The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 165: real world


Ye Ming hung up Fang Sheng's call, and soon another call came in. Almost every entertainment friend who knew Ye Ming was asking him if the news on the Internet was true. He really belonged to the Ye family. Master

And those who failed to make a successful call sent text messages one after another, and they were all amazed.

Ye Ming didn't rush to reply to those news, and he didn't answer the phone anymore. Instead, he opened the APP of major media. Sure enough, the headlines were all about him: Ye Ming's family background is big, and the low-key artist is actually the heir of a billionaire!

The comments below each related news exploded, ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands. Some expressed shock, some expressed disbelief, and others smeared sourly. All in all, the entire Internet was shocked by Ye Ming This third-rate little star has such a background.

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but not so unexpected. He is not a state secret person, and there are many people who know him, but he was not popular before, and his sister Ye Zhi helped control public opinion. RBI, so I haven't revealed my identity, but after all, the Ye family can't cover the sky with one hand, and now it seems that he is really popular... so much that even his family background has been wiped out.

Because of the exposure of his family background, Ye Ming was on the cusp of the storm again.

The new fans are very excited to stand on Ye Ming's side, each one is like a chicken blood, saying that with Ye Ming's identity, do you still need to sell yourself, do you need to curry favor with Li Muxun and the unspoken rules? Li Muxun fawned on him almost, so that those sunspots who slandered Ye Ming's superiority by unspoken rules were slapped in the face one after another.

But if you think that it is easy to defeat Heizi, then you are underestimating their combat effectiveness. The exposure of Ye Ming's identity has made Heizi even more. Yes, some people like it and some people don't. There are also many people who don't like him, and there are many critics who are jealous and picky.

They can't scold Ye Ming for selling himself, they can only scold him for his chaotic private life, homosexuality, and poor character. accused him.

What a bunch of boring people who are full and supportive... Ye Ming thought so, put the phone in his pocket as if nothing had happened, and looked back at Kesen.

He didn't forget that before this incident, Corsen was about to ask him a question. Although Corsen was interrupted by accident after only saying one word, Ye Ming knew in his heart what Corsen wanted to know, and At this moment, he has made his own decision.

Ye Ming was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "I..."

But this time it was Kesen who interrupted him. Kesen's black eyes were full of worry, and he said solemnly, "Are you alright?"

Kesen also figured out what happened on the Internet, and he checked the information much faster than Ye Ming. Some public opinions on the Internet made him angry and powerless, with deep worry and pity in his eyes. .

All these reminded him of the past...

Harvey endured humiliation and paid such a price for human beings, even his life, but didn't the people on the Internet, those living in peaceful areas, also not hesitate to use the greatest malice to conjecture and persecute him

In the face of those malicious slanders, insults, and suspicions, although Harvey never cared, Corson couldn't turn a blind eye, thinking that Harvey really didn't care, he felt sad, painful, and angered for him, but he couldn't do anything No matter how powerful he is, he can't control what others say, he can only be silent.

Public opinion is the hardest thing to control.

Language can inspire others and rebuke injustice, but once it becomes a knife in people's hands, it can bring harm to others unscrupulously. People use verbal violence to drive others into desperation and impose lynching sentences, but they still think that they have mastered the truth and supported them. Justice - complacent and without remorse.

Even in this distant star field, this backward world, the despicable side of human nature is no different.

Corson remembered their toughest time when he had to face the pressure of the universe to protect his love, because once he handed Harvey over, he faced death...

He would rather bear all of this to himself than to let Ye Ming face it.

"If you're not happy, don't watch it." Ke Sen looked at him tenderly and said slowly, for him, perhaps the previous doubts were important, but nothing was more important than Ye Ming's happiness.

He didn't want him to be sad, he didn't want him to think of those unpleasant memories.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on Ke Sen's eyes... In Ke Sen's heart, whether he is happy or not is more important than anything else...

He pursed his lips slightly, you will make me blame myself, and make me feel ashamed after hesitating whether to continue to lie to you.

The complex look in Ye Ming's eyes swept across, and he sighed inaudibly, then smiled indifferently, and said, "There is nothing to be unhappy about."

