The Scavengers

Chapter 91: 96|October 27


On the morning of October 27th.

The escape tunnel was finally dug, and many people crowded at the nearest entrance to warmly welcome the real angels who came to save people.

Of course, the entrance to the passage is narrow and it is impossible for everyone in the base to come. With the soldiers trying to maintain order, the base management finally squeezed into the scene and turned around and called on everyone with a loudspeaker:

"You can go out soon. Don't crowd here. Have you packed up the salutes? We will evacuate in order later. No one is allowed to mess up. If anyone dares to be the first, then never go out! Go back quickly. Get ready! Anyone who hears the name will come with the team!"

The crowd was in a commotion, but everyone knew that this was not the time to rush for their lives. Besides, there were soldiers maintaining order, so those who were anxious to get out had to obey orders.

The crowd began to disperse.

"Old Xiao!" A very enthusiastic voice rushed towards Xiao Mo.

Before Xiao Mo could turn around, he was pulled into a warm embrace.


"Holy shit! I worked so hard all night long without sleeping to dig a tunnel, why the hell did you treat your savior like this the moment we met?" Lei Bing covered his nose with one hand and insisted on putting his other hand on Xiao Mo's shoulder. His nose was bleeding. Flow down.

Xue Lihong pulled out a piece of tissue paper from somewhere and wiped her fists.

"How come you're so sick and you're not dead yet?" Lei Bing wiped his nose and felt blood on his hand, rolled his eyes, and wanted to smash this dead man's face into smithereens.

"I won't die even if you die."

Two childishly cross-eyed eyes stared at each other.

Xiao Mo turned around, took advantage of Lei Bing's arm, grabbed the clean big paw, held it, and shook it vigorously, "Lei Bing!" By the way, he helped him repair his nose.

"Captain Xiao, I miss you so much! We all miss you very much!" It's true that I didn't know the nanny until she left. Once she left, I realized how painful it was to have such a nurse and then miss her. It has been nearly a month since Xiao Mo left the Zhongshan base. Several brothers who could be rescued have not been able to be rescued. During this time, the beds in the base hospital feel a lot tighter.

Lei Bing, who took out a dirty handkerchief to wipe away the nosebleed, winked at Xiao Mo and the other two.

Major General Zhang Hua seemed to be tripped by someone else, and he wanted to come over here.

The three of them walked aside and moved away from the bustling place.

"Is there something urgent?" Xiao Mo asked sensitively.

Lei Bing stuffed the handkerchief into his pocket and took out a note from another pocket, "I have a mission. I happened to be on my way back to the base in City H. The boss asked me to come over and do it on the way."

"Not on the mercenary list?" Xiao Mo took the note and opened it to read.

Without reading two lines of words, his expression became serious.

It was a hastily written suicide note with only a few sentences. The key point is that the other party mentioned a batch of goods, located in the dock warehouse of City W in the Yangtze River Basin, just between Zhongshan City and City H.

Lei Bing leaned against the wall and replied casually: "The other party wants to come, so let us stop it. The boss has negotiated the terms with the heir privately, and we will settle the matter afterwards."

"Did you bring this person back?"

"That's right, six brothers died in that team, so they brought back two people and a note." Lei Bing's eyes did not conceal his extreme hatred for the other party.

Xiao Mo had guessed the identity of the heir to the will. He was probably someone who had to be saved or his descendant.

"Twenty-eight points, based on the cash brought back?" Xue Lihong suddenly interrupted.

"Yes." Lei Bing replied.

Xue Lihong, "Details there."

"The location is the dock warehouse, but there is a group of monsters entrenched there. The most terrifying thing is that no one has seen what the monsters look like. At present, we only know that as long as you take the things there, or enter that area if you smell blood, you will Being hunted by those monsters. Even if you are lucky enough to escape, some people died suddenly on the way out. When they died, there was only a piece of withered skin left with no bones inside! But until death, there was no People noticed something strange." Lei Bing's expression became a little more serious.

"Ding! The third level mission No. 03 is started. Mission content: Ask scavenger Xiao Mo to recover the third level monster corpse dragon insect mother before 17:00 on November 3."

Xiao Mo raised his eyebrows. The system always releases tasks very suddenly, but this time it was released sooner rather than later. It happened after Lei Bing mentioned the situation at the dock warehouse...

