The Scavengers

Chapter 94: 99|October 27, afternoon


Xiao Mo suddenly stopped and turned around, and many people looked at him.

Wu Youxiong was sneaking into the crowd quietly.

Lao Wu's mother was sitting on the ground cursing. She was also crying, crying that her life was miserable, and that her son wanted to force her to death.

"Auntie, your youngest son is dead and your grandson hates you. From now on, you can only rely on your eldest son to support you in old age." After Xiao Mo said this, he hugged Lao Wu and continued to pray to the people who belonged to the Zhongshan base. Military trucks go.

Lao Wu's mother wanted to scold Xiao Mo when Xiao Mo opened his mouth, but when she found that her eldest son was missing, she panicked.

"Youxiong! Where are you, Youxiong?" Old Wu's mother got up and shouted around in a panic.

Wu Youxiong suddenly found that he could not squeeze into the crowd. Everyone seemed to be blocking his way intentionally or unintentionally.

Someone shouted: "Your eldest son is here!"

Uh-huh! Everyone looked over.

Wu Youxiong cursed in his heart and wanted to run away.

But the one who was faster than him was his mother.

Old Wu's mother rushed over, with tears and runny eyes all over her face, and grabbed his arm, holding it tight!

"Youxiong, I only have you. You can't be like your brother!"

Wu Youxiong's face was extremely gloomy, but with so many people around, it was impossible for him to get rid of his mother.

Old Wu's mother didn't know if she saw her eldest son's plan, her old eyes were full of overstimulated madness and cruelty. She actually knew in her heart who was most filial to them. Her younger son had been away from home for many years, but he had never lost a penny of their pension money, and the money would be transferred to the old man's account every month. The eldest son only gives him some pocket money during holidays and festivals, and the couple pays the down payment for their house, not to mention that they often use their grandson as an excuse to quarrel with the couple.

Want to get rid of me? You are dreaming! Since I gave birth to you, if you dare to be unfilial, I can take your life back! Even the Lord of Hell can’t say what I did was wrong!

Old Wu's mother was truly psychopathic after being stimulated by this. Unfortunately, the only expert present who could see this was not even interested in looking at them.

No one knows what will happen to the mother and son in the future, but they will definitely not be able to escape from tormenting each other.

People who have watched a big drama have their own opinions on this matter because of their different positions and perspectives. But almost everyone believes that Mother Wu's life will not be easy in the future. This is not a punishment, but a visible fact.

Shangguan Ru still wanted to bargain with Lei Bing over Lin Xiaofei's ownership, but Lei Bing crossed his arms and stared at him with an expression like "You are a murderer too."

Shangguanru couldn't continue after saying a few words. In fact, he also wanted Lao Wu's body for research. He originally wanted to take away the body after everyone was dead, but the atmosphere at the scene made him dare not say this.

Major General Zhang Hua also clearly sided with Lei Bing this time, and said with regret: "If we had agreed from the beginning to let Captain Lei take the person back for trial, we would not have forced another person to death. Originally, that incident It was an accident, and now my father has taken the initiative to commit suicide to atone for his crime, what else do we want?"

"The child's mental health..." Shangguan Ru tried hard.

"The child's mental health will really suffer if he stays at the base where his father died!" Major General Zhang Hua blocked Shangguan Ru back with one sentence.

Xu Nuo did not promote his professional knowledge again, because he knew that without factual support, it would be difficult for people outside the H City base to believe him, let alone hand over a poor child who lost his father to him.

Xu Nuo didn’t want to do anything to a child, but!

Xu Nuo turned his eyes and saw the child being carried into a military truck with the license plate number: Lu Z Yi 120-6.

Since his genes were optimized by 5% for strength, Xiao Mo has become much stronger, and he can easily carry an adult man who is not too thin to the truck.

This is a dedicated medical vehicle equipped with first aid supplies.

After everyone came up, the military canvas on the back door was immediately pulled up, so outsiders could no longer peek into the car.

The soldiers also got out of the car. In the car were three members of Lao Wu's family, a health soldier, Xiao Mo and Lin Xiaofei.