His eyes shone brightly in the night, and he could see that there was no reluctance at all. He really didn't care about those slanders and attacks, and said with a smile, "Do you know how to make yourself happy? That is—just look at those who support me. Public opinion will do.”

Corson froze for a moment.

"Because I will know that there are still many kind people, and there are still many people who support and like me. So I will not be defeated by those malicious people, but let those who like and support me feel sad and disappointed." Ye Ming raised With a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I can't control how others view me, but I can choose what kind of person I become and how to live."

"Let's talk about it..." Ye Ming chuckled, "As a star, if you can't even stand it, the stars in the entertainment industry can commit suicide by half, and the other half can quickly retire to save their lives."

Ke Sen was silent for a while, then suddenly reached out and hugged Ye Ming tightly, his eyes were full of deep love like the ocean.

Yes, you have always been this way, it has never changed.

No matter what others say about you, you will never be defeated or changed. Even if you lose your memory and self, you will never forget to protect the hearts of human beings, and you will never forget your perseverance. Dust cannot cover your light.

You will always be the one I love the most.

Ye Ming was embraced by Ke Sen, but what he thought at this moment was, I'm sorry, in fact, I'm not as noble as you think, and my persistence is not so great, you are such a person, no matter how slandered Slandering has never changed your original intention.

If you knew who I was, you probably wouldn't love me so much.

Ye Ming smiled lightly and said, "I know what you wanted to ask me just now."

Corson made a low voice: "Yeah."

Ye Ming added: "But it's too late today, I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?"

Ke Sen said without hesitation, "Okay." His trust in Ye Ming was unconditional. Since Ye Ming told him tomorrow, he could wait patiently.

Ye Ming showed a little apology in his eyes. In fact, he played a not very honorable thought in that sentence. He didn't want to deceive Corson again, but he didn't want to tell the truth cruelly, so he chose to delay.

Maybe tomorrow Corson is gone, so he doesn't have to say that answer himself, but if Corson is there tomorrow.

That was probably God's will.

No matter who he faces tomorrow, he will never lie again, he will try to face everything bravely and honestly.

"Let's go home." Ye Ming grabbed Kesen's hand and showed a bright smile.

The two hugged each other that night, Ke Sen and Ye Ming talked about a lot of things that happened after he left, and also told him about Veranica's current situation, and finally said: "If she knew that you were still alive, she would definitely be very happy."

Ye Ming sighed, "You've worked hard all these years..."

Kerson shook his head with a gentle expression: "Nothing, it's all I should do."

Ye Ming suddenly raised his head and kissed his lips, staring at the man in front of him with burning eyes, not wanting to hear him say any more.

Nothing should be taken for granted.

Ke Sen was slightly startled, then hugged Ye Ming tightly, bowed his head and kissed him back.

This night was extremely quiet, the breeze blowing the curtains seemed to blow away all those inexplicable sorrows, leaving only peace and tranquility.

Ye Ming stumbled to sleep, and woke up staggeredly. The sun came in again. He saw that the man beside him was still asleep, but he didn't wake up. Ye Ming didn't wake him up either, but looked at him. Face dazed.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt the person beside him move, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The moment Ye Ming met those eyes, he knew that Ke Sen was no longer there. He still didn't have to answer his question, and he didn't know whether it was gratifying or not.

Shen Ye opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him.

It has been ten years since Han Xu died again.

He has spent another decade of loneliness, but this time is different from the last. This time, he is hopeful but desperate.

He was hopeful because he hoped that Han Xu could be reborn again, maybe somewhere he didn't know, Han Xu had come back to life... But despair is, he knew that the relationship between them was over, all the The grievances and hatreds have all vanished. This time, even if Han Xu is resurrected from the dead, he will not appear in front of him again.

They have nothing to do, not even hate.

Forty-year-old Shen Ye, if he had to say, there was only one body left that had been hollowed out by love and hatred. One ten years, two ten years, or even three decades would make no difference.

It doesn't matter if you're waiting for someone who will never come back.

Because as long as they are still in the same world, and one day they can pass by, he should be satisfied, and this extravagant hope is the only thing that can support him.

Shen Ye lives like a walking corpse day after day like this. His world is like a pool of stagnant water, which makes people numb little by little.

