The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 20: Ex-boyfriend who broke up


Ye Ming stared blankly at the ring on his finger. At the moment when the blackening value returned to zero, he heard the system prompt again.

[Ding, the target Qin Yi's blackening value has been eliminated, the world quest is completed, please leave the host within 10 days.]

[Ye Ming: Why is it not 3rd?]

[888: Maybe the main system has been adjusted. I will give you a few more days to stabilize the emotions of the raid target, lest you die too abruptly and the raid target will become black again.]

[Ye Ming: That is really considerate ^_^]

It was rare for 888 to be silent, and he didn't hate Ye Ming. In fact, he didn't quite understand the meaning of the main system. The main system had never done such superfluous things before, but it was more tolerant to Ye Ming than expected in many aspects, but this kind of Tolerance... Ye Ming probably couldn't understand it, and maybe even if he knew, he wouldn't appreciate it.

In fact, 888 didn't even understand why the main system gave him such a task and asked him to accompany Ye Ming to make a little trouble. He didn't care about it before, but now he is suddenly curious about the meaning of these.

Compared to the huge rewards that the main system promised him, the experience points that Ye Ming could earn for the main system by completing these low-level love strategy tasks were really insignificant, which was undoubtedly a loss-making business.

The main system never trades at a loss.

Ye Ming lowered his eyelashes, he silently picked up another ring and put it on Qin Yi's hand gently.

There was a moving look in Qin Yi's eyes. He and Ye Ming clasped their fingers together, and the two rings touched each other, as if they were connected to each other.

Qin Yi stood up, hugged Ye Ming lightly, and lowered his head to kiss his lips.

My love, if I am destined not to leave you in front of death, then at least I can give you all my love so that you will no longer be lonely.

Even death cannot separate us.

The next day, Qin Yi couldn't wait to prepare for their wedding. He completely let go of the company and only accompanied Ye Ming in the hospital. Ye Ming didn't dissuade him, because he knew that what Qin Yi needed was not his dissuasion.

They both knew in their hearts that there was not much time left, and Qin Yi just wanted to accompany him as much as possible in the limited time.

Qin Yi's secretary was also busy. He took a small notebook and carefully wrote down every order of Qin Yi, and then quickly went out to purchase. In the afternoon, Ye Ming's ward was filled with all kinds of invitations and wedding candy, and it looked like a small wedding shop.

Qin Yi lined up the invitations on the table very seriously, and then asked Ye Ming with a smile, "Do you think this one looks good? This is the latest design, which is very popular this year."

Ye Ming nodded, "It's beautiful."

Qin Yi flipped through it again, "But this one is also very beautiful, and the Chinese style, you must like it."

Ye Ming opened it and took a closer look, and suddenly showed a tangled expression, "It's all pretty, let me think about it."

So Qin Yi took Ye Ming in his arms and sat on the sofa. The two of them hugged you and said each other. Finally, they finally picked out a few styles. Qin Yi said, "You decide, I have some choices. obstacles."

Ye Ming was actually too picky, but he read it again seriously, and finally said with a smile: "I think this is not bad. When the time comes, our names will be printed, just stacked on top of each other, and we will stick to each other."

Qin Yi's eyes showed a gentle light, and said happily: "Okay, then this is it!"

After picking out invitations, they started picking wedding candies, and they were very busy.

Aunt Zhao, who was next door, came over to see it. Hearing that they were going to get married, she joined the army of helping out with great enthusiasm.

As soon as the news spread, everyone knew that Ye Ming and Qin Yi, a young couple, were getting married. They all knew that Ye Ming had been ill for a long time, and they were very happy to have such a happy event. Time to have a drink.

Qin Yi thanked everyone, and the blessings he received made him very happy.

In the past few years, no matter how big the company is and how much money it makes, it is not as good as a few blessings that make him happy from the bottom of his heart.

After two days of work like this, many details of the wedding were agreed upon, and then a designer specially invited by Qin Yi from abroad came over and personally came to the hospital to help Ye Ming measure the size and customize the wedding dress.

Ye Ming's body is basically dead, and he needs Qin Yi's help to take care of everything, but even so, he still shows great enthusiasm for the wedding.

He once made a mistake, pretending to betray and leaving, pretending not to love this person... It turned out to be more painful for both of them, so this time he no longer suppressed his heart, and wanted to let Qin Yi at the last time Happy.

And this is what he is happy and longing for, why not do it

They were busy for another day today, and they were really tired, but when Ye Ming fell asleep, his expression was smiling and satisfied.

Qin Yi hugged Ye Ming and closed his eyes. He wanted to give Ye Ming a beautiful wedding and a home at the last moment. He was very happy and happy... But where did the despair and powerlessness in his heart come from

Probably just because this beauty is too short-lived.

A few days later, the designer personally delivered the finished dress to help Ye Ming put on the fitting. The hand-made custom-made dress fits very well, covering up some of Ye Ming's physical defects, making him rarely look more energetic.

