The Scavengers

Chapter 78: Continue on the 15th


Compared to the zombies appearing in this closed base, the mystery of the 07 organization is nothing.

At least the secrets of Organization 07 can be investigated in the future, but if they don't eliminate all the living dead virus carriers in the base first, then they will have no future.

Cheng Zai didn't want to follow him to study the damaged base vehicle, but rushed to inform the upper management of the base of the news. While running, he suddenly thought of something. There was no wireless network in the base, let alone a mobile signal. So how did Xue Lihong's computer connect to the outside network

Cheng Zai put this question deep in his mind for the time being. Brother Xue and Brother Xiao had too many secrets. Maybe what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg

Thinking that he might have to hang out with these two in the future, Cheng Zai finally had some expectations for his life after retirement.

Xiao Mo has a map of the mission target provided by the system. It is not difficult to find the carriers of the living dead virus among thousands of people. However, before knowing the identities of those people, Xiao Mo cannot directly rush in front of them and kill them directly. Kill each other.

Xue Lihong first issued the task and asked Cheng Zai to reveal the matter to the base's senior officials, who would then be responsible for investigating and isolating the suspects. In this way, it becomes justifiable for them to look for the target and take action. Although doing so may alarm the target and the breeders here, it is better than having to explain hard after they take action.

According to the information provided by the system, these virus carriers will not be completely transformed into the living dead before the mission time limit is reached. However, once the time limit is reached, as long as any somatic cells of any target still exist, the living dead virus is likely to spread. - Just burying it is not enough, it must be burned. No one knows whether insects such as rats and ants will mutate after eating the corpse.

"Xiao Hong! One more target has been added!" Xiao Mo, who was checking the target location on the map in his mind, shouted in surprise.

Xue Lihong had already opened the car door and was checking the damage inside the car. After hearing this, she exited the car and said, "You read that right?"

"No! When I looked at it before, there were only two, but now it's three." After Xiao Mo finished speaking, he directly asked the system: "Your Majesty, didn't you say that the time limit has not been reached, and those carriers of the living dead virus are carrying Isn’t the virus contagious? What’s going on now?”

He was frantically checking his system: "Think for yourself."

Xiao Mo choked. In fact, he had already guessed the answer, but he didn't expect the system to reply to him like this.

Looking at Xiao Mo's expression, Xue Lihong knew that his boss had suffered a loss from the proud system again, "This should be the same reason why the living dead virus suddenly appeared. The breeder probably felt that only two virus carriers were not enough. Insurance, so I plan to get a few more, or the task he received requires him to get a few more virus carriers."

"So we not only need to find the carrier of the living dead virus, but also the breeder?"

"If the other party insists on completing this task, even if we temporarily eliminate all virus carriers, he can still continue to create new virus carriers. Fortunately, this is a closed space, and the surviving population is only 3,000 people. arrive."

The implication of Xue Lihong's words made people tremble. Indeed, if they can kill everyone here, then it doesn't matter how well the breeder's identity is hidden.

But would Xiao Mo kill nearly 3,000 people in the entire base for a breeder or to save his own life

"We will definitely find him." Xiao Mo gritted his teeth and turned to look at the young man flatteringly, "Xiaohong, you just issued the mission to ask Cheng Zai to find Major General Zhang Hua and the others to force the breeder to reveal his flaws, right? As long as he If you panic or try to do something with this, there will definitely be traces left, and then we can more easily find out who it is, right?"

Xue Lihong looked at his destined chariot with great regret, and touched the body of the car with pity, "Baby, your mother insists on being a hero. If you want to regain your glory, you will have to wait for a while."

After saying that, he kissed the roof of the car.

"Let's go, hero, let's kill the villain first."

Xiao Mo was relieved when he saw that Xue Lihong agreed to go with him to find the breeder first - he was really afraid that Xue Lihong would say that he would rather kill by mistake than let go, and then call the military to join in a full-scale massacre.

And Major General Zhang Hua and the others might actually agree to Xiao Hong's proposal, not because of cruelty, but because of dedication. For the sake of more humans outside, they will never find a breeder who will spread the living dead virus anyway. Under such circumstances, Major General Zhang Hua and the soldiers are really likely to seal off the entire base and choose to self-destruct the base to prevent the living dead virus and breeders from escaping.

