The Scavengers

Chapter 62: At 17 00 on the 25th of the month


Xiao Mo led the way, and a group of people ran quickly.

After crossing the east city wall, there is an avenue leading directly to the Grain Bureau. There is no need to take other roads, just run along the avenue.

At this time, the city was filled with the unpleasant screams of angels, and all the people who were hiding in their homes and wanted to escape fled.

These people originally wanted to wait for death, but at the last moment they no longer wanted to die and wanted to escape from City H at the last moment. There are also people who have been waiting foolishly for others to save them or who have been waiting for safety to be safer. When the last half hour is less than half an hour later, they dare not wait any longer and can only fight.

When Xiao Mo heard the cry, he took the time to look back. A large number of people rushed out from various shelters. He never expected that there were so many people hiding near the east city wall!

Some people also drove out their cars, electric cars, bicycles, anything that could increase speed were all unveiled at this time.

Wu Wufan grabbed a tricycle from a roadside car repair shop, put his mother, wife and children on the car, and pedaled as hard as he could on the tricycle. Someone tried to steal the car from him. His wife brandished a watermelon knife, and he waved a stick picked up from the ground. Wu Xiaoyuan sat in the middle of the car to avoid being pulled out of the car.

At this moment, no one cares whether it will alarm the angel. If you don't hurry up, it's already too late!

Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong couldn't care less about dealing with the angels. The only thing they could do now was to run as hard as they could! Run as fast as you can!


"Wow!" The angel followed them, and many of them were captured by the angel before they could run far.

For some reason, angels especially like to chase humans in vehicles. Therefore, people who drive have advantages and disadvantages. Although they run faster than others, they are also particularly vulnerable to being targeted by angels. As long as they are targeted by angels, the survival probability of the people in these cars will immediately be reduced to the lowest.

The people riding motorcycles and electric vehicles rushed forward at the highest speed, but it was unknown who was driving the car. Some runners saw the motorcycles and electric vehicles passing by and grabbed the driver and forced him out of the car. Drag down.

Some people grabbed vehicles, some got into a fight, and some caused damage to fish ponds.

"Whoa!" The angel swooped down from the sky, grabbed the people rolled into a ball on the ground, flew up to a high altitude, and then dropped the people from the sky and smashed them to death.

Angels rushed towards the crowd one after another, and a large number of rats also rushed out of the city.

As we ran, we didn’t see the Food Bureau sign yet, but most of the people behind us had already left the queue.

There were screams behind me, and someone was shouting that the second-level mutant rat had come out!

Xiao Mo could no longer see Lao Wu's family, and he didn't know whether he was lagging behind or in danger, but he was no longer allowed to look back for anyone at this time.

Zhang Di led his own mercenary team members to catch up, but they were missing two more people, and Zhang Di also had a lot of wounds on his body, but they protected the mission target very well, and none of the two young men were missing.

Zhang Di was very excited when he saw that Ni Wei, the two girls, and Zhang Jiandu were still alive, but no one dared to speak loudly.

They originally wanted to snatch the vehicles, but after seeing the angels staring specifically at those vehicles, they had no choice but to give up the idea.

The rain changed from heavy to light, and then from small to heavy.

Angels hate rain. As soon as they catch a prey, they will leave quickly and never come back again. The third-level mutant rats never appeared, and there were very few second-level mutant rats. After catching the slower prey, they no longer chased the ones in front.

Because of this, the group of people running wildly on the suburban avenue in the east of the city did not suffer a devastating blow. Everyone was praying that they would not be the next person arrested.

Even if a slow runner can escape the angel's attack, he cannot escape those mutated rats. Although the first-level mutant rats are only slightly more powerful than ordinary rats, when they pounce on you in groups, it will be difficult to get up again as long as you fall.

People with weapons were running and waving their weapons, and sporadic sounds could be heard occasionally.

Ni Wei raised his hand to look at the time. It was already 16:48! His face instantly became extremely ugly, and his heavy steps speeded up a bit.

Zhang Di was also looking at his watch. After looking at it, he didn't even care about the two mission targets that he had managed to protect so far, and accelerated his speed and sprinted forward.

Fortunately, the two young men also knew the seriousness of the situation. Seeing that both Zhang Di and Ni Wei used their last strength, they also fought hard.

The two girls could no longer keep up with everyone else's pace. Maybe they usually didn't care about the two hours of continuous running, but just now they were not just running, they were fighting for their lives!

