The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 171: real world


Lu Ting's eyes were sharp, and he slashed the main god with one knife. The huge energy turned everything around him into powder, and the wind swept in all directions! The space can't bear it and starts to shatter!

It can be said that Lu Ting did not hold back the knife at all. With his strength, it was enough to bring a fatal threat to the Lord God who has not fully recovered. Of course, the Lord God did not understand this, but he still chose to protect Ye Ming first and took it hard. This knife!

Lu Ting took the knife back and stood tall. Although Xie He said it was okay, he could never completely let go of the Lord God in his heart. If the Lord God had the slightest hesitation just now, he would not have stopped.

Even if the Lord God and Xie He negotiated the terms, he will definitely kill the Lord God again at all costs!

But now it seems that Xie He is right, the Lord God has indeed changed.

He is not the same as before.

Although it was a bit regretful that he couldn't chop more knives, but taking advantage of people's danger was not his style, Lu Ting glanced at Ye Ming, who was staring at him angrily, shrugged his shoulders, and his handsome face was languid. The smile: "For the sake of his heart for you, forget it this time..."

As the voice fell, his figure slowly disappeared in mid-air.

Ye Ming stared at Lu Ting's disappearing figure, confirming that he really left and would not take another shot. Then he looked back at the Lord God, and his eyes turned red all of a sudden.

There was a deep bone-deep wound on the shoulder of the Lord God, almost splitting his upper body, but this was not the most terrifying, because Ye Ming knew that this body was only the carrier of the Lord God, but Lu Ting's knife was obviously not so good. It was simple, but the body of the Lord God was directly injured through the carrier. The wound was glowing with white light. Although there was no blood flowing out, it seemed that the data was being eroded and disintegrated, and the Lord God's breath was weakened by a lot.

He was really hurt.

Obviously a huge threat is in front of him, but he still chose himself.

"You..." Ye Ming's lips trembled a little, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

In fact, when he took the Lord God away for 888 before, he was uneasy and uncertain. As he said at the time: An existence that can formulate such rules does not know how to love someone.

Although he later learned the truth from Lu Ting and knew that the Lord God did not make fun of him, the uneasiness was still not completely eliminated.

Instead, he buried deep in his heart.

He was not sure that an existence like the Lord God would really know how to love someone because of the mere memories of some human beings, and because of a momentary loss, not to mention that he had deceived him like that. Can such a self really allow the Lord God to change for him? he does not know.

So when the Lord God was desperate to protect him and suffered a knife from Lu Ting, he was a little surprised...

But inexplicable peace of mind, as if the heart he was holding fell to the ground, the homeless person returned home, and the moment he fell into this embrace, all the worries and worries dissipated.

He knew the man, the man he knew.

The one who can be trusted and who loves him.

The Lord God hugged Ye Ming tightly, and at the moment of making sure Ye Ming was safe and sound, the anxiety in his heart also dissipated. There was only one thought in his mind. Fortunately, Ye Ming was fine.

He just finished talking with Xie He, and he couldn't wait to rush back. Intellectually, he knew that Lu Ting would not hurt Ye Ming, but he didn't dare to take the slightest risk. He knew how much Lu Ting hated him and how much he didn't trust him. ... He would not and could not take Ye Ming's life and death as a bet.

The scene of Ye Ming falling from the sky just now brought back countless painful memories in his heart, the boundless loneliness and suffering brought by the ninth life and death, and the despair buried deep in his heart.

All this made him very clearly realize that he loved this person so much and was so afraid of losing this person that he could no longer deceive his heart.

He couldn't bear the thought that he might lose this person.

I don't want to relive everything I ever asked for.

At that moment, emotion surpassed reason, which is probably... It is the emotion that belongs to human beings...

The Lord God looked at Ye Ming's pale face, and remembered that before he left, he had so coldly threatened him to kill 888. His heart was full of guilt and pain, his eyes were dim, and he said in a hoarse voice, "I didn't kill 888."

Ye Ming must be very worried about this issue, because 888 is very important to Ye Ming, so the first sentence he said was 888, he just wanted to make Ye Ming feel at ease.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the first sentence the Lord God said would be this, and tears suddenly flowed down.

