The Scavengers

Chapter 99: 104|October 28, afternoon


The base vehicle had already driven away, but the angels didn't know it. They wanted to land but didn't dare, so they could only direct a large number of mutant rats to kill them.

Xue Lihong asked Xiao Mo to drive, and he was responsible for firing the cannons. This time, he waited for the angels to gather more concentratedly before firing three cannons in succession.

The angel was screaming wildly.

Xiao Mo gradually cooperated with Xue Lihong tacitly. Whenever Xue Lihong shouted to leave, he would immediately change places as quickly as possible.

As for the angels and mutant rats near the outside of the base vehicle, Xue Lihong was ostensibly handed over to the two children.

The two children were nervous and excited. They didn't look at the monster outside the window, only the operating screen.

Xiaofei: "Quick! There are so many red dots! Release the grid quickly!"

Wu Xiaoyuan poked hard with his little fat fingers, his eyes turned red with excitement.

Xue Lihong also casually added sound effects and renderings to the two children. On the operation screen, a large number of monsters were crackling with electricity, and there were also the squeaking sounds of a large group of rats.

Cheng Zai paid attention to the situation outside the car at all times so as to alert the other convoy. At the same time, he paid attention to the town map and asked Xiao Mo to lure the angels and the mutant rats to the other end of the town.

The two teams grew further apart. Almost all the angels and mutant rats in the town were attracted.

When they couldn't find the enemy and were too impatient to return to the safer interior of the town, Xiao Mo would let the base vehicle show its face, and Xue Lihong would follow up and fire a few cannons to attract the attention of the angels.

This group of angels couldn't bear to give up these prey. They ate up all the edible people and animals in the town. City H was bombed on a large scale, but the angels' territory faced the northeast just to the town of LX. Before a certain mysterious time limit arrives, they cannot leave their current territory. In order not to starve, they can only spread to the surrounding mountains in search of food.

The H city base currently under construction discovered this and dared to build a safe base in that surrounding lake.

Angels are used to eating humans who are tender and easy to prey on. How could they be willing to eat other animals that are hairy and difficult to hunt? Moreover, their wings can become obstacles in the mountains and forests, making it more difficult for them to hunt prey.

Every time they looked at the base a few kilometers away, knowing that there was a lot of food inside but unable to fly there, the angels and the mutant rats were suffocated.

Regarding the territories of monsters, research has been carried out in various countries and bases around the world. The most common task that mercenaries take on is to clean up monsters in areas one by one.

Although no one understands why these monsters are so obedient, this undoubtedly brings a chance for the world to breathe.

Just imagine, if so many kinds of monsters and viruses broke out all over the world one after another, and they were extremely contagious and would run around, I am afraid that no matter how powerful the people on earth are, they would not be able to survive for long.

Cheng Zai sighed at this.

Xue Lihong snorted coldly and pulled out the machine gun console, "It would be boring if the game was one-sided. Good and evil must be evenly matched in order to be suspenseful and interesting. What the theatergoers see is the struggle of human beings. Maybe When humans think they have a sure chance of victory, all they have to do is click..."

Xue Lihong clicked on the console, and a hole appeared on the roof of the base vehicle, with an elevated machine gun sticking out.

"Angels, mutated rats, gold-eating insects, giant-winged blood mosquito beasts, gluttonous beasts, more monsters and viruses, and even zombies will all come out of the cage. Humanity will have no escape!"

The adults in the car were horrified.

"Click, click, click" machine gun sounds sounded one after another.

While operating the machine gun, Xue Lihong ordered the two boys: "Do you see the buttons in the bottom row of the operation panel? One of them looks like a barrel of black oil. Click on it. There is a ignition button next to it, keep pressing it!"

Wu Xiaoyuan was still looking for the button, but Lin Xiaofei had already pressed it first.

Wu Xiaoyuan bared his teeth at Lin Xiaofei, showing his fierce look. Unfortunately, the middle tooth was a little wobbly, which made Lin Xiaofei laugh.

Child Wu Xiaoyuan was angry and pressed his paws randomly on the buttons.

"Hey! You can't do this." Lin Xiaofei quickly stopped him.

Wu Xiaoyuan was angry and scratched Lin Xiaofei's face with his claws.

