The Scavengers

Chapter 67: March 26th, 8 00-10 00


what happened? Xiao Mo thought Xue Lihong would take him back temporarily, but why did he knock him down

The answer appeared two seconds later. "Do it!" Bao Yuezhi's cry and the explosion of "Boom! Boom! Boom!" sounded one after another.

The passage became dark. No, only the lighting in a section of the passage was out of order, but the lighting in the nearby office room was still on.

"Damn it! They are prepared! Catch them and don't let anyone go!" Bao Yuezhi was yelling.

"Go and repair the power supply." The man named Linghu was ordering someone.

In the darkness, Xiao Mo, who was lying on the ground, heard Xue Lihong say to him: "This Bao Yuezhi has ambushed a large number of people nearby. No matter whether we advance or retreat, he does not intend to let us leave. We can only take advantage of him when he is not prepared. Force a breakthrough, be careful below! You go find the target of the mission, and I will stop them. Go ahead." Then, the weight on his body disappeared.

Before he had time to think about it, gunshots rang out one after another. Xiao Mo rolled several times until he rolled into the corner. Xue Lihong was already dealing with the gunman. All he had to do now was to protect himself.

"System, remind us how far we are from the target at any time!"

"The straight-line distance is thirty-five meters from the mission target."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Three office doors that were originally closed opened, and mercenaries in black uniforms who had been prepared ran out with guns. Half of these people besieged Xue Lihong and Xiao Mo, and the other half ran to protect Bao Yuezhi.

Xiaohong's judgment was correct, they indeed ambushed a large number of men. But is this Bao Yuezhi crazy? He knew clearly that they were people sent by General Qiu, but he still dared to attack them. Is this because he was arrogant, or was the secret hidden here so terrible that even the slightest possibility of leakage was not allowed

How could Xiao Mo have thought that Bao Yuezhi was so crazy, not wanting to reveal the secret, but more importantly, he wanted to take revenge on the general and Zhongshan City for causing embarrassment to him.

Even Xue Lihong didn't think about the real reason why Bao Yuezhi attacked them. He just heard a lot of breathing sounds behind the door. Those breathing sounds were different from those of ordinary people. The breathing frequencies of trained and untrained people were different. The length is different.

"Hahaha! You idiots! You didn't expect it! When I heard you say you were coming to the fifth floor, I knew you were not well-intentioned. How could I let you come in and leave again? All guests who come here are only allowed to stay. Your order Fox, kill these two spies who want to steal important research information! Don’t leave any of them alive! Later I will ask General Qiu if he knows that the people he sent are foreign mercenary spies, hahaha!" Bao Yuezhi! Pushing away the bodyguard who was pressing down on him to protect him, he got up and laughed proudly.

Xue Lihong's eyes were cold. He thought he had a good understanding of human nature, but he still underestimated Bao Yuezhi's shamelessness. He thought that even if the other party was a bit naive, he would still worry about General Qiu and find an excuse after they left the main building. Take action. Who would have thought!

If he had known that Bao Yuezhi had planned to keep them from the beginning, he would have changed the way of exploration and would not have put them in danger as soon as they entered.

He is not afraid of these, but Xiao Mo...

Then get rid of these mercenaries.

At this moment, the young man mobilized his body muscles to the highest level, flashed several times, and once again threw a dozen micro-explosive bombs.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Explosions sounded one after another. Unfortunately, these explosive bombs have little explosive power due to their materials and can only be used to attract attention.

"Where is the person? Why is the person missing?" The mercenaries were greatly surprised. Their eyes had begun to adapt to this level of light. With the lights coming from the surrounding research rooms and offices, they could vaguely see the enemy's figure. But at that moment, they couldn't see the enemy at all, but the passage was a straight road, and the rooms on both sides were all closed. Where could people run

"Look! Keep your eyes open, everyone! This person probably has the power of invisibility!" Linghu said in a low voice.

When Bao Yuezhi heard that one of the two had supernatural powers, he was not ready to let them go.

"Catch the other one first, there he is!" A mercenary spotted a black figure lying in the corner.

Xiao Mo was in a hurry, where was he going to hide

"Poof!" Suddenly, the mercenary who pointed out Xiao Mo's location fell down, clutching his throat, and a large amount of blood came out from between his fingers.

"Be careful! Ah!" The mercenaries near Xiao Mo fell down one after another.

Bao Yuezhi was so frightened that he hid behind Linghu and kept shouting: "Shoot! Shoot!"

Xiao Mo took advantage of the opponent's confusion and crawled quickly on the ground - this was what Xue Lihong taught him. When there are a large number of guns shooting around and the place is narrow, it is better to crawl on the ground than to stand up and run.