When the Lord God saw Ye Ming crying, he became more and more panicked. He told him that 888 was safe to prevent Ye Ming from worrying, but why did Ye Ming cry instead? Did you go too far before

It was indeed his fault, he shouldn't have treated Ye Ming like that, doubted Ye Ming like that, and forcibly retrieved 888's data.

When the Lord God remembered these actions of his own, his eyes were filled with guilt. At that time, he was unwilling to admit his intentions, and he insisted on doing his own way, thinking that this would bring everything back to the right track... He thought that this would end everything.

But that's just self-deception, hurting others and hurting yourself.

Ye Ming knew his identity, and faced with such a self again, he would be angry and angry, and wouldn't it be normal if he didn't believe that he would love someone too

Because even he himself does not believe that he will fall in love with others.

The Lord God looked at Ye Ming at a loss, and after a long time, he spit out a few words with difficulty: "I'm sorry..."

next moment.

Ye Ming stretched out his hand and hugged him tightly, and made a low, hoarse voice like a sigh: "It's okay..."

When I watch you come down from the sky and appear in front of me, when I watch you turn your back on Lu Ting for me, when I listen to you carefully tell me that 888 is fine... When I look at you like this, I am very sure.

The one who loves me is back, and you are still the one I know.

Instead of the moody, ruthless, and machine-like master god who scorns all beings like ants, a program where rules are paramount and don’t care about everything.

So that doesn't matter, it's enough for you to come back.

"Your injury..." Ye Ming looked at the wound of the Lord God, his eyes were red and worried.

The Lord God froze for a moment. He just focused on comforting Ye Ming, and didn't care about his own injury at all. Seeing that Ye Ming was so worried about him, his heart was soft and warm, and he comforted Ye Ming by saying, "I'm fine."

The wound started to heal as soon as he spoke, and soon no trace of it could be seen again. This stab wound was very serious, but it was a simple matter to heal only the surface wound. Ye Ming knew.

"I..." After the Lord God finished this, he saw Ye Ming's eyes full of complicated struggles. He had a lot to say to Ye Ming, and he wanted Ye Ming to know that he didn't deliberately lie to him or tease him. He didn't know anything, but he didn't know how to speak... He was not good at explaining pleadings to others.

However, he didn't want Ye Ming to misunderstand him and leave him.

If possible, he is willing to do anything to save this person.

Ye Ming saw the thoughts of the Lord God at a glance, he suddenly interrupted the Lord God's words, and said softly, "Do you remember the place where we first met?"

The Lord God didn't know why Ye Ming suddenly mentioned this, but just nodded.

Ye Ming smiled: "Can you take me back to see?"

The Lord God stared at Ye Ming, his voice low and hoarse: "Okay." He held Ye Ming's hand tightly in one hand, and the two figures disappeared together in the air.

After a few seconds, the two appeared in a park.

At this moment, it was quiet in the park at night, and the quiet space seemed to calm the heart, except for the sound of the breeze blowing.

Ye Ming stepped on the ground, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, recalling the scenes at the beginning...

This park is near his home. He would always come here for a walk on weekdays. One day he met a man who fainted and picked him up. Now that I think about it, the reason why I took the other party home instead of calling the police has a very important factor with the other party's appearance...

Ye Ming couldn't help but smile when he thought of this. Who would have thought that such an accident would change his life

In one thought, there is a world of difference.

In the real world, it only took about half a year, but in his memory, it was already a long, long, long time ago. No matter how deep the memory is, it has turned yellow and discolored, and it is no longer often remembered, but it is more profound.

"I have something to tell you." Ye Ming looked at the Lord God with a serious expression.

The Lord God looked at Ye Ming's serious and serious expression, and his heart sank involuntarily. He found that he had a feeling that he didn't want to know the answer. He knew that he was at the moment of facing judgment.

And he is not blindly optimistic, Ye Ming's appearance is more like to draw a clear line with him.

But Ye Ming's next sentence made the Lord God stunned, not knowing whether to be happy or sad, the sad and solemn atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, making people speechless.

Ye Ming blinked and said guiltily, "I want to confess to you. At first, I took you in because of your good looks."