Looking at the mission map again, it turned out to be the warehouse dock.

So could the invisible monster Lei Bing mentioned be the corpse-eating dragon insect

The name of this monster is also a bit weird. Corpse-eating bugs are just corpse-eating bugs. Why do we need to add the word dragon? Because you attach great importance to your belongings

Xiao Mo had a guess but would not say it at this time, otherwise he would not be able to explain how he knew the origin of the monster.

Just tell Xiaohong later and ask him to use his identity as No. 07 to release relevant information.

Xue Lihong looked at Xiao Mo's expression, raised her voice, and drew Lei Bing's attention, "Remuneration?"

Lei Bing stretched out a finger.

"10%?" Xue Lihong turned around, "Boss, go back and pack your gifts, and by the way, take over the tasks on the task list I mentioned."

"Hey! 10% is already a lot, okay!" Lei Bing screamed, and his footsteps slipped, blocking the way of the two of them. "You don't even look at what the goods are. How many people are there in your team? 10% is enough for the three of you. Five years of chewing!"

"Then you go find someone else. I believe that many mercenaries will be tempted by such a generous reward." Xue Lihong grabbed Xiao Mo's hand and squeezed him to prevent him from being soft-hearted.

Lei Bing ignored Xue Lihong and focused on Xiao Mo. He said with a shy face: "Old Xiao, Brother Xiao, Miracle Doctor Xiao, a lot has come true. That's a whole warehouse of canned meat! And the date is fresh. It’s all good meat, and the canned meat in this warehouse is all of the best quality, which is completely different from the canned meat that is usually made with scraps and essence.”

Xue Lihong turned Xiao Mo around so that his back was facing Lei Bing. "You think my boss is easy to talk to, how much advantage do you take advantage of him? Did you talk to other members of our team before coming here? If you say 10%, did Qian Forensic Doctor ignore you?"

Xiao Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

"Ahem, Forensic Doctor Qian said that as long as you agree, he will set off at the same time as us and meet at the mission location."

"Thirty percent, all canned beef."

"Impossible!" Lei Bing jumped up, "At most, it's 15%. No more is enough. The boss supports so many people, we can't sacrifice so many people and only get half in the end."

"You can give the heirs less."

"I wanted to pay less, but the boss didn't agree. If he hadn't gotten the news and cut off the mission, the other party could have posted the mission on the mercenary list, and he wouldn't have to pay so much."

"Are the mercenaries vegetarian?" Xue Lihong looked at Lei Bing like an idiot, "Even if some mercenary teams can take down this mission, the sacrifice must be huge. The heir to the will will die due to lack of money and people. ending."

"That's why he is willing to cooperate with us. He does not hesitate to pay 80% of the price. That is because our boss has a good reputation and soldiers are more trustworthy than mercenary teams." Lei Bing paused and said, "The boss did not kill him this time. The other party mainly wants to tell some people who have a large amount of supplies through this mission that instead of posting missions on the mercenary list, it is better to come to us directly for cooperation."

"Twenty percent, if you want to accept it, if you don't want to, just reject it." Xue Lihong put on a stern face that she didn't want to talk anymore.

Lei Bing gritted his teeth, "You have to let Forensic Doctor Qian and Wang Cheng participate."

"It's too dangerous for the two of them to come alone. The mission location is not close to Zhongshan Base."

"Just over a hundred kilometers."

"That was before."

"Gas, oil, me, bag!"

"make a deal."

"Old Xiao, you have found a good employee."

Xiao Mo had already turned around and smiled awkwardly when he heard this, "Thank you, Xiaohong is indeed very good."

Lei Bing: "..." Damn it! I'm not praising him!

The business was settled here, and Major General Zhang Hua also got rid of an administrative staff member from the H City Base who followed Lei Bing in.

Lei Bing was very polite to Major General Zhang Hua and said, "I didn't bring that turtle grandson here, he had to follow me."

Major General Zhang Hua smiled and expressed his understanding. The starting point for Lei Bing and his gang to dig the tunnel was the base in City H, located about 13 kilometers away from City H. It was originally a fishing ground and there was a navy station nearby. After the incident in City H, it was circled and used as a security base.