Lin Xiaofei was stunned.

Wu Xiaoyuan was also stunned, and then struggled vigorously, trying to escape.

Lin Xiaofei pursed his lips and turned to complain to Xue Lihong, who was closest to him: "Deputy team, Popeye bullied me. He scratched me with his claws. It hurts!"

Xue Lihong stared at the screen: "Punch his ass!"

Lin Xiaofei got the order, rushed over and grabbed Wu Xiaoyuan who was running away, pushed him down on the sofa with all his strength, and beat him on his butt.

Wu Xiaoyuan screamed, and his fingertips suddenly thrust out sharp claws.

"Hiss!" Lin Xiaofei was scratched, this time more severely, and blood beads appeared one after another.

Wu Xiaoyuan was stunned again, looking at his little hands... little paws, his face full of fear, he even forgot to run away again.

Lin Xiaofei grabbed his little hand, and Wu Xiaoyuan flinched, thinking that Lin Xiaofei was going to hit him or complain again, and a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

As a result, Lin Xiaofei said happily: "Wow! It turns out that your power is not only great strength, you can also create sharp claws. It's so powerful, just like Wolverine. Do you know Wolverine?"

Wu Xiaoyuan was interrupted and shook his head blankly.

Lin Xiaofei casually wiped the blood on his face. He had strong recovery ability and would not go to Xiao Mo to treat a minor wound. The child Jiliguala explained to the child how cool Wolverine was, and even asked Wu Xiaoyuan to conjure up both claws.

Child Wu Xiaoyuan stupidly stretched out his little fleshy hand, trying hard to conjure ten claws.

Xue Lihong glanced at the two children, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Are these two cute guys having fun in the car? The mutant rats in a circle around the car suffered a big disaster.

Just now, a large amount of gasoline suddenly flowed out from around the car, and then four spark lines extended from the car body, igniting all the mutant rats around it with a bang.

Squeaks and screams resounded throughout the wilderness. These mutated rats were on fire and instead of running away, they all jumped on the car at the urging of the angels.

Cheng Zai screamed strangely in front of the car, "Brother Xiao! Quick! Get out of the ring of fire! These mutant rats are crazy!"

Xiao Mo was highly concentrated, his forehead was covered with small beads of sweat, and he yelled without looking back: "Xiao Hong, is this car afraid of fire?"

Xue Lihong: "Don't be afraid, charge!"

Xiao Mo stepped on the accelerator!

Xue Lihong: "Don't enter the town. They will catch fire and are difficult to hunt. Take them in circles outside the town!"

Xiao Mo: "Okay! Everyone, sit tight!"

At present, the ammunition reserve of the base vehicle is quite abundant, and Xue Lihong and the two children are relatively prodigal, so they don't feel any distress when using weapons.

Yes, the two cute boys got together in front of the operation panel and started killing monsters, but this time they agreed to take turns.

Wu Xiaoyuan formed a claw with one hand and could not retract it, so he could only clumsily poke the screen with his other left hand. In this way, he still poked hard and breathlessly, as if he was killing everyone.

Lin Xiaofei would cheer every time he saw a monster fall, and soon Wu Xiaoyuan was also screaming, and the car was filled with the strange screams of the two little ghosts.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer angels outside, and only a large number of mutant rats were still following them.

"Boss, find an open place to park."

Xiao Mo understood that Xiaohong was planning to do the final cleaning.

Xue Lihong asked again: "Cheng Zai, what's going on with Major General Zhang?"

Cheng Zai quickly replied: "We have safely entered the town and arrived at one of our destinations, the grain and oil wholesale center. There are currently no casualties."

"Are you sure no angels are following them?"


"Mutant rat?"

"Yes, not many, can be solved." Cheng Zai has been keeping in contact with Lei Bing and others and knows their first-hand situation.

"Very good. Boss?"

"Cheng Zai!" Xiao Mo asked.

Cheng Zai quickly looked at the map again, "Two hundred meters further, turn the corner and you'll find the provincial road. There are wastelands on both sides."

"Okay, that's it!" Xiao Mo accelerated the car.

The two children were reminded to hold on to the handrails.

Xue Lihong operated the machine gun panel with one hand and turned the muzzle with the other.