After turning around and walking a few steps, Xiao Mo suddenly realized, what did his Xiaohong say to that broken car just now

"If I repair it, I will be its father after all, right?" Boss Xiao said weakly.

"Oh, Dad, how are you going to find the breeder?"

Xiao Mo, who likes to be the father of an employee: "... Well, first find the three living dead virus carriers as quickly as possible and detain them, then ask them to find out if they know someone in common, and then investigate based on the contact time , to see if we can narrow the circle of suspicion. Secondly, make it look like they have been killed to induce the breeders to take action again."

Xiao Mo paused for a moment. He didn't know how many viruses the breeders needed to spread to complete the task. If there were only three, whether they captured or killed the three virus carriers, they would ask the breeders to find others to supplement. The number is equivalent to sacrificing a few more innocent people. When he didn't know whether he could get rid of the living dead virus, what happened to those people...

Xiao Mo patiently finished his thoughts: "As soon as he makes a move, I can detect where he moved his hand on the mission map. Finally, combined with the surveillance video kept in the base, if I'm lucky, I might be able to Find the virus spreader before the time limit for the virus outbreak."

Xue Lihong listened carefully. Xiao Mo was very smart, but he rarely showed it. "The three steps are good, but the second step of pretending to kill may not work. You have a system, and the breeders also have a system, and The system can provide a target map, and you can see at a glance whether the mission target is dead or alive and how many are left."

"Then there's only one stupid way." Xiao Mo waited for Xue Lihong to come out, closed the warehouse door, and said: "I have memorized the place where the third carrier first appeared just now, including the time of appearance. I hope that area The surveillance is still maintained, so we can ask Cheng Zai to investigate the people who had contact with the third carrier in that area and at that time."

"Then let's leave the three carriers alone and go find Cheng Zaidiao to watch the video."


When the two of them got into the elevator, Xiao Mo licked his lips and said sheepishly: "Um... you didn't seem to have finished speaking before. You said that you lived with someone for a long time twice. What happened the second time? ?”

Xue Lihong looked at the elevator door and said, "I don't want to talk anymore."

"Xiaohong..." Xiao Mo protracted his tone slightly, feeling helpless and apologetic.

Xue Lihong turned to look at him, "You really want to know?"

Xiao Mo actually didn't particularly want to know. He never liked hearing about other people's tragedies, but before he opened his mouth, he suddenly had a premonition of extreme danger. This was the deep-seated genetic code of unarmed humans when facing prehistoric beasts. dangerous intuition.

He felt that if he dared to tell Xiaohong at this time that he didn't really want to know about his past, and it didn't matter whether he listened or not, he would be tortured to death by the young man in front of him. In view of the premonition that the appearance and method of death would be too miserable. , Xiao Mo nodded very vigorously, and said in a more serious tone: "I want to, I really want to know."

The young man raised his eyelids and said, "Then please beg me."

Xiao Mo: "..."

The young man stretched out his hand, slid his palm under the hem of his clothes, and took the initiative to approach him. While stroking the smooth and dry skin of his lower back, he whispered into his ear: "Don't you know how to ask for help? When you go back to your room in the evening, I will teach you. you."

Boss Xiao shuddered. He was already trying to forget the episode that happened half a month ago, but his little long-term worker didn't agree with his ideas. Several times he felt that the other party obviously wanted to have sex with him again.

Xiao Mo has a big head, and he doesn't know why his life suddenly became so complicated. Not only did he have to survive in troubled times, he also had the special ability to carry out crimes, and he also had a system in his mind that was more malicious than good. When he finally accepted the system and his abilities and was secretly proud of it, he suddenly discovered that there was still a version of himself living in his body, and it was 100% original and he was a later product.

If these are the pains that he is forced to endure, then sleeping with his friend because of his stupidity is the trouble he brought upon himself.

Suddenly I feel like I understand a little bit why the original goods are escaping from themselves to the point of getting him out. If the things that the original goods encountered back then were more complicated and worse than what he encounters now, everyone would want to escape, right

For example, he is now secretly thinking about returning his body to the original product, and then he won't have to worry about anything as soon as he closes his eyes.

Of course, this suicidal idea is only temporary. Thinking about it carefully, he still has a lot of nostalgia for this life, at least for now.