So that when suddenly encountered such a situation, there was no immediate response.

After a while, Shen Ye began to think about the situation in front of him. He should be at home, why would he suddenly appear in a strange place with a stranger

What's even more strange is why the person in front of him inexplicably makes people feel at ease, and that look inexplicably makes him feel familiar.

Even if Shen Ye never said a word, Ye Ming knew who he was.

Because he is the last one.

No need to guess at all.

Ye Ming couldn't help but think of the day he left, the day he parted ways with Shen Ye for the first time, he filled the last point of favorability and realized that he had accumulated enough experience points, and at the same time he was about to leave that world.

He knew that he would never come back, so he gave Shen Ye a 'gift'.

Just when Shen Ye told him that he loved him, he gave him a shot. At that time, Ye Hao thought that no one would still love such a person, and when he left, Shen Ye would not love him anymore.

He's like an opportunistic liar who gets a benefit and pretends to give someone else's life back to him, but it's a bit mean and contrived.

Because he actually understands in his heart that no one can really forget all of this, but if you don't try... How do you know that you can't start over? If I really never come back, can you live a little easier

I used to think that there's nothing time can't erase, but I shouldn't go back to that world.

But even though I knew it shouldn't be, I still went back, because I didn't want to go home empty-handed, and even if I was an executioner who plundered my feelings, I wouldn't be reconciled to being empty-handed.

When I fired that shot, I thought it was the end, but I didn't think it was the beginning... Now, is it the end or the beginning

I have no idea.

Ye Ming sighed and suddenly felt that he was stupid. Why was he stupid enough to agree to play such a game? Is the human heart really something that can be fooled and discarded casually

Maybe someone can do it, more rational and ruthless than him, but he's not qualified enough.

Ye Ming said to Shen Ye, "You're awake." He felt that his good brother was still in a daze, so he kindly reminded him.

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming, listened to his familiar tone, looked at the familiar eyes, something seemed to come out in his heart, it was as if... It was the first time he saw Han Xu who had come back from the dead in that hotel. , even with a completely different face, but just a glance is enough to make his heart throb.

Another ten years have passed...

Once again, seeing a person who touched his heart like this seemed to appear in front of him out of thin air.

Shen Ye almost wanted to blurt out the name, but he didn't dare. He felt that he was not so lucky and not worthy of fate. How could he wait for that person to come back again

But if you don't ask, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life, right? Or ask, even if it's wrong, it's just another disappointment.

He was used to disappointment.

So Shen Ye spoke, his voice hoarse and low, "Han Xu?"

Ye Ming paused for a few seconds, then nodded slowly, and in Shen Ye's unbelievable eyes, he said word by word, "It's me."

I only promised you yesterday that I would never lie to you again. No matter who you are today, no matter what you will ask me today, I will answer you and give you the answer you want.

Shen Ye's lips trembled slightly, he felt that he was probably dreaming, but how could there be such a real dream, his lips moved, "Where am I, this is..."

Ye Ming smiled and looked at him with bright eyes: "This is my home, you are with me, by the way... This world is not the same as yours, you can look at it as a completely different world, definitely It's like going through time, but - I'm still me, you're still you."

Shen Ye's eyes were full of shock, and he was speechless when he saw Ye Ming.

How is this going? Although what Ye Ming said was very simple and clear, it made him even more confused. If everything was really like what Ye Ming said, why would Ye Ming be in this world and seem to take his appearance for granted

Countless questions filled Shen Ye's brain, so that he didn't know what to ask, but Ye Ming got up first.

He put on his shirt directly in front of Shen Ye, brushed the broken hair on his forehead, and raised his eyebrows: "Get up to eat, it's almost noon, I'm going to starve to death."

Shen Ye saw that Ye Ming was about to go out. Even if it was a dream, he didn't want the person in front of him to disappear like this. He instinctively got out of bed and wanted to follow him. Information poured into his mind...

Ye Ming was really hungry. He planned to get up and brush his teeth first. He didn't expect that Shen Ye would suddenly show a painful expression. He quickly turned around to support Shen Ye, and said with concern, "What's the matter with you?"

