The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 27: I am the most romantic president


"Who ruled that if you love me, I must love you." Ye Ming looked into Ming Chong's eyes and said word by word.

Ming Chong stood there like a stone statue, this slap, this sentence made the blood all over his body a little cold, as if to freeze his whole body.

The only small fantasies and persistence in the bottom of my heart, the last trace of self-deception, were ruthlessly shattered.

Yes... Who stipulated that Ye Ming must love him? It was he who fell in love with this person inextricably, unwilling to be betrayed, unwilling to be abandoned, unwilling... to lose him like this...

Ye Ming's eyes were cold and his expression was calm. He raised his hand and buttoned his shirt piece by piece, tidied up his tie and jacket, and returned to his usual neat clothes.

Then he took a deep look at Ming Chong, and without hesitation he turned around and pushed the door out.

Ming Chong looked at the back of Ye Ming's departure, his eyes seemed to be dripping blood, he wanted to go up to block, but for some reason he couldn't move. Ye Ming's words were like some kind of immobilization spell, which made him unable to move.

He once loved this person wishful thinking, and hoped that he would love him...

But what if he just doesn't want to love him

Love is never equal, just like you love this person to the bone, but this person treats him with disdain.

Are you going to let it go? Let that relationship be sealed and just regarded as an unbearable past

If he did this, would he come back here

Ming Chong stared hard at the front, his eyes were splitting. Even though Ye Ming was no longer there, he still couldn't look away.

Ye Ming returned home and lay lazily on the bed.

888 has nothing to say about this lazy human who can lie down but not sit, and who can sit but not stand. It is said that human beings have a disease called lazy cancer. The incidence rate is very high, and there is no cure. An insurmountable problem.

[888: Your fallacy today is as deafening as ever, Ming Chong was stunned by you.]

[Ye Ming: Why is this a fallacy? Love is inherently unequal~]

[888: You seem to have ignored a premise, that is, it was not that he unilaterally pursued you at the beginning, and you did not give any response; it was that you pursued him first and had a normal love relationship with him, during a period similar to ' "I love you" has been said at least a hundred times. I think the status and feelings in this relationship should be relatively equal. Playing is playing. It is not a matter of loving more and loving less. In human terms, you are stealing concepts.]

[Ye Ming: Cough...] I feel that 888 is getting sharper and sharper, what should I do...

[Ye Ming: I have no choice but to do this. After all, if you want to reduce the blackening value, just clarifying the misunderstanding is not enough. You can't always make him feel that I'm sorry for him. Let's reverse this first, and we can talk about equality. ^_^]

[888: You didn't feel sorry for him?]

[Ye Ming laughed dryly: ... Hahahahaha.]

Ye Ming touched his chin. He estimated that this time Ming Chong would have to calm down for a while before he could think clearly. At this time, he may have two reactions, one is to let go.

For the sake of his own words, it is time for ordinary people to retreat and not continue to entangle... But Ye Ming felt that Ming Chong would not let go. The huge power of 100% favorability was experienced by Ye Ming in the previous world. After that, if he can let go, it won't be so black... Then there is only the second possibility.

Even if you don't love him, you have to do anything to get it. Ming Chong may take risks, and the blackening value may increase in the short term.

Ye Ming didn't go to the company anymore, but lived a leisurely life of being a shopkeeper. He felt that his life had been liberated, and he couldn't help but complain to 888.

[Ye Ming: Actually, being a CEO is not that exciting at all. Every day is exhausting. I have a lot of disobedient employees under my control. I worry so much about making some money. You see how many CEOs are bald. Few of the presidents of the Korean drama version are rich, rich and handsome, and they are all bald and beer belly. If you want me to say, it is still the happiest person to be the one who is supported, even on the bed, without moving.]

[888: Come, recite the core socialist values with me.]

[Ye Ming:…]

[Ye Ming: Ahem, in fact, I just feel that no matter how hard I work in this world, I can't take away a penny, so I don't bother to worry about it~ In fact, I am a good young man who works very hard and loves work and life!]

[888: Then this positive and optimistic young man, when I told you that Ming Chong was preparing a small black house for you, why didn't you prepare to resist?]

[Ye Ming's tone suddenly became deep: Destiny cannot be resisted!]

888 just wanted to send him a rolling word.

Ye Ming spent a few days at leisure, and received several calls from Vice President Liu asking him why he didn't come to the company. Everything is handed over to the people over there in Ming Chong.

Just when Ye Ming had bought his plane tickets and was about to leave, he finally got a call from Ming Chong, and it took him a while to pick it up.

Ming Chong said, "I want to meet you."