Xue Lihong and Cheng Zai, who was the last to come out of the base, were outside the car and listened to the soldiers recounting the drama to them. Cheng Zai's mother, Ms. Chang'e, also came out and followed Xue Lihong out of the base.

In the car, after being rescued by medical soldiers, Xiao Mo carefully examined Lao Wu and let out a long breath after detecting his weak heartbeat.

fine! Finally saved.

He also had a temporary idea before, and instead of repairing Old Wu's wounds immediately, he repaired part of his scratched blood vessels to reduce his bleeding.

So except for the fact that the blood spurting out when Lao Wu cut his neck seemed exaggerated at first, his blood loss was already under control later on. But because there was too much spray on the front and the wounds on the outside were not repaired, everyone who saw this scene believed that Old Wu would definitely die.

In fact, this was very dangerous, because he lost a lot of blood at the beginning and Lao Wu went into hemorrhagic shock. At that time, he was extremely anxious and wanted to save him, but he was afraid that the doctor would find out. I want to delay, but I am afraid that if I delay too much, Lao Wu will completely lose his vitality.

Fortunately, Lei Bing and Zhang Hua seemed to have guessed his plan, and respectively declared that Lao Wu was irredeemable. The emergency doctor was preemptive and did not waste resources on resuscitation after realizing that Lao Wu had lost his heartbeat. If Lao Wu had not gone into shock at that time, he planned to cooperate with Lei Bing Zhang Hua to cause trouble for the doctor and make him misjudge.

As soon as the emergency doctor declared Lao Wu dead, he immediately repaired all the blood vessels that Lao Wu had cut, leaving only the superficial wound on his neck intact.

Now all the wounds on Old Wu's neck have been repaired, except for the blood stains.

The young health soldier wiped off his sweat and gave Xiao Mo a thumbs up. He and Xiao Mo were acquaintances and had collaborated twice on missions before.

Xiao Mo made a "shh" gesture to him.

Health soldier Li Wei smiled and nodded, indicating that he understood. He also saw the ethical farce and hated Lao Wu a little, thinking he was bloodless, but he couldn't help but sympathize with him.

"Bang bang." Xue Lihong patted the car, "Boss, come out."

Xiao Mo didn't know what was going on outside, so he quickly said to Li Wei: "Xiao Li, please help me take care of their family. If they wake up, remind them not to leave the truck and not to make loud noises. Let them be patient and wait. Just leave the h city base."

Li Weixiao said, "Leave the little things to me. Brother Xiao, just go and do it if you have something to do."

Xiao Mo then ordered Lin Xiaofei: "Xiao Fei, you stay here. If Xiao Yuan wakes up, help take care of him."

"Yes, captain!" Lin Xiaofei stood up and saluted.

Xiao Mole touched his head, calmed down his expression, jumped out of the car, and pulled up the canvas.

Outside the car, Xue Lihong was talking to Cheng Zai.

"Brother Xiao, how is Old Wu?" Cheng Zai asked sadly.

When Xiao Mo saw people from the H City base nearby, he also made a sad expression and shook his head silently.

"When will we set off?" Xiao Mo felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and asked another question.

Cheng Zai and Xue Lihong looked at each other.

Xue Lihong said to Xiao Mo: "The news just came that a large number of angels and mutant rats are running towards here."

Cheng Zai, "H City Base hopes that we will stay and help to jointly resist this disaster. And..."

"And Major General Zhang Hua also needs such an opportunity. If we stay to help, we can also help him establish his prestige in the H City base faster and better." Xiao Mo expressed his understanding.

"This is the situation." Seeing that Xiao Mo was not angry, Cheng Zai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had decided to follow Xiao Mo and the others to Zhongshan Base, Major General Zhang Hua and Lieutenant Colonel Ma Xiang also accepted him with great magnanimity and understanding. He applied for retirement, but the more those two behaved like this, the more he wanted to help them more.

Xiao Mo saw Cheng Zai's uneasiness, hugged him, pinched his neck with his arms, and ruffled his hair, "Even if Major General Zhang Hua and the others don't mention it, we will stay when this kind of thing happens. Xiaohong, do you think so?"