What the two of them wanted to talk about afterwards was how to cooperate and win-win. Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong didn't want to participate, so they found an excuse to leave.

Cheng Zai used the walkie-talkie to contact the two people and reminded them that Yucaiyan's people had gone to the warehouse in the back building.

Xue Lihong said everything was settled and told him not to worry.

Under the leadership of Da Bing, Yu Caiyan entered the back building, and when he arrived at the entrance of the warehouse, he told Da Bing not to follow up.

Ucaiyan came here and brought someone with him this time. He was a newly discovered space superpower in the capital. He could bring all the bulky materials and mysterious items that they couldn't take away with him back to the capital.

"There seems to be a lot of missing materials." A researcher in military uniform frowned while checking the list.

"See if that thing is still there?"

Open the triple lock and enter the innermost warehouse.

All the people in Ucaiyan looked at the empty warehouse and lost their voices.

"Who did it? Where are the things inside? Who can unlock the door?" A scientific research staff member in his fifties was furious, dancing and cursing: "I told you to take it away, but you refused to listen. Either this thing is of no use, it’s just a broken car. What a broken car, we haven’t even studied its composition! Now, let’s let someone steal it! Find it! No matter what, you all have to give it to me. Get that car back!"

People who originally didn't care much about the broken cars stored here, now see that the things are gone, start to care a lot - will someone steal unimportant things? It was still at a time when this kind of food was more important than anything else.

"It shouldn't be an outsider." The military-uniformed researcher who was checking the door lock said with a sullen face: "The door lock has no trace of damage. With fingerprints, passwords and retinas, it is impossible for anyone other than an insider to open the door. At that time, there were Who are they? Is there a list?”

Someone immediately turned on the computer and pulled out the list.

The uniformed researcher looked up after reading the list and said, "Where is the control room? Take us there."

Unfortunately, most of the surveillance records were manually deleted and destroyed. The military uniformed researcher studied the remaining videos for a long time and barely found the suspect.

"Stop! It's right here. Who is this person?" the military uniform researcher asked, pointing to the screen.

The scientific researchers here came over to take a look, "Ah! It's the captain of the security team! What's his name?"

Security captain? No wonder the surveillance records are gone. If there really is something wrong with this person...

"There must be something wrong with the security captain!" A staff member shouted: "I remember that he also evacuated at that time, why did he come back?"

Fifteen minutes later.

"Wang Jinian is dead? Is there anyone under his command? I want to see them!" the military uniform researcher asked Major General Zhang Hua.

Zhang Hua looked at the epaulettes of the other party. The civilian colonel said in a good-tempered manner: "Okay."

"Do you know what Wang Jinian and the others did in the back building?" The military uniform researcher seemed not to notice that his attitude was wrong.

Major General Zhang Hua shook his head regretfully, "Wang Jinian and Bao Yuezhi worked together and controlled half of the base while I was injured and unconscious. We have no idea what they were doing in the back building. If monsters hadn't plundered the base later, we would have I still can’t find out what they did.”

Major General Zhang then briefly talked about their findings, but did not mention Xiao Mo or the other two.

"...You said they are artificially creating monsters?"

"Yes, we still have evidence to prove that Bao Yuezhi created the Angel Virus!"


Major General Zhang Hua sighed, "That Wang Jinian is not a good guy. We later checked his computer and communication records, and found that he seemed to be connected with some famous foreign traffickers. For details, ask Xiao Cheng, he is our communication The tech soldier knows a lot about computers, but I don’t know much about these things. He said that Wang Jinian used some private messaging software... "

"I will ask him. Can Wang Jinian's computer and personal belongings be handed over to us?"


"Do you have any space superpowers here?" the uniformed researcher suddenly asked.

"No. What? There are already space power users now?" Zhang Hua was surprised, and then showed an envious look, "This power is good, why haven't I awakened one or two powers?"

The uniformed researcher's face twitched and he didn't answer.

Another fifteen minutes later.

Cheng Zai, who was called for support, looked at the private chat software and the conversations in Wang Jinian's personal computer. He tried his best to keep his expression unchanged and said: "Well, this is it. I didn't read the detailed conversation content carefully, but according to their From the content of the conversation, it can be seen that... Well, Wang Jinian probably traded certain items just before... the bomb was dropped."

