The Scavengers

Chapter 8: rush buying


"You will live in this room temporarily from now on." Xiao Mo opened the door of the small room facing north.

The small room had a semi-sloping ceiling and a large skylight. Xue Lihong ran over to try it out and found that the window could be pushed open.

"Is this the room you prepared for your child?" Xue Lihong asked.

This small room is fully equipped with everything, including a single bed, wardrobe, and writing desk. There is also a row of cabinet doors installed directly on the wall one meter away from the sloping edge. The floor is paved inside, so you can put things directly inside.

Xiao Mo smiled and said, "I have a nephew who comes over to play sometimes, and this room is just for him."

"Then if I live here, won't he have nowhere to live?"

"Don't worry, he only comes two or three times a year at most, mostly during the Chinese New Year or holidays. Then let him sleep with me. My bedroom is bigger and can have a floor."

Xue Lihong expressed satisfaction with this. He likes this room very much. Although it is a bit childish, it is very flexible and the space is relatively open. The space above two meters is twelve square meters, and there is a lot of space below two meters. For him who is only one meter tall, the usable area is much more than that of adults.

"Ah, I forgot something very important." Xiao Mo said as he patted his forehead.

Xue Lihong turned to look at him.

"I forgot that I didn't buy you a change of clothes. My nephew didn't leave any clothes here. I can't let you wear dirty clothes after taking a shower. Let's go downstairs to the supermarket to buy some pieces of your underwear and children's pajamas. of."

Xue Lihong didn't refuse and followed Xiao Mo downstairs in an open manner. If a man treats him well now, he will work hard to repay him in the future, and no one will suffer.

Because Xiao Mo was still a little wary of children, he didn't buy more. He only bought two sets, just in time to wash and change them.

"You really don't think about hoarding more food?" Xue Lihong reminded again.

Xiao Mo hesitated and silently checked out from the supermarket. When he arrived at the community, he didn't go upstairs but instead walked to the parking lot.

Xue Lihong followed him step by step.

"I just noticed that there are still no cars driving outside." Xiao Mo said.


"There are so many patients in the hospital... Anyway, I plan to drive out for a look. Do you want to come with me?"

"Okay." Xue Lihong quickly climbed onto the passenger seat.

Xiao Mo wanted him to sit in the back and watch him consciously put on his seat belt, so he thought about it and let it go.

But... Xiao Mo glanced at the child. The child knew how to wear a seat belt and was very proficient, which meant that he must have been exposed to family cars frequently before.

As soon as the car arrived at the gate of the community, the guard ran out to stop it.

Xiao Mo had no choice but to stop the car.

"Brother Xiao, right? I'm sorry. The police comrades came and gave instructions, saying that everyone is not allowed to drive out. If anything happens, you should go to the police station to apply." The guard recognized Xiao Mo's vehicle and license plate and came over to explain.

"I'm not going far, so I'm going to the supermarket to buy something. I can't carry it with both hands. There are children at home now, so I need to buy some food and drink to prepare."

"Then you really don't want to go far." The guard was only given vague instructions by the police. He didn't know the seriousness of the matter, so he let him go after a few words.

Xiao Mo turned around and drove the car onto Ninggu Avenue.

Sure enough, the street lights were on all the way, but there were very few vehicles on the road. Even if there were, they were all going back and forth from nearby.

After driving nearly ten kilometers, I saw brightly lit lights on the opposite side and many car headlights. Occasionally, I could hear the irritating sound of horns.

Before he reached the cordon, a traffic policeman called him to stop the car.

Xiao Mo stepped on the brakes, put the car in neutral and slowly slid over.

The car stopped.

A traffic policeman stood outside and saluted him and asked him to open the car window.

Xiao Mo pressed down the car window and said, "Hello, police officer, what's going on in front? Why aren't you allowed to pass?"

"I'm sorry, but all residents in this area need to cooperate with the health inspection and are temporarily unable to leave their residence."

"What kind of health inspection? Why can't you leave your place of residence?" Xiao Mo panicked.

"Sorry, you can ask the police and neighborhood committee officers in your residential area for details. They will give you a satisfactory answer. Now, sir, please return to your residential area, otherwise we will have to ask you to live in a temporary residence until The health inspection is over.”

"Absurd!" Xiao Mo didn't believe in any health inspection at all. Something more serious must have happened. Otherwise, how could a nearly ten-kilometer area be quarantined

Looking at the opposite side, a large number of vehicles are stranded on the road and refuse to leave. Some car owners came down directly to negotiate with the traffic police, hoping to go home.

Xiao Mo heard quarrels and insults, and people were pushing and shoving.

"My family lives in the city center. Where should I go back? I have a child with me, so I can't sleep in the car, right?" Xiao Mo tried.

"I'm sorry. If you need it, you can first live in a temporary residence arranged by the government." The traffic policeman probably said the same thing countless times, and now his face remains expressionless even when he sees a child in the car.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then we will enforce it." Two more police officers appeared behind the traffic police.

