The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 167: real world


The Lord God slowly opened his eyes.

On that day, his space barrier was broken by two humans without warning. The extremely destructive virus destroyed all his data in an instant. His consciousness began to collapse and decompose. His emergency mechanism judged that he could not clear the virus. , when he will be completely obliterated if he continues, he chooses to decompose at the same time. At the moment when the main god space is completely destroyed, the residual data sneaks into other worlds with the space turbulence.

For him, at that moment he was actually dead.

Most of the data was destroyed on that day, and the remaining data fragments were less than one ten thousandth of his body. One of them fell into the main world, and the rest fell into those low-level derivative worlds, incarnating into the derivative worlds. a member.

Although it is only a fragment of less than 1/10,000, it is also a very powerful existence for those low-level derivative worlds, even if he loses consciousness, loses his ability, and loses everything... His data is still slowly recovering, slowly eroding Absorbing the energy of those worlds, if there is no accident, in the end he will completely integrate and absorb those worlds, until one day, the remaining fragments of fire will revive, re-integrate, come back to life, and once again take charge of the world of reincarnation.

As it is now, he 'wakes up'.

Then I saw the young man in front of him, looking at him with some kind of implicit inquiry, worry, and complex eyes.

The Lord God's face was expressionless. He remembered Ye Ming very clearly, remembered everything that happened between them, remembered every word and everything they said... Logically, he should be happy because Ye Ming showed Because of his concern and concern for him, this is the person he can't ask for in those nine worlds; or he should feel angry and painful because Ye Ming has fooled him, perfunctory betrayal, or more complicated, It's like a love-hate emotion, but in fact - there is no turbulence in his heart at this moment.

Whether it is coming back from the dead or facing the person he loves, he can't make him have any mood swings.

He is not a weak human being. Human beings will have joys, sorrows and sorrows, fear of death, longing for new life, love and hate... He does not know any of these.

He is the product of world consciousness in order to maintain balance. He is the spokesperson of the Tao of Heaven. He is absolutely ruthless, absolutely fair, and will not be affected by subjective emotions. The only thing he follows are the rules set by the Tao of Heaven.

He is like a machine or tool without subjective consciousness, not afraid of death, not shaken by love, he is the only, but not the only... He will always exist, but if one day he disappears , or damaged, then it doesn't matter, the world consciousness will be reborn.

He couldn't even tell if the current self was still the old self, or if he was a new master system, he just had the previous data fragments.

To fall in love with a human being seemed absurd and unthinkable to him.

He wandered into the fragments of those derived worlds and did not remember who he was at all. He only regarded himself as a character in those worlds, and lived his life like a human being. As for the emotions caused by it, it was probably some kind of side effect of the incompleteness. , because it is incomplete and has no memory, it will be affected by humans.

Now that he has reintegrated and recovered, he is no longer just a few scattered fragments... Restoring completeness means that he no longer has any weaknesses.

The memories of the mere ten personalities are integrated into his infinitely stored main brain center, like a drop of water, dripping into the vast ocean, a feather, floating into the boundless universe.

so insignificant.

Ye Ming's existence is just an episode in his endless life, a speck of dust. When he recovers, the so-called love and hatred will no longer matter... He will leave here and return to the main god space again. Continue to perform your duties throughout the endless years.

Leaving is what he should do.

However... The Lord God looked down and saw Ye Ming grabbed his hand, but didn't move.

Not long ago, he was deeply in love with this person, but now everything seems to be separated by a layer of fog, covered with a layer of veil, like the moon in a mirror... I can see it, but I can't touch it.

This human hand is very slender. Although he seems to have exhausted his strength, in the eyes of the Lord God, he is still weak and not worth mentioning. He could have easily thrown him away, but when he just made the judgment of 'leave' , but the instructions were not successfully conveyed to his body. There seemed to be some obstacles in his body. For the first time, there was an error in his data calculation, and the consequences were very serious... Those disobedient data fragments began to tear him. consciousness.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his fusion was not complete enough, and he had not fully recovered... Those personalities still existed in his body, and he still preserved his own consciousness, and tried to interfere with his behavior.

Ye Ming's action and look made them all wake up, and they began to fight desperately for the control of this body. Although they also had differences, they had one thing in common. They were unwilling to leave.

Ye Ming looked at the eyes of the Lord God, these eyes, he felt familiar and unfamiliar... It was different from any previous time.

Any time before, no matter which one came, he could easily infer the other party's thoughts from the other party's eyes, expressions, and movements, and confirm the other party's identity. Really flustered.

He knew them too well, he knew what they cared about, what they wanted... But this time, for the first time, he wasn't sure.

Familiar, because he seems to be familiar with this person, unfamiliar, because he can't guess the other person's thinking.

Ye Ming thought more than once, why did he happen to be selected, and why did the main system choose himself to complete those tasks? Are you different from others? If different, what is the difference

These puzzles that plagued him, when he faced the first raiding target, he understood that Yue Ling was the reason why he was selected. Then a new question was born at the same time, why can those target targets pass through, why can they use Yueling's body, and what is the relationship between them and Yueling

In other words, what is the identity of Yueling? What kind of existence

Could it be... are they the same person

Although it is incredible, since it can be crossed, what is impossible

If they are alone, are they reincarnated or sliced up? These are all things he has to figure out, one after another, more and more mysteries...