Ye Ming's tone was cold, "I have already told you what I want to say last time, there is no need to meet again."

Ming Chong's voice was calm, as if he had already figured it out, he said, "Don't worry, I have no other intentions. I have carefully considered what you said last time, and I think it makes sense, and it has been five years, what is there? The grievances and grievances are all in the past, I promise you the conditions, we can get together and leave."

Ye Ming was stunned, as if he didn't expect Ming Chong to say these words, he hesitated, "Then what are you going to do with me?"

Ming Chong smiled softly, "Last time you left in a hurry, just put down the documents and left. But after all, there are still many things to do in the company's handover, I think it is necessary to meet once and make it clear in person, so that I don't have to worry about the company's affairs in the future. You, are you right?"

Ming Chong's remarks are well-founded and calm. Ye Ming really has no reason to refuse, but he is still reluctant to see him, saying: "I have already signed my words, you will send someone to Vice President Liu for the company's affairs. Get in touch."

Ming Chong sighed and said, "After all, he's just a vice president, and many things can't represent you. I know you don't want to see me again, but business is business, isn't this kind of perfunctory attitude too irresponsible? Anyway... After all, we had a better time, do you have to be so heartless?"

For the sake of Ming Chong's words, Ye Ming was also a little soft-hearted. He paused and finally said, "Okay, I'll go to your hotel now."

Ming Chong smiled lightly: "I'm not in the hotel, I'm somewhere else, I'll give you an address, come over now."

Ye Ming hung up the phone, and sure enough, Ming Chong sent an address quickly.

There is a villa area on the outskirts of city G. It was built very luxuriously and positioned at a high-end level, but it did not sell very well in the later period. There are many vacant villas, the land is sparsely populated, and it is not close to the transportation hub. of people, very few people will pass.

It was already a little late when Ye Ming arrived. He drove the car into the garage of the villa according to the house number given by Ming Chong. It was probably a newly purchased place. Although the courtyard was clean, it was not very popular.

Ming Chong stood at the door waiting for him, smiling at him from a distance, "You're here."

Ye Ming nodded, showing a slightly puzzled look, as if he didn't understand why Ming Chong offered to make an appointment here, didn't he stay in the hotel all the time? I felt a little uneasy in my heart.

Ming Chong saw his doubts and said with a smile: "This time I come back, I may stay in G city often, so it is necessary to buy a house. The location is good and quiet, I think it is very suitable."

Ye Ming was a little stunned. He lowered his eyes and glanced at a hint of emotion. In fact, Ming Chong used to have a residence in G City. It was the house he bought for him... But it must be a shame for Ming Chong now. , he wouldn't want to go back and live there.

Ming Chong opened the door and greeted Ye Ming. Although this villa was newly bought, it was originally well-decorated, and a lot of furniture and objects were temporarily added. There is no sound when going up, it is very luxurious, but it looks like an exquisite palace.

Ming Chong smiled at Ye Ming and said, "I took a close look at the agreement you left for me last time, and I feel that there are still some things that need to be added and improved. If you can, please sign it together. ."

As he spoke, he handed him the documents on the coffee table.

Ye Ming took a look and found that Ming Chong was careful enough in his heart. He was worthy of the shrewdness of a businessman. These supplementary agreements filled up all the loopholes and were enough to ensure that there would be no disputes in the future.

Although he felt that his move was a bit too pretentious, and it was inevitable that he would ignore the slightest affection, he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Ming Chong was really not going to have anything to do with him anymore.

fair enough.

Ye Ming signed his name freely and smiled slightly: "Is there anything else?"

Ming Chong acted in a business-like manner, and asked Ye Ming some questions, all of which were related to the operation of the company, and he was very professional and serious. Ye Ming gradually let down his guard and answered his question seriously. Since he decided to hand over the company, he naturally wouldn't hide it.

After today, they probably won't see each other again.

About an hour later, Ming Chong said with a smile, "Okay... I will have someone take over from the company tomorrow. With Vice President Liu there, there should be no problem."

Ye Ming nodded: "Since that's the case, I'll leave."

Ming Chong was suddenly silent for a while, he seemed a little hesitant, his eyes showed a little bit of reluctance, and he still said, "It's so late, why don't you have a meal and then go."

Ye Ming had no intention of staying to eat with Ming Chong. After so many misunderstandings and hurting each other, it was just embarrassing for them to continue getting along. He stood up and said, "No."

Ming Chong didn't step up to stop Ye Ming as before, and didn't even take any drastic actions. He sighed softly, with a hint of loneliness: "It seems that you really don't want to see me again at all."

