The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 168: real world


When Ye Ming said this, of course, he didn't do it out of nowhere, but after careful consideration!

When he first time traveled, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the rules of the main system, and he had to leave within three days after the mission was completed—this seemed a bit unreasonable to him. You have to fill up the favorability of the target of the raid to make the other party fall in love with you completely, but you can't stay in that world for him. Once you complete the task, you have to leave. Isn't it too cruel for those who are left behind

Although he doesn't have the idea of spending his whole life in those virtual worlds... But it doesn't prevent him from disliking this rule, even a little flexibility is good.

888 told him at the time that no one can change the rules made by the main system, and this is an effective way to improve efficiency. If there is no time limit, the hosts will inevitably be confused by these worlds, and they will not leave even if they complete the task. The longer we stay in one world, the more time we waste, and the fewer tasks we can complete. Some people may even take advantage of loopholes and spend their entire lives in these worlds. This is obviously contrary to the results that the main system wants. … Therefore, no matter what type of task, once it is completed, it must be separated, and there are punitive measures for negative behaviors, so that those hosts can clearly realize that the derived world is different from the reality, and they don’t have to and can’t be attached to the task world, and then do as much as possible to complete more tasks.

The main system has never been a philanthropist. What it wants is a group of ruthless strong men who will do whatever it takes to survive, and let them do whatever it takes to conquer as many worlds as possible for it... The world of reincarnation under the control of the main system has only cruel Law of the Jungle.

Ye Ming can understand this truth intellectually, but emotionally he can't agree with it. In the eyes of the main system and 888, the goals of the mission world are insignificant, and their lives are worthless... But those hosts are human beings, and everyone can really do this. Are they ruthless and only treat the real people they love and get along with as NPCs

It's a pity that Ye Ming still can't change anything, he is like one of thousands of ordinary players, he will complain a few words about the game company's overlord terms, but the giant game company will not pay attention to the players' complaints, so he also You can only accept it, and will not fight desperately to fight against the rules. Besides, he does not have the capital to fight desperately. You may not play, but the other party will still not change for you.

Ye Ming thinks that this is a retreat in spite of the difficulties, but to a certain extent - it is indeed not enough love.

Of course, at that time, he didn't know that these people had something to do with Yue Ling, and he didn't even think that there was a chance to see them again... He left like heaven at that time, because he really didn't want them to continue to love him.

At that time, Ye Ming didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the behavior of the main system. In his opinion, 888 was a little bit human, but the main system was really just a system. On the one hand, the same... will not deliberately target anyone.

There is always no way for a person to get angry with a machine. If a stone hits you and hurts, is it possible that you still punch it back with your fist

If that's all it is, Ye Ming will not choose to take the main system out to take the blame, it really doesn't make sense to compete with a stone, others will think you are shirking responsibility, maybe it will have a counterproductive effect.

But... When Ye Ming returned to those worlds for the second time and was asked to eliminate the blackening value in order to unfreeze the experience value, his intuition told him that things were not that simple, the main system had its purpose.

Although he still doesn't understand the real intention of the main system to let him go back, Ye Ming just has an intuition that the main system is deliberately targeting those attack targets, if he tries to change the result and interfere with the progress, then everything before is in vain , and go back to the origin.

He must make those people love him deeply, and then leave them alone and suffer for a lifetime, so that he can successfully complete the task, and he must either do it or return empty-handed.

This is pure intuition, Ye Ming doesn't have any evidence, but his feeling has always been very accurate, since this is the case - it seems much more reasonable to let the main system take the blame, the main system is indeed hostile to the raid targets, and he is being forced Well!

As for the real reason, we can figure out a solution together!

And speaking of this point, it's not a lie, what he said is the truth, Ye Ming complacently praised his wit... The only thing he didn't expect was that the person in front of him was the real master system.

The main system is not this main system, and the main god is not this main god.

The main god and them seem too far away, Ye Ming doesn't think Yue Ling will be the main god, just like you can't play games and meet the president of the United States, you can't meet the richest man in the universe on a blind date... When you fall in love, you can meet the main god. These are ten thousand times more unbelievable, and what reason does the Lord God have to abuse himself like this? Is there something wrong? That's not how you experience life... so it's normal to be unexpected.

Compared with the too bizarre answer of the main god, Ye Ming's guess on Yue Ling's identity is more inclined - he is a mutant life of some kind of derivative world, and for some reason something went wrong, which caused them to come to the main world by accident, so Like viruses or bugs, this can also explain why the main system is hostile to them and asks him to go back to eliminate the blackening value for the second time.

This speculation seems almost reasonable.

Ye Ming knew the truth in his heart, but the expression on his face was even more sad, his voice lowered, and he smiled wryly: "Do you think I'm unwilling to tell you the truth? As a person from an outside world, I'm not allowed to reveal anything to you according to regulations. For information, even... I am willing to tell you, and you believe it again, we are destined not to be together."