Xiao Mo achieved his goal and simply closed the window and left.

The traffic policeman watched the vehicle go away and used the intercom to report Xiao Mo's license plate number to several other closed points.

Xiao Mo did not go home immediately, but took a detour to another highway leading to the city center.

This time I didn’t even go ten kilometers and was stopped at the highway entrance.

Xiao Mo did not try the remaining roads, but drove directly to the "Liangoule" supermarket.

While driving, he also called his family.

"Sister-in-law, it's me. Our place is closed and quarantined. How is your place?"

"Self-isolated? We are fine here. Nothing is wrong. Xiao Mo, why is your place suddenly quarantined? Did something happen?" On the phone, my sister-in-law Deng Anjie's voice was very nervous.

Xiao Mo quickly comforted her, "It's okay, don't worry. It's just a big health inspection, it'll only take a few days."

"Is it convenient for you to buy things there? I will go and bring you some food tomorrow."

Xiao Mo smiled naively, "Sister-in-law, don't bother me. The supermarkets here are open normally and I'm not short of food. And even if you want to come over, you won't be allowed to come over."

"So strict? Are you trying to catch criminals? Just like last year."

"Maybe." It seemed that his sister-in-law wanted to go with him.

"Then you must be careful and don't go out if you have nothing to do. You should also check more when you go out, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I will stay at home and not go anywhere until the quarantine is over."

"That's good." Deng Anjie felt a little relieved, and then said, "If you have anything, you must tell me."

"I know, sister-in-law." Xiao Mo respected this sister-in-law very much. His sister-in-law personality is rare in modern times. She was a woman who treated the Xiao family as her own and protected the Xiao family as her own family since she got married. woman.

In ancient times, there was a saying that a sister-in-law is called a eldest sister-in-law, like a mother. In their family, parents and eldest brother basically don't care about the family affairs, and it is the sister-in-law who takes care of the house. Even the two little ones are cared about by their sister-in-law.

Since her mother passed away, Deng Anjie has become more and more like a mother, not just a sister-in-law, even though she is only four years older than Xiao Mo.

So it's strange for the Xiao family that the two younger brothers have a deeper affection for their sister-in-law than their eldest brother. If the sister-in-law and the eldest brother quarrel, the two brothers will always take the sister-in-law's side.

Before hanging up the phone, Xiao Mo still said: "Sister-in-law, during this time, please prepare more food and water at home, as much as you can, and prepare those that are not easy to spoil, such as biscuits, cans, instant noodles, etc. Also There is Xiaoduo, so don’t let him run around if nothing happens.”

Deng Anjie was full of questions, but Xiao Mo couldn't explain it, so he asked her to make more preparations just in case.

Deng Anjie had questions, but finally agreed.

Xiao Mo called the third child again and asked him to prepare more food and mineral water at home. When the third child asked why, he simply said nonsense that he suspected a large-scale infectious disease outbreak.

Unlike Deng Anjie, who has more delicate feelings, the third child in his family is not only a big-brained person, but also a heartless person. If you don't take the matter seriously, he won't take it to heart at all.


"I know, brother, you are so annoying! I am still attacking the city with my brothers, ah! This bastard! If you dare to sneak up from behind, look at my shadowless devil's feet! Brother, I'm dead!"

Xiao Mo was speechless for three seconds. This is his brother, a man who is almost thirty and still very naive.

"You and your family have a very good relationship." Xue Li's red face was hidden in the darkness, and her voice seemed a bit erratic.

"Yes. We have three brothers and we all have a good relationship." Xiao Mo put down his phone. Just because the relationship is good, that's why he can't...

Thinking of Deng Anjie, Xiao Mo felt a little sad. He was obviously the first to meet her, but she ended up becoming his brother's wife and his sister-in-law.

"Are your parents still alive?"

Before answering, Xiao Mo paused, "My mother left five years ago, but my father is still here. They both lived with me before, but now my father, my brother, and the others live in the same community."

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

Xiao Mo sneered, "Children, don't ask these questions."

Xue Lihong shrugged.

When the two arrived at the supermarket, Xiao Mo found that there were many more customers in the supermarket than usual.

It seems that people who are stuck outside and have not come back have called their families or friends. Even if they don't know the reason, once quarantine is involved, everyone will naturally become nervous, and the first thing that comes to mind is to store water. This is probably human nature too.

I don’t know if the supermarket has received any news, but the prices of some foods have obviously increased. Such as rice and oil.

But even so, people scolded the supermarket for being unethical, but they put the rice and cooking oil that had increased in price into their shopping carts without any hesitation.

As the night deepens, the number of people in the supermarket does not decrease, but increases.

Xiao Mo sped up and grabbed a fifty-kilogram bag of rice and three twenty-kilogram bags of white flour. He also grabbed some meat, cooking oil, and condiments.