Nervousness, fatigue, and the despair that they seemed unable to reach the finish line made the two girls run slower and slower.

Xiao Mo roared in his heart, grabbed the hammer-wielding girl he was responsible for with one hand, and the young mother with a baby on her back who was so lucky and lucky to have followed all the way here, and rushed forward with the other hand.

Xue Lihong originally wanted to carry Xiao Mo on her back, but when she saw Xiao Mo acting like this, she put the girl holding the bow on her shoulder and sped off.

When Ni Wei saw Xue Lihong carrying the girl and passing them, he yelled. He was jealous.

The others were startled when they heard his shout.

But Ni Wei's eyes turned red and he yelled crazily again.

Everyone quickly avoided him, fearing that being implicated would lead to being targeted by angels.

Zhang Jian couldn't carry Ni Wei, so he could only urge him to speed up his pace.

In fact, Ni Wei doesn't need Zhang Jian's back. He also manages an outdoor training club. He usually pays the most attention to his physical exercise, but now he can see the rewards.

The others also tried their best to keep up. Those who could not keep up had no choice but to keep up. No one knew how far the force would spread. They were not safe at all now.

Xiao Mo also wanted to pick up the mission target and run away, but he also didn't want to give up on the young mother who was always carrying her child.

This young mother's physical strength was unexpectedly good, and the fact that she was able to carry a baby until now must be more than just good luck. Xiao Mo guessed that this woman might also have supernatural powers.

Xiao Mo watched helplessly as Xue Lihong and the girl holding the bow passed him away, but he was not worried at all that Xiao Hong would leave him behind.

Someone on a bicycle passed him, and Xiao Mo watched silently as the bicycle pedaled like a hot wheel and passed by like a gust of wind.

He thought that maybe they should have accepted General Qiu's suggestion and found some bicycles.

16:53 minutes!

The girl holding the hammer finally saw the compound with the XX Grain Bureau sign in front of her and shouted happily.

No one blamed her at this time. Zhang Di, who was injured behind, sprinted, surpassed Zhang Jian, and rushed into the gate of the Grain Bureau.

There is no one guarding the gate, no troops, no responders, only the remaining fortifications. Yes, it's already this time, and it's impossible for anyone to wait at the door anymore.

Xue Lihong arrived first. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he threw the bow-wielding girl he was responsible for into the gate and went to pick up Xiao Mo.

The girl holding the bow wanted to call him, shut up, look back, get up and rush to a three-story building, where a soldier holding a bow was waving to them!

Zhang Jian and Na Ni Wei also rushed into the gate of the Grain Bureau. They didn't even have the energy to scream. As soon as they entered the gate, they almost fell to the ground.

The soldier who waved to them ran out of the gate, waved to them and shouted: "Quick! Quick! It's too late! Quick!"

Xue Lihong ran to Xiao Mo, picked up the young mother carrying a baby in front of her, said to Xiao Mo: "Quick!" and ran away.

The girl holding the hammer gasped and was filled with envy, and her legs that could not move were stretched a little wider.

Xiao Mo had no burden, so he simply carried the girl on his back and sprinted towards the gate not far away.

The girl let out a sob, and her impression of Xiao Mo completely changed. She had never been so grateful to someone as she was at this moment in her life.

With soldiers showing the way, everyone ran towards the three-story building.

There are many buildings in this compound, and some military offensive and defensive facilities can be seen everywhere, but no one can see them. It seems that they are all concentrated in the three-story building.

16:54:45 seconds.

Xiao Mo rushed into the building with the girl on his back.

Entering the room, the silence was finally completely lifted. Xiao Mo put the girl down and let her join her companions. He ran to the door to see if Old Wu's family had caught up, but he didn't see it. Looking at the time again, he quickly said to Xue Lihong who was walking over: "Xiaohong, our goal is still some distance from here. Should we live now..."

"Don't worry about your mission, follow those people into the air-raid shelter!" Xue Lihong pulled him and ran away! What tasks are you still taking care of at this time? There's still time for your mission, but it's coming soon!

There were too many people in the way, so Xue Lihong actually held Xiao Mo with one hand, used her calves to push her body into the air, put her toes on the wall, rolled in the air with Xiao Mo in her arms, and rushed to the front when she jumped down.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, but no one stopped.

Zhang Di shouted: "Good skills!"

Xue Lihong ignored him. Xiao Mo turned around and smiled at him. Before the smile could fully spread, he was dragged by Xue Lihong and rushed further into the passage.