"It's fate that prevents us from being together. I have to leave. Instead of making you think I'm dead and suffering, I'd rather make you hate me and forget about me." Ye Ming's eyes were red, he pursed his lips stubbornly, his eyes were filled with tears. It is helpless and sad, like a poor creature rubbed on the ground by ruthless fate.

Isn't fate the damn main system!

The main god's expression was stiff, as if he had stopped, and he found that he was speechless.

Although the super bug Xie He who used the loopholes in the rules to get rid of his fate and successfully detached attacked him, and together with Lu Ting, Li Daitao froze and controlled the world of reincarnation with the "false master god", but - he did not change his rules.

At least in the case of Ye Ming, Xie He used the original rules when he was in charge of the reincarnation world. If there is no second blackening value elimination task, it can be said that there is no meaning against him at all. The difference is that this time I became the target of being attacked...

If you are still there, it will be the same rule.

On the contrary, the false Lord God manipulated by Xie He was even more tolerant when dealing with Ye Ming. Not only did he match the advanced system 888 to Ye Ming, allowing him as a newcomer to have the capital to almost stand at the top of the reincarnation world, but also During the second raid, the time for leaving was extended, and no compulsory punishment measures were implemented for Ye Ming's misconduct, allowing him to come and go freely. These incomparably superior privilege conditions - only given by the false Lord God mastered by Xie He.

And I will never look at any host differently. Anyone who wants to get something from him must pay a corresponding price.

It can be said that Xie He was targeting him from the beginning, and he didn't have any hostility towards Ye Ming. It was because of 888's protection and Xie He's accommodation that Ye Ming was able to stay true to his game life under such circumstances. I don't know what kind of cruel reincarnation world the real hosts face.

Although I have experienced the pain of parting from life and death for nine lifetimes... However, the Lord God is a little thankful that it was Xie He who was in charge of the world of reincarnation at that time.

At least he never hurt Ye Ming.

If it was him, he didn't know what would happen, but he would only be more ruthless than Xie He.

So what Ye Ming said is correct, it's all the fault of the 'lord god', not only because the rules are made by himself, but also because Ye Ming met him in the real world and fell in love with him, so he was chosen by Xie He, even if Xie He gave Ye Ming enough favorable conditions, but if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have experienced all this at all, until he died, he wouldn't know that there was a world of reincarnation, and he would have lived his peaceful and ordinary life, naturally There is no need to lie to yourself.

It makes sense to say it was my fault.

Although the two people have different starting points and different ideas... But in the conclusion, there is a strange tacit understanding.

[Lu Xiuwen: It seems that you have thought clearly, you are the cause, he is the effect, and there is a cause to have an effect.]

[Cosen: He was chosen because of you, and he went to those worlds to save you. He did all this because of you, and it was indeed your fault.]

[Li Zechen: Xie He hasn't changed your rules.]

[Jiang Ci: Xie He just wants you to try. The pain they have experienced in the past is just repaying the body with the other way.]

[Yue Ling: ... I originally wanted to say a few words for you, but after thinking about it, forget it.]

You may be right, Xie He is targeting me, but our problem now is not Xie He.

Don't forget, Ye Ming only treats you as the target of the mission, he doesn't love you at all, the love he talks about is all hypocrisy. Now that everything is over, why not forget about it, isn't it good to just separate like this

[Ming Chong: Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, can't we give each other a chance?]

[Zong Jun: The way of heaven is ruthless. You are the spokesperson of the way of heaven, but you are not the real way of heaven.]

[Yang Gan: Actually, you are afraid. You are unwilling to admit that you are in love with a human being. You are afraid of the existence of feelings, and you are unwilling to recognize the reality.]

No, I am not afraid, it is you who should be afraid, you will disappear eventually. If you don't get the love you want and recognize the reality, you will disappear, and I will exist forever.

The Lord God raised the corners of his lips slightly, and his expression had regained his composure. He looked at Ye Ming with deep eyes that seemed to be gentle, and said slowly: "I understand, it's fine if you love me, you love each of us, right?"

Alarm bells were ringing in Ye Ming's heart, and he always felt that these words were digging a hole for himself, but he couldn't refute, after all, he said just now that he loved him!

The Lord God smiled faintly: "Can love be divided into so many parts? Isn't love unique and irreplaceable? If you love each of us, you can love one and then love the other in a blink of an eye, then this is also counted as love." love?"

"The most affectionate person is actually the most ruthless person."

Even if I leave this time, you won't be sad for long, will you? You are just a little reluctant and a little guilty, but what you love the most is yourself.

This time, Ye Ming's expression became stiff, what's wrong with Bo Ai? Isn't fraternity a compliment? Who stipulates that you can only love one person in your life, fall!

Even so, he didn't dare to tell the main god like this, it wouldn't be too shameless! Too strong words to make sense!

Ye Ming pursed his lips, thinking about how to answer.

