seat.

"No one was hurt, right?"

"No need."

The vehicle drove away quickly.

The extremely bumpy journey made Xiao Mo slightly sympathize with the person who was stuffed in the trunk, but he did not deny that it gave him a little pleasure in revenge.

Once within the Second Ring Road, it is almost impossible for vehicles to pass smoothly. There are collapsed houses and buildings everywhere, and all kinds of weird things appear on the road.

Helpless, the two had to get off the car and start walking ten minutes away from their home.

Many people are shouting for help, many people are begging for help.

Twice, Xiao Mo almost reached the person in need of help, but then turned around and ran away.

This kind of scene is a torture for any person with good intentions! Especially when this person is clearly capable but unable to help others!

Xiao Mo sped up his running speed. He wanted to find his family as soon as possible and deal with the gold-eating female insect as soon as possible, so that he could go back and help more people.

Many injured and those in need of help cursed viciously when they saw two healthy and uninjured men from Xiao Mo walking past them but refusing to stop to help them.

"Don't listen to that! Get in the car!" Xue Lihong got a battery car on the side of the road. The two of them got on the battery car, and the speed became much faster.

Tongtian Street is like a ruin!

The old community could not withstand such a strong earthquake. The better buildings had huge cracks, and the weaker ones collapsed!

And half of the building where Xiao's Hotel is located collapsed!

Xiao Mo shouted, and before the battery car stopped, he climbed out of the car and quickly ran towards the entrance of Kangfu Hotel.

Xue Lihong grabbed him. At the door of the hotel, two young men who looked like soldiers were helping the people in the ruins.

"Wait for a while, wait for them to go away." Xue Lihong grabbed Xiao Mo tightly.

Xiao Mo gasped, clenching his hands into fists and staring at the door of his house.

The two young men did not go far. They seemed to be trying to help someone, and that person's condition was already very critical, making it impossible for the two young men to leave.

Another person ran out of the hotel and shouted something to the two young men.

The two young men were followed by one to help.

Xiao Mo turned to look at Xue Lihong, "I want to go there! Maybe my family is inside, and something might have happened to them..."

Xue Lihong did not stop him this time.

Xiao Mo rushed to the door of the hotel.

The glass in the hotel was all broken, and it was a mess inside, with not a single living person in sight.

When a young man who was still intact outside the store saw him, he immediately changed his color and stood up from the ground.

Xiao Mo looked back at him, and by the way he saw a young man lying on the ground. The young man's head had a big hole, and there was a black and red blood stain on the ground. Next to the young man's head was a broken flower pot with something inside. The plants have been trampled so hard that their original shape cannot be seen.

Without waiting for the young man to call his companions or make other threatening actions, Xiao Mo said quickly: "I can help you save him, but I hope you can pretend you didn't see me."

"Are you a doctor?" asked the young man who did not know the details of the target, but only knew that he had completed the task.

Xiao Mo answered the question incorrectly, "He doesn't have much time."

Even if Xiao Mo was not a doctor, he could still tell that the young man on the ground was dying. His brain hole was quite wide and deep, and he could even vaguely see white brain matter inside.

The young man, who was probably only in his early twenties, bit his lip, looked at his unknown companion on the ground, and clenched his fist again and again...

No one noticed how Xue Lihong appeared behind the young man. When Xiao Mo noticed him and raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, the young man immediately became alert through Xiao Mo's expression, but he was still a step slower.