What can Xue Lihong say? If the boss says to keep it, then just keep it. Step forward and drag Cheng Zai out by force.

Cheng Zai laughed, finally feeling relieved now. He has a kind heart, but as a soldier, he is used to obeying orders. If Xiao Mo and the others are really unwilling to stay, even if he feels sad, he will not force it. At most, he will ask himself to stay for a while.

When Major General Zhang and Lei Bing came over, they learned that the truth was not the case, and Cheng Zai had received wrong information.

Zhang Hua said: "You don't need to stay. This is not a base disaster. It's just a task assigned to me by the base. They hope that I can lead people to eliminate some of the angels and mutant rats in a nearby small town and bring back a batch of supplies."

Xiao Mo frowned, "You are a major general, why did they...?"

Zhang Hua sneered, "So what about Major General? I have been underground for more than a month, and I was rescued. As soon as I came up, I wanted to divide the power of the existing base, and no one was willing to change it. According to the base management, If I make no contribution at all and want to decentralize power with just a few soldiers, and they agree, the people in the base will not agree either."

Lei Bing said: "Besides, Major General Zhang also wants to keep the large amount of supplies he brought out from the underground base, and he also wants to show his own strength."

Lei Bing then said that according to the agreement between their boss and Major General Zhang, he would leave some manpower for him. These people are all military warriors with special abilities and will stay at the H City base to help Major General Zhang in the next year.

"Even so, how many do you have in total? How many angels and mutant rats are there? How many manpower do you have to spend on this mission?" Xiao Mo was worried.

Zhang Hua doesn't know the danger of this mission, but since the base has opened this door, he must complete this mission. This is not just for the sake of face and showing strength. As a soldier, he cannot avoid this type of mission. .

"It doesn't matter, I still have a lot of ammunition on hand, and it will still have a certain lethality against angels and mutant rats. As long as we arrange it properly, we should be able to kill them all. The base also promised to provide us with several tanks and combat vehicles."

Although Zhang Hua said so, how could Xiao Mo leave at this time. Major General Zhang and Lieutenant Colonel Ma Xiang have always been kind to him. They did not exploit him after knowing his abilities, and they tried their best to keep him secret. He knew they were tinkering with things in the warehouse in the back building, but he pretended not to know anything.

This time when Capital Yucaiyan came over, they were even more pressured to push all the missing things onto the head of the dead security captain Wang Jinian. Even knowing full well, he covered them up in every possible way.

Xiaohong, who didn't like to be troublesome, didn't even ask to leave immediately, and she obviously planned to return the favor.

Seeing that Xiao Mo insisted on staying to help, Lei Bing also said that they didn't mind staying for two more days, and Zhang Hua accepted this.

For Zhang Hua, the thunder soldiers were nothing more than that. It would be great if Xiao Mo was willing to stay and help. With Xiao Mo here, the casualties of his soldiers would be reduced.


The h city base divided a temporary area for Zhang Hua and the others at the root of the city wall connected to the lake.

Since Lei Bing and the others were not leaving for the time being, they drove all their vehicles here.

Some of the survivors who came out of the underground base chose to enter the base, and most of them followed Zhang Hua here.

But once they got here, everyone was mute.

"Haha, tell me, Major General Zhang, what is your relationship with Lu Zhiguo, the current boss of H City Base? You didn't steal his girlfriend, did you?" Lei Bing laughed strangely as soon as he got out of the car.

Zhang Hua also jumped out of the car, looked at the huge mountain of garbage, and said with a wry smile: "I'll tell you exactly."

"Huh? True? False?" Lei Bing was surprised.

Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong also jumped out of the car. Xiao Mo was stunned when he looked at his surroundings.

The city wall here is only half-built. I don’t know if it’s because of the lake in front of it, or if it’s this way on purpose.

Looking behind him, he saw a complete and tall city wall standing a few hundred meters away. Did they enter the base or not

"We are now in the unfinished outer city." The well-informed Xue Lihong saw through the layout of City H at a glance.