Bao Yuezhi's people were killed by Xue Lihong and were thrown into chaos, and they couldn't even take care of Xiao Mo for a while.

"Thirty meters straight line distance from the mission target."

Xiao Mo quietly raised his head. There were mercenaries from the other side in front of him, but the target was right in front. What should I do

Xiao Mo gritted his teeth. He had the ability to repair. Even if he was shot, he wouldn't die (he hadn't tried it, but in theory it should be possible). Why not give it a try? He can't rely on Xue Lihong for everything, right

Xiao Mo sped up his crawling speed.

"Shoot! Shoot up, down, left, and right! Everyone is divided into groups for protection, don't stop!" the man named Linghu ordered.


His motor nerves were not as developed as Xue Lihong's, and he didn't have the opponent's dynamic vision to dodge bullets. He was shot by guns and could only roll over on the ground.

"Puff puff!" He was hit by several bullets.

Xiao Mo was shot by a gun for the first time in his life. He didn't feel it when he was watching it on TV. He didn't know how painful it was until he was shot!

Blood seeped through the clothes.

Xue Lihong took one look and forced herself not to look again, only speeding up the useless person.

Everything has to pay a price. From the day Xiao Mo was taken over by the system and met him, his life trajectory could no longer be ordinary and comfortable. If he wanted to survive and complete his mission, injuries were inevitable. Fortunately, Xiao Mo has the ability to repair, which gave him a glimmer of hope in the danger.

At this time, there was an office with a half-open door next to Xiao Mo. As long as he climbed in, he would be safe in a short time.

Exactly! "Ding, we are twenty meters away from the mission target in a straight line."

Xiao Mo stopped and looked up. There was a door directly in front of him, and behind this door was his mission target.

The door lock was not far from him. He stretched out his hand, trying to twist the door lock and enter.

But an accident no one expected happened!

"Bang!" A stray bullet fired at random hit the back of Xiao Mo's head. The bullet passed through his face and got stuck in the front door.

Xiao Mo lost consciousness at that moment and fell down in front of the door.

Bao Yuezhi happened to see this scene, waved his gun and curled his lips: "One is dead, there is another, find the remaining one!"

Front floor communications room.

"Brother Xiao!" Cheng Zai snapped a ballpoint pen and stood up with his eyes red.

"Xiao Cheng, what's wrong?" The comrades in front turned to look at him, and many other busy people also looked at him.

Cheng Zai closed the computer, wiped away his tears, and forced a smile, "It's nothing, I thought of something and forgot to tell my friends."

He didn't believe that Brother Xiao died like this. Brother Xiao could even solve the angel virus, so maybe he wouldn't die so easily.

What does he need to do, what can he do to help Brother Xiao and the others

Xue Lihong, who had crippled two more people, was lying on the top of the wall, her pupils standing up like those of an animal.

Although he had expected that this situation was likely to happen, but... Damn it! Still can't stand it!

He wants to kill Bao Yuezhi! He could see clearly that the stray bullet came from Bao Yuezhi!

Xuelihong rushed over and waved the saw blade lightly in her hand.

"Master Bao! Be careful!" A bodyguard who was following Bao Yuezhi felt a stinging murderous aura and immediately created a whirlwind in front of him.

"Ah!" Bao Yuezhi covered his shoulders and screamed. He was just a hair away, and his throat was cut!

"Get him! Get him! I'm going to cut this hateful bastard into pieces, I'm going to..."

"Protect Master Bao!" Linghu shouted, and the mercenaries moved closer to Bao Yuezhi. The other three bodyguards around Bao also showed their special abilities, and one of them used an ice wall to cover Bao Yuezhi.

The saw blade swung out again and hit the ice wall. The ice wall shattered and Bao Yuezhi screamed.

A bodyguard hugged Bao Yuezhi and sank to the floor. It turned out to be another person with superpowers!

Xue Lihong snorted coldly, and her figure flashed and disappeared in the light again. Of course, his boss is more important than capturing and killing Bao Yuezhi.

But there are too many people around now, and there are more people with powers than he imagined. Even if he rescues Xiao Mo, he may not be able to escape unscathed, so he can only follow and observe the situation first. Moreover, he was also thinking about helping Xiao Mo complete the mission. If he left like this this time, the mission target might be transferred, which would make it more troublesome and time would be too late. For this, he had to think of a more complete method.

"Plop." Xue Lihong's ears twitched, and he heard a weak heartbeat among all the noise.

Xue Lihong suddenly raised the corner of her mouth, "Very good, maybe he can do something else first." Boss, you have to hold on until I come back!