The Lord God suddenly bent down, put his hands on Ye Ming's shoulders, and stared into Ye Ming's eyes, those dark eyes were filled with a deep and treacherous smile, and his voice was low and magnetic: "However, I am still willing to give you a proof that you love me." Chance."

What? Ye Ming was finally a little dumbfounded.

As soon as the voice of the Lord God fell, the world around me seemed to be reversed in time, and everything began to return to its original state, the uprooted trees returned to the ground, and the damaged buildings began to be repaired, as if the progress bar was pulled back, and everything was restored up.

The energy aftermath when he woke up just now destroyed the environment of Fangyuan Mathematics, but this is the main world and cannot be destroyed like this.

In the blink of an eye, the Lord God restored the world around him, Ye Ming looked shocked, I'll go... This, this is too awesome! But soon he discovered that the main god's buff was more than that.

After the main god finished all this, he approached him with a handsome face, and hugged him into his arms. The figures of the two disappeared out of thin air, and they teleported to a strange place in the blink of an eye!

This is an empty villa. The Lord God put Ye Ming down, and with a wave of his hand, all kinds of decorations and furniture appeared in the room out of thin air, and instantly became resplendent. Ye Ming was so shocked that he was speechless. He was dumbfounded. Turning his head to look out of the window, his face was filled with shock! What is outside the window, the galaxy is outside the window! Have you come to outer space

Just when Ye Ming's shocked brain froze, the main god hugged him from behind, gently stroked the back of his hand, a gorgeous chain appeared on Ye Ming's wrist and ankle, the main god lifted Ye Ming's chin, Laughing low in his ear: "In this way, you will never be able to leave, and no one will be able to separate us. Since you love me so much, you should be very happy, right?"

Human beings like you who are sentimental, selfish and cruel, who only seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, once they realize that this is not a game, can they still accept all this? He didn't care at all whether Ye Ming loved him or not, and what his nature was, but he didn't want to see Ye Ming continue to put on a false show of affection, trying to control him.

The Lord God smiled lowly, ready to admire Ye Ming's panicked and frightened appearance, the person in his arms trembled slightly.

I saw Ye Ming's body trembling slightly, he looked out the window, then glanced at the chain on his hand, trembling with excitement, God, this is really exciting! It's so awesome and exciting! Lao Gong knows how to have fun!

Ye Ming's voice trembled with excitement: "Where is this place? How could you bring me here, how could you do this, who are you?"

The main god's expression froze suddenly, this... doesn't sound like he's afraid, but rather excited

The Lord God found that since he met Ye Ming, his expression had changed a lot, and from time to time he would have problems such as muscle hardening, data short circuit... This is not a good sign for him!

He was silent for a few seconds, thinking that maybe his threat was not clear and straightforward enough, which caused Ye Ming to not realize his current situation. He had to let him know that he was not joking with him! I am ruthless and terrible!

"It doesn't matter who I am." The Lord God sneered, with a cold voice, "The important thing is that you have to pay a price for provoking me. Since you love me so much, you can stay with me all your life. Worry... you won't die."

Oops, life after life, death can't escape, I'm really scared!

Ye Ming turned around and kissed the main god's lips. Under his unexpected eyes, he bent his eyes and smiled, "Really? No one can separate us anymore? I'm so happy."

Lord God: "..."

As an omnipotent being with unlimited database storage capacity, the most advanced and powerful being is unable to calculate the thoughts of a mere human being! So human beings are a troublesome creature, and they simply don't reason with you.

Heh... don't be too happy too early, time will teach you how to be a man, this is just the beginning!

The Lord God decided to ignore this human being and let him recognize the reality. He stared at Ye Ming coldly, turned around and left without saying a word.

When he came outside the villa, walked a long way, and was sure that Ye Ming would not notice him, he stretched out his hand to gently touch his lips, remembering the soft touch just now, his eyes darkened.

[Shen Ye: Why don't you kiss for a while, as a man, you should kiss back vigorously at this time!]

[Ming Chong: You have embarrassed us, and you are the Lord God, a kiss made you run away.]

[Yang Gan: Jealousy, obviously he loves us, but he let you take advantage of it.]

[Jiang Ci: This kind of elm lump, if it weren't for our Guang Yeming, would he care about him? I don't even know how to cherish it.]

The main god's face was livid, who fled? ! ! He found these personalities more and more annoying, but there was nothing he could do about them. He tried to swallow and fuse these personalities by force, but it didn't work... Then he tried to delete the memories of these personalities from his center, but unexpectedly Can't delete it! They are more tenacious than viruses, and they are helpless.

Hehe... Although I can't do anything about you for the time being, don't judge me with your ridiculous thoughts, I will not be swayed by a mere human kiss.

[Kosen: The dead duck has a hard mouth.]

[Yue Ling: Not frank enough.]

[Qin Yi: Men, you always have a little bit of face-saving, so don't go too far, enough is enough.]

[Lu Xiuwen: By the way, don't try in vain, we are you, is it possible that you can kill yourself again? Accept reality.]