Below are two basements, and Xue Lihong is looking for a passage to the deeper underground.

The soldier who first greeted us led everyone down the stairs and ran into the basement on the left. This man had a conscience and turned around and shouted: "Here! Come in with me quickly!"

The person running in asked loudly and breathlessly: "Has the air-raid shelter arrived? Where are the others?"

"The others have already gone in, and you are the last batch!" After the soldier yelled, he asked Xue Lihong and Xiao Mo to help lift a cellar-style lid in the basement.

The three of them worked together to pull up the lid, revealing the stairs leading to the lower level.

Those who were lucky enough to follow behind shouted desperately: "Hurry, hurry, hurry! People in front, hurry up! Don't block the road, there is no time!"

There was really no time, Xiao Mo took the time to look at his watch, 16:55:45 seconds, only four minutes left!

Ni Wei hurriedly pushed away the soldiers and was the first to get into the underground passage.

Zhang Di also jumped in, but he did not run inside. Instead, he stood at the bottom of the stairs and urged the people above: "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The other four people being protected advanced.

With the threats from Zhang Jian and others, no one else dared to get in front.

After that came the Lighting Mercenary Team, and then it was the turn of Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong.

Xiao Mo saw the young mother who had been following them closely behind and motioned for her to come first, but was kicked by Xue Lihong.

Xue Lihong jumped down immediately.

Everyone else went crazy and crowded into the underground passage. Some people probably squeezed in too fast, and many people cursed and cried out in pain. Some people just rolled down the stairs and were trampled by people behind them before they could get up.

Zhang Di ignored the people behind him. He waited until the five people came in and continued running forward. The lights came on in the passage.

Xiao Mo, who had been kicked down by Xue Lihong, got up and was surprised when he saw this passage. It seemed that the terrain was still heading downwards

Zhang Di ran to the end of the passage, where there was another door with a code disk beside the door.

Ni Wei seemed to be very familiar with this place. He pressed the password dial, but instead of entering the password, he pressed an intercom button and shouted inside: "Open the door quickly! It's me, Ni Wei! Cousin, are you there? Open the door quickly." !”

The other four men and women also rushed forward, and three of them couldn't stop crying at the code plate, shouting titles such as father, mother, uncle.

The girl holding only a bow raised her hand and waved at the door.

Xiao Mo looked up and found a camera diagonally above the door.

It's a long story, but actually less than twenty seconds passed.

"Beep, click, click." The electronic sound combined with the sound of the door lock starting, slowly opened the heavy and closed door.

Before the doors were fully opened, four of the five young people had already squeezed in eagerly.

The doors were all opened, revealing a sloping, deeper underground passage.

An electronic voice sounded in the passage: "No matter who is outside, you are lucky to be here at this time. This door will automatically close in less than 4 minutes! Come in quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Di pulled Zhang Jian, calling for the members of the mercenary team, and rushed into the heavy steel gate one after another.

Someone wanted to rush forward, but Xue Lihong raised her foot and kicked Xiao Mo in first.

Come again? ! Xiao Mo was caught off guard and rolled down.

Then Xue Lihong kicked down the only soldier at the door who was trying to maintain order by himself. Others who tried to step forward were kicked away by him.

Someone yelled at Xue Lihong, using all kinds of vicious words.

The electronic sound sounded again: "Everyone, please don't make a mess, enter in order, don't fight, the more chaotic you are, the fewer people will come in."

Xue Lihong stood motionless by the door, her expression not changing at all. It was nonsense to say this now. Even if someone maintained order, it would be useless. Under the threat of death, no one was willing to stand in the back.

Xiao Mo really wanted to ask the system if there were other ways to enter the underground air-raid shelter, but he could almost imagine that if he really asked the system about this question, the system would probably give him an answer like "It's not a mission, no comment." , and maybe even add a comment like "I told you to give up this stupid rescue mission a long time ago."

Xiao Mo and the soldier rolled into the air-raid shelter and hurriedly moved to both sides, otherwise the people coming in from behind would step on them.

The two of them coincidentally did not run inside. Instead, they leaned against the door and pulled the people blocking the door in.

Anyone who escaped here didn't want to quickly enter the air-raid shelter, but the result of lack of order was that everyone got stuck together and blocked the door.

With Xiao Mo and the soldier dragging people inside, the situation was better.

