The Scavengers

Chapter 53: Recycling gold-eating insects 15


Xue Lihong half-supported the unconscious young man and let him slowly lie down on the ground.

Xiao Mo looked at Xue Lihong and without delay, immediately knelt down next to the injured young man's head.

Xue Lihong knew that it was impossible for Xiao Mo to turn a blind eye at this time, so she could only stand in front of the young man and try to prevent anyone from spying on Xiao Mo's treatment process.

This time Xiao Mo did not try his best to treat it. When he saw that the wound on the young man's head had begun to close, he let go.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he saw Xue Lihong confronting two young men.

When one of the young men saw Xiao Mo getting up, he immediately raised his hand and said: "Don't worry, we don't mean any harm. I saw you helping my companion. Although I don't understand what you are doing, I know you are helping him." .I just want to know now, is our other companion still alive?"

"He is only temporarily unconscious." Xiao Mo looked very tired under Xue Lihong's eyes.

Xue Lihong took advantage of the situation to support Xiao Mo.

"Where is my family?" Xiao Mo asked directly without trying to talk to these people.

The two young men looked at each other, "Are you Xiao Mo?"

"I thought you had it figured out. Tell me where the family is? Are they safe now?"

The Yingting young man who spoke at the beginning said: "As far as I know, your family should be safer than most people now."

"Where are they? I want to talk to them and make sure they are really safe."

"No need to call, we can take you there to meet your family right away." The young man said immediately.

"You tell me the address and I'll go find them myself."

"They are in the military area. If we don't lead the way, there is no way you can get in."

"Very good. Then please help me tell Commander Qiu that my family is innocent. If anything happens to him, just come to me directly and don't blame my family. He also has a wife and children, and so many officers in the military region have them. If he doesn't want to If things get out of hand, please let my family leave safely."

After Xiao Mo said this, he turned around and left.

The young man who had been silent until now quickly put his hands on his lower back.

Xue Lihong flipped his wrist, and a hand/gun appeared in his hand—it was the one he took from the unconscious young man.

Xue Lihong pointed her hand/gun at the two of them, signaling them not to act rashly.

"Wait a minute, you two! I told you we don't mean any harm!" The tall and handsome young man pressed down the hand of his companion next to him and said quickly: "I want to ask you two for a favor. One of our companions was arrested on the third floor. The collapsed wall is holding him down, and neither of us can get him out, can you please help?"

"What do you want in exchange?" Xue Lihong asked politely.

"I have a special communication device here that can help you contact our superiors directly. If you have any requests, you can mention them directly to him."

Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong did not contact their superiors. After helping them rescue their companions who were trapped under the wall, and telling a time and place, they took twelve bullets and left.

The tall and lanky young man looked at the two people leaving and said, "Now I seem to understand why the higher-ups want them. One looks sickly but is very skilled and powerful? The other one... "

The tall and lanky young man looked at his companion who was injured and only breathed out. The fatal wound on his head had been completely closed. Although he had not fully recovered, no one could see how seriously injured he was at this time.

The young man who had been silent looked at the three companions sleeping on the ground and breathing steadily, and took out the communication device.

The tall and lanky young man looked at him, "Did you press it?"

This communicator has a special device. As long as a target is found, pressing it will notify the nearest patrol team nearby. As long as the patrol team sees this emergency signal, they will immediately rush to the marked location regardless of the reason.

The silent young man shook his head, "They saved both of us."

The tall and lanky young man smiled, "So wait another fifteen minutes. We can help the people around us during this period."

"...They took two guns and twenty-four rounds of ammunition."

"Ten minutes then?"

There were ten minutes left, enough for Xiao Mo, Xue Lihong and the two of them to rush to the parking place.

After that, they went straight to the last collection point agreed with King Qian without stopping.

Someone was jolted awake on the road and yelled and kicked in the back of the car.

"Hero! Let me out! We have something to talk about. Don't lock me up in this hellish place! Ouch!"

Xiao Mo and both of them ignored him.

"Do you think he has a locator or something like that on him?" Xiao Mo turned to look at Xue Lihong.

Xue Lihong stared ahead, "Yes."

"Maybe we should strip him naked?"

"It's useless, the locator is inside his body."

Xiao Mo raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I've turned on the signal jammer. It won't be easy for Qiu Feng to find his son." Xue Lihong accelerated the car again, and they were already outside the Fourth Ring Road.

"Boom!" Qiu Xin let out a scream. In the end, he didn't know if it was too uncomfortable, and he couldn't even scream.

The last target location was reached. This is a provincial technical school, famous for cultivating professional auto repair technicians, car fitters, and talents in electromechanical automation operations.

The area of this technical school is almost as large as the second largest first-tier university in the city.

The gold-eating female insect is in a new building marked as an experimental building.

