The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 112: A Guide to Survival in the End Times


Yang Gan said lightly to Ye Ming, "Come here."

As soon as Ye Ming walked over, Yang Gan grabbed the chain and pulled it in front of him. Ye Ming couldn't help but stumbled a bit and almost bumped into Yang Gan's arms. He stopped quickly, lowered his eyes and was a little nervous. What's the meaning.

Yang Gan lowered his head slightly, stared at Ye Ming's profile, his fingers gently caressed his neck, took off his collar with a click, and said with a smile, "I'll give you a chance... You'd better prove that you are useful. Otherwise, just be a slave obediently."

Ye Ming looked a little nervous. In fact, he didn't expect Yang Gan to agree to him at first. After all, Yang Gan resented himself for abandoning him at the beginning, but he didn't expect him to be willing to give him this chance.

Yang Gan's eyes were indifferent, he took a step back, turned around and walked out.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, and then quickly followed.

The team members outside were already waiting, and they were a little surprised to see Yang Gan taking Ye Ming out, but since this was the boss's idea, there was nothing to say, but they didn't give Ye Ming a good look.

Ye Ming sat in the back of the off-road vehicle, Shi Yang threw a gun to him and said coldly, "Can you use it?"

Ye Ming nodded.

Then no one paid any attention to him.

Yang Gan sat in front, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance, his stern face seemed to be a little stranger.

I encountered a lot of scattered zombies along the way. Everyone didn’t take it seriously, and drove directly over it. However, in the afternoon, I encountered a little trouble, and the road ahead was blocked by a few broken trees.

But it wasn't a big trouble for Yang Gan and his party. Shi Yang went straight down, picked up the tree trunk that was thicker than a person, dragged it aside, and cleared the road. He was obviously a power-type ability user... At this time There was a zombie next to him, and another person in the car shot an arrow at it, covering Shiyang to clear the road.

The town was relatively far away, and it was very dangerous to travel at the end of the world at night, so after the sun went down, everyone stopped to rest.

It was obviously not the first time for these people to come out together to perform a mission. They all had a tacit understanding with each other. Only Ye Ming was like an outsider. He was a little restless and didn't know what to do. Everyone ignored him. Still no one cared about him.

Ye Ming felt very embarrassed and embarrassed, and when he was hesitating, he saw Yang Gan beckoning to him.

Yang Gan threw a can in front of Ye Ming and raised his thin lips: "Eat it."

Ye Ming looked at him with a complicated expression.

Yang Gan glanced at Ye Ming and smiled lightly: "Don't think too much, I said give you a chance, I will give you a chance, if you can prove that you have the ability to earn food, I don't mind letting you do goodbye. Otherwise, do you think I am willing to support you, this useless waste, food is very valuable in the last days, and you are not that valuable yet."

Ye Ming's eyes were sad, he looked at the man in front of him, the image of Yang Gan in his memory was fading a little... replaced by this man with a cold face who no longer cared about him.

It's like the last treasure in my heart has also changed color and stained with ashes.

Ye Ming bent down to pick up the can and remained silent.

Yang Gan ignored Ye Ming and rested with his eyes closed. Because there were other people on duty at night, Ye Ming looked around and simply lay down not far from Yang Gan.

He hadn't left the base for two years. Although he lived a safe and secure life in the base, the price he had to pay was dignity and personality.

Maybe many people have completely given up on these useless things, but... He doesn't want to.

If you don't even want the most basic self-esteem as a human being, what's the point of living? He just couldn't resist, so he buried these attachments deep in his heart, eager to regain his freedom one day, now is his only chance, and he will not give up.

There was no danger this night. Only a few zombies came here by accident, and they were easily solved by the people on duty at night. The next day dawned and they continued to move forward.

It wasn't long before the town could finally be seen from a distance.

Yang Gan ordered everyone to stop. They saw that the town in the distance had solemn eyes. There were too many zombies in this town. Probably there were zombies passing by, and then because the road ahead was blocked, they stopped here. , the densely packed zombies are like ants filled there, even the supernatural beings will be submerged as long as they enter.

Yang Gan turned his head and said, "Zhao Jin, take a few people to lead the zombies away. There are too many, and we can't kill them."

Zhao Jin nodded, "No problem."

A few of them got into a truck with a horn, drove to the other side of the road, hit the blocking vehicle, and then turned on the horn to make a loud noise, attracting the attention of the zombies at once.

The zombie stream slowly chased the direction of the truck along the road. The town gradually became empty, and only a few scattered zombies were left behind. They followed slowly and could not hear the sound in front. Confused to stay and continue to entangle, these must be cleaned up by them.