The uniformed researcher's face turned completely cold, "Can you find out all their conversation records?"

Cheng Zai tried it, "Yes, it's all here. The front is full of bargaining and agreed delivery time."

"Thank you. You can leave everything to us. Xiao Cheng, I hope you can keep everything you see confidential." The military uniform researcher said coldly.

"Of course. I know the discipline."

Cheng Zai left the back building, walking faster and faster. He was still young and not very good at concealing his true feelings.

But he was a smart man and he resisted not contacting Xue Lihong and Xiao Mo. Instead, he went to clean up all the monitoring records on his computer and base.

Afterwards, anyone who came to check would not find that Xiao Mo and the two often went to the warehouse on the third and third floor of the back building. No, it should be said that the two figures have never appeared in the back building.

As for who deleted the monitoring records? Who destroyed the camera? Of course, it is Wang Jinian, the security chief who betrayed national assets, and Bao Yuezhi, who does not want to reveal that he is conducting secret experiments.

Uh, why are the surveillance contents in some research rooms preserved? Those were records that Bao Yuezhi used for research.

People were evacuated in batches in an orderly manner.

Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong, as young and strong people, took advantage of Lin Xiaofei and were ranked in the middle.

In front is Lao Wu's family. They are old and young. They should have been at the front, but...

"Why don't you go to the front? I want to leave here as soon as possible! I've had enough of this hellish place, I want to go to the front, don't hold me back!" A woman screamed sharply.

"What are you making a fuss about? Mom is still here."

"I don't care! My poor baby, you died miserably. Mom can see you every day when she closes her eyes. Why are you not one of the 3%? God has no eyes! My baby, ugh Woo!"

The man who was holding the woman saw that she started crying again, and immediately walked away from her with a cold face.

When a woman sees her husband like this, she cries even louder.

Just behind them, Xiao Mo, who was talking to Lin Xiaofei, saw the smile disappear on his face.

"You are going to the Zhongshan base? Are you crazy! You finally escaped from there, and you want to go back again? Isn't it good to go to the H city base with your brother and the others? Did this woman ask you to say that? She put Mother and son have been separated for so long, and now they want to take you away? You don't care about me? Ah! You unfilial son! What's the use of raising you! Are you going to leave me alone too!" Old Wu's mother also said Followed by howling.

Xiao Mo pulled Lin Xiaofei and took two steps back.

Lao Wu felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. He was waiting here just because he wanted to leave with Xiao Mo and the others, but he just wanted to go out a little later. The most important thing is that he wanted to be separated from his eldest brother's family, but because of his mother's connection, his eldest brother didn't know what to think and actually followed him.

Lao Wu guessed that his eldest brother probably already knew that the food he made had special effects. As for the leaker... there couldn't be anyone other than his partial mother. He couldn't make the food and not share it with his mother, right

Although he repeatedly warned his mother not to leak the secret, not even to his eldest brother's family, his mother obviously did not keep it.

Old Wu's wife Yuan Yuan looked at Old Wu's mother coldly and said nothing.

Old Wu's mother became even angrier when she saw her like that, and she started to speak indiscriminately and cursed all the ugly things.

Xiao Mo frowned and asked Lin Xiaofei to pull Wu Xiaoyuan and his mother over.

Yuan Yuan held her son's hand, shook her head at him, and signaled him not to talk too much and to leave them alone. At this time, no one who touches their family will be in trouble.

The woman who was crying about the tragic death of her son suddenly rushed towards her husband, tearing and cursing at the same time: "Okay! I finally know, have you been thinking about that shameless *! Now that your son is dead, you are Don’t you want to go back to look for her again! No wonder I often can’t find you. Are you looking for that person? Tell me! Wow, my life is so miserable! "

How many people stood on tiptoe and turned their heads to watch the excitement.

The soldiers who maintained order repeatedly warned the spectators to return to their ranks.

"Mom." Wu Xiaoyuan was shaking with anger. He wanted to rush over and beat the two women to death, but one of the two people who insulted his mother was his aunt and the other was his grandmother.

Yuan Yuan looked at her husband coldly, lowered her head to comfort her son, "Don't listen. Don't let those disgusting people pollute your heart, they don't deserve it!"

"Dad." Wu Xiaoyuan called his father again.