Who cares about face? I don't have the emotion of loving face, only human beings need face.

The main god looked cold, he felt that he really shouldn't waste time chatting with these guys, he just woke up, he should go back to the main god's space, that's what he should do! As for these people, I will make them all disappear one day.

[Qin Yi: They told you not to go too far, so you'll just get angry.]

[Shen Ye: Hey... wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry, don't starve Ye Ming, you have to save some food for him before leaving, by the way, Kryptonian food is pretty good.]

[Zong Jun: He also likes the Five Elements Immortal Wine in our Immortal Cultivation World. It used to be too expensive and he couldn't afford it. Anyway, the system store is also yours, so save a few barrels for him to take a bath.]

[Li Zechen is not to be outdone: Our ancient food is also very distinctive. You can eat bear's paw and tiger whip, and it doesn't break the law and can nourish the kidney.]

[Yang Gan: As a man, first of all, you can't starve your lover. This is a very unreasonable behavior. You must let him eat well. In the past, the doomsday world wronged him. I am willing to stay and eat with him.]

Shut up! I didn't intend to starve him!

With a single thought, the Lord God filled the villa with food, and sure enough the voice in his head quieted down. He let out a breath, and finally calmed down these damned guys.

... ... ...

Ye Ming was sitting on the carpet in the room, playing with the chain in his hand, and biting it with his teeth, it was very hard, it looked like gold, but it should not be simple gold, it might be some kind of sci-fi. The precious metals in the world are extremely gorgeous... When I was a little bored, I suddenly smelled the aroma in my nose, and I felt hungry, so I got up and went to the kitchen. After seeing it...

God, is there anything happier than this? !

Ye Ming stared at the food in the room, his hands trembling with excitement. Although he has a fortune in the real world, he is still a poor man in front of the system store. Even mission props have to be borrowed from 888 to buy them. , have never lived such a luxurious life! I can only drool over the system store.

Although he couldn't afford it, he almost memorized the catalog of the system store... I'm afraid I'm not dreaming, even the fruits are from the Queen Mother's yard.

The food in this room cannot be bought with hundreds of thousands of experience points...

Even if you die, you have to be a full ghost! It turns out that the husband is not only mysterious, but also so rich. This kind of happiness that fell from the sky is like picking up a boyfriend with amnesia, only to find that the boyfriend regained his memory, and he is actually the emperor of the universe empire. Married into the royal family overnight , From then on, I lived a life of drunkenness, gold, wine, pool, meat forest...

All this strengthened Ye Ming's determination to save this relationship!

The main god naturally didn't know that Ye Ming loved him even more because of his random actions for fear of trouble. To him, these things were really insignificant. If he knew, he would probably choose to be a stingy main god to dispel some snobbery. The dirty thoughts of people!

... ... ...

The main god decided to stay indifferent to Ye Ming for a while. When he returned to the main god's space, he found that the false main god had disappeared, and Xie He's trace was temporarily untraceable. Facing the chaotic world of reincarnation due to the disappearance of the main god, he quickly took over everything and let The reincarnation world was back on track, and he began to look for Xie He, a very threatening existence, to arrange everything... Then, he thought of Ye Ming again.

According to the time flow there, it should have been three days. The main god pondered for a moment, his figure blurred for a while, and he teleported back to the villa he set up in the super-dimensional space to imprison Ye Ming.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Ming face down, lying motionless on the ground.

The main god's eyes were fixed, he had already set up a monitoring mechanism here, Ye Ming should be fine, otherwise he would be warned immediately if he was in danger, but even so, he couldn't help but quicken his pace, walked over and hugged Ye Ming on the ground. When I got up, I saw that I was full of food... my saliva drool all over the floor.

He immediately wanted to throw this guy away, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do so. Instead, he carried Ye Ming back to the room and put him on the bed.

When he was about to withdraw his hand, Ye Ming suddenly turned around and hugged his arm.

Ye Ming fell asleep after eating and drinking, but because he still had other things on his mind, he didn't sleep so deeply. He felt in a daze that he was hugged by a pair of strong arms and fell into the soft bed. He instinctively missed the other person. After leaving, he turned over and tightly grasped the Lord God's hand, slowly waking up.

Under the slightly dim light, the main god's stern face showed no expression, like an eternal statue, looking a little cold and cold, Ye Ming suddenly didn't want to see his dead face, and felt very unhappy , I have coaxed him like this, but I still don't give face at all, if I play my temper for more than three days, I will get angry.

He drank a little too much fairy wine yesterday, his head was a little dizzy, his courage was a little fat, and he didn't have any b numbers in his heart. Looking at the main god, he became lustful... He grabbed the main god's collar and bit his lip.

The Lord God felt Ye Ming's wine-smelling kiss covering him, it was soft and sweet, and in those hazy black eyes, there was hot and scorching emotion, and suddenly his heartbeat seemed to become faster, at this moment, he didn't even know that he was Why is there such a reaction.

