The Scavengers

Chapter 69: After 11 o'clock on March 26th


There was a panic in the passage, as ten security guards and Xiao Mo passed by each other.

Soon someone yelled and cursed from behind: "Why doesn't the elevator respond?"

"Damn it, the experimental subject below must have chewed up the wiring!"

"Let's go to the elevator on the right."

A group of people ran back with cheers and passed by Xiao Mo and Xiao Mo again.

Xiao Mo and the other two were following behind them.

The door to the conference room at the end opened, and one of Bao Yuezhi's personal bodyguards walked out, and then the door closed tightly.

There were four mercenaries guarding the door of the conference room.

The bodyguard with special powers didn't even look at the security guard running over, and strode towards the elevator on the right.

Xue Lihong pulled Xiao Mo, and the two of them lowered their heads as much as possible and blended into the security group. Although the four guard mercenaries were a little surprised to see the two of them, they saw so many security guards and one of Mr. Bao's bodyguards came out. Thinking that the two of them had some orders to carry out, they didn't pay much attention to them.

The security guards looked at the mercenary outfits of the two men. Although they didn't understand why the two men were following them, they did not dare to ask any more questions out of fear of these mercenaries.

Turn right and walk forward, past the tea room and restrooms that are also arranged on the left, and you will find the elevator room.

Here we must explain the relative positions of the front and rear buildings. The second underground floor of the front building is flush with the first underground floor of the back building. There are two passages on the left and right in the middle. The elevator is inside the elevator door, which is also the only entrance and exit. , there are steel plates inside to connect the front and back floors. If the elevator comes up from the back floor, the steel plates will retract.

Even if you climb the stairs from the emergency passage, you must pass through the elevator door if you want to go from the back floor to the front floor.

But Xiao Mo destroyed the entire elevator's circuit sensors and manual valves. The steel plate is now retracted and cannot be ejected, the elevator cannot operate, and even the elevator door cannot be opened. In this way, the front and rear floors are disconnected.

Of course, Wang and Bao can pry open the elevator doors on both sides and lay temporary decking inside, but this project will definitely take a while. What Xiao Mo and the two wanted was this time difference.

Xue Lihong clearly remembered the four bodyguards with special abilities around Bao Yuezhi, and whispered to Xiao Mo about the personnel transfer of the other party.

Xiao Mo pressed his ear, lowered his voice to the lowest level, and relayed: "Ten security guards and a powerful superpower have passed, and no one will come up in the short term."

Ma Xiang: "Received."

Xiao Mo once again destroyed the elevator on the right, but this time he only destroyed it a little so that the mercenaries below could not operate the elevator.

Now, Bao Yuezhi's manpower on the fourth and fifth floors below had no choice but to climb upstairs. And when they find out that the elevator is out of order, the process of climbing back up will take at least three to five minutes.

When Xiao Mo turned around, Xue Lihong had disappeared.

Xiao Mo sprinted forward, grabbed his hand/gun and ran quietly towards the conference room at the end.

Xue Lihong used her speed to the extreme, and her body turned into a black shadow.

The four mercenaries at the door of the conference room felt a gust of cold wind pass by, their throats were all split, and they fell down with gurgling blood.

Xiao Mo didn't dare to kill anyone, but he saw a lot of dead people. When he saw the four mercenaries falling, he and Xue Lihong immediately grabbed the feet of the four security guards and dragged them aside.

After taking down the guarding mercenary, Xue Lihong used the saw blade as a boomerang and destroyed all the monitors in the corridor.

Xiao Mo was puzzled and asked him with his eyes.

Xue Lihong smiled lowly, "I don't want to give people any excuse."

Xiao Mo understood that Xue Lihong didn't believe Ma Xiang and the others.

Then, the young man took out a bundle of metal ropes from his backpack and quickly tied it.

Question marks appeared in Xiao Mo's eyes again.

Xue Lihong curled her lips at him, but this time he didn't explain.

"Dong dong."

The people who were waiting for news in the conference room raised their heads and looked towards the door.