Qin Yi also changed into a dress and stood behind Ye Ming, handsome and tall, with awe-inspiring awe.

The designer was very satisfied, and the excited command assistant helped Ye Ming put on a little makeup, and then took a few group photos for them before leaving.

Ye Ming liked this dress very much, he said to Qin Yi: "Sure enough, people want clothes, and I feel much more handsome when I wear this."

Qin Yi smiled softly: "You are already handsome, so you are worthy of such a handsome me."

Ye Ming gave him a white look, "You feel good about yourself, cough cough... cough..." He coughed again halfway through, and quickly covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

After a while, he stopped, Qin Yi took the handkerchief in his hand, looked at the blood on it, and his eyes darkened.

He has been pretending not to care, but in fact... how could he not care

He was already in so much pain and despair that he couldn't hold on any longer, but he didn't want Ye Ming to see his sadness, and he didn't want Ye Ming to worry about him.

Ye Ming suddenly grabbed Qin Yi's hand and said, "Ayi."

Qin Yi raised his eyes dazedly.

Ye Ming smiled: "The doctor said that I would not live for half a year, but I lived for three years, and I think I have earned it."

"When I was abroad, I thought of you every day, wanted to know your news, and wanted to know if you were doing well... At first, it was not easy to get your news, but fortunately you are really good. Gradually, I don't care. Whether it's watching the news, watching TV or surfing the Internet, I can see your news, and I'm happy to see that your life is getting better and better."

"I just looked at you from a distance. I wanted to come back, but I didn't dare to come back. I was afraid that you would hate me, and I was afraid that I would die suddenly..."

Qin Yi felt a dull pain in his heart, twitching and twitching.

Ye Ming hugged his waist, approached him, listened to his heartbeat, and said softly, "In the end, I couldn't hold back and came back... I just wanted to see you from a distance before I died, at least that was the real thing. The you... not the you across the sea, on TV, in newspapers, on the Internet... "

"I feel very sorry for you and didn't dare to appear in front of you, but you don't actually blame me, you still love me... How lucky I am to be able to meet you in my lifetime. It's really amazing that I can live until today. Very satisfied, very, very happy.”

Qin Yi closed his eyes, he felt that his throat was stiff and he couldn't speak.

[888: What's the matter with you? One day it will have to be forced out.]

[Ye Ming: Isn't there another day, what's the hurry~]

[888: I have to remind you that you will die if you leave your body this time, and you will never be able to return to this world, so you don’t need to do unnecessary things, and it’s business to be prepared to leave.]

[Ye Ming: Why is this a pointless matter? Isn't my wedding a big deal?]

[888: Are you acting enough?]

[Ye Ming: People can never act enough~~]

888 didn't pick up Ye Ming's words. Although Ye Ming was full of nonsense as always, he couldn't relax for some reason. Probably watching this kind of separation, he didn't think Ye Ming was really relaxed and happy, so he couldn't help urging him.

But that's not what he's supposed to do.

This day, Ye Ming was waiting quietly for Qin Yi to finish the call to order flowers, and said to him with a smile, "I heard that you even have our wedding room ready, take me to see it."

Qin Yi paused, Ye Ming is not suitable to leave the hospital now, but this is Ye Ming's wish, he will never go against it, so he immediately set off with the medical team and Ye Ming.

The house he chose was in the city center, but it wasn't very big. It was just a set of commercial buildings with more than 100 square meters, which was really shabby for Mr. Qin.

But Ye Ming understood his intentions.

Back then, when they were still together, they would embrace each other and look forward to the future. At that time, Ye Ming said that he didn't need a lot of luxurious houses, just two people would be enough. He said that he didn't like a house that was too big, it seemed empty and no one was there. Smoke, the small house feels more warm to live in.

And these bits and pieces, Qin Yi remembered all of them in his heart, and he never forgot for a moment.

Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming to the house with three bedrooms and two living rooms. He smiled and said, "This is our master bedroom, and these two secondary bedrooms can be used for children in the future."

Ye Ming looked at it, showing expectant eyes, he looked carefully, and said, "This room can be pasted with blue sky and white clouds wallpaper, this room is made pink and cute, let's adopt another boy and a girl, so we can The children are both complete."

Qin Yi's eyes were full of gentle smiles. He sighed: "This is good. If we raise another cat and a dog, others will definitely envy us."

Ye Ming smiled proudly, "Then let them be envious."

Then Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming into the master bedroom. The master bedroom is very spacious and has a bay window with good lighting. Ye Ming was very satisfied. "What do you think of sitting here and reading on weekends?"

Qin Yi smiled: "Okay, you read the book, I'll see you."

The corner of Ye Ming's lips hooked, and said, "You didn't have such a sweet mouth before. You've made a lot of progress in the past few years. You shouldn't have practiced with others."

Qin Yi suddenly showed an expression of wronged death, "I think of you every day, how can I still have time to practice with others."

Ye Ming laughed out loud, he looked around the bedroom, suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Qin Yi, saying: "You go out for half an hour... No, come back in an hour, I want to be alone for a while. Don't steal Look."