"This... is also understandable." The Lord God paused, his eyes somewhat doting and helpless.

Ye Ming looked up at him, his dark eyes were firm and bright, and his voice was low, "But... Later, I found out that the days with you, I am very happy, very happy, I like to be with you, like everything about you, like With you by my side, I like your kindness to me... Sometimes I even think despicably, you should never restore your memory, because I am afraid that you will leave me."

"That's when I realized how much I love you."

There seemed to be emotions surging in the Lord God's chest, some moved and some bitter. This was the first time he had heard Ye Ming say that he loved him so earnestly.

Yes, I didn't have to doubt Ye Ming's love for Yue Ling. No matter what the beginning was, the result would be the same. If Ye Ming didn't love Yue Ling, how could he be willing to travel through those worlds for him? Why would you rather give up everything you have at your fingertips, just for a soul-returning pill

He did everything he could, just for him.

Of course Ye Ming loves Yueling, there is no doubt about that.

But it's probably just over the top...

"I didn't know that at that time, but I picked up a god." Ye Ming raised his eyes, his black eyes shone brightly in the night, raised the corners of his mouth and said with emotion, "Now that I think about it... It's really not easy to fall in love with a god. one thing."

The Lord God remembered the suffering and pain of those worlds, and could not help clenching his hands.

"If you..." The Lord God moved his lips and suddenly found his throat hard, making it difficult to continue.

If Ye Ming didn't fall in love with him, he didn't have to go through all this at all. He would meet another ordinary person who loved him and live a happy life that belonged to him. The Lord God thought of this, even if it was just a hypothesis, it was still so painful that he couldn't breathe, and he was unwilling to assume such a possibility.

But no matter how painful it was, he didn't want to force Ye Ming. If Ye Ming really couldn't accept him now, he could only choose to let go.

After all, now he is no longer just Yueling, but the Lord God, and more importantly, the world, and the people who hurt each other with him.

Ye Ming didn't seem to find the Lord God's embarrassment, and still said to himself: "Do you still remember those worlds, how many years have I spent with you?"

Of course, remember that when the Lord God was about to speak, Ye Ming spoke first.

Ye Ming showed him a bright smile, and without hesitation, gave a positive answer: "A total of four hundred and eighty-nine years, five months and two days."

The Lord God's eyes shook, and he looked at Ye Ming in disbelief.

"I not only remember, I remember very clearly..." Ye Ming showed a complicated look of nostalgia in his eyes, and said slowly: "The first world, your name is Qin Yi, I stayed in that world for two years, nine months and 13 days, You were going to propose to me that day, but I was about to leave, I couldn't stay, and I couldn't agree to your proposal..."

"The second world, your name is Ming Chong. This world is a little shorter. I only stayed for one year, two months and ten days. You fell in love with me, but I still have to leave."

"The third world, your name is Li Zechen." Ye Ming twitched the corners of his mouth when he said this, and seemed a little helpless: "This world is really long, I stayed for twelve years, three months, three days, until you You only leave when you become emperor and sit firmly on the throne. But watching you turn from a child who no one cares to become an emperor, let alone a sense of accomplishment…”

"The fourth world, your name is Jiang Ci." Ye Ming sighed, "I really hesitated in this world, and I wondered if the system did it on purpose, and asked me to take care of the child again, I stayed in this world for eleven Eight days a year, a father and a mother, every time you love me a little more, you will be a little closer to the time I leave. It really doesn’t make sense, isn’t it…”

Ye Ming looked at the Lord God's increasingly expressive expression, raised his lips and continued: "The fifth world, your name is Kesen, I stayed in that world for four years, six months, and ten days. We are comrades fighting side by side."

"The sixth world, your name is Zong Jun, this time it's the world of immortality. I've been here for four hundred and thirty-two years, ten months and fifteen days." Ye Ming slapped his tongue, and seemed to admire himself a little. I was frightened by this time: "Fortunately, immortal cultivators often retreat for several years and decades, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to stand still, and I would doubt life for a long time."

"In the seventh world, your name is Lu Xiuwen. I am an orphan you adopted. I was spoiled by heaven. I spent eight years and one month from the age of twelve to twenty."