A security guard walked over and opened the door at Wang Jinian's signal.

The security guard opened the door and when he saw the mercenaries outside, he suddenly felt something was a little strange.

By the way, where are the four people guarding the door

A hand/gun was pressed against his chin.

The security guard looked at the other mercenary who appeared and turned away obediently.

Xue Lihong passed by the security guard, lowered her head and walked into the conference room.

At that moment, no one in the conference room noticed anything was wrong.

Because there were manpower deployed outside and there were not enough mercenaries, there were only two bodyguards left around Bao Yuezhi.

Bao Yuezhi was listening to the report from his subordinates, "What? The person guarding the sewer entrance in the water room is dead? What about Linghu? Go down and look for him! No, you guys come up, come up immediately, all of you!"

The ice superpower saw Bao Yuezhi getting angry at the intercom, so he had to ask the person who came in: "What's the matter? Wait, are you..."

Bao Yuezhi looked up. He was about to remind the bodyguard that the two previous people were not dead and had probably entered the building.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, before the bodyguard could say "who", Xue Lihong suddenly threw out the metal noose, wrapped it around Bao Yuezhi's neck, and pulled hard.

Bao Yuezhi flew up.

"Bang!" Xue Lihong threw out the noose with her right hand and fired with her left hand at the same time.

Before the person with the ability to pass through walls and floors could react, he was hit by a bullet between his eyebrows and fell. His feet had already sunk into the ground, but he still had no time to escape.

Bao Yuezhi's roars and screams were all blocked in his throat, and his face quickly began to bleed. He grabbed the metal rope around his neck with both hands.

It all happens in an instant! Until Bao Yuezhi flew up, Wang Jinian and the others didn't realize what had happened.

"The enemy! It's the enemy!" There was chaos in the room.

"Master Bao!" The only remaining ice superpower immediately sent out ice arrows to attack Xue Lihong. He had to save them. Not to mention the generous salary, their families were all in Bao Yiyong's hands. If they dared to abandon Bao Yuezhi and run away, even if no one betrayed them, Bao Yiyong would not spare them when they returned, unless they could ruthlessly abandon them completely. own family.

Wang Jinian and other security guards also took out their guns and shot Xue Lihong desperately.

Xue Lihong would not wait for death indoors. He trapped Bao Yuezhi, shot and killed the man with the ability to walk through walls, and then dragged Bao Yuezhi outside the conference room.

"Let Mr. Bao go!" The ice superpower immediately chased after him, trying to save Bao Yuezhi.

Wang Jinian's men also wanted to chase them out, but they were stopped by Wang Jinian, "Don't chase them out, it's dangerous outside, protect me!"

In Wang Jinian's mind, Bao Yuezhi is dead. He must now start thinking carefully about what to do next. If the military takes control of the grain depot and he does not have Bao Yuezhi's support, he will have no choice but to surrender to the military, but there is also surrender. In a way, he must obtain the greatest benefit for himself.

Xiao Mo held on to his short dash and waited for Xue Lihong to drag Bao Yuezhi out. When he saw someone chasing him inside, he immediately opened fire.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Hmm!" The ice superpower who was chasing him didn't expect that there would be an ambush outside, and he was caught off guard and was shot several times.

The reaction of the ice bodyguard was not unpleasant. As soon as he was attacked, he made an ice shield and sealed the wound to prevent blood from flowing out.

But while he was busy saving himself, he forgot that there was a murderer waiting for him.

Xue Lihong jumped back on the wall and chopped off the head of the ice-powered bodyguard with one knife.

At this time, there is no distinction between good and evil. If you don't kill, people will kill you. Even Xiao Mo is shooting to protect himself and eliminate the enemy.

The bodyguard with ice powers refuses to rest in peace.

Wang Jinian asked his men to close the conference room door and block it with a table.

"The people inside can't stay. They have already seen us arrest Bao Yuezhi." Xiao Mo said unconsciously. When he finished speaking, he realized what he had said, which shocked him.

