The Scavengers

Chapter 72: From October 29th to October 1st


Xiao Mo did not make an immediate decision because he had a strange premonition that as long as he agreed to hand over control of his body, he... might just die.

Die, disappear completely, as if it never existed.

He didn't know why he had such thoughts, but just like humans would be afraid when standing on the edge of a cliff, he now felt the fear of being pushed off the cliff.

Xiao Mo hesitated for two days. He wanted to go find Xue Lihong immediately, but he was afraid that the person in his mind would hear and see everything.

During this period, General Qiu Feng contacted here again, and he was relieved to know that Xiao Mo was well.

Ma Xiang saw that Qiu Feng, the general, cared so much about Xiao Xue and the two of them, and he admired their abilities very much, so he loved them even more as if they were his own.

Cheng Zai was angry and anxious when he learned from General Qiu Feng that his mother had been publicly offered a reward. Only then did he realize what Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong had given up when they gave up killing his mother. Those were three thousand standard alloy particles! If converted into coins in the past, it would be equivalent to three million, but now if you want to exchange three million for three thousand alloy particles, you can't even dream of exchanging it!

Not to mention how grateful and sorry Cheng Zai was to Xiao Xue and Xiao Xue, Chang'e's physical condition here was getting worse and worse as the person said.

On the morning of the third day, Chang'e began to refuse to see her son. Her hair had fallen out, and her scalp and face were rotting and suppurating.

Chang'e calmly begged Xue Lihong to give her a knife.

Xue Lihong asked her to commit suicide.

But Chang'e poked her thick cuticle-covered claws into her chest or temple several times, and then gave up.

"I'm not willing to give in! I'm not willing to give in!" Chang'e yelled crazily in the glass room.

Xiao Mo was not reconciled.

The system has not spoken to him since that day when it punished him. He thought that his relationship with His Majesty the System had probably dropped below freezing point.

He hates the system and wants to have a good relationship with it. He didn't know what the system thought of him, and it probably wasn't going to be pleasant or friendly.

After three days of rapid rectification, the underground base has once again returned to its previous tranquility. No, it should be said that it is much better than before. The indescribable weirdness and obscurity that had previously enveloped the entire base seemed to have dissipated a lot. The most obvious thing was the mental outlook of the soldiers. Each of them seemed happy and their steps were lighter than before.

The military opened the three underground floors of their large building and moved all more than 2,000 survivors inside.

The survivors were all very happy when they saw that the living environment had improved by more than one level. Although most of the sleeping places were conference rooms and training rooms, they were much better than the previous caves. What's more, there are more restrooms here, including bathrooms, and the lighting is better than before. With the before and after comparison, the survivors are very satisfied with such conditions.

The military took the opportunity to vigorously lobby the survivors, using both threats and inducements, so that all those who could work joined the tunnel-digging army.

The rooms of the two great heroes, Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong, were naturally changed to more comfortable guest rooms on the first underground floor of the back building.

This room originally belonged to Wang Jinian. After Wang Jinian died, this room became vacant.

Xiao Mo and Chang E looked at each other silently across the glass wall.

"Is there no hope?" Chang'e's hoarse voice came from the call hole.

Xiao Mo grabbed the corner of his clothes unnaturally, "I'm thinking of a solution, please give me a little more time."

Chang'e made a sound that sounded like crying and laughing, "I can't stand it anymore."

"I... know, one day, no, half a day, give me another half day!" Unable to stay any longer, Xiao Mo turned around and ran out of the laboratory faster.

Five minutes later, Xiao and Xue found their temporary nest.

"Do you think you might have a schizophrenia? Have another personality developed in your brain?" Xue Lihong put down the layout of the back building and repeated to Boss Xiao who came to him for help.

Xiao Mo nodded sadly. He didn't want to admit that he was a psychopath, but the facts told him that maybe he really was mentally ill.

Xue Lihong sat back on the sofa with her long legs draped on the coffee table. The corners of her mouth pulled down as if she was smiling, but she held back, "Well, it's quite serious."

This is one of the best rooms in the base. The decoration and furnishings are similar to those of a third-level hotel, and everything is basically there.

"Xiao Hong!" Xiao Mo nestled in another sofa with a bitter look, "Don't make fun of me, I'm telling you very seriously. Maybe he can hear what I'm telling you now."

"Have you not masturbated for a long time?" The young man said suddenly, and then nodded, "Yes, there is a system monitoring you every day. You must be shameless and would rather endure it."

Xiao Mo was sluggish.

Xue Lihong said casually: "Boss, I suggest you relax properly. If you are embarrassed, I can help you."

"Xiao Hong!" Xiao Mo was really anxious.