When Xue Lihong saw Xiao Mo standing by the door before going inside, she was so angry that she kicked the person blocking the door in.

At this time, no one dared to make trouble with Xue Lihong. Instead, one was kicking people outside and the other two were pulling people inside, which made the speed a lot faster.

But with Xue Lihong around, women, the elderly, children and other weak people who run in will not be squeezed out blindly. When Xue Lihong sees someone who dares to jump in line, she rushes forward, grabs the person's back collar and throws them away. Go to the back and beat anyone who dares to fight with him unconscious. Even those who believe that they are more powerful don't dare to provoke Xue Lihong casually. No one wants to waste time fighting.

Xiao Mo and the soldier were pulling people inside, and they were sweating. Who knew who was counting down loudly inside: "Two minutes left! Hurry! There are less than two minutes left!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" The person who was dragged in burst into tears of gratitude.

"Don't block the door! Everyone go inside!"

There were cries outside, many people were blocking the door, and more people were running towards here on the road.

The angel couldn't fly in, but the mutant rat followed, causing even more chaos inside!

People outside kept shouting anxiously: "Please, hurry up, don't block the door! Please, let me pass! Hurry!"

A mutant rat crawled into the air-raid shelter through the gap.

Xue Lihong trampled to death a mutated rat that rushed towards him, and beat several more to death with nails. However, soon he was unable to aim at the target. More and more people filled the passage. In the end, Xue Lihong couldn't help but Then he shot the mutated rats with nails. As long as the mutated rats didn't pounce on him, he would ignore them and only cooperate with Xiao Mo and the soldier to kick the people blocking the door in.

"One minute left!" The person who had been counting down the time shouted again.

"Hey-" The harsh sound of electricity suddenly sounded, and many people were so excited that they covered their ears, and Xiao Mo was no exception.

The electronic speaker embedded in the wall made a knocking sound. After a while, an electronic sound like "beep, beep" sounded rapidly like a warning.

"58, 57, 56..."

The numbers were decreasing little by little, and the people outside the door rushed inside even more frantically and panicked.

Xue Lihong glanced at the young mother with her child before. Seeing that Xiao Mo took special care of her, he pushed through the crowd and dragged the person over to clamp her. She didn't know how he used his strength to block the door. All the people squeezed away and jumped in like kangaroos.

Xue Lihong put down the mother, and no matter how much she thanked her, she walked over and wanted to pull Xiao Mo who was next to the door inside. He has noticed that except for the group of people who just escaped, there is no one else here. What does this mean? It means it’s not safe here yet! Those who had fled earlier were still inside.

Xiao Mo also wanted to bring people in together with the soldier, but the soldier couldn't do it alone.

"Xiao Hong!" Xiao Mo said that he couldn't leave yet because he saw Lao Wu! Old Wu is rushing forward with his child in his arms!

"Xiao Mo! Xiao Mo! Carry Xiao Yuan in! Carry Xiao Yuan in, I beg you!" Lao Wu shouted at the door, desperately holding his child and stuffing it into the door.

The children were squeezed so much that they screamed and cried for their parents.

Xiao Mo reached out to hug the child, but someone blocking the door grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out!

Xue Lihong snapped her tongue, stopped dragging Xiao Mo, and struck the hand of the person pulling Xiao Mo with her palm.

The man screamed and his arm was chopped off.

Xue Lihong kicked the man away from the door again. It was not so easy for the man to squeeze in again. The vacancy he created was quickly filled by others.

Vicious curses, curses and cries and pleas blended into one.

Xiao Mo hugged Wu Xiaoyuan.

Xue Lihong grabbed the soldier by the collar and threw him back. Instead, he stood by the door and pulled the soldier together with Xiao Mo.

The soldier rolled down all the way, and the ground of this air-raid shelter turned out to be a slope.

Xue Lihong's strength was countless times greater than that soldier's, and he could pull people faster.

Wu Xiaoyuan came in, and Xue Lihong dragged in Lao Wu and his mother and his wife behind him. This old lady was also very lucky. She didn't die and didn't fall behind. She was brought to this safe place by her son. Fortunately, she was pulled into the air-raid shelter by Xue Lihong at the last moment.

"Go in! Everyone get inside! Don't block the door!" Xiao Mo shouted while pulling people in.

Lao Wu's family didn't have time to thank Xiao Mo and ran downstairs with the crowd.

One, two, three... Those who were dragged in didn't have time to thank the two of them, and they all rushed inside.