On one side, Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong asked Cheng Zai to check the surveillance content. On the other side, there was a little commotion in the temporary cell where Ban Hu and other mercenary security guards and researchers were imprisoned.

A total of four people, two security guards, a mercenary, and a researcher, suddenly fell into a coma and began to develop symptoms of high fever shortly after eating the delivered lunch.

Due to the limited manpower of the guards, Linghu and others were roughly divided into three rooms and imprisoned, and the personnel were all dispersed. This could prevent them from connecting in series to a certain extent, and also allowed them to supervise each other.

In the room where Linghu was, two people were unconscious. As soon as he saw the person falling, he immediately ordered the others to disperse and went forward to check on the two people alone.

David watched anxiously from behind and kept asking: "Captain, are they poisoned, or have they been infected with some virus?" After staying in the research room every day, and seeing too much, he will naturally focus on virus infection. guess.

Although all relevant research rooms in the back building are currently closed, no one can guarantee that there will be absolutely no virus leaks due to the previous gun battles and chaos, and even David and the others do not know how many extremely contagious viruses are stored in those research rooms. Sexual virus.

Linghu didn't answer David. He felt a little dizzy, but he endured the discomfort and ran to the door to call to the guard.

At this time, the soldiers outside the door had received the news, and there were also people in the other two rooms who were unconscious.

"Wait! We've called the doctor. He'll be here soon." The soldier asked the three researchers in the confinement room separately, asking them who knew how to treat patients and save people, and asked them to come out first to help.

Two researchers raised their hands and indicated that they had some medical experience.

The soldier asked the two researchers to come out and check on the unconscious man.

Xiao Mo was also running this way at this time. He only saw a third of the surveillance video when he discovered that there were six more living dead virus carriers. That’s okay! He couldn't care about anything at the moment, and even forgot about the fact that he knew about the virus carrier, so he ran away.

Fortunately, there were only three of them in the room at that time, and fortunately Xue Lihong caught him in time.

When Xue Lihong asked about the situation, she forced him to wait.

Cheng Zai saw something strange about Xiao Mo, but he said nothing and made a zipper gesture to Xue Lihong with his lips.

After receiving Cheng Zai's report, the base's top management launched an investigation as quickly as possible in the base. Although the system did not say what characteristics carriers of the living dead virus would have, when the body is infected with the virus, one of the common symptoms is usually fever, because it represents the human body. The white blood cells are fighting hard. The base's investigation method is to check whether anyone has symptoms of illness, and if anything is found to be wrong, they will be taken away and quarantined immediately.

Sure enough, news came not long after that several people were found unconscious due to high fever, and at the same time, news came from the confinement room that four people were unconscious at the same time.

Xiao Mo, one of the current doctors at the base, came here first as an excuse to check on the situation.

After figuring out the situation here, Xiao Mo, who had great hope, immediately became extremely frustrated.

"The problem is probably with the sliced steamed buns for lunch. All other foods are punched out in the same vat. Only the sliced steamed buns are cut and portioned at the beginning of the kitchen. Damn it! I thought direct contact was necessary to spread the virus. , it turns out that the breeder does not need to come into direct contact with a person at all, and the carrier he chooses is completely random, so it will be difficult to find him now!"

Xue Lihong had already thought of this, but he did not say it to attack his boss, but encouraged him in a calm tone: "Don't worry, we will find him. The more he does, the more traces he will leave. "

Xiao Mo rubbed his face hard to encourage himself, and then he and Xue Lihong moved the four unconscious people out of the confinement room and moved them to another separate closed room.

Da Bing wanted to help, but Xiao Mo politely refused.

"It is still unclear why the patient was unconscious. It is best for everyone not to touch them."

"Understood, you should also be careful!" The soldier saluted the two men and backed away.

Linghu was also one of the people who offered to help and was declined, but he did not give up because of this. Instead, he called Xiao Mo's name again and motioned for him to come over.

Xiao Mo turned to look at Linghu, hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

Xue Lihong looked over there.

The soldiers also took up the short charge.

Linghu felt quite complicated about Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong.