With an order from Yang Gan, everyone drove into the town, got out of the car and started cleaning up zombies, checking supermarkets, shops and warehouses, and any places that might have food.

Ye Ming also jumped out of the car holding the gun. His hands were very hard, and his palms were sweaty. Although he had killed zombies before, after all, he did not do so many times. big difference.

He walked into a supermarket to check the containers, turned around, and saw a female zombie pounce on him from the side! The rotten face and yellowed teeth made his stomach churn. No matter how many times he looked at it, he still felt so disgusting, especially at such a close distance, it made his scalp numb, and he raised his hand to shoot. The marksmanship was not accurate, the recoil made his wrists numb, and he fired several shots before finally hitting the zombie's head, black blood splashed on his face, and the nose was full of disgusting smells.

[Ye Ming: I rub it, it's disgusting ah ah, watching it on TV and watching it in reality, the difference is so huge! It's a thousand times more disgusting!]


[Ye Ming: My hands are shaking, my legs are shaking, I'm scared to pee!]

[Ye Ming: When you really kill it, it's not as easy as it looks, right? ! I no longer despise those weak chickens on TV who can't kill zombies and get killed a few times! I want to hit the head too! If you are nervous, you will not be able to hit 55555]

888 feels that he wants to die for a while, this must not be his host, the protagonist will not be like this, only the cannon fodder is like this.

Ye Ming wiped his face and was about to go out from here, but because of the sound of his gunshots, a few more zombies struggled to climb out of the corner and staggered towards him. Ye Ming pulled the trigger and found that there was no bullet. Now, I immediately took out the dagger and grabbed the neck of the zombie in front of me with one hand, and plunged it into its head!

The feeling of his fingers sinking into rotten flesh made Ye Ming almost spit it out. It took him all his willpower to not let his expression completely collapse, but it was true that he didn't need to act in panic.

Ye Ming finally killed two zombies. Seeing that there were more and more, he finally turned around and ran away.

But the bad thing was that there were two more zombies in front of him. Ye Ming stumbled on the bucket on the ground because of his nervousness, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, and the zombies were rushing towards him, and he thought that my life was over! Help my husband! If I don't come, I'm really done! Stop watching the show!

Seeing that the zombie's saliva was about to drip on Ye Ming's face, Ye Ming showed a desperate look. At this moment, the zombie's head suddenly exploded, as if it was crushed by the air out of thin air, with a foul smell. The brains were scattered all over Ye Ming's face, he closed his breath and finally didn't swallow it, and he would die!

Ye Ming wiped his face vigorously, and then got up from the ground panting. The heads of the zombies around him all exploded, as if they were killed at the same time.

He turned his head and saw Yang Gan leaning against the wall, looking at him lazily with playful eyes.

Ye Ming had been waiting for Yang Gan to save him, but at the moment there was an unexpectedly complicated look on his face, as if he did not expect Yang Gan to take action. Don't even bother to pay attention to him.

Ye Ming's expression was sad, and then he hurried out.

The battle is still going on, and it really isn't the time to talk.

There are still many zombies outside, and several of Yang Gan's subordinates are power users. One of the female power users pressed both hands on the ground, and a large ice layer suddenly appeared on the ground, freezing the feet of those zombies, slowing down. With their movements, another male carrying a bow and arrow pulled the bow with one hand, and shot through the heads of more than a dozen zombies with one arrow.

Yang Gan walked over and folded his hands together in the air. The heads of countless zombies were blown out by the air. The way of death was the same as the zombies who attacked Ye Ming just now.

There are also those who use fire, wind, and Shi Yang, who is extremely powerful. Zombies can't bite his skin, just like a human-shaped tank.

Ordinary people like Ye Ming can only hide behind with guns and knives, killing some sporadic fish that slip through the net. Give human beings a silver lining, they have the power to protect more people and make human beings capable of surviving in difficult situations.

However, very few people are willing to help others, and most of them are only willing to protect themselves, or like Huo Yi, use their power to get everything they want and become king and hegemony in the last days.

The apocalypse gave them strength, but it made human beings indifferent, selfish and ruthless.

If either he or Yang Gan could awaken their supernatural abilities, they would not have fallen to that point. Although he is still weak, Yang Gan has become very powerful... Ye Ming is happy for him.

Under the leadership of this group of powerful abilities, they emptied the place with almost no casualties, and then began to collect supplies separately.

The good news is that the supplies here are very sufficient, and most of them are still there. They even found a few trucks and filled the trucks with food in various boxes, but because it was dark again, everyone decided to stay here for one night. , when Zhao Jin and the others come back, they will go back together with Zai.