Ye Ming has been waiting for this moment, waiting for a chance to get an answer.

Will Yueling come back after all those raid targets have disappeared? At this time, there are two possibilities, one is that Yue Ling will never come back, he disappears like a covered consciousness, the other is that he may also come back, after all, this is his body. Rather than probing, Ye Ming chose to ask directly. Sometimes, being direct may lead to unexpected results.

So Ye Ming stared at the other person's indifferent eyes and asked again seriously: "Who are you?"

who I am? The Lord God began to think about this problem. He can't be called Yueling. Yueling is just a name he used in this world when he lost his memory. He is not like Qin Yi or Li Zechen. He didn't have a name before, and he never thought of giving him Take a name for yourself, people call him the main system, and some people call him the main god.

But whether it's Yue Ling, Qin Yi, Li Zechen... or the main system and the main god, it's just a code name.

"Who do you hope, who am I?" The Lord God looked at Ye Ming calmly, without the slightest emotion in his voice.

Ye Ming's heart sank immediately.

Before that, he had imagined several possibilities. One was to come back and take charge of this body again, the other was that other people would continue to appear, repeating the chaotic cycle of reincarnation, and the third was...the memories of all of them merged to become the same person, but Now, he seems to be facing a worst-case scenario, this body is not anyone he knew before, but a completely unfamiliar existence.

The way he looked at himself was like looking at a tree, a stone, a piece of air, no love, no hate, no sadness or joy.

Ye Ming's hands subconsciously worked harder. He didn't want to give up easily, so he stared into the eyes of the Lord God and said word by word, "I hope you are Yue Ling."

He said this as a test. He didn't know why the Lord God asked this question and what the consequences would be, but he could only gamble... If he was given a choice, he would prefer Yueling to be the leader, because Yueling's memory was limited, and he did not Without deceiving him, it may be easier to control the situation relatively speaking.

After hearing the words, the Lord God watched him quietly for a moment, and then slowly repeated it: "Really?"

There was still no change in his expression, but at this moment, his mind was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. Ye Ming's answer was like some kind of fuse, causing the personalities in his head to quarrel.

[Yue Ling: Let me go out, what he wants is me.]

[Lu Xiuwen: Are you sure? Didn't he say your name because he didn't lie to you, so he thought you'd be better off?]

[Qin Yi: I agree with Lu Xiuwen's words, his analysis is very reasonable.]

[Yue Ling: You are jealous of me because he loves me the most.]

[Zong Jun: You're right, I'm quite jealous, so I decided to devour you and then take control of this body?]

[Ming Chong: You are so noisy, can't you be quieter?]

[Li Zechen: Jiang Ci, what do you think?]

[Jiang Ci: I have no opinion.]

[Shen Ye: I think, if he wants to see Yue Ling, he should let Yue Ling go out, Ke Sen, don't you think?]

[Corson: Yes.]

[Yang Qian: Second opinion.]

The main god was not used to having so many consciousness occupying his main brain and affecting his judgment. Maybe he should obliterate Ye Ming so that he could not easily influence him.

[Jiang Ci: You can't obliterate him. His behavior completely complies with the rules and does not violate the obliteration regulations.]

[Yang Gan: Yes, there is no reason for him to be obliterated, and he is a human being in the main world. You can’t obliterate human beings in the main world at will, especially if he has enough influence. This will destroy the balance and stability of the main world. ] This is why the Lord God only selects the dead, and requires the active consent of the other party to drive them to the reincarnation world to complete the task.

[Ming Chong: He is your weakness, not a problem that can be solved by obliterating it.]

[Li Zechen: You don't want to leave.]

[Zong Jun: Is it so difficult to admit that you love someone? Don't do things you regret.]

Yeah? I don't think so, and you still can't let him go? He doesn't love you at all, he doesn't tell you a single word of truth, it's all just deception to achieve his goals.

[Lu Xiuwen: Do you really think so?]

[Qin Yi: He doesn't have the right to choose other types of tasks, he was asked to do so by others.]

[Ming Chong: Stop deceiving yourself, you are running away.]

[Yue Ling: He didn't lie to me.]

Even so, so what, you can't affect me after all, it's just the remnants of lingering consciousness, which will soon be completely integrated by me and become part of the data I store.

I'll show you that this man doesn't love any of you at all, he's cold, ruthless, cunning, half-hearted...not any different from any other mean human being.

The main god's eyes and expressions gradually changed slightly, as if some kind of mechanical puppet was endowed with emotions. From the beginning, it became blunt and vivid, and quickly, just like a real human being.

He could, of course, pretend to be a human if he wanted to.

He ignored the quarrel in his head, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at Ye Ming with bottomless pupils.

The person in front of him has an appearance that is good enough for human aesthetics, but it is not flawless. As the main god, he can easily create a creation that is countless times more perfect than this, and make the world fall.