"You don't have to shout so hard, I can hear you." The young man reluctantly sat upright. "First of all, split personality and schizophrenia are two different things. Schizophrenia refers to psychological and even neuropathy. The patient's behavior and thoughts will gradually change due to the disease. He cannot control himself. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. The patient has normal intelligence and clear consciousness. The symptoms of the condition are the discovery of another or several non-self-conscious beings. But... "

The young man smiled strangely, "In fact, schizophrenia has not been completely confirmed medically. It is just influenced by film and television novels that make everyone think that this special case must exist."

Xiao Mo was stunned, and his voice instantly became low and depressed, "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

The young man shook his head.

Xiao Mo felt a little better.

"I think you've deceived yourself."

"… What's the meaning?"

"Have you ever heard of autosuggestion?"


"Autosuggestion is also a type of hypnosis, and schizophrenia and hypnosis are two concepts that have not been fully confirmed but are generally recognized. There is also a wonderful connection between the two. If it can be confirmed If hypnosis really exists and is effective, then theoretically, people can use hypnosis to seal their personality and produce a second consciousness, which is also called consciousness infusion.”

Xiao Mo seemed to understand, "Are you saying that I carried out autosuggestion on myself, sealed off or forgotten my true personality, and then through special indoctrination in the later period, I became who I am now?"

Xue Lihong snapped her fingers, "Good understanding, that's what it means."

Xiao Mo's face turned pale, "If this is true, then I am not actually me. The one who asked for control of my body for a night is the real owner of this body?"

"It's also possible that you are the original owner, and the other one is the one who imagined it because you were under too much pressure and wanted to avoid certain responsibilities."

Xiao Mo felt that he was in more pain. He came to ask for help, but he found out that he was the one who occupied the magpie's nest - he was almost sure now. Then should he stop hesitating and be decisive and quickly return control of his body to others? This will not only save Chang E, but also save him from being so embarrassed when he encounters other tasks in the future.

But... he was so unwilling to do so.

Xiao Mo covered his face. He was indeed not a truly kind person. If he was truly a kind person, he should have returned his body to the original owner immediately and achieved a happy situation in which he sacrificed himself to benefit everyone.

"What do you think?" The young man's expression was calm, as if he was just being ordinary, "Are you going to give your body back to another person?"

Xiao Mo didn't know how to answer.

"Dear boss, you have two choices now, stay or give up." The young man's words were simple, but his meaning was extremely cruel.

Xiao Mo raised his face, his voice trembling a little, "You let me make my own choice?"

"Yes, this is your own business. The reason why mental disorders are called disorders is because the patient needs to cross that hurdle by himself. All others can do is influence, and the final decision is yours."

Xiao Mo felt cold. He looked at the young man opposite as if he had met him for the first time. He didn't want to ask this, but he still asked: "If I choose to give up, do you agree?"

The young man did not answer this question, but asked him in reverse: "If everyone else wants you to give up who you are now, will you give up?"

… meeting. Xiao Mo didn't speak, but the answer was already given in his heart.

An existence that is not expected, and one feels very tired, self-exile is almost a certain outcome.

"If he is so powerful and excellent, why was I created?" Xiao Mo didn't know that he had expressed his doubts or complaints.

At this time, he really looked like a mental patient. While muttering to himself, he nervously picked the skin of his index finger with his thumb nail.

His fingers were soon pricked and bleeding, but he seemed unaware.

Xue Lihong put away her long legs and sat upright, staring at the man opposite her almost unblinkingly.

"What do you think is the reason?" Xue Lihong took out an injection from her backpack, stood up, walked over, walked behind the man, opened his collar, found a blood vessel, and inserted the needle.

The man's body stiffened, and after a moment his eyes became confused. As his eyelids drooped, his body slowly began to relax.

Xue Lihong put away the needle, moved her big hand up his collarbone, and gently pressed on the back of his head with one hand.

Xiao Mo's body became softer and he let out a slight moan. It was so comfortable. The fingers of the young man behind him seemed to have magic power. As he pressed, waves of numbness emerged from the body.

"What is your biggest regret?"

"The thing I regret the most..." the man repeated like a child learning to talk, and then showed a casual smile, "there are many."


"I almost killed Xiao Wen."

Xue Lihong's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect it to be so exciting from the beginning.

"Oh? Why?" His fingers ran through his hair, looking for suitable acupuncture points.

Xiao Mo felt so comfortable that he wanted to sleep, and replied in a low voice: "Because he stole my first love, and made her pregnant before marriage, forcing her to marry him."

force? Not necessarily? At most, it is to marry one's son. But Xue Lihong wisely did not argue with the man.

"Why did you almost kill him? What did you do to Xiao Wen?"

Xiao Mo was lost in thought, his expression seemed to be reminiscing, "That day when he got off the night shift, I heard him and Sister An Jie arguing in the alley. After listening a little bit, I found out that Sister An Jie was pregnant. They seemed to be discussing marriage. But Sister Anjie left crying in the end."

"Then what?"