But then he thought about it, he couldn't bring more trouble to General Qiu Feng who had been helping them, and he didn't want to be chased by Bao's father after he went out, so silencing him became necessary.

Cheng Zai had already told him that Bao Yuezhi and others' external contact had been severed during the explosion. Now except for him and Ma Xiang, no one else knew that they had contact with Bao Yuezhi.

So as long as those people inside are killed and all Bao Yuezhi's bodyguards are eliminated, with General Qiu, Cheng Zai and Ma Xiang all remaining silent, no one outside will know that they are facing off against Bao Yuezhi. What will happen to Yuezhi will have nothing to do with them.

"Understood, leave it to me!" A trace of surprise flashed in Xue Lihong's eyes. He thought Xiao Mo would hope that fewer people would die, or that he would hand over the people inside to the military.

Of course, even if Xiao Mo really asked for it, he would kill everyone in the conference room. Xue Lihong stepped on Bao Yuezhi and fired at the door with a gun, turning the conference room door into a sieve in an instant.

Xiao Mo pressed his hand on the wall, found the circuit behind the wall, and directly cut off the lighting in the conference room through the wall. He also wanted to try to see if the molecules could destroy the wall or door, trying to make a big hole.

Xue Lihong let him try, but seeing that the door was almost destroyed, he jumped up on the spot and crashed into the sieve door. The door broke and he rolled in.

The lighting inside was destroyed, and darkness and screams came at the same time.

Xiao Mo gave up trying. He found that his energy was consumed quite quickly. I don't know if he used his destructive ability in the wrong way or if he was not proficient enough, which resulted in a huge waste of energy.

He looked at Bao Yuezhi who was lying on the ground. He was motionless. He didn't know whether he was unconscious or dead. Xiao Mo was afraid that he would escape like Chang'e, so he focused half of his attention on him.

Intensive gunshots were heard in the conference room, but the gunshots soon became sporadic.

Xiao Mo didn't try to go in because he couldn't see it. Going in would only add negative effects to Xue Lihong.

None of Wang Jinian's people had special powers, and there were only a few of them. He turned off the power supply again. Xue Lihong, who could see in the dark, could easily kill those few people.

The sound of gunfire disappeared completely. Xue Lihong jumped over the conference table blocking the door and walked out of the open door.

It’s a long story, but actually the whole process adds up to less than three or four minutes.

Xiao Mo held the gun tightly and said quickly: "I didn't see anyone else coming out. There should be no one on the first floor."

Xue Lihong grabbed Bao Yuezhi who was left outside the door, untied the noose, put away the rope, and put the man on his shoulders, "Let's go down. The people below are coming up soon. I heard them running in the safe corridor." Voice."

Xiao Mo repaired the elevator on the right first. The damage was not big and the repair was quick. As soon as the two of them entered the elevator with Bao Yuezhi's body, David rushed up from the safe corridor with a group of mercenaries.

"Uh..." Xiao Mo looked up and glanced at the monitor in the elevator. The lines were different. He didn't destroy this in advance.

Xue Lihong also noticed this omission and looked directly at Xiao Mo expressionlessly.

"You can't blame me for this." Xiao Mo couldn't help but laugh. This person seemed to do things perfectly, but he always made some very childish mistakes.

Xue Lihong continued to glare at his boss, "Don't blame who you blame, now Ma Xiang and the others have evidence that I may have killed Bao Yuezhi."

Xiao Mo leaned close to his ear and tiptoed: "It's okay. When we go back to the front, I will find an opportunity to degauss all their information memories."

Master Xue was satisfied and reached out to rub Xiao Mo's head.

Xiao Mo was angry, "How dare you touch my head with blood on your hands! Don't you know I'm your boss?"

After solving the serious problem of Bao Yuezhi, both of them felt much relieved. All that was left was to clean up the tail and deal with the minions.

"Ding." The elevator door opened.

The two walked into the passage on the fourth floor.