09:25 minutes.

Linghu issued an order, and some people went to search for Xue Lihong, while others stayed to clean up the mess.

Bao Yuezhi reappeared under the protection of his bodyguards. He watched his men dragging Xiao Mo's body. He raised his hand and shouted, "Wait a minute. Don't send this body to the incinerator yet. It's still fresh. Send him to Laboratory No. 6."

Linghu added, "Remember to search him and find out everything on his body." Since the tall and thin young man could hide so many explosive bombs on his body after being searched, he might also have something with him.

Xue Lihong felt that Xiao Mo was not in greater danger for the time being, so she did not continue to follow up, but turned around to do other things.

"Yes." The mercenary heard the soul's order, grabbed Xiao Mo's feet, dragged him upside down into Laboratory No. 6, and moved him onto the dissecting table.

There was no one else in Laboratory No. 6 except them. The whole room was glowing white, and even the mercenaries didn't want to stay in this room longer.

As usual, the two mercenaries took off Xiao Mo's clothes first, while the other picked up his backpack and dumped all the contents onto another dissecting table.

"Crack." As soon as Xiao Mo's shirt was untied, several bullets rolled out.

"Huh?" Mercenary A was surprised.

"What?" Mercenary B asked.

Mercenary A hesitated and said: "This man was shot many times just now?"

"Yes, that's why there are so many...ah!" Mercenary B opened his mouth wide.

"Where are the wounds on his body?"

"Look at the back of his head! I remember he was punched through the face!"

"How is it possible? His face looks fine..."

The three mercenaries simultaneously raised their guns and pointed them at Xiao Mo on the autopsy table.

"Go and call Mr. Bao! This man is actually a self-healing abnormality..."

"Wait, don't shout, I'm not a bad person." When Xiao Mo heard the mercenary's shouts, he had to hold his head and support the dissecting table with his hands, and sat up dizzily while trying to stop them.

Mercenaries A, B, and B pointed their guns at him. Mercenary B laughed outright, "Is this guy kidding me?" He imitated Xiao Mo's voice and said, "Don't shout, I'm not a bad person."

The three mercenaries laughed together.

Mercenary C dropped Xiao Mo's backpack that he was inspecting, held a gun in one hand, and said with envy and jealousy: "It actually has the ability to heal itself. Master Bao will be extremely happy when he sees this kind of power."

"Xiao Dai, go and inform Mr. Bao, we'll keep an eye on him." Mercenary A said.

"I really hope that Mr. Bao will find out the secret of superpower planting soon, so that we can..."

"Okay, go quickly!" Mercenary A urged Mercenary C.

Xiao Mo couldn't let Bao Yuezhi know about his abilities. Seeing that Mercenary C was already walking toward the door, he was about to jump off the dissecting table to stop him.

"Bang!" Xiao Mo looked down and saw a stream of blood flowing out of the middle of his open chest.

Mercenary A stared at his chest and chuckled, "Look, it can really heal itself! It actually squeezed out the bullets!"

Mercenary C heard this and actually changed his route and came over to watch the live performance first.

Mercenary B couldn't help but also shot Xiao Mo in the lower abdomen.

He can repair it, but it's not like he can't feel the pain! The searing pain of a bullet entering the body can make any tough guy wail.

Xiao Mo couldn't bear the pain, and he hunched up in pain.

Mercenary A grabbed his hair, raised his face, poked his eyelid with the barrel of the gun, and applied pressure little by little, "Do you think his eyeball can recover even if it is broken?"

Mercenaries B and C did not stop him. Instead, they smiled and urged him, "Hurry up, hurry up. When this person falls into the hands of Master Bao, we won't be able to see him."

The pressure on his eyelids suddenly increased. Xiao Mo couldn't bear it anymore and let out a low cry. He stretched out his palm and pressed it against Mercenary A's chest, as if he wanted to push him away.

Mercenary A laughed, "What do you want to do? If you are more honest, you will suffer less. Old Bai, just break his arm!"

Mercenary B raised his dash and was about to take action.

"Uh! Uh..." Mercenary A's face suddenly twisted and he let go of the gun that was pressed against Xiao Mo's eyelids. What's going on? His heart felt like it was going to explode. He didn't have a heart attack. No, it was this guy!

"Ugh! Poof!" Mercenary A spurted blood and broken black-red internal organs from his mouth, and fell slumped.

Mercenaries B and C were shocked. They didn't know what happened to mercenary A. One of them squatted down to check his condition, and the other raised his gun and was about to knock Xiao Mo unconscious.