"Then... I thought he didn't want to marry Anjie. I was crazy at the time. I don't know whether I was more jealous or angry. Anyway, when I rushed out and calmed down again, my brother, that big idiot, had already fallen to the ground. I hit him on the back of the head with the bricks I used to build flowerbeds in front of my house." Xiao Mo didn't seem to feel much guilt when telling this description, and he even laughed a little.

Xue Lihong was sensitive to this change in him, and the other party's name for Deng Anjie also changed.

"Fortunately, that idiot is alive. I sent him to the hospital. The doctor said he just had a concussion and would be fine if he rested for a few days without any sequelae. But that idiot didn't even know that I shot him with a brick. He thought he was being robbed. ”

Xue Lihong, "You never told him the truth?"

"Why tell him? Let him know that his brother almost killed him for a woman? What will happen to our brothers in the future?"

Xiao Mo's voice was ferocious, but Xue Lihong could hear deep regret in it. I think this man regretted it after hitting his brother with a brick, so he sent him to the hospital so quickly. At that time, he probably didn't want to evade responsibility, but his brother didn't realize that his brother had done something to him. After finding out the secret, he just covered up the matter.

"Did you think it would be better if you weren't so impulsive?"

To the young man's expectation, Xiao Mo replied with a smile: "No, I regret not patting him more and killing him directly."

Xue Lihong's movements didn't pause at all, and she still massaged the man's head with the original frequency.

"In this way, Deng Anjie will most likely belong to me. I can use the excuse that the child in her belly is my brother's posthumous child, marry her, or force her to give birth to that child. As long as Deng Anjie... I can let her be responsible for my brother and my family If she feels guilty, she will definitely agree, even if she is infamy."

"But your brother didn't die, and they got married successfully, so you went abroad?"

"Yes, life is unpredictable." The man closed his eyes and sighed.

"You have encountered a lot of things after going abroad, right? With your excellence, you definitely don't want to just serve dishes in a restaurant, or work part-time in a small factory. You also don't want others to look down on you. You hope to be able to make great achievements abroad. A career can make your family proud of you and make Anjie Deng regret it, right?"

"All men think like this."

"You're right, any man with a backbone will work hard. So what did you do abroad? Did you encounter anything there that made you regret so much that you longed to change the outcome?"

"… Um."

"What's up?"

The man's eyelids trembled, and his expression suddenly became a little struggling, "...many people died. Third brother, Chang Dao, Terry... and Selina... I didn't expect them to be so vengeful, I..."

"Bang bang! Brother Xiao, Brother Xue, are you there? I have something urgent to come to you! Please open the door."

Xiao Mo's expression froze and his body suddenly began to tremble violently.

Xue Lihong held his shoulders, grabbed a needle from her backpack again, and quickly plunged it into his neck.

The liquid flowed into the body, and Xiao Mo watched his muscles slowly relax, and this time he passed out.

Xue Lihong cursed lowly, put away the syringe, put Xiao Mo away and walked to the door to open the door.

"Is something wrong?" The door opened, and anyone could see how ugly the young man's face looked at this time.

But Cheng Zai outside didn't care about his expression at this time, and said hurriedly: "Where is Brother Xiao? Is he here?"

"What's the matter first? Your mother is going to die?"

Xue Lihong's words were unpleasant to hear, but Cheng Zai didn't mind at all and just begged in a low voice: "No, it's not my mother. Brother Xue, I'm sorry, I really can't help it. Major General Zhang Hua is dying!" The doctors said he would not survive today. Brother Xue, I know this is too much to ask, but Major General Zhang Hua is really a good man. He could have evacuated first, but for the sake of the remaining people and soldiers, he voluntarily stayed until the end. The reason for being injured is to save others. Brother Xue, please let Brother Xiao save him!"

Cheng Zai looked like he was about to kneel down in front of Xue Lihong.

This kid is very smart. He actually knows that if he wants Xiao Mo to save people, he must first pass him. But even if he had good eyesight, he couldn't let this kid achieve his goal so easily.

Xue Lihong grabbed Cheng Zai's collar and pulled him into the room. She reached out and pointed at Xiao Mo, who was lying unconscious on the sofa, and said coldly: "You know that Xiao Mo goes to treat your mother every day, right? Look at him like this, do you think he can save people again?"

Cheng Zai opened his mouth wide, his eyes turned red, and he was instantly overwhelmed by guilt and guilt.

Xue Lihong didn't have the consciousness of bullying a good boy at all. She left him and walked to the sofa to carry Xiao Mo to the bed. "Just wait. If he wakes up in the afternoon, he will take the initiative to save him without your pleading." people."

Cheng Zai was extremely uneasy, "Brother Xue, is there anything I can do to help? Does Brother Xiao need nutritious food? Does he need glucose and nutrient solution? I can..."

"You want to help?" Xue Lihong turned her head.

"Yes! You said, as long as I can help..."

"I do need your help with a small matter, and you can definitely help." Xue Li grabbed the layout plan of the back building that he had thrown aside and spread it out in front of Cheng Zai.