"The eighth world, your name is Yang Gan, we were together before the end of the world, we were childhood sweethearts... I think about it, a total of six years, seven months and three days, if there was no end times, would the results be better? "

"The ninth world, your name is Shen Ye. I have watched you grow up since I was a child. I have watched you for ten years. Not a day, not a day."

The Lord looked at Ye Ming absentmindedly, watching him tell how long he had stayed in each world, how many years, how many months, how many days. Of course, this was not what 888 told Ye Ming, because 888 was no longer there, and Ye Ming remembered it himself.

Not a shred of memory.

The Lord God didn't know why Ye Ming said this, but he suddenly realized that Ye Ming might not care as much as he seemed on the surface.

He cares about him, maybe more than he can imagine.

"For more than four hundred years, and I am only twenty-three years old now, a game actually takes so much longer than my life..." Ye Ming raised his eyes to look at the Lord God, and there seemed to be ripples in those eyes. , with a color that the Lord God has never seen before, he raised the corners of his lips, his eyes gleaming, "Do you think it's funny or not?"

The Lord God's expression was moved, and he vaguely understood something.

"It's like I had a dream. I spent dozens of lifetimes in the dream. Finally, I finally returned to the real world. I have to tell myself that I am still me, not anyone else, and I will not forget myself. Why do you do that?" Ye Ming opened his mouth, "Sorry, I only love Yue Ling. Because I have told myself countless times that I want to come back for him, the real world is real, and the only thing I can think about. A place to stay…”

"Don't speak, listen to me first, are you all right?" Ye Ming raised his hand and pressed the Lord's lips, a complicated look slowly appeared in his eyes, and his voice was slightly hoarse, "But... But when I left those worlds, when I When I had to leave you guys, I found that I couldn't really be indifferent, couldn't really treat everything as a game."

"There shouldn't be such a realistic game in this world."

"So I used a cynical attitude to cover myself up and told myself that I don't care about you at all, I'm just a liar, and I'm not worthy of your love." Ye Ming spoke slowly, but his voice was clear and calm, "But, do you really care? ?"

"I should say sorry to Yue Ling, because I may have fallen in love with someone else."

"I'm sorry for any of you. I'm not loyal enough to love. Even if I try my best not to give my true feelings, I still... failed to do it completely."

"So I can only use time to force myself, I want to come back quickly, end this abnormal everything, leave those who I can't keep, and leave the only one I can keep... Yue Ling."

But as a result, I hurt each of you. The wry smile on Ye Ming's lips was fleeting, he raised his eyes to look at the Lord God, and said slowly, "I'm sorry."

The Lord God was both moved and sad. He looked at Ye Ming with pity and said, "It should be me who should say sorry."

Although I really want to give you all the love you love, but I can't, I can't do it... Give you the perfect lover you want, it's me who makes you embarrassed, hesitant, and struggles. wrong.

It's me who made it difficult for you to decide.

Ye Ming probably understood what he meant, he shook his head: "You don't know, I'm actually very happy."

The Lord God finally showed a look of astonishment.

Ye Ming looked into his eyes, "Actually, I'm very happy, you are all him. It's like... You are the person I am destined to love, no matter what happened in the middle, no matter what hardships there were, no matter what the final result was. , no matter how many people I meet."

"The only person I've ever loved and moved is you."

The Lord God's lips trembled, and he looked at Ye Ming in disbelief.

"It turns out that they are all you, it turns out that I have never loved anyone else, just like I have never betrayed you." Ye Ming laughed at himself: "Although this idea is a bit selfish and a bit despicable, but I really I'm glad... I love you all."

The Lord God could no longer restrain the surging love in his heart, and without hesitation he reached out and hugged Ye Ming tightly, his voice low and hoarse: "I..."

Ye Ming put his face in his arms, feeling the heartbeat and temperature of the other party, and said softly, "Although those worlds were designed by others, the first encounter between me and you was not calculated, it was just an accident. So I love you, isn't it destiny?"

"You already know." The Lord God's voice was hoarse.

Ye Ming nodded lightly: "Lu Ting told me."