Zhang Hua was still there to answer Lei Bing's question seriously: "It really can't be true anymore. My wife's father was Lu Zhiguo's old regiment leader. He always thought that the old regiment leader would marry his daughter to him."

"In the end, someone married their daughter to you?"

"Yes, later on I was promoted faster than him. He is still just a brigadier general. He always thinks that my father-in-law is helping me behind the scenes."

"Who is your father-in-law?" Lei Bing asked pretending to be cautious.

Zhang Hua reported his name.

Lei Bing opened his mouth wide, and after three seconds, he shut up and bowed his hands to Zhang Hua to express his admiration.

Zhang Huaxiao said, "My wife and my father-in-law are both in the capital now, so they don't dare to exclude me too much. They can only put some small obstacles on me like this."

"This is no longer a small stumbling block." Lei Bing looked at this unfinished corner of the outer city, which was actually a super desolate steel garbage dump, and shook his head.

Nowadays, garbage is treasure, but it depends on what it is.

For example, there are a large number of abandoned cars, military vehicles and tanks here that cannot be repaired. They require special recycling factories to recycle them. Now many factories have been forced to shut down. Even if some military factories are still operating, they are mainly recycling. Come. At least in the short term, no one will entertain these crappy ideas given the shipping issues.

Zhang Hua said he didn't care, but looking at the large amount of useless steel waste that occupied an area, how could he not be depressed

But he also knew that this was the result of Lu Zhiguo showing mercy for the sake of his father-in-law and Qiu Feng. Otherwise, let alone giving him a piece of territory, the batch of materials he pulled up from below would have been forcibly confiscated.

Fortunately, Ma Xiang was not there. He went to the central communication building to report to the superiors on his behalf. He might not come back until the evening. When he came back and saw that he was assigned such a piece of land, he had to explode.

"Chief, where are we staying?" Zhang Hua's subordinate walked around in a circle and asked with hidden anger.

"This question should be asked to our superior officer." Zhang Hua turned around and looked at the vehicle behind him sarcastically. A deputy mayor, who was just pushed to the front by Lu Zhiguo, dared to be called the chief. Do you really think that the country is so chaotic that he can become king by dividing a territory and recruiting people

Shangguan Ru also followed, but everyone took their own cars.

As soon as he got off the car, he said with a smile: "Major General Zhang, are you satisfied with what you see? This is the largest piece of open space that our base can handle and is relatively safe. You see, it is also facing a lake. The water is very convenient. In addition, the base has very few supplies now, but we have sent all the military vehicles and tanks we can here."

Zhang Hua was silent for a while, "Is this the support you promised to provide me with to fight the angels and mutant rats?"

Shangguan Ru actually nodded in front of so many soldiers, and said with a benevolent look: "Don't think they are a little worn out, that's just their appearance. It is said that their performance is very good, and the same model was unveiled on National Day. Doesn’t Major General Zhang have a batch of military parts on hand? If you replace them with new ones and repair them, they won’t be any worse than new ones.”

"The military parts I have have nothing to do with combat vehicles or tanks."

"Oh, but we don't have much relevant reserves. How about I report to Mr. Lu and see if we can make an exchange?"

Many soldiers were clenching their fists, waiting for Zhang Hua to give the order and rush forward to beat the Shangguan leader until he couldn't take care of himself!

It was impossible for Zhang Hua to give up those parts, let alone exchange them. Those were special parts for manufacturing special-class aircraft carriers. One of the important reasons why he would retreat underground at that time was to bring out these parts.

"Where do we live?" Major General Zhang suppressed his anger and asked the second question.

If Shangguan relied on Lu Zhiguo, he was destined to be a different person from Zhang Hua, so he was naturally not afraid of offending him to death. Hearing this, he casually pointed at the huge open space, "This area has been allotted to you, you can live wherever you want. However, the base is built around a lake and was not established for a long time, so there are very few buildings here. You have to If you want to live in a building, you can only go to nearby towns and villages to collect bricks and cement and build it yourself. But that is for ordinary people. I remember that you seem to have brought earth powers? So building a house shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Not all earth-type superpowers are construction engineers, so how could they just build a house casually

However, Lu Zhiguo obviously does not want to provide them with more convenience, manpower and materials. It seems that Zhang Hua will have to rely on himself if he wants to gain a foothold in the H City base.