Two minutes later, Xiao Mo stopped in the middle of the provincial road outside the town.

Xue Lihong aimed at the sky above the town and fired blank cannons.

If there are angels in the town, this empty cannon is enough to attract them all.

But except for a few angels who followed closely behind them, there was never another angel flying in the town.

"It seems that all the angel stocks in this town are here. Xiao Fei and Xiao Yuan, don't touch them when the red dots approach the car body. I let you move, and you can move again."

The second child: "Yes!"

"Pay attention to the last button in the third row. If I say press it, you press it."

"Yes!" The two children looked at the button together and saw that there was only a skull on the button, and its purpose could not be clearly seen from the pattern.


"Got it!" Xiao Mo stopped the vehicle and rushed to the warehouse door. He took an oxygen mask from the shelf next to the warehouse door and put it on. Then he turned the door handle and entered. Then he pulled out a large basket of meat and used the fastest speed to Speed into the ejection box. After finishing his work, he took off his mask and rushed back to operate the vehicle.

During this period, Xue Lihong occasionally bombarded the angels to hold back their hatred.

The base vehicle completely emerged.

Xue Lihong retracted the machine gun, leaving only one barrel.

There were less than ten angels left, making shrill screams in the sky.

Thousands of mutant rats rushed towards the base car. This time, the third-level rats were all on the outside, and the innermost ones were the lowest-level mutant rats that looked about the same size as ordinary rats.

These mutant rats plan to climb through every hole in the car body, as long as they can get into the car...

"Boss!" Xue Lihong reminded.

"It'll be ready soon!" Xiao Mo had already opened the defense panel of the base vehicle when he saw the mouse coming around. This Xiaohong had already taught him that it was the most basic and comprehensive protection. The base vehicle can temporarily seal all gaps through the operation of the defense panel. Even air cannot enter, and the interior relies entirely on its own oxygen.

Rats also began to crawl on the barrel.

"Wow!" The angels lingered in the sky and refused to come down. They also knew the power of the cannonballs.

Xiao Mo knocked hard: "Done!"

Xue Lihong looked at the scene outside the car transmitted back by the camera and suddenly pressed a button.

A hole opened in the roof of the base vehicle, and a bloody piece of meat suddenly shot out.

There was a commotion among the angels when they smelled the blood. Two angels subconsciously pounced on the piece of meat, splitting it in two in the sky.

The other angels didn't move, they were afraid of some sort of trap.

However, the angel who had grabbed the meat ate the meat without seeing anything happen. Instead, they all paid more attention to the roof of the car.

Another piece of bloody flesh ejected!

This time there were more angels rushing past.

Blood rain poured down from the sky, and the mutated rats below burst into commotion.

The third piece of meat popped out!

This time, all the angels didn't hesitate anymore and pounced on the piece of meat that seemed to be as big as half a pig's body.

It's now!

"Poof!" This time, what was shot out from the roof of the car was no longer fresh meat, but an oversized fishing net made of steel wire.

The contributor of this steel mesh is Lei Bing. It was previously developed by Zhongshan Base specifically to deal with giant-winged blood-striped beasts, and now it has become one of the basic configurations of the base's military team.

The steel mesh immediately covered all the angels snatching meat.

The mechanism closed, and the angel screamed and rushed out.

The steel wire mesh is about to be broken! Xue Lihong controlled the barrel and fired two shots in succession!


With the last shot, the remaining angels wrapped in steel wire fell from the sky.

The mutant rats were most interested in the angel's corpse. As soon as the angel landed, they wanted to give up destroying the base vehicle and eat the angel's corpse, even if there were injured people among them.

It's too late, it's faster than that! Xue Lihong calmly ordered: "Xiao Fei and Xiao Yuan, press!"

Lin Xiaofei considered himself the eldest brother, so he gave this great opportunity to his younger brother Wu Xiaoyuan.

Wu Xiaoyuan pressed the button hard. Worried, he pressed it a few more times, but because of the settings, the next few times were of no use.

The people inside the car couldn't see it, but if they were outside the car, they could see that the entire base car emitted a dazzling light at this moment.

All creatures that climbed onto the car and within five meters of the car, including weeds, were reduced to ashes.