Shen Ye inserted his fingers into his hair, his eyes were tightly closed, his fingertips turned white, and countless memories almost burst his brain. The terrible pain made him tremble and sweat cold, but at the same time... brought him It is countless information that has never been touched, as well as other memories.

He thought that there were some questions, and there was really no need to ask them, because he already knew it just now.

Ke Sen's tenderness, Lu Xiuwen's inference, Yang Gan's fortune, Zong Jun's obsession... All memories flooded into his mind. For a moment, he almost forgot who he was, but he still did.

He is Shen Ye, not anyone else.

But they have only one thing in common, they are all a game of Ye Ming, and neither of them really exists.

Ye Ming should have guessed his identity immediately, and he was used to it, so he didn't act surprised or flustered at all, and even explained the current situation to him.

But Ye Ming treats him a little differently from treating others... Ye Ming no longer bothers to hide it.

At the beginning, Ye Ming would still try to disguise and try not to reveal his identity, but from the moment he called out Han Xu's name and Ye Ming admitted it frankly, Shen Ye knew that Ye Ming was too lazy to play that role-playing anymore. game.

You are not Han Xu, Han Xu is you.

Ye Ming stared at Shen Ye for a while, watching his painful pale face slowly calm down, he gradually began to think about it, after all, he really couldn't help thinking about this scene...

Ye Ming looked at him deeply, his tone slowed down, and if he meant something, "Are you okay?"

Shen Ye didn't answer immediately. After a while, he opened his eyes again. There was no emotion in his eyes, and his voice was calm, "It's okay, I'm fine."

Ye Ming was really surprised. He looked at Shen Ye thoughtfully, and finally paused and said, "That's good."

Shen Ye showed a faint smile and said, "You are busy first, I will go out in a while."

Seeing that Shen Ye was really okay, Ye Ming let go of him.

Shen Ye looked at the back of Ye Ming leaving, and his eyes showed deep pain and self-deprecation. He knew that if he questioned Ye Ming directly, Ye Ming would not lie to him again, he would tell him all the truth... But He didn't ask.

Because he knows that once he asks that question, he can't even have the illusion in front of him, and like a coward, he deceives himself and pretends he doesn't know the truth.

He didn't even dare to ask, did you really love me

Ye Ming saw that it was getting late, and it was not appropriate to have breakfast now, so he simply asked Shen Ye out for lunch.

When Shen Ye came out again, he looked like he had accepted it well. He seemed to be completely used to this world. It could be said that it was the most natural one that everyone accepted. It was because he came last. Many predecessors have paved the way, and it is not enough if you want to get used to it.

It stands to reason that a person who has traveled through time and met his dead lover should be shocked to be more in line with common sense.

The abnormal two people actually formed a strange tacit understanding.

Ye Ming took Shen Ye to his favorite restaurant, ordered his favorite dishes, and ordered a few of Shen Ye's favorite dishes. The meal was much more comfortable. At this time, I can't help but think of the time when he took Li Zechen to eat sashimi with mustard in order to conceal his identity. I felt a little guilty, and then I remembered that when I ate with Yang Gan, I felt bad for him for not having a good meal. He ordered a few favorite dishes like a thief, couldn't help sighing, and looked at Shen Ye with a bit of pity.

Dear brother, you are really lucky, and the time comes when you catch my conscience.

Human life is different.

Shen Ye obviously knew that his treatment was different. He sat opposite his beloved and ate as if he had been many years ago. The dishes in front of him were exquisite and they all liked them. The feeling of a meal...

Generally speaking, prisoners can have a good meal before they are executed. Thinking about Ye Ming's frankness today, there is nothing wrong with the analogy.

Thinking of this, Shen Ye was a little hard to swallow.

But this is what Ye Ming ordered for him. It is rare for people to be so conscientious. If he doesn't eat it, he will be hypocritical. Care about him a little bit

So Shen Ye slowly regained his appetite, and finally couldn't help but smile.

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye for a while with a dark complexion and pain in his eyes for a while, and finally laughed, thinking that this child must have received too many memories and was stimulated crazy, that would be bad... Is it a lunatic murder? criminally responsible.

Ye Ming was a little uneasy and asked, "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming's uneasy look, and wanted to scare him, but he was afraid of playing it off, and finally said truthfully: "I think we can still sit and eat together like now, very happy..."

