The Scavengers

Chapter 87: 92|Before 10 o'clock on October 19th


What method did Xiao Mo come up with

His inspiration came from the word upgrade.

It was expected that if his abilities could be upgraded, he should theoretically be able to eliminate viruses, or at least drive them out of the human body.

But currently his ability cannot be upgraded quickly in a short period of time, so what should he do

He then thought about the fact that Linghu and the other four were infected slowly because they were superpowers. This showed that the body cells of Linghu and the others could resist the invasion of the living dead virus to a certain extent.

Among the four, Linghu was in the best condition, and Lin Xiaofei was in the worst condition. This seemed to be related to their power levels.

At present, there is no detailed classification of the levels of superpowers. Some people are researching it and the results have not yet been produced. However, Xiao Mo has energy crystals and systems and is already ahead of the vast majority of superpower users, so he has noticed that whenever superpowers When upgrading, the energy nest will change.

He didn't know if everyone's energy nest changed the same way, but after coming into contact with many superpowers and many superpower animals and plants, he had gradually concluded a rule:

For a level one superpower, the energy nest is filled with mist. Depending on the content and severity of the superpower, the color and thickness of the mist will be different.

For Level 2 superpower users, the mist in their energy nest will turn into water flow. Similarly, depending on the content and severity of the superpower, the water flow will also appear as ponds, creeks, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. The color of the water It will be different.

For third-level superpowers, the water flow in the energy nest will be concentrated into granular solids. The size and color of the particles determine the ability and energy content of the superpower.

Xiao Mo has neither broken through nor seen anything above level three, so he doesn't know what its energy nest looks like yet.

If judged according to this rule, Linghu is currently at the peak of level one, close to level two, and most of the mist in his energy nest has turned into liquid. The other three are all first-level superpowers. Among the three level one, Lin Xiaofei is the weakest in terms of energy content, while Kang Lubi is slightly stronger than researcher.

"You said I'm still level one now?" Linghu was surprised. He always thought he had reached level two.

Xiao Mo nodded, "You have almost reached the second level, but you have not completely transformed yet. Maybe the energy you usually absorb is not enough."

"But every time I consume all the energy now, I have to absorb the conversion energy of a thousand alloy particles to recharge it. No one else is like me." Linghu saw that Xiao Mo seemed to know more than Bao Yuezhi and the others, and thought Take this opportunity to ask more questions, and you must be an understanding person even if you die.

Xiao Mo explained: "Maybe this has something to do with your superpower. The lightning superpower should be a big energy consumer. Even if the power is low level, it is more powerful than other superpowers, but you should have felt it. Every time you You will feel energy depleted after using your power for about two or three times. The more powerful the thunder and lightning you send out, the more energy you consume."

"I see. Can you judge the level of a person with superpowers?" Linghu asked suddenly.

Xiao Mo was about to explain that he needed to see the energy nest to know, but was interrupted by Xue Lihong before he spoke: "There is not much time, boss, the chat can wait until later."

Xiao Mo immediately changed his mind: "Anyway, the way I'm thinking of now is to help you level up. This requires your cooperation. I will provide you with... the concentrated conversion energy of the alloy particles. You can absorb it first and see if you can level up immediately." Level, if not, I will help you, but at that time I need your complete trust in me and do not refuse my energy to enter your energy nest."

Linghu understood a little after hearing this, "You mean if my power level can be raised to level two, I can suppress the living dead virus on my own?"

"This is just my guess, just like some people who exercise regularly and are very healthy are not easily infected with colds, but people who are not in good health are easily infected. According to my observation and speculation, the living dead virus The current activity level is not very high. I speculate that the virus also has level changes. Let’s call the current living dead virus level one. In contrast, anyone with a level one superpower can compete with it, but there is no abnormality. Ordinary people who are capable basically have no resistance to it.”

"Counter, but not defeat, so I need to advance to Level 2 so that I can completely suppress it?"

"Yes, I speculate that once you can upgrade to level two, the white blood cells and other warrior cells in your body will actively destroy the living dead virus, or destroy it so that it cannot be upgraded. In other words, at that level, the living dead virus will It won’t work for you.”

At this point, Linghu fully understood, "Then what is my danger?"

Xiao Mo didn't hide anything, "Upgrade. Ordinary upgrades need to be smooth and smooth, but now you need to force a breakthrough. If the breakthrough is not good, the superpower may be delayed. The worst thing is that the energy nest is destroyed, and even the whole person" You couldn't withstand too much energy impact and exploded. But your situation is the best among the four. You have already reached the edge of breakthrough. If you are lucky, you don't need my help. A concentrated conversion energy can send you to Level 2.”