The elevator on the right cannot go down directly to the fifth underground floor. They must go down through the safety passage on the fourth floor.

Xiao Mo did not forget to destroy the elevator again.

"Hey, you guys...who is that on your shoulders?" A mercenary who came out of the laboratory felt that the clothes of the person being carried by Xue Lihong were familiar, and Xue Lihong's face made him feel... strangeness.

Xue Lihong raised her hand, "Bang."

Before the mercenary had time to raise his gun, he was shot in the forehead and fell.

Xiao Mo's eyes narrowed, "We have captured Bao Yuezhi now, and we have Linghu in our hands. Once Colonel Ma Xiang and the others take control, these mercenaries will not be able to rebel even if they want to."

Xue Lihong laughed silently, "Boss, do you know where the experimental subjects on the fifth floor come from? And who is guarding and torturing them?"

Xiao Mo was surprised and disappointed, "You mean those experimental subjects were captured by these mercenaries?"

"Do you expect the Bao family and his son to go to various places to arrest people by themselves? Can they also arrest people with super powers?"

Xiao Mo stopped talking.

Xue Lihong did not laugh at Xiao Mo's idea that "there are many good people in the world". He just said honestly and plainly: "There are good and bad mercenaries. Some act according to their conscience, but some have long since stopped doing anything except for their own interests." You know how conscience and conscience are written. You have never come into contact with field mercenaries. Some of those people will do anything for money, including slaughtering villages and genocide.

The Bao family and his son are not clean in their work. Do they dare to hire mercenaries with good reputations? Do you believe that some mercenaries with good intentions and bad tempers would rather break the contract or kill their masters when they see what they are doing? So the character of the mercenaries they hire can be imagined. "

Seeing Xiao Mo's silence, Xue Lihong continued: "Even if we let these mercenaries go today, do you think they will suddenly realize their enlightenment and become good people? No, they will only get worse. And I guess the Bao family and his son must have some means to control them. The most likely thing is drugs. As for mercenaries who still have humanity, they are likely to use what they care about, such as their family or kindness.

When these people get out alive, there is a high probability that they will still live in the hands of Bao Yiyong. The unlucky ones will be more ordinary people, such as the more than 2,000 survivors in front of them, and the soldiers in Ma Xiang's hands. . Boss, if you don’t want to regret it in the future, you have to be cruel now. "

"What if there are good people among them? You can't deny that this is a possibility." Xiao Mo actually accepted the idea of extinct silence, but he still couldn't help but say this.

"I'm not denying it." The corners of Xue Lihong's mouth curved slightly, but there was no smile in her eyes. "So what? Do you want to let fifty evil people go for one good person? Or do you know who is good and who is bad?"

Xiao Mo was discouraged, he couldn't tell the difference.

Xue Lihong originally planned to search for mercenaries on each floor and kill them all, but now he changed his mind: "Well, if they didn't bump into me, I wouldn't kill them."

Xiao Mo's life experience was completely different from his. It was normal to have these thoughts. He was even happy that the other person had his own thoughts and said them out. He didn't want Xiao Mo to be taught Weiwei Naolao, nor did he want him to become selfish, indifferent or simply ignore him.

One cruel, indifferent and overly rational person is enough in the team. He really doesn't want his boss to become more and more cold-blooded and callous, treating human life as nothing.

He has seen too many such people in his many years of life. These people may live longer than others - like him, they may even live happier than ordinary people. But if you see too many such people, your heart will gradually Became icy cold.

The reason why religions are most prevalent in times of disaster is simply that they can give a glimmer of warmth and hope to cold, numb and desperate people, even if they also have many problems.

And people always need hope to survive. Xue Lihong didn't want him to be infected with a terrible virus one day. He might be able to infect people even if he took a breath, and then a bunch of people would come to chase him. The reason was that it was for the good of most people.

Even if killing him could save the whole world, he was so selfish that he would rather be the only one in the world than trade his own life for it. Besides, with his ability, who can guarantee that he cannot develop an antidote to the virus

No one wants to be killed in the name of justice, not even monsters. Of course, if he is not the one who is being righteous and the one who is killed is not the one he cares about, I promise he will not show mercy.