Lao Wu exploded in the eyes of his wife and son, and yelled: "That's enough! Shut up!"

There was silence in the passage, but within a moment, the cries and curses of the old and middle-aged women became louder.

Old Wu's raised palms were trembling. What could he do? He can yell at his brother and tell him to take care of his woman, but can he yell at his own mother

Lao Wu picked up his son, took his wife's hand and walked back.

But his brother, who was entangled with his wife, saw him walking back and chased him, "Where are you going? Don't you care about mom? Are you going to leave mom to me? How could you do this!"

Old Wu's mother changed her curses to crying, and Old Brother Wu supported his mother and said repeatedly: "Mom, don't be sad, I will go wherever you go, and I will take care of you in your old age."

"Providing for me in old age is not your responsibility alone! This is the responsibility of both of you. Don't let your brother escape! I regret that your brother was such a good boy back then, but he met that woman... "

"Mom, stop talking."

Xue Lihong has been watching this ethical drama with cold eyes. He previously wanted to bring Old Wu back to the team because of Old Wu's superpowers and really good cooking skills, but now his mind has completely changed.

Lao Wu's ability is very good, but he is also in great trouble. As long as his mother was alive, it would be difficult for him to leave his eldest brother's family behind. The most important thing in the rear of the team is stability and harmony, and the addition of this family... Haha! Isn’t this causing discomfort and hidden dangers for oneself

It would be fine if Lao Wu could control his family, but look at his character... The saying "people are divided by their flocks" is true. Anyone who can become friends with Xiao Mo's family from employees is the same as the Xiao family. Good people".

However, no matter how good the Xiao family is, they will not be so honest when they are bullied. On the contrary, Xiao Mo's eldest brother Xiao Wen has a bad temper and Deng Anjie is a sister-in-law who can support a family with both softness and strength. San Xiao's answer is playful and focused on loyalty, and Xiao's father is a tyrannical old man.

Thinking about it carefully, his boss's character is indeed an acquired trait.

"If that old woman was your mother, and that woman was your sister-in-law, what would you do?" Xue Lihong suddenly asked Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo looked at him helplessly, "Nothing to do. There is no way my mother and sister-in-law are such people."

"What if it is?"

"In both cases, they don't beg me and I don't beg them. We all live our own lives. They beg me and rely on me to live their lives. So just one sentence: If you want to live with me, don't cause trouble for me."

"Hey! This is our family's business, why are you meddling in it?" Old Brother Wu shouted immediately when he heard what Xiao Mo said.

Lao Wu's mother also scolded: "You shameless little hooligans, are you instigating my son not to support his own mother? You all have no father and no mother to support you...!"

"Shut up!"


Xiao Mo's angry rebuke and Old Brother Wu's scream sounded at the same time.

Xue Lihong kicked old Brother Wu to the wall.

Old Wu's mother trembled violently in fear and was stunned for a few seconds. Then she screamed and rushed towards her eldest son, "There's killing! Comrade soldiers, there's killing here. There are gangsters beating the old man! Come and kill them." Catch him!"

Old Brother Wu’s wife also joined in and kept shouting for compensation.

The soldiers came, but no one took Xue Lihong and Xiao Mo away. Instead, they asked Xiao Mo: "Brother Xiao, is there someone causing trouble for you?"

Look, what an honest favoritism.

Xue Lihong turned to look at Lao Wu, "Did you hear what Xiao Mo said?"

Old Wu sighed heavily. He knew that the two of them were talking to him, but knowing what to do was one thing, and actually doing it was another. If he is cruel and sneaks away with his wife and children based on his ability, he can live a good life wherever he goes.

But the problem is that he can't be cruel. He could leave his brother behind, but he couldn't leave his mother behind. And being unable to leave his mother behind means that he also has to support his eldest brother and his family.

If he could be more fierce, he would starve them of anyone who dared to cause trouble, and even find someone to teach them a lesson, but he... couldn't be fierce.

At this moment, his wife Yuan Yuan suddenly broke free from his hand and asked him: "Choose me or them?"

Old Wu was stunned, "Yuan Yuan?"