With these materials, it can help the base support for a period of time.

Everyone found a room, lit the fireplace, and sat in the hall to rest. Yang Gan sat alone on the empty sofa, and no one else sat with him, showing his status among these people.

Ye Ming stood in the corner, hesitated for a long time, looked at Yang Gan complicatedly, he thought he was doomed, but Yang Gan rescued him, making him recall the past.

After struggling for a while, he finally walked over and said in a low voice, "Thank you today."

Yang Gan raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Ming. The depths of his eyes were cold, but they were hidden so deeply that they could hardly be seen. He knew that Ye Ming only wanted to get rid of him, so he said he was going to kill zombies. Are you so reluctant to stay by my side

In fact, I could have rejected you directly from the beginning, but that would be too boring... I think it's more interesting to give you hope and then let you despair.

No matter how much she resists and struggles, she is just a weak ant in the end, and it is impossible to get rid of my control.

Yang Gan stood up from the sofa, gently wiped the blood from Ye Ming's face with his thumb, and let out a low laugh: "It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

Hearing Yang Gan's voice, Ye Ming finally showed a moved look in his eyes. In fact, he made this request with the heart that he might die. He didn't want Yang Gan to look down on him, and felt that he was a person who was only willing to betray himself. Although some things may be too late... But he still wants to prove himself, it doesn't matter if he dies, anyway, he has nothing to worry about or regret.

But he didn't expect that when he was in danger, this person would still save him, and he couldn't help but hope that there was still a trace of affection in Yang Gan's heart.

Just when Ye Ming was a little moved, Yang Gan lowered his head and said slowly in his ear: "But a waste like you is really useless at all."

Ye Ming's face froze, and that icy voice froze the slight expectation in his heart into ice, and all of a sudden it returned to reality.

Yang Qian jokingly said: "You can only sell your body, and you still have a little value."

Ye Ming looked at Yang Gan's cold, emotionless eyes, and when he thought that he was going to be chained and trapped in that small room again, he bit his lip and said firmly, "I can kill zombies!"

Yang Qian said lightly: "You can? You know... I don't have time to watch you and protect you. If it wasn't for me today, you would be dead." He actually followed Ye Ming on purpose at that time. He hated himself. I still can't let go of this person, because I'm afraid that he will die, that he will be in danger.

Ye Ming's face was flushed and he seemed a little ashamed, but he was silent for a while and said, "I don't need you to protect me, I can do it myself!"

Yang Qian's eyes turned completely cold.

It turned out to be just out of a foolish mentality, but now it has become extremely angry. Do you know what you mean by this sentence? Don't let me care about you? A weak human like you can easily be killed by zombies. Without my protection, you would not be able to live now!

Or do you prefer to die and want to get rid of me? Such a backbone... At that time two years ago, why didn't you reject Huo Yi with such a backbone? You just like to pretend in front of me so much

At this moment, the hatred in Yang Gan's heart began to boil again, but his expression became calmer, and his eyes were dark.

He looked at Ye Ming and said slowly, "I think you might not realize it."

Ye Ming couldn't help but take a step back and looked up at Yang Qian.

Yang Qian fixedly looked at him, the scars on his cheeks made his stern face even more cruel, he let out a sarcastic low laugh: "I'm just telling you the answer, not asking for your opinion."

"The rules of this world are made by the strong. I said that you are only worthy of being a slave. You can only be a slave." Yang Gan stepped forward, forcing Ye Ming to retreat, pinching his chin and lips. The corners are raised, and the eyes are dangerous: "Or, you prefer to be Huo Yi's slave, and I can't tolerate it?"

"So do you still have any sense of shame? I'm really surprised." Yang Gan raised his brows slightly, his voice low and smiling.

Ye Ming's lips turned white with shame and anger, and he opened his mouth and said, "No—" As soon as he opened his mouth, he turned around and was pressed down on the sofa by Yang Gan.

Yang Gan raised his right hand and moved, and his subordinates immediately retreated.

Then he lowered his head, his dark and cold eyes fell on Ye Ming's face, he grabbed his neck with one hand and tore his clothes with the other.

Ye Ming raised his head and looked at Yang Gan's face that was close at hand. When the world was not so cruel, they were together. Later, when the apocalypse came, they did not separate them. He loved this person so deeply. I thought that the love between them could go on forever... No matter what difficulties could not separate them.

But in the end, it was shattered by the ruthless reality.

Ye Ming's eyes showed pain and helplessness, he could only keep repeating: "No, no..."

it's not like that.

It's just because I love you that I don't want to be treated as a lowly person without dignity.

But you don't believe me anymore.

don't love me anymore.