Xiao Mo had cold sweat on his forehead, endured the severe pain from his forehead and between his eyebrows, and rushed towards Soldier B from the dissecting table.

Soldier B fired quickly, but because of the wrong posture, he was a few seconds behind.

But in just a few seconds, Xiao Mo had already thrown him down and held his neck directly.

Mercenary B felt a burning sensation in his neck, and something seemed to be melting inside, and soon he was out of breath.

Mercenary C found that Mercenary A had stopped breathing. Then he saw Mercenary B holding his neck and rolling his eyes and struggling. He stared at Xiao Mo as if he was seeing a devil. When Xiao Mo turned to look at him, he was so frightened that he fired a bunch of bullets. Regardless of whether he was hit or not, he turned around and ran towards the door.

Xiao Mo knelt on the ground and picked up Mercenary B's gun, subconsciously pulled the trigger and fired several shots at Mercenary C.

Mercenary C put his hand on the fingerprint lock and slowly slipped.

Xiao Mo cleared his mind and mechanically fired several more shots at Mercenary C to make sure that the other party was dead. Then he shot Mercenary B in the head, ending his pain. Thinking about it, he also fired two shots at the dead mercenary A, who had no scars on his body, both hitting him in the head.

The sound of gunfire will definitely attract those mercenaries!

Xiao Mo pressed his forehead that was about to crack, walked quickly to the door, pressed his hand on the door lock sensor, and made his request in his mind: destroy it so that it cannot be fingerprint verified.

He didn't know why he could do all this, and he couldn't think about it too much now. He just needed to know that he could do it.

The system made a slight noise.

Xiao Mo felt his body heat rising a little. It seemed like the system was scanning his whole body again? Or is the system doing something more complex

Xiao Mo, who had killed three humans with his own hands, shook his head and forced himself not to think too much. He could feel the changes in himself. The first time he killed someone was so painful, but now he didn't even feel guilty, even I also felt that those three people deserved to die.

Yes, if they treated him like that, why should he sympathize with those three people

The three-dimensional diagram that appeared in his mind told him that the door lock had been taken care of.

Xiao Mo took his hand off the door lock, took two steps back, and looked up at the ceiling. Not all ventilation ducts in any building can allow people to enter. The ventilation ducts in some buildings are so narrow that even cats can't get through them. However, this is an underground building and an important research site. The ventilation requirements are very high. Look at the size of the ventilation holes. The pipeline should be able to meet international standards.

The man moved hard over the dissecting table, found a dissecting scalpel from the laboratory and used it as a screwdriver, climbed onto the dissecting table, removed all the fixing screws of the ventilation hole, and then removed the ventilation fence, making It looks like someone climbed in.

Then he scanned the entire laboratory, making the various facilities inside more messy and knocking down everything that could be knocked down.

There were footsteps outside the door, and someone was brushing the door lock, but it failed to open it several times. He could hear the angry screams of the mercenaries outside the door.

Xiao Mo increased his speed, endured the feeling of vomiting, and drew blood from the three mercenaries and smeared it on his body and face.

After doing all this, he looked down at his open clothes, buttoned all the buttons that could be buttoned, then sat on the dissecting table, picked up the pistol, and pointed it at his face... This required a lot of courage, he saw. Look at your own brain structure map to find a safer place.


Throwing the gun aside, Xiao Mo fell down, face up, his face covered in blood, and his body was covered in blood. He looked like a person who had been shot many times and died.

This time he was conscious and could naturally control his abilities to prevent him from repairing his wounds. But it really hurts! It hurts him to death! It took a lot of willpower for him to just hold back from repairing himself now. Or repair the inside first, leaving only the outer wound

"Bang, bang, bang!" The people outside probably couldn't open the door, so they got anxious and stopped looking for someone to try their fingerprints, and just broke the door lock.

The experimental door opened, and Linghu rushed in with people.

Xiao Mo listened to the footsteps and kept his breathing as light as possible.


"Damn it! I knew something was wrong! Old Bai! Xiao Dai! Old Jia!"

"Boss, they're all dead!" The visitor made a preconception as soon as he saw the indoor scene. "It should be that the young man who escaped came in through the vent. He probably wanted to save his companions, but ran away after seeing the people dead."

Someone shot Xiao Mo's body hatefully to vent his anger.

Xiao Mo cursed in his heart and his muscles trembled involuntarily. Fortunately, no one noticed this scene.

"That's enough, everyone is dead." Linghu stopped the venting man and stood under the vent to look at him.

"Boss, should we send someone up to take a look?"

"Monkey, go up, and the others will follow me to check the various laboratories."


"David stayed to clean up, and the dead brother was sent to the freezer first."

"What about this guy?"