Linghu stretched out his hand and said, "Come on."

Xiao Mo took out a secondary energy crystal.

When Linghu saw the energy crystal, something strange flashed in his eyes.

Is this the concentration conversion energy? He had only seen ordinary conversion energy extracted from hundreds of alloy particles before, but he didn't expect that there was also concentrated conversion energy. Why hadn't he heard of it before? Is this unique to Zhongshan Base? And Xiao Mo obviously knows how to judge the level of superpowers, so is it possible that Zhongshan Base's research on superpowers has long been ahead of other bases and even the world

"This is not for free." Xue Lihong's slightly cold voice sounded again: "This kind of concentrated conversion energy is also called secondary energy crystal, but the current output of energy crystal is very rare, and its energy content is equivalent to one hundred An ordinary conversion energy is equivalent to 10,000 standard alloy particles, but in fact it cannot be calculated like this. As for the reason, you will know after you use it. For this reason, plus my boss’s treatment fee, after you recover, you A total of 100,000 standard alloy particles need to be paid."

One hundred thousand! Linghu took the energy crystal's hand and paused. That is the total output of 25,000 people who can secrete alloy particles in one month or even one and a half months! Ask Zhang Hua, how many alloy particles are there in this base now

"What? Do you think your life with lightning powers is not worth a hundred thousand alloy particles?" Xue Lihong leaned against the wall, looking like an extortion gangster.

Just when Linghu was about to say something, Xue Lihong said again: "This is the discounted price, and it is based on our somewhat close friendship. In the future, no one can let my boss take action at such a cheap price."

Xiao Mo coughed dryly. He had provoked Xue Lihong many times today, but he didn't dare to tear him down again at this time, so he had to say nothing.

Linghu took a deep breath and held the secondary energy crystal tightly, "One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. If I still have a chance to leave here, I will pay in full."

"Remember to pay the IOU."

"… good."

Next is the process of Linghu Impact. During this period, Xiao Mo does not have to do anything.

Kang Lu, the researcher and Lin Xiaofei were all lying on the glass wall at this time, looking at Linghu and Xiao Mo nervously.

When Xiao Mo explained just now, he specifically asked Xue Lihong to turn on the speaker. Kang Lu and others, as well as the soldiers outside the door, heard their conversation.

Kang Lu and others are worried that their energy content is not enough to level up, and they are also worried about the huge debt in the future. However, the latter is a matter of survival and can be put aside for the time being.

The Linghu Chong leveling method is very crude, and this is the method that Bao Yuezhi and his colleagues summarized after a lot of research.

Perhaps because there are no energy crystals with high energy content, and there are no more systematic and suitable training methods, the average level of superpowers around the world is currently not high.

The moment Linghu began to absorb the energy crystal, he immediately felt the difference in the concentrated conversion energy of this secondary energy crystal.

No wonder the indifferent young man said that this secondary energy crystal cannot be viewed as an ordinary conversion energy, let alone 10,000 alloy particles. It is really not necessary to know how big the difference is only after using it!

The energy in this energy crystal is not only majestic, but also very gentle. In the past, when he absorbed the conversion energy, he could clearly feel the pain in his body, and the energy nest would also feel a dull pain, but this energy crystal not only made him I didn't feel any pain, but instead felt like my whole body was soaked in warm water.

And he no longer has to worry about having to stop and replace it after absorbing it to a certain level. This energy crystal allows him to continuously absorb energy, and even gives him the illusion that it will not be drained no matter how much he absorbs.

Linghu clearly felt that his energy nest began to fill up, and the mist inside began to condense into clouds.

Tick tock, a drop of water dropped from the cloud condensed by mist.

Slowly, there are more and more water droplets.

Light rain began to fall in his energy nest, and the light rain turned into heavy rain, until all the mist-condensed clouds turned into raindrops.

The people watching outside were extremely nervous. It took Linghu more than two hours to level up.

Time passed bit by bit. Xiao Mo looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already six o'clock in the morning. If it takes this long for everyone to level up...

There are still four hours until the ten o'clock he and Major General Zhang Hua agreed upon. What should he do

Xiao Mo was preparing for Kang Lu and others to prepare, and planned to let the three of them level up together without waiting for the results.

Just when Xiao Mo got up to open the door, a large amount of electric sparks suddenly erupted around Linghu's body.

The interior lighting flashes along with it.

Screams rang out.

Xue Lihong's figure flashed, clasped Xiao Mo into her arms, and pulled her to the corner of the wall. At the same time, she ordered the soldiers not to come in.

Five minutes later, the vision disappeared. Linghu opened his eyes and jumped down from the observation platform.

"How's it going?" Xiao Mo wanted to run over but was held back by Xue Lihong, so he had to stand there and ask.