"... Are Qian Yunkai and the others still alive?" Xiao Mo muttered while sitting in the car, looking at the school outside which looked like ruins of a battlefield.

No wonder he said that.

The appearance of the buildings that were shot by machine guns or even hit by artillery was miserable enough. Coupled with a major earthquake before, even if these buildings had passed several national verifications when they were originally built, even if their building materials were enough to withstand an eight-year earthquake. magnitude earthquake, but now under the double devastation, the originally beautiful, generous and stable school buildings have been completely transformed.

Among all the buildings that were destroyed by dangerous hands, the most eye-catching accident happened to be the experimental building they were going to - a helicopter penetrated straight into the building! Perhaps the only good thing is that the Wuzhi did not explode.

There were people at the school gate, and there were quite a few people.

There were students, teachers, soldiers, and even some nearby residents.

The soldiers were working hard to organize the last group of teachers and students to escape from the school on the bus at the school gate. Some nearby residents also crowded into the bus holding their most important possessions.

The soldiers wanted the teachers and students of the school to get in the car and leave first, but the nearby residents who came after hearing the news cried even louder. They were all afraid that the government would abandon them like this.

Some soldiers kept shouting with loudspeakers: "It's dangerous here. Don't gather here. Please go two kilometers further. There is a large parking lot there. Please gather there!"

No one listened to him, everyone was fighting for the chance to get on the bus.

The soldiers had no choice but to shout for support while trying their best to persuade and organize residents to walk to a large parking lot two kilometers away.

"Look at this, more and more people will gather here later." Xue Lihong frowned slightly.

"There is nothing we can do about it. After an earthquake, it is common sense to run to nearby open areas or schools. The question now is, how do we get in through the soldiers at the door?"

The few soldiers just allocated one-third of their manpower to guard the school gate, and they were only allowed to go out but not enter.

"I'm starting to miss my cell phone. I hate all natural disasters*!" If the cell phone still works at this time, they can contact Qian Wang and the two, and maybe they don't have to go in to find them.

Xiao Mo muttered and shut up, grabbed his backpack and prepared to get out of the car.

"Wait a minute! Such a big school should have more than one gate. Let's go around it first."

After only half a circle, the two found a side door that was tightly closed.

Perhaps because the soldiers were short of manpower and thought that no one would climb over the wall and run into the school after such a disaster, the side door was just closed without anyone guarding it.

The two got out of the car.

Xiao Mo looked at the rear compartment.

Xue Lihong walked over and planned to let the hostages inside sleep for a while longer.

As soon as the carriage door opened, Qiu Xin shouted: "Wait! I can help you deal with my old man! What I said is true!"

Xiao Mo walked to Xue Lihong.

Qiu Xin probably thought that Xiao Mo was easier to talk to, so he immediately looked at him with his eyes closed and his mouth slumped, and said plaintively: "Old Xiao, Brother Xiao, I know that my old man is quite a jerk sometimes. Well... why did he offend you?"

Xiao Mo looked calm, "He kidnapped my family to threaten me. He also sent people to chase and intercept us."

"...You, are you spies or enemies of the country? How could the old man..." Qiu Xin was shocked and frightened, feeling that 90% of his life was about to end this time.

"He just thought that we had some information that he didn't have but needed to know urgently, and he also wanted to follow the clues from us to find a mysterious organization." Xiao Mo sighed softly, "Actually, we are just two people who accidentally met each other. Just an unlucky mercenary who got the wrong mission."

Qiu Xin was excited. Things didn't seem to be the worst. He could still be saved!

"Brother! Brother Xiao! I sympathize with you so much, no, I mean I understand you. I must be extremely depressed when this kind of thing happens to me! But I think this matter is completely negotiable. Really, my old man does things Although sometimes he is a bit unscrupulous, he can still be regarded as a principled person. As long as you do not pose a threat to the country and are not enemies of our people, he will never do anything to you that exceeds the legal limit."

"Is it not illegal to kidnap my family?"

Qiu Xin was embarrassed, "Yes. I think my old man may just invite your family to be guests. There will definitely be no embarrassment. He is probably just afraid that you will run away. You know, there is a little chaos outside now."

Xue Lihong used her eyes to signal Xiao Mo to stop talking nonsense to him.

Xiao Mo paid attention and asked Qiu Xin: "You have two choices now, cooperate as a hostage or die. Which one do you choose?"

Qiu Xin was frightened when he saw Xue Lihong's emotionless eyes, and said tremblingly: "I, can I choose the third one? Ah! I'm not just talking, I can help you! Really, really, really of!"

Xue Lihong lifted Qiu Xin out of the car with one hand.

Qiu Xin was so frightened that he almost peed, "Hero! Don't kill me! Please! I'm very useful! Not only can I act like a clown and warm the bed, but I'm also a top cleaner! I can also predict the weather and most natural disasters !”