Seeing Ming Chong's appearance, Ye Ming was a little soft-hearted. If Ming Chong continued to force him to humiliate him, he would only feel angry. But Ming Chong was sad and sad, and he felt uneasy. After all, he was wrong in the first place, he hesitated and said, "Don't say that..."

Ming Chong looked at him and said slowly, "Let's have a meal then, we won't see you again anyway."

Ye Ming stood on the spot, he looked at the person in front of him a little absently, the handsome young man looked at him with extremely serious and expectant eyes at this moment... Such Ming Chong reminded him of many years ago, when they were still together.

At that time, Ming Chong was in front of him, always accommodating him and loving him. When he wanted something, he would look at him with such eyes, never forcing him... let alone showing that cold and hateful eyes, Say things that humiliate him.

As it is now.

Ye Ming was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

A light flashed in Ming Chong's eyes, and he stood up with a smile, "Wait a minute, I'll cook."

Ye Ming looked a little complicated, but he still sat down.

Ming Chong really got up to cook. There was an open kitchen on the first floor. Ye Ming was sitting on the sofa, and he could just see his slender back with wide shoulders and narrow waist. This scene seemed like a long time ago.

He turned his eyes away and stopped looking, lest he would be shaken after looking at it for a long time, and he couldn't be fooled by this short-lived beauty.

They can't go back after all.

It didn't take long for Ming Chong to serve the food. He cooked a few simple Western dishes, which looked good and stylish, and then took out a wine glass and poured two glasses of wine.

The two sat face to face at the table, if you ignore the slightly weird atmosphere, it would be like a lover on a date.

There was a hint of sadness in Ye Ming's eyes.

Ming Chong said with some emotion: "It seems that we haven't sat down like this for a long time and had a good meal."

Ye Ming smiled softly, "Yes."

No one knew how much he wanted to sit down like this again and have a meal with the person he loved, but when he finally waited for this person... this person didn't love him anymore, he didn't stand there waiting for him.

But this can't blame Ming Chong, and no one stipulates that Ming Chong must wait for him.

Ming Chong paused. He gave Ye Ming a deep look and asked, "You sold the company, what are your plans for the next step?"

Ye Ming said lightly: "I don't have any plans. I'm going to go out for a walk for the time being. It's good to rest for a while."

Ming Chong smiled, he picked up the wine glass and said to Ye Ming, "Although we have had some misunderstandings before, we are still lovers after all, so I wish you a smooth journey and have a good time."

Seeing that Ming Chong was so free and easy, Ye Ming finally relaxed a lot.

Yes, this is correct. Now that they have met and talked about it, the kindness, resentment, love, and love have all passed away, and those obsessions that can't be put down in their hearts are also put down, and the knots in their hearts are unraveled, which is the best.

He also took a sip of the wine and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Ming Chong's eyes were dark. He watched Ye Ming drank the wine, put his hands on the table, and raised his lips, "Actually, if we can't be a lover, it's not bad to be a friend. You said... If we can really do this, How nice…”

Ye Ming was slightly startled, as if he didn't understand what he meant. Isn't it true that they are doing this now

Ming Chong put down the wine glass, a strange smile appeared on his handsome face, and a deep paranoia gradually emerged in his black eyes, his thin lips raised slightly, and he said slowly: "I thought about it later, and suddenly felt that I would let you in this way. I was really unwilling to leave, so I temporarily changed my mind and thought it would be better for you to stay..."

Ye Ming looked into Ming Chong's eyes, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and suddenly stood up! But I felt dizzy and weak all over my body. If I hadn't supported the table with my hands in time, I would have fallen directly to the ground!

He stared at Ming Chong with disbelief and anger in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "You, what's in the wine..."

Ming Chong looked at him meaningfully. He slowly spread out the napkin and began to eat gracefully. He said lightly, "I made dinner for you, let's have some."

Ye Ming is still in the mood to eat, his eyes are almost shooting fire, I didn't expect Ming Chong to use such a despicable method! He got up to get out of here! If I don't leave again, I don't know what kind of ugliness I will show!

But he couldn't get up at all, every step was difficult, and he fell on the carpet before he reached the door.

Ye Ming bit himself hard, struggled to get up, staggered towards the gate, slammed into the door heavily, he stretched out his hand to pull the door handle, but the door was locked, and he couldn't hit the electronic lock at all. Open... His eyes were full of anxiety and irritability. Suddenly, he remembered that the mobile phone was still in his pocket. When he took out the mobile phone, he was about to call for help, but when he opened it, there was no signal at all!

By now, Ye Ming still didn't know that Ming Chong had come prepared, just waiting for him to throw himself into the net.

What is good to get together and good to loose, what is figured out, all lie to him!