The Scavengers

Chapter 73: On the afternoon of January 1st


Xiao Mo was lying on the bed, pressing the quilt with his hands, looking at the top of the wall in a daze.

The mattress sank, and the young man climbed up from the end of the bed and lay next to him, supporting his head with one hand and looking sideways at him.

Xiao Mo's eyes slowly turned towards the young man. His voice was very dry: "... That's not my memory. I don't have that kind of memory, so..." I am a real fake, a created second personality.

Although he had already made a conclusion, he had been somewhat lucky before, but the sudden addition of memories and feelings that did not belong to him made it impossible for him to deceive himself any longer.

"Am I... going to be killed? Like those protagonists with split personalities in movies, killing what shouldn't exist and leaving only one?"

"What about you? Have you made your decision? Do you want to be killed or kill someone?" Xue Lihong finally spoke.

Xiao Mo closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and got up, "I'm going to see Ms. Chang. I promised to see her in the afternoon."

Xue Lihong didn't force him for an answer, and jumped out of bed, "Chang'e, don't be in a hurry, you go and see Major General Zhang Hua first. Most of his lungs have been necrotic, and now he relies entirely on a ventilator to maintain his life. There's no way to do a partial lung resection here."

Xiao Mo didn't hesitate at all and followed Xue Lihong to help Major General Zhang Hua.

There were no doctors at the scene, only Cheng Zai, Ma Xiang, and two guards of Major General Zhang Hua.

Xiao Mo was silent throughout the whole process, without deliberately delaying or playing any tricks. It only took ten minutes to give Major General Zhang Hua a new, healthy lung.

When Major General Zhang woke up, Ma Xiang realized the real reason why General Qiu valued Xiao Mo so much - not because Xiao Mo could heal himself, but because he had a more valuable ability to save people!

There are many kinds of superpowers that have appeared so far. I heard that some people can heal themselves, but the only one with real healing ability is this precious pimple in front of me.

Ma Xiang and Major General Zhang Hua, who woke up and found out what had happened, stared at Xiao Mo with terrifyingly fiery eyes. Ma Xiang's enthusiasm for Xiao Mo was beyond the sky. This elegant technical lieutenant colonel had probably never been so enthusiastic towards anyone in his life. .

Cheng Zai was grateful and apologetic to Xiao Mo. To be honest, if Xiao Mo said he liked him at this moment, he would really be willing to lie down and let him be dealt with.

Major General Zhang Hua directly set out the recruitment conditions, completely ignoring what kind of angry reaction Qiu Feng would have.

Xiao Mo smiled, and after recovering part of his physical strength with the energy crystal in his hand, he said he wanted to treat Chang E.

Of course Zhang Hua and others wouldn't stop him. Seeing that Xiao Mo didn't talk much, they thought he was shy. Cheng Zai thought that Brother Xiao was tired, so he took out a large bag of high-calorie food and nutritional supplements and stuffed them into Xiao Mo's arms.

Xiao Mo pushed it twice but didn't push it away, so he had to accept the thing and handed it to Xue Lihong.

Xue Lihong waited for Xiao Mo to walk out of the ward and said to the five people in the room: "I think you should understand the danger of Xiao Mo's ability being exposed. If he is snatched away or killed directly, then everyone will be missing. A life-saving means.”

"Don't worry, there are no fools here." Major General Zhang Hua said seriously.

Xue Lihong walked to the door and turned around: "What are you going to do with those mercenaries and security guards?"

Major General Zhang Hua was still unclear about this matter. The person responsible for answering was Ma Xiang, "The security guards are easy to talk to. They will follow us in the future."

To put it nicely, they are actually equivalent to semi-imprisoned workers. At least until Bao Yiyong's downfall, these security guards will not be able to break away from Ma Xiang's control.

Ma Xiang continued to add: "The problem is those mercenaries. Some of their family members are still in the hands of Bao Yiyong. Our solution to this is to make them, like Bao Yuezhi, a 'missing person' until Bao Yiyong is arrested." .”

"Arrest?" Xue Lihong didn't believe that someone like Bao Yiyong would stay at home or in the research institute and wait for someone to arrest him. She was afraid that if there was any slight disturbance, he would disappear without a trace.

Ma Xiang smiled bitterly, "We have packaged the information about Bao Yiyong and his son, as well as the situation in the laboratory, and sent it to the capital. However, Bao Yiyong has a deep foundation and a righteous name. Even if the evidence is conclusive, he only needs to push everything aside. When it comes to his missing son, others might even sympathize with him."

Xue Lihong didn't expect the official to deal with this person quickly. He planned to personally solve this hidden danger and threat. He always believed in the rules of the game that the grass must be eradicated. It would be fine if what Bao Yuezhi left behind was just a young child, but what he left behind was a father in the prime of life, who still had a higher social status, more ability, more experience than him, and had a rotten heart, liver, and lungs. You old scoundrel, it will be a disaster for people like this to stay for one more day.