Qin Yi was a little hesitant, he didn't worry about leaving Ye Ming here alone.

Ye Ming glared, "It's only been a while, what can happen, besides, aren't you all staying outside?"

Qin Yi saw that Ye Ming was a little angry. Thinking that he and the others were outside, nothing should happen, so he turned around helplessly and went out.

Ye Ming closed the door from behind, making sure Qin Yi couldn't get in, so he went back to the bedroom and crawled onto the bed to lie down.

[888: Can you pursue a little bit? Are you going to lie down for a while?]

[Ye Ming: I just want to die a little more beautiful. Do you think I look like a sleeping beauty?]

[888: ... ] Ugly dead, okay? !

Ye Ming took out a letter he had secretly written earlier from his clothes and put it on the head of the bed, then put his hands on his chest and put on a very peaceful posture.

[Ye Ming: Done! We can get away!]


Qin Yi just waited outside uneasy, raising his hand to look at his watch every minute.

An hour later, Qin Yi couldn't wait to push the door and enter the bedroom.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the young man lying quietly on the bed, as if he was asleep. At this moment, great fear and anxiety enveloped Qin Yi, he seemed to understand something suddenly, but he didn't want to believe, unwilling to believe this cruel truth, unwilling to believe... Ye Ming left him like this.

Qin Yi took a while to lift his footsteps with difficulty, and every step seemed to use up all his strength.

It was like crossing the sea of swords and fire, until it finally came to the bed. He lowered his head and looked at the young man sleeping peacefully on the bed. He wanted to reach out to touch him, but he didn't dare to. He was afraid... Once he broke this quiet picture, even this last glimmer of hope was shattered. He probably couldn't afford to lose him again.

Qin Yi just stood there in a daze, and then he saw the envelope on the head of the bed.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Three years ago, Ye Ming suddenly left, just leaving him such a letter.

Three years later, Ye Ming still only left him a letter.

Qin Yi gritted his teeth, he spent almost his entire life courage, and finally slowly picked up the letter and opened it.

Appearing in front of his eyes, it is the same elegant and powerful font as before.

"Ayi, when you read this letter, I'm probably gone.

I'm sorry... I left first selfishly, but I know you love me so much, so I have to make one last selfish request.

I hope you can live well and live with my share. I hope that in the days to come, you can replace me to see the scenery I have never seen, and replace me to realize our unfulfilled wishes.

I will not tell you not to be sad, because I know this will only make you sad, but I know that you must not be willing to make me sad, so can you promise me? You must live happily.

I will always look at you and stay by your side, if you have a bad time, I will definitely know.

I will wait for you to come and see me, but you don't have to hurry, you can take your time, I hope you will have decades of interesting stories to tell me by then.

- I love you, Fang Xiao. "

Qin Yi closed his eyes, and with a 'click', tears fell on the stationery.

One day ten years later, Qin Yi drove the children to school as usual before returning to work in the company.

In recent years, the company has become bigger and busier, but Qin Yi feels that it is good to be busy sometimes, because once people are busy, they have no time to think about many things.

He held meetings, signed documents, and met clients non-stop. He was busy until very late. At this time, the children sent him text messages: "Dad, we have already arrived home, go to bed first, and you don't have to work too hard."

Qin Yi replied with a text message: "Okay."

Then he stared at the phone in a daze again. The screen of the phone was a group photo with the hospital garden in the background. At that time, the designer had just made the dresses to try on them, and took a few photos of them.

Qin Yi chose the best-looking one as a mobile phone screen, and used it for ten years.

Although that wedding didn't happen in the end, at least they still have a wedding photo.

I promised you that I would adopt two children, pretend that you are still by my side, and live with your share... I will fulfill your unfulfilled wishes for you.

Qin Yi watched, a gentle smile gradually appeared in his eyes, as if he saw that person through this photo again.

Seeing that person, he also stood in front of him with a smile and looked at him.

Qin Yi stretched out his hand and held the opponent's hand in the air, as if the rings were touching again.

He moved his lips and made a low voice: "I have done everything I promised you, did you see it?"

"You're really lazy, just let it go and leave me alone to do so many things... Do you know that I'm very tired?"

"When we meet later, how will you compensate me?"

Qin Yi talked to himself for a while, and seemed a little tired. He reached out to cover his eyes and sat on the sofa.

Do you know that I miss you so much.

Are you really... watching me by my side

The author has something to say: [Friendly reminder]

The timeline of this article is after the end of the slag attack. The target of each world's strategy is the real attack, there is no system, and finally all the attacks in the real world will merge into one person, which is a bit different from the previous one~ After all, the author doesn't like two consecutive attacks. I wrote exactly the same stalk O(∩_∩)O~ That's not interesting, isn't it~

888 is not an attack, 888 is not an attack, 888 is not an attack, the important thing is said three times, dear friends, don't stand on the wrong side

Now give the microphone to Mr. 888, he has something to say.

888: But I'm not a sufferer either, you don't want to match me casually :)