"I think I'm very good, very good." Linghu held up his palms. There was a round arc ball in his palm. He played with it easily, letting the arc ball roll freely in his palm.

The soldiers outside raised their guns and pointed them at Linghu.

Linghu didn't look at the soldiers, but turned his hand to make the arc ball disappear, then faced Xiao Mo head-on, and said very sincerely: "Thank you!"

Although Xiao Mo only provided one energy crystal, not to mention the rarity and preciousness of the secondary energy crystal, but the direction given by the other party was enough for Linghu to be grateful, because what the other party gave was a chance to survive!

Xiao Mo gently pushed Xue Lihong's hand away and stepped forward, "I need to check the living dead virus in your body."

Linghu stretched out his wrist without any hesitation.

Xiao Mo held his wrist and closed his eyes to check.

Kang Lu and others waited anxiously for the results.

The living dead viruses seem to have changed. Not only have they become no longer active, but their structures have also changed.

Xiao Mo subconsciously called up the mission map and carefully counted the red dots. Only nine of the ten red dots were left. Was he successful

Xiao Mo suppressed his ecstasy, and just to be sure, he asked the system in his mind: "Is Linghu no longer within the scope of recycling?"

The system's answer was simple and clear: "Yes. The living dead virus in his body is no longer contagious and cannot combine with the inducer."

Xiao Mo's heart moved, "What is the inducer? Can I find the inducer and destroy it directly?"

Unfortunately, the systematic answer shocked him to the core, "The inducer is released globally, and recyclers are currently unable to destroy and recycle it."

Xiao Mo changed his expression, "All over the earth? Are you saying that there are living dead viruses in other places?"

"If it's not about the task, I won't answer it."

Xiao Mo was greatly shaken and could only pray that recyclers elsewhere would be more decisive and capable than him.

When he opened his eyes, his expression had no time to change, which almost caused Linghu and others to misunderstand.

Linghu's heart sank, "What? Still not working?"

Xiao Mo quickly shook his head, squeezed out a smile and said: "Congratulations! The living dead virus below level 2 will no longer cause any harm to you. Likewise, the virus on your body is no longer contagious. In short, you are safe."

Linghu's mood at that moment was like riding a roller coaster. The others were similar, and he almost shouted out loud due to his concentration.

The soldiers were also very happy. One of them said excitedly: "I'm going to tell our leader the good news!"

"Wait a minute, there are still so many people who have not recovered. I think at ten o'clock, Major General Zhang and the others will probably come over." Xiao Mo stopped the soldiers who wanted to report the good news.

The researcher had already knocked on the glass inside and shouted eagerly: "Doctor Xiao, is it my turn? According to the previous order, I am the second one!"

Kang Lu's expression changed. They didn't know about the ten o'clock agreement, but they heard that Xiao Mo mentioned the time limit of twelve o'clock, and there were still six hours until twelve o'clock. At this time, it was obvious that whoever was behind in line would suffer.

When Xiao Mo was arranging the order, he didn't expect that it would take so long to level up - his previous two upgrades did not take more than an hour, but he also had a solution and had to do so.

Linghu took the initiative to enter the big room and let the other three people come out together.

In fact, with Linghu's ability, especially since the gunshot wound in his abdomen has healed - thanks to Xiao Mo's previous repairs, an ordinary room can no longer contain him. But fortunately, Linghu was more conscious. Firstly, he was grateful for Xiao Mo's rescue, and secondly...he couldn't estimate the strength of the young man named Xue Lihong, and would rather continue to play the role of a prisoner.

However, given Linghu's ability, Major General Zhang Hua would not lock him up for long. Xiao Mo guessed that Major General Zhang would probably negotiate terms with Linghu and let him change jobs.

Kang Lu and three other people came out and lined up from left to right according to their energy content.

Xue Lihong emptied the center of the small room, pulled over three tables, and let the three of them lie down side by side.

Xiao Mo asked Xue Lihong to take out energy crystals, but Xue Lihong only took out three first-level ones.

"Level 1 is not enough. They must go to level 2 to advance." Xiao Mo pulled Xue Lihong aside and whispered.

Xue Lihong shook his head, "Their strongest ones are only at level one and medium. Now if you give them level two energy crystals to absorb, not only will it not help them upgrade, but it will also burst them. Give them level one first and let them absorb it. Every time they reach the peak, you help them repair their bodies to the best condition, let their bodies adapt to the changes after the upgrade little by little, and wait until their bodies and energy nests can withstand the impact of the second level, then use the second level on them. Energy crystal.”

Xiao Mo exhaled and patted Xue Lihong on the shoulder, "You're right, I'm too impatient."