"Twenty seconds left! 18, 19..."

Xiao Mo's eyes were red, and he was pulling at people crazily, "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" If you can save one, it’s one! There are many people outside!

Many people are counting along with the electronic announcement: "12, 11, 10..."

Here, he had just pulled someone out, and suddenly Xue Lihong grabbed his arm.

Xue Lihong gave up on rescuing people with Xiao Mo and dragged him deeper into the room.

"Xiao Hong?!" Xiao Mo yelled.

"It's too late! Shut up if you don't want to die!" Xue Lihong slapped Xiao Mo on the forehead.

"Sorry!" Xiao Mo calmed down after the pain and stopped struggling, letting Xuelihong drag him away.

Xue Lihong knocked him and said no more. He knew that Xiao Mo was such a person. If this person became selfish and only cared about himself when he was in crisis, he would not have found this person to take care of Zeng Youxiao in the first place. Own.

The electronic sound from before was shouting: "It's going to explode! Get down! Get down! Everyone get down!"

The crying outside the door got louder!

Xiao Mo forced himself to look back. If it weren't for Xue Lihong, he would have been either the last one to come in, or he would have been unable to squeeze in like those blocking the door. Obviously, the possibility of the latter accounted for 99.99%. %.

Xue Lihong didn't lie down immediately. He took Xiao Mo and rushed deeper as fast as possible, but soon he saw a door!

A steel door that looked thicker, larger, and sturdier. There is no combination dial next to the door, only a valve handwheel on the door.

Xiao Mo turned around to look for someone, trying to find the man named Ni Wei to open the door, but he couldn't find him. Now the space, which was no bigger than a basketball court, was in chaos.

The soldiers who were kicked down by Xue Lihong were fighting with mutant rats. When they saw them, they shouted: "Get down quickly!"

The countdown in the loudspeaker has reached the last few seconds. Xue Lihong tried to turn the winch in the last few seconds, but found that it was locked inside. It was not that he could not solve the winch, but considering that after opening the door, he What he might encounter...such as a few machines aimed at him and Xiao Mo and shoot at him

Thinking of this, Xue Lihong pushed Xiao Mo down and said, "Hold your head!"

Xiao Mo lay down, and so did the soldier. At the same time, he saw Zhang Di and others lying down not far away.

Not everyone can respond correctly. There are mutant rats in the cave, and there are still many people standing.

"…3, 2, 1, 0!"

As soon as the "0" sound of the electronic time signal fell, "Bang!" The door on the slope suddenly closed, and the heavy lock bolt fell, making a heavy impact sound.

Many people screamed at the same time as Xiao Mo, because the door that suddenly closed automatically cut off a person's leg and hand.

Xiao Mo didn't see that the cellar-style lid that they had pulled open in the basement also closed automatically, blocking out all the people behind it!

The leg and the hand fell on the door, and the person who pushed aside all the competitors but failed to squeeze in for just a second, was squeezed into pulp by the door!

The person closest to the door was the most unlucky. His face was sprayed with minced meat and plasma, and he was completely stunned.

The screams are endless, and the people who scream are not only afraid, they are also venting all the fear and anguish in their hearts!

"Woo!" The piercing air defense siren suddenly sounded.

Just as Xiao Mo was about to open his mouth to ask how long it would take before the throw came down, he heard: "Boom!"

The underground air-raid shelter trembled, a large number of people were knocked down, and things rolled everywhere.

Xue Lihong pressed down on the vital points of Xiao Mo's upper body and kept pressing his head with her hands, while he himself raised his head to observe the solidity of the air-raid shelter.

During the first bombing, only some gravel and ash fell inside the cave, and there were no obvious signs of cracking on the walls.

People kept screaming.

Xiao Mo wanted to raise his head, "Boom!" There was another violent explosion.

The air-raid shelter trembled even more violently, and many people were knocked down just as they stood up.

This time, more than just rubble fell in the air-raid shelter, there were also some cracks in the walls.

The electric lights kept flickering, and the huge air-raid shelter was like a ghost mansion. There were many ghosts and shadows. Some people were injured by falling stones and lamps. There were cries and shouts, making it look like the end of the war.

Soon the third explosion sounded, and the rocks fell, bouncing and rolling on the ground due to the vibration.

Bang bang bang! All the lights in the air-raid shelter went out, and they were instantly plunged into darkness.

There was deep silence, then screaming.