At this moment, the Lord God seemed to understand something, understood what Ye Ming really wanted to express, this answer pulled him out of the vortex of depression, pain, and despair just now, but he still wanted to confirm it himself: " So, do you still love me now?"

Ye Ming didn't answer the question directly, but smiled slowly, "In the past four hundred years, it was me who was with you, and it was me who was in love with you... And in the future, I still want to be with you, this It's just you."

This time, no deception, no lies, no missions and exploits... just pure, wanting to be with you.

To be serious, to love someone.

make up for regrets.

The Lord God looked at Ye Ming deeply. After a long time, a look of relief appeared in his eyes, and he took off the last burden in his heart. He thought that he finally fully understood.

I understand Ye Ming's love for him, and at the same time I understand my own love for Ye Ming.

No matter who he is, no matter his origin, ten pieces of his love Ye Ming, every part of him, every memory, loves Ye Ming, and now he still loves Ye Ming, this love , not shaken by anything, not diverted by will.

From the beginning to the end, he thought he was rational and calm, but it was another human emotion that dominated him-that is, worrying about gains and losses and fear. Be willing to change and pretend you don't care.

But it still can't deny that he loves him.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of love that they are walking on thin ice.

[Qin Yi: You finally want to understand.]

[Ming Chong: It seems that our mission is coming to an end.]

[Li Zechen: Actually, we have long since ceased to exist. From the moment we merged, you were the only one.]

[Jiang Ci: We represent your love for Ye Ming. You are afraid that you will fall in love with others like a human being, so you instinctively expel us, reject us, and want to destroy your feelings like a virus.]

[Corson: We are just characters you imagined, real feelings you don't want to admit.]

[Zong Jun: You don't believe that Ye Ming loves you, and you don't believe that you love Ye Ming. To escape and let you create us, let you think that your shaking and temptation are all we are influencing you. In fact, we can't affect you at all, only you can affect you.]

[Lu Xiuwen: I’ve said it many times, we are you, you can’t obliterate us, just like you can’t obliterate yourself.]

[Yang Qian: Accept yourself and give up contradictions. When you realize what your true self is, it will end.]

[Shen Ye: The way to make us disappear is not to forcefully obliterate, nor to make us give up, nor to make Ye Ming admit that he doesn't love you, but to accept yourself. This is also the only way, once you accept who you are, we naturally have no need to exist.]

[Yue Ling: So, goodbye.]

When Yue Ling said that goodbye, all the voices in his mind disappeared.

There is only silence left.

The Lord God's heart is suddenly bright, as if the boulder that was pressing on his heart has been removed, and it is as if the gauze covering his eyes has been lifted, the light in front of him shines, all confusion is dispelled, and only the sincerity towards the person in front of him remains. love.

This is the truth.

From the moment he came back, he was just a person, and there was no so-called ten personalities at all. The memory of those ten personalities was integrated into his mind, just like the memory of a person's tenth love life, he Use his life, all the time, to love all of this person.

The so-called personality is just an illusion of his self-deception. When he realizes his own mind, all illusions will disappear in an instant.

But their departure is not the end, but the beginning.

It may not be a bad thing to have feelings, at least at the moment he is so lucky to have met Ye Ming, to know how to love someone, and to experience the joys, sorrows and sorrows that belong to human beings. If his life had no end, he hoped to have Ye Ming by his side, so that he would not be lonely.

Ye Ming looked into the eyes of the Lord God. He was moved by the Lord for a while, and missed for a while. He seemed to want to understand something, and finally showed a relieved smile. He couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking?"

The Lord God stared at Ye Ming, smiled, his tone was unprecedentedly gentle, his eyes were sea-like, "I just wanted to understand a truth."

Ye Ming stared at the Lord God for a while, and suddenly smiled slyly: "It's a coincidence, I also want to understand a truth."

It doesn't matter how the past was, what matters is the future.

The two stared at each other silently, but seemed to have a heart-to-heart.

In the boundless night, the Lord God gently held Ye Ming's face, held his hand with one hand, and clasped his fingers together, as if making some kind of promise, word by word: "Will you live with me forever? "

Ye Ming said, "I will."

Only time is eternal in this world.

If there is anything that can prove my love for you, it is the endless years to come, to accompany each other.

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