"Oh, by the way, there is a canteen in the base, but you must get it with a ticket. These meal tickets can be exchanged for labor or by accepting tasks. If not, they can be exchanged for materials. For the sake of equality, everyone in the base has the same way to get meal tickets. No one has any privileges. Of course, you can also skip the canteen and exchange supplies with others for food. Oh, if you want to go hunting outside, you must turn in 50% of all harvests according to base regulations. "

Shangguan Ru led the person to the location, explained all the things that needed to be explained, and quickly left with the person.

There was silence at the scene. After a while, the survivors who had followed swarmed forward and asked what was going on

Major General Zhang found a high ground, climbed up, used a loudspeaker to explain the situation to the survivors, and repeatedly stated that he would not force everyone to stay, and those who were willing to stay could stay, and those who were unwilling could bring all their supplies inside. city.

There were sounds of cursing and discussion everywhere, and a group of underground survivors who had already left dispersed again half an hour later.

During this period, Zhang Hua allocated manpower, some of whom went to check the garbage to see if there was anything usable; others followed the earth-type superpowers brought by Lei Bing to look for places where they could build houses; the rest were half on guard and half on the start. Find a leeward place to set up a military tent.

The disadvantage of this area is that it is desolate and not very safe. The advantage is that it occupies a large area and is close to a water source. The soil near the lake is also good. If it is properly tidied up, it will not be a problem to build a small base.

"We need a lot of masonry, cement, and a lot of other materials." Major General Zhang Hua is now particularly grateful that Lei Bing and Xiao Mo can stay.

In such a place with nothing, everything had to be started from scratch. Even if there was no such mission, they still had to go out and collect supplies.

The person who inspected the vehicle came back and cursed angrily: "It's so damn wicked! This garbage is so broken that it can't even be repaired! Chief, are we going to tolerate it like this?"

Zhang Hua was helpless, "What do you want? Charge in with a gun and fight them? Okay, let's work hard tonight, set up all the tents, and have a good night's rest. Tomorrow we will go to get supplies nearby. Xiao Chen, how long will our food reserves be enough?"

While Zhang Hua was busy, Xue Lihong and Xiao Mo were not idle either.

The young man led his boss through the garbage, directing him to remove some parts here and a piece of bulletproof glass there.

Xiao Mo dismantled a few, repaired them and threw them to the young man, who saw them all put into his magical backpack.

"Hey, is that enough? Leave some for Major General Zhang Hua and the others." Xiao Mo hit the long worker on the back of the head.

"You can't use them even if you keep them." Xue Lihong turned around and grabbed his boss, pressed him on the front cover of the car and took a few bites.

Xiao Mo was so kissed that he couldn't breathe and kicked him hard, "Where is my son?"

"Our son is not far from here." Xue Lihong emphasized the four words in front of her, "I originally wanted to change cars on the road. Since we are staying here tonight, I will drive it back later."

Xiao Mo was moved. The interior of the car was made very comfortable by them. It was almost the same as living at home. "A car suddenly appeared, what excuse should we use?" The appearance is so cool!

Xue Lihong had already thought about it, "Because we have completed the tasks issued by Organization 07 many times, the other party gave us a special reward."

Xiao Mo, "... Do you want to completely put Organization 07 on the altar?"

"Is there anything I can't do?" Xue Lihong suppressed his boss and refused to get up, pecking his chin carefully and biting his lips.

Xiao Mo covered his mouth, "Why do I think you are playing a big game of chess?"

"You think too much. Boss, give it a try." Xue Lihong opened his fingers and became excited by the smell of gasoline: "If you are good, I will agree with your idea."

Boss Xiao, who was almost unable to hold on to his belt, asked, "...what do you think?"

"You want to repair a few usable military vehicles and tanks for Zhang Hua. But have you thought about the consequences of exposing your ability?"