So, he didn't push Ye Ming away.

Seeing that the Lord God didn't dodge, Ye Ming hooked his neck aggressively, pulled him off forcefully, and entangled him like a mollusc, with a smile in his beautiful phoenix eyes, he raised the corner of his mouth to complain: " It’s been a few days for me to hang out, are you happy or proud?”

After finishing speaking, he continued to kiss the Lord God angrily, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pull his collar, his intention was obvious.

The Lord God's eyes darkened, and he allowed Ye Ming to move for a long time...Suddenly he turned over, grabbed Ye Ming's restless hand heavily, stared into his eyes, and kissed his lips fiercely, just a human being, just a mere human being. human beings...

I don't care about you.

... ... ...

When Ye Ming woke up the next day, his whole body was sore and his back ached, he was sober from the wine, his brain was also sober, and of course he remembered what happened last night, which was really refreshing... Ah bah, now is not the time to pay attention to this.

He turned his head cautiously, saw the tall and serious back of the main god standing by the window, and wondered if he had acted a little too hastily yesterday...

The Lord God stood with his back to Ye Ming, even though he didn't look back, he knew that Ye Ming had woken up, but he ignored Ye Ming's intentions.

Some kind of annoyance appeared in his eyes, and when he thought of Ye Ming's actions last night, he must have revealed his true nature after drinking... Thinking back to Ye Ming's actions in those worlds before, he felt deeply as if he had been raped. The feeling of using it as a massage stick, what Ye Ming likes is actually his own body, this superficial human being who is addicted to sensuality!

And myself, I didn't firmly reject this superficial human being last night - this made the Lord God uneasy and angry.

It's only been a few days, and it seems that I have been affected more and more.

[Ming Chong: You did a good job last night, and finally you didn't embarrass us.]

[Shen Ye: What's so unhappy about this, being able to be used as a massage stick is affirmation of your ability and recognition of you, which shows that you are not useless, at least your physical fitness is passable.]

[Yang Gan: Although he said that he loves your body, it's better than loving your money, right? Be more open.]

[Lu Xiuwen: Do you really think he doesn't love money? I think he loves money very much, and if he has money, he is afraid that he won't be able to buy a body?]

[Zong Jun: Talking to a businessman like you is meaningless. Since he has money to buy a body, of course he still chooses us as true love, right?]

[Jiang Ci: ... Is this Ah Q's victory method?]

[Zong Jun: I killed you, ha ha.]

The main god's face turned black, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he decided to show Ye Ming a little bit of color, and let him know that he was a very scary and cruel person, and he definitely did not soften his heart to him or be seduced by him.

Ye Ming anxiously looked at the main god's back, did he really go too far yesterday? He looked very unhappy, and it would be more appropriate if there were cigarette butts on the ground... At this moment, the main god finally turned his head.

Ye Ming supported his waist, and after being stiff for a few seconds, he showed a flattering smile to the main god.

The Lord God walked over step by step, the tall figure shrouded him, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said with a half-smile: "It seems that you have lived here these few days, your interest is not diminished, and you are not at all worried that your disappearance will bring harm to you. What effect."

Oh, who said I don't worry anymore, in fact, there is still a little bit, right? But I'm sure you'll handle it.

Ye Ming is very confident in his husband's strength. As a talent with high EQ, he will not lower his favor on such insignificant things. Of course, he must fully demonstrate his trust in his lover.

Ye Ming blinked, and said in a very innocent tone: "Is there any effect?"

"Not for the time being." The main god's voice was faint, and with a wave of his hand, a light curtain appeared in front of him out of thin air, and countless images flashed on the light curtain.

Although Ye Ming had completely lost contact with the outside world for the past three days, no one in the real world noticed that he was missing. His social accounts posted information as usual, and he would call back and send text messages to others. The Lord God easily intercepted all the signals and messages. Internet information, and imitated Ye Ming's character to reply with artificial intelligence, and even made video calls with others.

Although Ye Ming was a little surprised, he wasn't too surprised. 888 can do this kind of thing, it's nothing more than a technology beyond this world, but what happened next made his eyes straight!

Because Ye Ming's identity was exposed and he was on the cusp of the Internet, his parents were very worried about him. 'Ye Ming' excused that he was busy and couldn't go back, so Ye Zhi was ordered to visit him at his home, and he had to see him with his own eyes! 'Ye Ming' asked Ye Zhi to go to his house in order to reassure his family and not stop him.

Ye Zhi came to Ye Ming's house on time, what happened next made his hairs stand on end, the door of the house opened automatically, Ye Zhi spoke to the empty air in front of him, asking about Ye Ming's situation while talking to himself , she sat alone in Ye Ming's house for a while, communicated with the air for a long time, then left as if nothing had happened and went home to report that she was safe.