He was not a fool. If he didn't understand that the other party didn't mean to kill him when he was hit in the waist the first time, when he woke up from the cesspit the second time and found that he was still alive, he would know that the other party obviously wanted to let him go. Although the fact that the other party threw him into the cesspit made him speechless, it was nothing compared to the grace of survival. If the other party wanted to kill him, he could just fill his mouth and nose into the cesspit, but he woke up. When he came over, he had a long tube in his mouth and his face was floating above it.

He thought that these two people probably saved his life because he once pulled them in the elevator of that hospital, but he didn't take it to heart at all at the time, and he just did it casually. And with the skills of those two people, even without his help at that time, they would 100% get out of trouble smoothly.


Therefore, Linghu showed an extremely cooperative attitude towards the "cooperation" matter proposed by Lieutenant Colonel Ma Xiang. He would not take the initiative to betray the Bao family and his son, but he would never reveal any information about Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong to Bao Yiyong after he left.

But now maybe he no longer needs to think about who to betray and who to protect, because he may also be infected by some unknown virus.

Is this retribution for his help

Linghu waited for Xiao Mo to come to the door, then lowered his voice and said, "I seem to have been tricked too. Let me help you, or please lock me in a room alone."

Xiao Mo was inquiring about the system, and it was already clear that Linghu was one of the six people who had been recruited, but he couldn't directly state that he knew, so he had to deliberately lower his head to look at the waist covered by his hand, and said, "Is it inflammation from the gunshot wound?"

Linghu shook his head, "It can't be such a coincidence. I only felt something was wrong after lunch."

"You are not unconscious." Xiao Mo already knew that all the carriers found so far were suffering from high fever and were in coma, but there were also three fish that slipped through the net. Linghu jumped out on his own initiative, but there were still two people missing.

Linghu chuckled, "Maybe because I am a superpower, I have stronger resistance?"

Xiao Mo thought. Could it be that the other two carriers who were not unconscious were also superpowers? He knew the other carrier was in the next room, but he held himself back.

After hearing Xiao Mo's instructions and guarantee, the soldiers opened the door and let Linghu out.

Linghu also took the initiative to walk into the isolation room with the four comatose people.

"It just so happens that I can take care of them here."

"Thank you, please... try to hold on!" Xiao Mo already had a good impression of Linghu, but now he felt a little more pity for this person.

Linghu nodded and sat down by the wall.

Xiao Mo continued to pretend to be a doctor and found another carrier.

After the researcher who thought he had escaped death was "diagnosed" by Xiao Mo and was also infected by a certain virus, he was completely devoid of Linghu's calmness and initiative. Not only did he yell, but he also resisted desperately and refused to go to the isolation room. .

Xiao Mo was still planning to reason with him, but Xue Lihong hit him and knocked him unconscious with one palm, and then dragged him into the isolation room like a dead dog.

"Your hands are too fast. I also want to take the opportunity to see if he is also a superpower." Xiao Mo followed behind and whispered.

"I'll be responsible for waking him up later. You can verify it."

Xiao Mo raised his hands and surrendered. His little long-term worker also had a temper.

"Look at them." Xue Lihong ordered Linghu.

Linghu didn't reply, but both of them knew that he would carry out the order.

Xiao Mo used the excuse to check Linghu's body to see if he could get rid of the living dead virus, but this time he found that his ability to control the destructive ability had become extremely sluggish. He had not fully mastered this ability in the first place. Now it's better, he Not even a single cell can be destroyed.

Two consecutive blows knocked Xiao Mo unconscious. The breeder couldn't be found, and it was impossible to get rid of the virus. What else could he do? How can he save the lives in front of him and more people in the base

He wanted to explain the situation to Xue Lihong, but this was obviously not the place to talk.

Xue Lihong saw that something was wrong with him and pulled him out.

Walking to a corner where others could not hear, Xue Lihong asked him in a low voice: "Can't it be expelled?"

Xiao Mo slumped his shoulders and said, "It's worse than this. It seems I can't use my destructive ability."

"... Very good, what a fucking childish revenge." Xue Lihong sneered.

Xiao Mo banged his head against the wall and muttered: "Who said otherwise? I thought he was cold, selfish or at least rational. I didn't expect this guy to be a real psycho! He is as petty as Sesame."

Original goods: Hit me if you dare! You have taken over my body and want to use my power to be my holy father