Shen Ye paused, his voice hoarse: "I didn't dare to think like this before."

Ye Ming's expression was silent for a while, and then he said, "Then you know now, we can still do this."

Shen Ye nodded with a smile: "Yes, if you can do this, that's fine."

Both of them didn't quite understand what they said, but they both understood what the other really wanted to express.

Playing stupid, when only one person does it, is undoubtedly shameless and unfair, but it is a very harmonious and friendly thing to play stupid when both parties are well aware.

Just like Ye Ming and Shen Ye are now.

No one is willing to pierce that layer of window paper, the world of adults, it is hypocritical to say, but it is actually a kind of protection for oneself

The two are really like couples who have reunited after a long absence. They are tired of being together every day. They go out to buy food and cook together, go shopping and watch movies together, and do all the things that lovers do together. They have a tacit understanding and do not want to waste any time.

Sometimes Shen Ye even has an illusion, as if Ye Ming really loves him, they are really unique lovers of each other, they reunite in another world and have a new life.

In fact, it is not a bad thing for people to live a little confused.

If you really can't be confused, you can pretend to be confused.

Rather than wasting the time left on his own on unwillingness, it’s better to just do it like this. After all, an illusory and dying person who is overly demanding and expecting something that he can’t get is just self-seeking unhappiness.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

This day, Shen Ye and Ye Ming went to the supermarket to buy vegetables. On the way back, they were recognized. Since Ye Ming participated in the show and revealed his identity, he became popular overnight, surpassing anyone in the entertainment industry. A star, with soaring fans, even if he goes out with a strict package, he still cannot escape the sharp eyes of the masses.

Ye Ming was surrounded and took a lot of photos, and then they fled home with Shen Ye. The two were out of breath, and finally looked at each other and smiled, Ye Ming sighed and said, "Fortunately, the vegetables are still there, and I was almost busy working in vain. already."

Shen Ye helped him carry the dishes to the kitchen, and said with a smile, "Who made the big star so popular now, with great fame, naturally has more responsibilities."

Ye Ming shrugged, pulled the corner of his mouth, and said in a sullen mood: "It's not that I want to expose my identity, but I plan to rely on my own strength to become popular, okay?" What sense of accomplishment does it feel to defeat mobs with full-level equipment? Others will only say that you are well equipped, RMB player.

Shen Ye's eyes were helplessly spoiled, "Yes."

After Ye Ming said this, he was relieved and excitedly entered the kitchen. He was not really unhappy at first, but just complained casually. He decided to make soup tonight and make a few more dishes. Ye tried to see if his craft had improved.

Shen Ye tried to help several times, but was blocked by Ye Ming. In the end, he could only helplessly stand behind the door and watch Ye Ming busy, and looked at the back with some greed.

Ye Ming was in full swing. He was wearing an apron. The dishes were almost prepared here, and the soup was stewed there. He scooped a little bit with a spoon, blew it and put it to his mouth, um... It seems a bit bland, still Better to add some salt.

But before he could turn around, he suddenly felt that Shen Ye was hugging him from behind, the tall body was shrouded from behind, and the warm breath fell on the side of his neck.

Ye Ming's movements stopped all of a sudden, and the hand holding the spoon also stopped in the air. His expression froze for a moment. Just when he was controlled by some kind of anxiety and wanted to turn around, he heard that Shen Ye was in him. He whispered softly in his ear, "Don't look back."

Shen Ye hugged Ye Ming tightly, stared at his fair and clean earlobes, his eyes fell on his slender neck, and a look of reluctance gradually appeared in his eyes.

He knew that he didn't have much time, so he didn't want to waste a minute or two, and wanted to take another look at this person.

He made up his mind not to ask Ye Ming that question that shouldn't be asked, and wanted to leave this world with a glimmer of fantasy, but he didn't expect that such a simple thing would be so difficult.

Ye Ming's performance and Ye Ming's company made him feel greedy and delusional.

Every second, some words are ready to come out in my chest.

Shen Ye's arms slowly tightened, his lips pressed lightly on top of Ye Ming's head, he closed his eyes and opened them again, and said, "If I could stay forever, would you still be like this?"