Cheng Zai couldn't sit still after Xiao Mo said he wanted to treat his mother, and ran out behind Xue Lihong.

Xue Lihong was stunned for a moment when she didn't see Xiao Mo when she came out of the ward. He thought Xiao Mo would be waiting for him outside.

Cheng Zai opened his mouth and said, "Huh? Where's Brother Xiao? Is he leaving first?"

The soldier standing guard outside saluted the two men and kindly told them: "Brother Xiao should have gone to the back building. I saw he entered the elevator."

Most of these soldiers didn't know what Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong did, but Cheng Zai and Ma Xiang said a lot of good things to them, and with the current changes in the base, they could more or less guess the domineering guys in the back building. If the hidden dangers in the base can be solved, these two people should have made great efforts.

"Thank you." Xue Lihong quickened her pace.

On the fifth floor of the back building, Xue Lihong was blocked by the closed door at the entrance of the laboratory at the end of the corridor.

Xue Lihong scratched her temples, as if she had lost her temper? Has his boss given up on himself

Because there is the pathogen Chang'e inside, there are soldiers standing guard at the door.

"Has our boss already entered?" Xue Lihong asked them for confirmation.

One of the soldiers nodded. They are only responsible for guarding and do not have the authority to open the door.

Cheng Zai knocked on the door stupidly, "Brother Xiao, it's me, are you in there?"

The two soldiers standing guard looked at them a little strangely. If they didn't know these two people and knew their identities and the relationship between them, they would definitely have arrested them as suspects.

The door lock of this laboratory has been repaired by Xiao Mo a long time ago. It is also the fingerprint iris verification lock that thieves hate most. Unless it can be completely destroyed like Xiao Mo, it will be locked from the inside.

It stands to reason that Xue Lihong and Cheng Zai's fingerprints and irises have been entered into the lock's recognition program, but they both tried it just now and all received error messages.

At present, the only one in the base who can do this, apart from the two outside the door, is Boss Xiao inside.

It's not that Xue Lihong can't open the damaged door lock, but it takes a while.

Five minutes later, the laboratory door was finally opened.

In the laboratory.

Xue Lihong and Cheng Zai have been in for a while.

Xiao Mo was inside the glass wall with Chang E.

Xiao Mo sat on the chair and Chang'e lay on the simple bed.

Xue Lihong walked around to the other side of the glass wall and saw Xiao Mo holding Chang'e's hand tightly, his eyes closed and beads of sweat on his forehead.

Cheng Zai lay tightly on the wall, staring at the changes in his mother inside. He really wanted to ask Xiao Mo why he didn't open the door, but now he didn't even dare to breathe louder.

At this time, anyone can see that the treatment inside has reached its most critical moment!

Chang'e's body is recovering visibly.

Not fast, but the change is very noticeable.

Chang'e's feathered wings grew feathers again, but they were no longer snow-white, but white mixed with black and yellow.

The skin and flesh on her body also grew little by little, and her bald scalp was particularly conspicuous.

This treatment of destruction and repair lasted a full two hours.

At the end, Xiao Mo collapsed directly on the chair.

Cheng Zai's condition was not much better. He cried and laughed, and sat on the ground feeling completely empty.

Xue Lihong pressed the switch on the glass wall, went inside and took out Xiao Mo, who was too tired to even absorb the power of the energy crystal.

Xiao Mo was unable to refuse, his hands resting softly on his sides.

This was a restoration that exceeded the limits of his abilities.

The system, which hadn't spoken to him for three days, warned him several times during the repair process, asking him to immediately stop outputting abilities, but he didn't listen.

His Majesty the System's warnings became more severe each time, and he did not respond even one word to His Majesty the System until the end.

Xiao Mo felt that his head hurt, very much, and the pain between his eyebrows felt like it was going to explode. He wanted to cut open his head, dig out the piece of mutant that caused the pain, and throw it away!

"Your stupid behavior is self-destruction." The system's voice was as cold as ever, "Or is this your revenge before handing over your body?"

Xiao Mo was not surprised that the system knew about the dual personality. After all, it stared at his every word and deed every day. It should have heard all the discussions between Xue Lihong and him.

"Why don't you answer me? Is this... what humans often call anger?"

Xiao Mo cleared his mind and didn't think about anything.

The door to the laboratory opened, and the two soldiers guarding it saw Xue Lihong walking out with Xiao Mo in her arms, and then heard Cheng Zai's joyful shouts inside.

Xue Lihong didn't care about the mother and son. The most important thing now was his boss.

When entering the elevator, Xiao Mo suddenly said: "Can you stay with me until the last moment?"

Xue Lihong lowered her head, "Did you agree to his condition?"