Seeing Ye Ming's shocked expression, the main god couldn't help but twitched his lips, and finally felt a little more comfortable in his heart, and explained lightly: "In her eyes, you have always been in front of her, talking to her."

Ye Ming was amazed: "What kind of black technology is this?!"

Lord God: "..." At this time, what you care about is black technology, not the fact that you disappeared without anyone finding out? Are you not afraid? Not angry? Don't you think it's creepy

The Lord God was silent for a few seconds, feeling that the way he threatened was still too subtle, so that Ye Ming didn't get the point in time, he should be more straightforward!

He glanced at Ye Ming coldly, his voice was cold and emotionless: "It doesn't matter how I did it, the important thing is that I can make people not even know that you are missing, or make you really disappear and become a dead person in the eyes of others , No one knows where the real you are, you can only stay here forever... This time, no one can help you save you, and it is not an end game."

[Li Zechen: I've used this trick before, so can't it be something new?]

Suddenly such a sentence popped up in his mind, the face of the Lord God almost froze...

[Li Zechen: Actually, I kindly remind you that this won't scare him, you can't do this! And have you forgotten that he would rather die than submit?]

[Ming Chong: Lack of new ideas.]

[Yang Gan: There is nothing to report.]

[Jiang Ci: Well, it’s really not that bad...]

[Zong Jun: This level of threat is not as good as threatening not to give him a nightlife.]

Enough is enough of you guys, enough is enough for me! The Lord God doesn't know what it's like for human beings to be happy, but he thinks he should know what it's like for human beings to be angry. Now his mood is probably the feeling of anger, and it's accompanied by chest tightness and shortness of breath, with nowhere to vent.

Ye Ming quietly glanced at the Lord God, seeing that his face was about to rain, it seemed that he was not very happy? Ye Ming didn't know why he was a little happy, compared to the main god who was as cold as a machine before, being able to laugh and get angry is actually a good thing, right? Thinking of this, he suddenly showed an expression that was as peaceful as the mountains and the sky, and he dared to be like Jun Jue, and decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"If I can be with you forever, what does it matter if I am a dead person in the eyes of others?" Ye Ming said emotionally.

[Li Zechen: ... No, I'm really jealous and uncomfortable, and I'm going to report a foul after watching it. I decided to calm down for a while, don't worry about me.]

[Qin Yi: Go, listening to music and watching dramas can help relieve depression, here we help you watch.]

[Ming Chong: I copied the Diamond Sutra by hand when I was in a bad mood, and it was my friend who shared my experience with you.]

[Zong Jun: Calm down, it doesn't matter if you don't come back.]

[Cosen: Brother, take care.]

[Li Zechen: ...] No, please don't comfort me, I'm in a bad mood!

Of course, Ye Ming didn't know that such a complicated dispute had arisen in the Lord God's heart. The corners of the Lord God's eyes twitched, and he fixedly looked into Ye Ming's eyes, not letting go of any of his emotional fluctuations. He wanted to distinguish whether his words were sincere or not. pretend.

Then the Lord God discovered... Ye Ming couldn't see any trace of fear, fear, or anxiety in Ye Ming's eyes. Even though his deep affection was a bit exaggerated, and he didn't know whether it was true or not, the Lord God at least confirmed one thing, Ye Ming was really not afraid.

He still miscalculated, but at this moment, what he felt in his heart was not frustration and anger... but bewilderment.

He didn't understand Ye Ming's reaction, nor did he understand his own reaction.

Why are you not afraid? Even if you don't know your identity, but based on the strength I'm showing now and the deception you've done to me before, don't you really feel uneasy at all? Are you so sure... I won't hurt you

And why should I care if you trust me

The Lord God didn't understand this kind of trust that didn't come, but he was inexplicably depressed. He stretched out his hand involuntarily, and raised Ye Ming's face.

After a long time, the Lord God spoke in a cool voice, deep and hoarse, "Then don't regret it."

Those rare personalities didn't make noise in his mind, they were quiet, but he was thinking... what would happen if Ye Ming was left behind, whether his endless and boring life would be different.

The Lord God's eyes darkened, he slowly tightened his hands, and before Ye Ming could answer, he turned and left.

He felt that he was a little abnormal now.

Ye Ming looked at the back of the main god leaving, the closed door, and then he let out a sigh, his feet were a little soft, in fact... he was a little nervous just now, the main god who has all the memories always gave him very dangerous and unpredictable Feeling, and sometimes a strong sense of oppression.

But...he also wants to try hard once, try once, not every a deserter.

He doesn't want to look back on today many years later and realize that he never even worked hard for it. He doesn't know if he will regret it if he stays, but he knows that if he gives up today, he will regret it now.

... ... ...

When the Lord God came outside, he had no intention of going to see Ye Ming for the time being. If he couldn't control the influence this human being brought to him, then he could choose to stay away, just like encountering a virus that cannot be eliminated, he would rather cut off his limbs , to protect yourself.

Perhaps he should directly obliterate Ye Ming, obliterate his own weaknesses, in order to become the most powerful existence.