You see, the so-called justice is just a matter of different stances.

Therefore, his boss only needs to improve his mentality, skills and experience in handling various crises in the future. There is no need to make major changes in other matters. He will be the executioner.

People like Xiao Mo may not be able to save the world, but he will be a partner who makes people trust him. At least he chose such a boss and didn't have to worry about being stabbed in the heart one day by the other party, who would then say sorry to him and say that he had no choice but to do so.

But I am afraid that only he can protect Xiao Mo in such troubled times and all the dangers and troubles brought by the other party. Most people would have already dumped Xiao Mo, right? Well, he is indeed the best employee in the world! Xue Lihong suddenly felt so proud.

Xiao Mo didn't know what Xue Lihong was thinking, and looked uneasy, "You don't need to mind my opinion. If you think your approach is more right, then do what you want. I'm not that fragile. And... ahem, you Know that I don’t want my thoughts and actions to hold you back at all.”

Xue Lihong raised her lips slightly and said, "My back legs are very thick. Boss, you can drag them as you like."

Just as Xiao Mo smiled, Xue Lihong said again: "You don't have to worry about doing something wrong. I said I will wipe your ass."

If it is obviously normal, why does it sound so strange? Is this his imagination

Xiao Mo felt uneasy, not because of Xue Lihong's words, but because he found that he was more inclined to leave alive, but he didn't know how to express his "real" thoughts.

And is this really his "real" thought

Xue Lihong didn't plan to kill anyone himself, but he didn't want to let these mercenaries go. He was stupid and would leave a lot of excuses for himself, but he had already thought of a more suitable executioner.

While the two were talking, they had already left the fourth floor and descended into the bullet-filled passage on the fifth floor.

There was not a single mercenary in the passage. I don't know if they were in the laboratory or if they were all called up by Bao Yuezhi.

Xue Lihong no longer had any intention of killing, and together with Xiao Mo, they headed straight to the water room with the person on their backs.

"Brother Xiao, this way!" Cheng Zai's head emerged from the power distribution room.

When Xiao Mo saw this kid, the corner of his mouth twitched, "I knew you wouldn't be able to help but run down. How did you avoid the monitor?"

Cheng Zai said proudly: "Of course I have my own skills. Brother Xiao, where is my mother? Who is Brother Xue carrying on his shoulders?"

Xiao Mo regretted not asking Cheng Zai how to sneak in here first, so that maybe they wouldn't have to confront Bao Yuezhi and the others like this, but it's too late to say anything now. Besides, the five underground floors are densely covered with monitors, in the research room and in the passage. They can also be divided into different routes. As long as they come into contact with Chang'e, they will be discovered.

Xiao Mo was still thinking about how to answer Cheng Zai's question, but Xue Lihong had already taken the lead: "The person on my shoulder is called Bao Yuezhi. He kidnapped your mother and used her as a test subject day and night. The culprit who tortured her, didn’t treat her as a human being, and conducted various inhumane human experiments on her.”

Cheng Zai's expression stiffened.

Xue Lihong then said with an upright face: "I promise your mother that I will bring her enemy to her and let her deal with it herself."

Cheng Zai's eyes turned blood red, "Brother Xue! Where is my mother? She... she..."

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the water room first."

After entering the water room, Xue Lihong dropped Bao Yuezhi and fired at the ground around the sewer entrance.

When a circular bullet hole circle appeared on the ground, Xue Lihong gave up his dash, took out his saw blade, thrust it into the ground hard, struck one in each direction, and finally pulled out the saw blade and kicked the ground hard with one foot.

"Crash!" The stone fell, and the sewer opening suddenly expanded in a big circle.

"Wait for me here, you two guard the door." Xue Lihong pointed at the door of the water room and jumped down into the sewer.

The few mercenaries who stayed outside heard the gunshots and ran over.