"I wanted to teach them a lesson, but you wouldn't let me. I wanted to warn them, but you wouldn't let me. I didn't want to create a rift with you because of your mother and your eldest brother, so I endured it and have endured it to this day. But if you continue to let me If they entangle our family, it will not be a matter of making trouble every day, but that I will die in their hands sooner or later. A person can only be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no way to guard against thieves."

"Mom!" Wu Xiaoyuan called out, "I'll go with you!"

Lao Wu held his son's hand tightly, and then pulled his wife, "Yuan Yuan!"

Old Wu's mother had sharp ears and heard Yuan Yuan's words. She cursed again and wanted to rush over and beat someone.

The soldiers stopped the family and refused to let them come over.

The family didn't dare to make a fuss when they saw the gun in the soldier's hand. Old Wu's mother looked like she was going crazy. She grabbed the soldier's gun and yelled: "The soldier is protecting the gangsters! Are those gangsters second generation? Are they there?" Rich people! Huh? You shoot! You have the guts! I want to see if you soldiers can shoot at ordinary people and old people! Don’t you have any parents? You are soldiers in vain !Pooh!"

The soldiers' faces turned dark.

Seeing his wife's determined look and his son's questioning and sad look, Old Wu suddenly held his head and growled.

Lao Wu let go of his son and pushed him gently towards Yuan Yuan.

Then he suddenly turned around and knelt down to Xiao Mo.

"Old Wu! What are you doing! Get up quickly." Xiao Mo quickly got out of the way.

Lao Wu burst into tears, "Xiao Mo, Brother Ang, I want to ask you something. Please bring your sister-in-law and your nephew to the Zhongshan base. You know how your sister-in-law is, and they will not cause trouble for you. As long as you give them a bite to eat. …”

"Old Wu, don't say that! Don't worry, I will take good care of my sister-in-law and Xiaoyuan. I can't say that I will definitely keep them safe, but if I have a bite to eat, they will not be lacking."

Yuan Yuan wiped away her tears, "I can endure any hardship. Maybe my cooking is not as delicious as Lao Wu, but I can cook most home-cooked dishes. I can do laundry, cooking, sewing, and cleaning. I can't Freeloaders, if they cause you any trouble, I don’t need you to rush me away, I’ll leave on my own!”

"Sister-in-law, don't say that."

"One code equals one code." Yuan Yuan stopped Xiao Mo from saying that he would give her preferential treatment. She was afraid that the young man standing by and looking at them coldly would leave a bad impression on her. The woman's intuition told her: Xiao Mo might be the one calling the shots for the team, but this young man could decide life and death.

When Old Wu saw that his wife and children had all been arranged, he stood up without any worries. He took one last look at his wife and children, turned around and left them, striding towards his mother and eldest brother.

The soldiers looked at Lao Wu like a scumbag.

Old Wu held back.

When Lao Wu's mother and eldest brother saw Lao Wu coming alone, Lao Wu's mother felt that she had won, so she immediately stopped crying and grabbed her youngest son's hand tightly.

Old Wu's mother and old brother Wu were not really crazy. Just by looking at the soldiers' eyes, they knew how much they hated them, so they stopped immediately. Their purpose is to compensate and make Lao Wu responsible for their lives. Now that Lao Wu has left his wife and children, they have achieved their goal. As for whether Lao Wu will stay in the future, it depends on their methods. .

The soldiers probably hated this family so much that they gave them special treatment and brought them to the front.

There was a lot of chatter in the passage, but it was much quieter than before.

Xiao Mo touched Wu Xiaoyuan's head and comforted Yuan Yuan: "Old Wu is not that kind of person, he will not abandon you."

"I know." Yuan Yuan forced a smile, "He probably wants to stabilize those few first, mainly to get his mother settled, and then find a way to escape back later."

Seeing that Yuan Yuan knew everything in her heart, Xiao Mo said nothing more.

Xue Lihong had different ideas than the two of them, but he didn't say anything. The most terrifying thing is when an honest person is ruthless. H City Base and Zhongshan Base are not far apart. Even if Old Wu escapes back in the future, won’t the family come back again? Even if there are all kinds of dangers on the way, why can't the family entrust mercenaries to bring them here

If Lao Wu really wants to be with his wife and children, he doesn't have many options.

The flow of people moved forward slowly but smoothly.

Finally, the bright sunshine outside penetrated their eyes, and they finally came out.