Therefore, appearance has no meaning to the main god, but such an ordinary existence has no peerless appearance, no flawless heart, but makes those personalities jump out one by one restlessly, trying to interfere with his judgment .

Try to manipulate him, influence him, control him.

Human emotion, this kind of burden that he didn't exist at all exists, and there is no need to exist in the future.

"I see." The Lord God looked at Ye Ming and slowly revealed a smile.

Ye Ming was a little nervous. He had never been so nervous during exams since he was a child! I don't know if my answer was right or not, but I always felt that something was wrong, but the other party laughed... This should be considered a good thing, right

"I am Yueling." The Lord God said.

Ye Ming's eyes widened, didn't he? so successful...

Just when Ye Ming was at a loss and was full of unease, he heard the Lord God continue to speak.

"But I'm also Qin Yi, Ming Chong, Li Zechen, Jiang Ci, Kesen, Zong Jun, Lu Xiuwen, Yang Qian, and Shen Ye." The Lord God clearly spit out the names, his black eyes bottomless, with a certain meaning Looking at Ye Ming with deep eyes, he slowly said, "So, do you still love me?"

Ye Ming's heartbeat was fast, lying, trough... Actually, is it really like this? Got caught by him? !

Ye Ming starts PlanC immediately! Once the memories of all of them are fully integrated, they will definitely doubt themselves, and they will realize that they were lying to them before. His lies must be full of loopholes after comparison, so 80% of them will come to the conclusion that they do not love him. It's kind of scary to look at... but—that's all guesswork, isn't it? I never admit it!

You are not the roundworm in my stomach, how do you know what I think? How to say it is not looking at my mouth.

Ye Ming's expression was condensed, he took out the aura of breaking the cauldron and threw himself on the main god, tears came down, and he shouted affectionately, "I love you!"

The Lord God's face was ashen, his eyelids jumped abruptly, there was an urge to kill this person, wait! ... Why did he have such a reaction? Could it be that he has not recovered from his serious injury, and is there any virus remaining in the data? It seems that he still has a lot of problems now. He was overly optimistic when he just woke up. He has to find time to repair and clean up his main program, and must eliminate any hidden dangers!

Also, do you think you can fool around like this? See how I expose your hypocrisy and make those unwilling guys give up.

The Lord God gave himself a pure-hearted and pure-hearted program, and looked at Ye Ming lightly: "I don't believe it."

Ha ha, do not believe, do not believe is normal! I understand! But I just don't admit how bad you are!

Ye Ming burst into tears, and almost swore to the sky: "My love for you can be seen from heaven and earth. Can't we prove that I love you after all the years we have been together?"

The corner of the Lord God's mouth twitched. Although he disdains human feelings and doesn't understand human feelings, it does not prevent him from answering questions and debating. Just when Ye Ming said that sentence, he quickly calculated in his mind. After several coping methods, he chose the simplest and most lethal one: "If you love me, why are you lying to me? Why don't you try to stay and get through this difficult time with me?"

"Shouldn't love be honesty and companionship?" The Lord God said slowly.

Ye Ming's expression stiffened for a moment. This was undoubtedly his Achilles heel. Although he did have the main system rules first and couldn't resist, he was not completely incapable of manipulation, and the rules were not something he was unwilling to try even with hard work. Reason - If he argues with the Lord God on this point, he will undoubtedly lose his armor and armor soon. The best way now is to move forward and change the subject to gain sympathy and let the other party know that he is actually very helpless and very painful. !

Ye Ming's eyes suddenly turned red, his expression was sad, and he seemed sad and stubborn, and said, "I know you will care about this, but what can I do...

I only completed the mission in order to save you. The mission stipulated that I had to leave within three days after reaching the full favorability level. Even if I didn’t want to leave, I would be forced to die and leave in the end, and it was impossible for me to stay. And at that time, even if I told you, can you really believe me? If I don't love you, why do these tasks and what do I get in the end..."

The Lord God smiled lightly and said, "So, you just have no choice."

"Yes." Ye Ming's face was pale, but his expression was solemn, as if from the bottom of his heart, he said: "If I can stay, of course I will stay for you, if I can, who wants to make you hate me and misunderstand me... "

His eyes were so firm, and his expression was like a warrior who calmly sacrificed his life in order to resist tyranny, shining with a sacred and tragic color, "All of this is the fault of the Lord God!"

Lord God: "..."

The author has something to say: Author Fungus: Everyone should have seen it. The first central idea of this article is to wash the white pot. Welcome to the last lesson - 'The ultimate meaning of the pot-handling'! applause gif

Ye Ming: I'm not targeting anyone, I'm just talking about the technology of dumping the pot. Everyone here is garbage. laughing jpg


Fang Sheng: …

Ye Zhi: …

Lu Ting: …

Lord God: Okay, I've picked up the pot, go back to the little black room with me :)

Ye Ming: Dear, you misunderstood, I want to say that this pot belongs to the author! It was all because of her persecution that I did this, and it was all her fault!

The author's face is stunned: =mouth=