Cheng Zai fired first, and Xiao Mo no longer hesitated. His shooting skills were not good anyway, so he hit wherever he hit.

Xiao Mo shouted outside while firing: "Bao Yuezhi is dead, Linghu has been captured by me, and the grain depot and weapons depot are all under military control. You no longer need to work for Bao Yuezhi!"

The gunfire paused for a moment, and someone shouted back: "Evidence!"

The evidence came, and Colonel Ma Xiang's voice rang out from the broadcasters in the whole building: "People in the back building, listen up, Bao Yuezhi's illegal human experiments on the fifth underground floor have been exposed, and we have obtained evidence. According to the state According to the law, Bao Yuezhi and his accomplice Wang Jinian have been arrested and controlled. Other accomplices, I order you to immediately put down your weapons and surrender, and do not resist, otherwise you will all be killed on the spot!"

The sound of the radio was repeated several times, and the gunshots outside were completely muted.

In fact, there is a slight conflict between the words of Ma Xiang and Xiao Mo. You can tell if you listen carefully. Xiao Mo said that Bao Yuezhi was dead, but Ma Xiang said that he was under control. However, no matter what the point, the fighting spirit of the mercenaries had been dispelled.

David and others, who were running to the fifth underground floor through the safe corridor with the remaining mercenaries, also stopped.

The mercenaries were not too panicked, but they all looked at David, "The military seems to have taken control of the entire base. Even our side has been invaded by them. It must be their fault that the elevator cannot be used. Now even Mr. Bao All… "

David had a headache. "I don't know if something happened to Tou, but he hasn't come up yet. Let's go to the fifth floor underground first to see if Tou is still alive."

The leader of their mercenaries is Linghu, and they are not in the same system as the other group of people under Bao Yuezhi. They used to be... Oh, let alone mention it. One wrong step, one wrong step after another, and they had to be reduced to being killed in the end. To the point where you have to control yourself and have to work hard for the type of people you hated the most before.

In the water room, Xue Lihong came up carrying the angel girl.

Cheng Zai turned around when he heard the voice and was stunned on the spot.

"Do you think this is your mother?" Xue Lihong signaled Xiao Mo to help the angel girl regain her consciousness, and he guarded the door of the water room for the two of them.

Xiao Mo was originally unable to revive people who were anesthetized, but now he has the ability to destroy and can expel the anesthetic ingredients. He also helped Angel Girl repair her body a little. He focused on repairing Angel Girl's brain, hoping that her human side would not be lost yet. disappear.

Who would have thought that this repair would directly cause his energy to drain away like a flood.

But the results are also remarkable. The damaged parts of Angel Girl's brain are gradually being repaired. Xiao Mo didn't move the pineal gland. He was afraid that if he did, the angel girl's powers would disappear.

Cheng Zai walked up to the angel girl, knelt down, took off his coat to cover her body, and hugged the angel girl's upper body.

"Mom..." Cheng Zai's tears fell down. He thought his mother had left City H long ago, but he didn't expect that she was right under his nose, and he was still looking for her everywhere!

The angel girl's body moved.

Xiao Mo was exhausted, so he grabbed the energy crystal to replenish his energy while distractedly reminding him, "She's about to wake up. You'd better let her go. We don't know how much humanity she still has."

Cheng Zai glared at him.

Xiao Mo made an apologetic expression, "She has the angel virus. Although I helped you get rid of it once, it didn't make you immune. If you don't want to trouble me anymore, please let go of your mother and retreat to another place." safe distance."

Xiao Mo grabbed the angel girl's right wing and was ready to use his destructive power to kill her at any time.

Cheng Zai was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to cause any more trouble to Xiao Mo and the others, so he had to let go of the angel girl and retreat a little further.

The angel woman's eyelids trembled.

Xiao Mo shouted to Cheng Zai: "Call her and tell her not to do anything."

Cheng Zai immediately shouted: "Mom, it's me, your son Cheng Zai, Mom, can you hear my voice?"

The angel girl opened her eyes...