[Qin Yi: Hey, it’s a bit too much to think like this. Anyway, he saved your life. If it weren’t for his soul-returning pill, you would still be struggling in those derived worlds.]

[Lu Xiuwen: That's right, although the 'Returning Soul Pill' is not the main reason, but I feel that if Xie He intentionally blocks it, you won't recover so smoothly. You can come back now because you have a relationship with Ye Ming.]

[Kosen: Don't do things you regret, don't make me look down on you.]

[Yue Ling: I'm in a bad mood, Ye Ming hasn't seen me for a long time, he obviously likes me the most.]

[Shen Ye: By the way... No one of you noticed, are people outside still in Hei Yeming? I'm so angry that I don't want to go online these days.]

Because of Shen Ye's opening, everyone was diverted from the topic, ignoring the main god and went to read the Internet and comments. Even Li Zechen, who just said that he was going to calm down for a while, couldn't hold back his head. After reading it, they all expressed their indignation. These sunspots knew Heiye Ming, it was too much!

The main god didn't want to read it, but he had to, because these personalities were scrolling comments in his mind like swiping the screen, without stopping for a while, and the originally bad mood became even worse.

The most important thing is that those insulting and attacking remarks on Ye Ming made him very unhappy. Although he didn't care about Ye Ming, it was not up to these ants to slander him.

He couldn't do anything with those damn personalities, and now he was full of anger and finally found a place to vent, huh... Who let some people just hit him with a gun.

Earth, at 8:12 p.m. local time, an otaku rented out a house.

Under the dim light, a fat man who took fifty cents to blackmail Ye Ming was conscientiously posting Ye Ming's scandals on the forum Weibo, arguing with Ye Ming's fans, fast and happy, and a comment of five cents Money, it's all money! Just as he was about to send out the edited comments, suddenly—the computer host gave off a burning smell, and the monitor sparked with lightning, which scared him and sat down on the ground.

Fuck, the quality of this computer is not good enough!

He was about to check the computer with a gloomy face, when the cell phone next to him rang suddenly, so he decided to check for any news first, usually they were all in this group to receive tasks, maybe there was some important news.

"I suddenly found out that my account was blocked just now. I thought it was reported, so I re-registered, and it was blocked again in less than a second. I can't register anymore, and I can't speak!" said another sunspot. .

"Me too. It's not like I haven't encountered this kind of thing before. I didn't directly attack people to avoid danger. How could I be banned? Call customer service and say they didn't do it." Heizi No. 3 said.

"That's right, even if it's a report, it's dealt with too quickly, right? Didn't they do it by ghosts?"

"Damn it, fucked it up, my computer exploded!" Heizi N said.

The WeChat group was quiet for a while, and then news came out one after another, in a tone of confusion and shock.

"My computer burned too!"

"My computer has a virus!"

"Can't speak, can't speak, as long as it involves Ye Ming, it can't be sent."

"Is this a high-level hacker organization?"

"What hacker organization can still blow up your computer?"

"I tried changing the computer just now, but it didn't work..."

"Like being cursed."

"Wait, I think this seems to be a supernatural event..."

"Brother, don't be like this, I'm very scared now..."

"It's okay if you don't say it, but I'd be terrified if I said it. God bless me, I didn't kill or set fire. I just said a few words..."

Fat House Heizi looked at his computer, which was billowing with smoke, and touched his sore buttocks, with a look of horror in his eyes. Can this be described as a hacker organization? Who can clean up the entire network in the blink of an eye, hack all websites, and blow up other people's computers by the way! I'm afraid it can't be done by alien hackers!

Amitabha, Amitabha, I have used the money to do something wrong for my whole life. Now I know I was wrong. From now on, I will wash my hands and be a person. I will donate the money tomorrow and burn a few sticks of incense. Ye Ming is not someone we can mess with! Please let it go!

This kind of scene also happened in countless groups, and many people who took money from Hei Yeming expressed their lingering fears and hoped that they would survive the catastrophe. Those spontaneous pink eye patients and black fans who can't get used to Ye Ming also encountered similar weird computer failures. In just one night, the Internet was harmonious, singing and dancing were peaceful, and there was less tension in other places. …

This is a successful network cleansing operation initiated by the Lord God.

... ... ...

Ye Ming didn't know about this, and in the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

He was bored lying on the bed and eating, and while eating, he complained that the Lord God is really a glass heart... Didn't I just take the initiative? As for scaring you away for so many days? I'm really getting shy...

Boring, boring, Ye Ming lowered his head and rolled his eyes, wondering if he came here to pretend to be pitiful or something? Hmm... That's right, blindly chasing after him actively is not enough! In this way, the Lord God can continue to let himself go without a sense of crisis, and it is difficult for things to make progress. To give a very simple example, why do women cry, make trouble and hang themselves? Because crying, making trouble and hanging herself three times can attract attention, although it may not be successful, but a woman who does not cry, make trouble and hang herself three times will definitely not be able to win sympathy!