There were more than a dozen level three mutant rats that didn't jump on the car, but they all ran away.

This also caused a "beep" warning sound to sound in the car, and the car's intelligent voice said: "Excessive power consumption, adjustment is being made, please do not panic."

After three rounds of prompts, the current in the car returns to normal.

"Boss, get out of the car and receive the goods." Xue Lihong stood up and greeted, "Cheng Zai, please inform Major General Zhang Hua that there are more than a dozen level 3 mutant rats running back. Tell them to be careful."

"Yes." Cheng Zai immediately contacted Zhang Hua.

Xiao Mo told Cheng Zai and the two children not to get out of the car, opened the driver's door and jumped out of the car. Xue Lihong also came out of the middle door.

The two of them ran to the wire mesh. The angels inside were still struggling, and one was about to break through.

Xue Lihong stepped forward and stabbed him. He didn't kill him, but knocked him unconscious. "Quick! Recycle it and exchange it for energy crystals."

Xiao Mo looked back at the base vehicle. Cheng Zai could see their behavior through the camera.

Xiao Mo did not hesitate and immediately killed the remaining angels one by one and recovered them. It's a pity that very few of the mutated rats are still alive more than five meters away from the car. Most of them are missing half of their bodies, and recycling them can't exchange for many energy crystals.

But little things add up, and Xiao Mo doesn't mind it.

When Xiao Mo was collecting monsters, Xue Lihong was on guard. Seeing Xiao Mo finish his work, he said, "We will also go into town to collect some monsters later."

Xiao Mo hesitated, "Isn't that good? We agreed with Major General Zhang and the others..."

"They collect theirs, and we collect ours. For such a big town, do you expect them to evacuate it in one day? Rather than keeping the rest of the cheap H City base, we might as well take it away."

Xiao Mo's heart suddenly moved, "If we have almost wiped out the angels in this town and there are not many mutant rats, what do you think about letting Major General Zhang and the others build a base here directly?"

"Not very good." Xue Lihong objected, "This is still the hunting area of the angels. If Zhang Hua and the others stay here, what's the difference between notifying the angels in this area that there are rations here? In a few days, they will It must be completely destroyed. If not, with the troops at the hands of Brigadier General Lu Zhiguo and not afraid of sacrifice, wouldn't it be easy to capture this town?"

Xiao Mo realized, "It seems that it can only be used as a material collection place."

"So we might as well decorate more. We consumed a lot this time, and we have to make up for it from other places."

"How big is the warehouse space in our car?" Xiao Mo was really curious.

Xue Lihong blinked at him, "It's no problem to install more than a dozen national-level granaries."

Xiao Mo: "..."

Xue Lihong put her arms around his shoulders, "Do you think this space is very big? The monsters on some planets are as big as an aircraft carrier. How can it be a wilderness star research vehicle without a larger space?"

"How do you know the monsters on some planets are so big? Have you seen them?"

"I've seen it before. Isn't it like that in movies and TV shows?"

Xiao Mo didn't believe it. He suspected that his parents might have actually seen some monsters as big as aircraft carriers.

It's a pity that Xiaohong keeps secret about his origins, even though their relationship has...

Xiao Mo shook his head to get rid of all the inappropriate thoughts. He felt that Xiaohong had an indispensable restorer/friend relationship with him.

There will be no good consequences for being a self-motivated person. The relationship between boss, partner and lover/friend is enough.

Love between two men? It's not that he doesn't believe it, he just doesn't have confidence in himself. He knows that he is not a very attractive person. And if his dual personality problem is not solved, he will always have the terrible feeling that he is using someone else's body to fall in love, or that someone else is living in his body and wants to steal his lover.

Xiao Mo quickly picked up his mood, got in the car and set off for the small town.

Cheng Zai had already calmed down his expression when the two came up. The disappearance of so many angels and half-broken mutant rats must not be as simple as simply destroying the corpses and eradicating traces.

Cheng Zai's first guess was that there were other space devices on the two of them, but there were already base vehicles in multiple spaces. He was not very surprised by this, but couldn't help but secretly think: The space in the team looks like There are a lot of them. I wonder if one will be given to each of us as a member benefit, even if it is only a few cubic meters.