"He is better than me. I can't do anything about Ms. Chang's body that has mutated many times. But as soon as he joined in, the virus was successfully expelled and Ms. Chang's body was repaired to its best condition. He is more suitable than me... and If you form a team to fight monsters, I will only hold you back."

"Are you feeling sorry for yourself?"

"... No, I just bravely told the truth, and I bravely said goodbye to you. I hope you can pay even a little respect to my current bravery instead of just laughing at me."

Xiao Mo's expression was extremely serious, if you ignore that his eyes were already red.

"Also, there is something very important that I hope you can know, that is: thank you, you are the best partner and the best brother. Without you, I would have died several times. I hope you can Know how grateful I am to you, if I were a woman, if you could like my color, I would repay you with myself. I mean it!"

Xue Lihong suddenly realized that no expression or words he said were suitable at this time. He should laugh at his boss in a playful tone, but!

Looking at the man who said goodbye to him sincerely and expressed his gratitude to him, he suddenly couldn't bear it anymore.

After Xiao Mo finished saying what he wanted to say, he fell silent again.

Stepping out of the elevator, Xue Lihong quickened her pace.

The door to the temporary home was opened, and the young man closed the door with his heels. He walked to the bed and threw the person in his arms onto the bed.

Xiao Mo was a little shocked. He wanted to sit up, but his tired body made his movements slower countless times.

Before Xiao Mo sat up, Xue Lihong stepped onto the bed with her shoes on and held him down.

"Boss, you just said you are very grateful to me, so grateful that you are willing to use your own body to repay me, right?"

"I mean if I were..."

"But you are obviously a man, so your gratitude is all fake, and what you just said are all deceiving me?"

"of course not!"

"Then prove it to me. Let me know how grateful you are to me. Don't just talk about it. Anyone can say such beautiful words."

"I… "

"You are going to disappear tonight. Will you have a chance to come out in the future? I think that after today, I probably won't be able to receive your gratitude. And that person's ability is destruction? Then I will probably be able to come out in the future. I can’t maintain my adult body anymore? So don’t tell any more jokes about turning into a woman to satisfy me.”

Xiao Mo saw the coldness and anger in the young man's eyes and panicked, "I, I have thought about your situation. You see, I can use that person's destructive ability now. Even if I disappear, the other person should be able to use it. My repair ability. As long as that person's IQ is not lower than mine, he will naturally help you. You are the best helper. He cannot leave you in the state of a child."

"Then you plan to let the other party honor your gratitude to me?" The young man's voice became even colder.

Xiao Mo's heart has been throbbing slightly since he made the decision. Now he feels that his heart hurts as if it is being strangled, and even the severe pain between his eyebrows has been suppressed.

"Forget it, if you don't want to, just say it. There's no need to act like you're reluctant, and there's no need to say anything more grateful to me. I hate people who lie." The young man seemed to be really fed up, and he turned over and got off Xiao Mo.

The young man's arm was grabbed.

The hand that grabbed him was shaking slightly, but it was strong.

Xiao Mo exhausted all his strength.

When he grabbed the young man's arm, he thought: I am going to disappear. From now on, no one will remember me, and everyone will only feel that the past me is back. And that person is so good, maybe Xiaohong will feel that that person is better than me before long, and that it is not a bad thing if I disappear.

So, what did he leave behind when he came to this world

He helped some people and saved some people, but those people would only be grateful to him in the future.

Xiaohong wanted him, why didn't she agree? Even the other one was attracted to Xiaohong, but now Xiaohong only wanted him.

What Xue Lihong wants is me, me now!

If there is anything that can prove that I have been here, at least I still have Xiaohong’s memories

Xiao Mo looked at the young man with wide eyes, let go, slowly unbuttoned his shirt, and unbuttoned his belt...

This was not an act of repayment. He was not so noble, and Xiaohong was not so despicable. This is just... well, this is his nostalgia for this partner. He hopes to leave traces in the other person's memory and heart, even if he has to use this method that he would never choose before.

This isn't a revenge for the guy's longing for Little Red... well, maybe a little.

No matter what the reason was, Xiao Mo suddenly was no longer afraid or anxious. He began to look forward to this behavior that would have made him sick before.

Ha, it seems like he has never indulged himself so much.

Xue Lihong raised her eyebrows, crossed her hands to pull up the T-shirt, took it off neatly, and threw it away.

Then, the young man grabbed Xiao Mo's waistband, opened his zipper, patted his buttocks, and motioned for him to lift up slightly.

Xiao Mo raised his waist.

The young man grabbed his pants and took them off along with his underwear.

When the young man pressed down with his naked upper body, when the two people's skin touched each other without any obstruction, Xiao Mo regretted it again. He wanted to push the young man away, and wanted to end this absurdity that started from nowhere. farce.

However, the young man did not give him a chance to retreat this time. He pulled him into a madness that he had never experienced before and made him collapse and lose control several times...