Especially now when the enemy's situation is unclear, I have to show weakness appropriately, and use my sorrow to impress the cold heart of the Lord God! He is the best at pretending to be pitiful.

Ye Ming thought of this, swallowed the fruit in his mouth, hiccupped his voice, and prepared to act now!

But just as he was getting ready, he stretched out his hand to touch his flaccid belly that had grown up these days because of "borrowing food to relieve his sorrows". After a moment of embarrassment, he got up and went to find a set of loose white pajamas.

The style of the pajamas is simple, with a large shape and long sleeves. When worn like this, the white and slender wrists and ankles are exposed, making them look very slender. Coupled with the chains on the wrists, it is even more pitiful!

Ye Ming was ready, he hugged his knees with both hands and curled up at the foot of the bed, buried his head in his knees, his shoulders shrugged, as if he was crying.

As soon as he opened and closed his eyes, his eye sockets turned red. He wanted to let the Lord God know that he would be very sad to be ignored in this way!

Ye Ming was sobbing silently, with tears still on his face, he thought to himself, come quickly, come and have a look, I'm so sad that I collapsed! You hard-hearted heartless person...

Although he was well prepared, Ye Ming had always been a patient person. He didn't expect the Lord God to come over immediately, and he was even mentally prepared to fight a protracted battle. No difficulty could hinder him from achieving his goal!

Just thinking about it, the door suddenly opened.

Ye Ming was stunned, and reflexively raised his head to look at the gate, thinking that the Lord God is so soft-hearted? He came as soon as I cried? ! It's not too difficult... He showed a pitiful and stubborn look without hesitation, and was about to kill the main god with his eyes, but when a pair of people came in, he froze immediately.

No - the script is wrong!

Li Muxun broke through the door, took a deep breath, and saw Ye Ming in a luxurious room, wearing a large white pajamas, holding his knees with his hands, looking at him with dull eyes with a tear-stained face... at the wrists and ankles There are also chains, with a pitiful appearance that has been devastated, and I feel distressed immediately.

No one in the real world found out that Ye Ming was missing, but Li Muxun was not included.

Li Muxun is not a human being in the real world, so he quickly noticed the abnormality. He discovered that Yue Ling not only took Ye Ming away, but also covered up his whereabouts. I am much smarter and stronger than myself! Coupled with the incomparably powerful energy turbulence that erupted before, Yue Ling's identity is almost ready to be revealed...

Therefore, Li Muxun didn't dare to make a big show, carefully followed the traces left by the data, and finally found Ye Ming's trace in this extra-dimensional space, and Ye Ming was indeed imprisoned.

Li Muxun gritted his teeth, feeling sad and helpless, did the main god really refuse to let him go... He strode forward, grabbed Ye Ming's wrist, and said sharply, "Follow me!"

It is definitely not enough to stay in the main world, but he can think of a way to send Ye Ming to other worlds, maybe he can avoid the tracking of the main god, at least there is still a glimmer of life.

Ye Ming didn't finally come back to his senses until Li Muxun grabbed his wrist. Looking at Li Muxun's worried and solemn face, he knew immediately that he had misunderstood. Li Muxun was eaten! Hit the wrong target!

Brother, brother, you really misunderstood! You listen to me explain!

Ye Ming didn't know why Li Muxun appeared, but of course he couldn't go away with Li Muxun now, he was very anxious, and lowered his voice: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, let's go, if Yue Ling comes back and finds out All right."

Li Muxun thought that Ye Ming was afraid of him getting hurt and didn't want to hurt him, but since he had ventured into the space of the Lord God, he was determined to break the boat, how could he leave Ye Ming behind, grab his wrist hard and go outside.

But before taking two steps, suddenly an extremely powerful coercion suppressed it!

Li Muxun's face changed drastically, his bones gurgled, and he knelt down slowly under the pressure! He propped himself on the ground with one hand, raised his head with difficulty, and saw at the gate, the main god with expressionless face and cold eyes... walking over step by step.

That powerful force caused his data to almost burn and decompose, and he couldn't even move a single finger, and his eyes couldn't help showing a look of despair.

Or... a step too late

The Lord God finally stopped a few steps away from them. He lowered his head slightly, looked at Li Muxun with eyes like gazing at ants, and slowly said indifferently: "You, you shouldn't have come."

Ye Ming stood there blankly. Although he didn't feel the oppressive force of Li Muxun facing the main god, even if he only looked at Li Muxun's appearance, he knew how much pressure he was enduring now.

But at this moment, he looked at the eyes of the Lord God, looking at the eyes that had returned to indifference and emotionless, and finally shed bitter tears from the heart...

Dear, dear, this is a misunderstanding! You listen to me explain!

The author has something to say: Ye Ming: Talking about the diametrically opposite and serious consequences brought about by the wrong order of appearance QAQ

Lord God: Hehe.