"Stop dreaming, do you think the space device is just a cabbage that you can just take out a bunch of?" Xue Lihong got in the car and slapped Cheng Zai on the back of the head.

Cheng Zai covered his head, okay, he was stupid, he actually said what was in his heart directly.

Xiao Mole, "Don't look at me, I don't have space skills. The trick just now was just energy conversion."

"Energy conversion?" Cheng Zai was confused.

Since we have to get along with him for a long time in the future, Xiao Mo must explain this to him: "I have an ability, which is another kind of superpower. I can convert the corpse of a recently deceased monster into energy crystals, just like most people can now convert the corpse of a monster into an energy crystal." It's like secreting alloy particles inside, which is actually a kind of energy conversion."

"Wow! Double superpowers!" Cheng Zai was envious and instantly accepted this reason. Since other ordinary people can secrete energy-laden alloy particles, our team Xiao, who has superpowers, can directly convert monster corpses into energy crystals. It's also normal.

"Brother Xiao, what is energy crystal?"

Xiao Mo gave up the driving seat and sat behind Cheng Zai to explain to him.

Cheng Zai asked and circled back to space. He was really curious, "What is the principle of space in this car? Why can this car be connected to multiple spaces?"

Xiao Mo couldn't answer this and could only look at Xue Lihong.

Xue Lihong answered while driving: "There are many kinds of storage spaces, and there are many ways to apply them. The mythical one is the Mustard Seed Xumi world, and the realistic one is space compression and expansion technology. Now the earth's space research is going in this direction. Generally, the molecules and atoms of the object are compressed to make the empty space of the object smaller or larger. But usually this technology changes the volume but the mass remains unchanged."

Two children also ran over to listen.

"There is also a sci-fi trend called space coordinate correspondence, also called space interception, and also called a space station. This is also the main space technology used in our car. Everyone knows that any place in our world can be marked with coordinates The same goes for the universe. We can guide satellites, spacecrafts, aircraft and vehicles to point coordinates to go somewhere, and if we fold this distance, it can become point-to-point."

Cheng Zai clapped his hands and said, "I understand. The space in our car is equivalent to being able to reach point-to-point through some kind of device, and every time we open the door, it is equivalent to shortening the actual distance and making the two spaces in direct contact."

Xue Lihong nodded, "That's pretty much what it means. So our space was originally a vacuum, and the oxygen inside needed to be supplied by the on-board system, including the gravity inside. This is also the reason why I separated the warehouse and the living area. The warehouse is basically It is in a vacuum state, and you must wear an oxygen mask when you go in. The advantage is that no matter how big the space is and how many things are contained in the space, its weight will not be mapped to reality, because its spatial entity is not here."

Cheng Zai raised his hand, "What if someone discovers these intercepted spaces? How can we intercept them?"

Xue Lihong: "Not just any space can be intercepted. As far as I know, technically speaking, there must be a space station that has been set up first. You can imagine it as a dock warehouse, one container at a time. Those containers and warehouses, one by one. represents a space.”

Cheng Zai had a new question: "Then who built these space stations?"

Xue Lihong didn't answer. Xiao Mo thought for a moment, "It should be the manufacturer of this car."

Cheng Zai asked cautiously: "This car is actually not a product of the earth, right?"

Lin Xiaofei's eyes suddenly opened wide. Wow, alien car! cool!

Xiao Mo nodded.

Lin Xiaofei spun around excitedly, hugged Wu Xiaoyuan, covered his ears with her hands and muttered.

Wu Xiaoyuan's little face also turned red with excitement. The alien car can also kill monsters. It’s much better than the fairy pumpkin car my mother mentioned!

Captain Xiao coughed hard, "This is just our guess. If you don't want to lose this car and our safest home, then don't say a word outside."

"Captain, don't worry!" One senior and two juniors raised their hands and swore together. Wu Xiaoyuan didn't understand, so he followed Lin Xiaofei's lead.

A secret that Xue Lihong wanted to be known to more than three people was not a secret, but he didn't care if others knew the secret of the car. As long as he was strong enough, who would dare to take advantage of his son

And he believes that no one in the team, including children, will leak this secret in the short term. As for the future... who knows how the earth will change in the future