Xue Lihong watched him go to Kang Lu and the others with three first-level energy crystals, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes as dark as the abyss.

Maybe Xiao Mo also knew in his heart that he could save these three people, plus the six people still lying inside...

But it's better than doing nothing, that's probably what Xiao Mo thinks.

Xiao Mo told the three of them again the dangers of trying.

Fortunately for Kang Lu and the researcher, they also knew the danger, but when there was no other way to go and there were successful examples, they were willing and even eager to take the risk.

Only Lin Xiaofei was still too young. After hearing Uncle Xiao repeatedly emphasize the danger, the child grabbed Xiao Mo's clothes and begged: "Uncle Xiao, I want to see my parents."

Xiao Mo stroked the child's soft hair, feeling entangled in his heart. Last time he promised the child to let him meet his parents, he went out of his way to find the child's family. It turned out that Lin Xiaofei's parents were Ni Wei's loyal confidants. They all took the guardian beast eggs. Instead of buying them, Ni Wei personally gave them to them as rewards.

It's just that Lin Xiaofei's parents never imagined that after they took the guardian beast eggs, their master would feel that their child was a burden. They didn't want to raise it in vain, and they didn't want others to discover the strangeness of his parents through the child. Crazy enough to inoculate such a young child with the living dead virus.

Now that Ni Wei has been recycled and all his guardian beasts have died, where will he find parents for his children

Xiao Mo had no choice but to comfort the child: "Xiao Fei, the virus in your body is contagious. Your parents can't come to see you until you are cured. It will only take a while, and you will be able to run on your own after you recover." I’m going to visit your parents, do you think I can give them a surprise?”

Lin Xiaofei bit his lip and nodded obediently, but his hand still did not let go of Xiao Mo's clothes.

The researcher was worried that Xiao Mo was partial and said hurriedly: "Can we start now? Can you handle the three of us? Or should we come one by one? Just follow the order we agreed on before."

Kang Lu rolled her big white eyes at the researcher, grabbed the energy crystal and began to absorb it.

When the institute saw that Kang Lu had already taken the lead, he cursed in his heart and quickly calmed down and began to absorb the energy crystals.

"Xiaofei, do you know how to absorb energy and level up?" Xiao Mo asked Lin Xiaofei in a low voice.

Lin Xiaofei shook his head. He didn't know that he had powers before, nor did his family. If Ni Wei knew that the child had powers, he would probably treat the child differently.

Xiao Mo did not look back at Xue Lihong, but put his mouth close to the child's ear, teaching him in a low voice how to absorb energy crystals correctly and helping him find the location of the energy nest.

The child touched the bottom of his belly button, obediently placed the energy crystal on it, and held it down with one small hand.

"Close your eyes, don't be afraid, and do as I say."

An hour later, Xiao Mo took turns repairing the three of them so that their bodies could remain in optimal condition after each energy shock.

Every time they absorb enough energy and impact the energy nest, the bodies of these three people will change a little bit, especially the energy nest.

Normally, such behavior must be corrected for a period of time, because impacting the energy nest will cause certain damage, and a period of time must be given for the body and the energy nest to adapt and develop to the extent that the second impact can be continued. Continuous impacts will only increase the burden on the body and even cause the energy nest to collapse.

What Xiao Mo did was to help them save the time of natural repair, and always keep their bodies and energy nests in the best condition after impact, so that they could continue to impact.

Seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock...

It took more than two hours for Linghu Chong to level up, let alone these three people

By nine o'clock, Xiao Mo was so exhausted that he felt as if he had been fished out of water.

The soldiers were standing at the door, but now they all crowded around the door and looked in, with anxious and worried expressions on their faces.

Xue Lihong only provided energy crystals during the whole process, and there were no other unnecessary actions or words.

Linghu in the big room also saw that the chances of those three people succeeding were probably low.

At half past nine, Xiao Mo's legs were already trembling. He left the researcher and walked towards Kang Lu.

A hand grabbed him, and a male voice that was cold but made him feel warm whispered in his ear: "Choose one, there are still half an hour, you can use all your energy to help the other party fight, but three people …must fail.”

Xiao Mo closed his eyes and allowed himself to be weak for a minute.

The young man behind him supported his body and gently rubbed his arms with his hands.

Xiao Hong didn't force him to choose anyone, but he knew rationally that he should choose Kang Lu because he had the most energy among the three, his mentality was the best among the three, and he might have the greatest success.

But emotionally, there is no doubt that the person he wants to help more is Lin Xiaofei.

Who to choose

After a minute, Xiao Mo straightened up, opened his eyes, made up his mind not to look at the other two people, and walked resolutely towards the target of his choice.