"Stay here for now. Didn't Master Bao say he wanted fresh corpses for experiments?"

Xiao Mo quietly pretended to be dead. No one knew how scared he was now.

Not only was he afraid of being discovered that he was still alive, he... now whenever he was distracted for a moment, the faces of the three mercenaries would appear in his mind.

He didn't want to look, but those three faces always appeared out of his control! It was as if someone was deliberately forcing him to look.

The ferocious faces of the three mercenaries and the face of his mother when she was dying kept reappearing in his mind, torturing him to the point where he wanted to howl, run away, and stay away from all this!

Since the day the world changed, he has been trying not to kill anyone.

Although the previous missions were also dangerous, most of them involved facing monsters rather than people. The monsters he killed were all bloody, cruel and inhuman monsters, and he never injured a single human life.

He is a person who abides by laws and disciplines very much. He always believes that there is no place without rules. Only when everyone abides by the rules and laws can the world be peaceful. Therefore, when troubled times come, what he fears most is the collapse of rules and order, because at that time, unlucky people Not a few strong people, but the vast majority of ordinary people like his family.

Even fifteen minutes ago, he had never thought that he would kill someone.

"Coward!" The man in his mind laughed at him.

"Shut up!" Xiao Mo yelled back in his head.

If time could go over again, is there any other way to do this task

It's a pity that time cannot be repeated.

As for Bao Yuezhi... none of them expected that this person would be so crazy and even planned to keep them all from the beginning.

If Xiaohong hadn't discovered something was wrong in advance, if he hadn't had the ability to repair, if he hadn't "understood" the ability to destroy when helping Cheng Zai get rid of the angel virus, he would have either turned into a corpse today, or he would have been waiting to be killed. A more intelligent experimental subject.

The corpse lying on the autopsy table was untouched.

David, who was left to deal with the aftermath, probably thought that Xiao Mo had already been searched by the three people in front of him, and they didn't even touch him. It's normal to think about it. Who would touch a corpse if they have nothing to do? Not a pervert.

David worked very efficiently, and with two mercenaries, he quickly cleared up most of Laboratory No. 6.

"David, Mr. Bao asked you to send this body to Laboratory No. 4." Someone came to inform David.

David replied that he understood and called the other two mercenaries to carry Xiao Mo's body onto the cart.

David and a mercenary stayed behind to continue cleaning up Laboratory No. 6.

There was only one mercenary pushing the cart towards Laboratory No. 4.

Xiao Mo is waiting for the opportunity.

The stroller is very easy to use and makes no sound at all.

There is light passing through the eyelids, and the power supply of the outer channel seems to have been repaired.

There were footsteps in the distance, "Master Bao doesn't want this body anymore?" Linghu's voice came.

Xiao Mo held his breath.

"No, Mr. Bao told me to send it to Laboratory No. 4."

"Yeah." A finger fell on his face, and Xiao Mo was so frightened that his heart beat wildly. No! Can't jump!

The fingers were gone as soon as they touched, and Xiao Mo heard an unclear whisper at the same time: "What's the use of saving you? It's not like you're dead."

The cart was pushed again, and Xiao Mo always felt a pair of eyes falling on him.

Laboratory No. 4 is who knows how far away. Can he find a chance to escape

Or should he simply wait until Bao Yuezhi comes to the laboratory and then control the other party by surprise

Xiao Mo was struggling when he suddenly felt his eyelids darken, as if he had gone from a bright place to a dark place.

The cart suddenly stopped again, and he heard the sound of the gun bolt being pulled, the sound of many doors opening, and people yelling and cursing.

What happened? He wanted to open his eyes and peek.

Linghu's voice came from a distance: "Everyone, don't panic, don't be chaotic, everyone should perform their duties. You, and you, lead a team and me to the power distribution room. David, you lead the protection staff to evacuate." Go upstairs. Ah Gang, you lead the others to protect Mr. Bao and withdraw from here first."

After everyone received the order, they split up and acted according to the instructions.

Another power outage? Xiao Mo dared to secretly open his eyes a little.

Total darkness! This time it was real darkness, and even the lights in the surrounding research rooms were turned off.

But soon, all the floor lamps for emergency lighting came on, and finally the situation was not reached to the point where it was really difficult to see. The emergency lighting power will only work if all the power is cut off. The emergency lighting power supply is different from the backup power supply and is an independent system.

This time, even a few researchers in the office ran out, but they seemed to have received crisis training. No one made any noise, and they all evacuated in an orderly manner under the arrangements of the mercenaries.

At this moment, the power supply for emergency lighting was also cut off, all lights went out, and there were screams in the building.