The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 54: Revenge from the doctor


[Ye Ming: Wow! My baby is very playful, so exciting!]

[888: You can shut up and thank you.]

Ye Ming was shaking all over with excitement. He liked the ups and downs of development. At this moment, he was already possessed by drama, and he made up a lot of plots to follow. At this moment, the door opened with a 'cream'.

Jiang Ci walked in from the outside and saw the man fell to the ground, his body trembling slightly, he raised his head and looked at him with a complex look of fear, as if he didn't understand why he appeared here, and it was very unacceptable.

Jiang Ci walked over and hugged Ye Ming gently, and put him on the bed with a gentle expression: "You are awake."

Ye Ming seems to have finally recovered from the shock just now. He was taken away by someone in a daze yesterday. It turned out that Jiang Ci captured him again. He couldn't get rid of all this... He escaped again, Jiang Ci must be very Get angry.

But now Jiang Ci is acting very normal, and he doesn't mean to be angry at all, but this makes Ye Ming unable to understand his thoughts. He can't see through the child's mind now, but sometimes the unknown is even more terrifying...

He remembered the chains on his feet, and he didn't think Jiang Ci was really angry.

Jiang Ci took Ye Ming's shoulders and let him lean against his arms, brushed his fingertips against his chin, and lowered his head to kiss him.

Ye Ming suddenly turned his head to avoid Jiang Ci's kiss, his eyes were extremely angry.

Jiang Ci was stunned for a moment, then he chuckled softly, and said softly, "You finally came home, why are you unhappy? Is it because you don't want to see me? Dad."

Ye Ming's pupils shrank a little. He hadn't heard Jiang Ci address him like that for many years. Even after the reunion, Jiang Ci never called him that again, and only treated him as an enemy, calling him by his first name or calling him Dr. Chen.

And this dad finally made him unable to remain calm any longer, and his lips trembled.

Jiang Ci's eyes showed a sad look, his voice was hoarse, with an indescribable heaviness, "You know what? I have always kept this place for you... I hope that one day you will come back and you will not be homeless... You will Know that I'm waiting for you. I'll check back every once in a while to see if you've come back, and I've been here for eight years, keeping everything the way it was before..."

"But you didn't come back, you didn't even think about coming back."

Although Ye Ming was very angry and disappointed with Jiang Ci's actions during this period, the child suddenly showed such a fragile side, and when he heard his own words of despair and sadness, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart.

In fact, he knew it at the beginning... He knew how much harm Jiang Ci would bring to Jiang Ci if he left without telling him, but he still did it, just to make up for some of his past mistakes as much as possible and let Jiang Ci return to what he should have done. Going back to the place where he went, he has biological parents who love him, and one day he can heal the pain and forget himself.

He tried hard to make himself forget all this, but until he saw it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, he didn't understand how cruel his actions were. This was the real reason why he was willing to bear Jiang Ci's revenge all the time.

Jiang Ci paused, his eyes were dazed for a moment, and then his eyes were covered with coldness, his voice was low, with a hint of trepidation, "Dad... You promised me that you would not run away, and that you would stay by my side obediently. , but you still left..."

He pinched Ye Ming's chin, his eyes were crazy and paranoid, and his voice was cold, "You want to leave me again."

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value is +20, the current blackening value is 80]

Ye Ming struggled in pain. He looked at Jiang Ci's dark eyes as dark as the deep sea, and seemed to be able to personally feel the despair he once felt, but this was not the reason why he had to endure all this now, and they should not have such a relationship.

All of this is sinful and wrong.

Jiang Ci squeezed Ye Ming's chin with great force, not allowing him to escape, and bit his lip heavily. This kiss was so crazy, with a bloodthirsty meaning, it seemed to be going to tear him apart and devour him. Enter the belly.

Chew him, swallow his flesh, and make him one with yourself!

Ye Ming made a humming sound. He desperately wanted to get rid of Jiang Ci's imprisonment, but it was useless at all. This person's strength was so great, and his resistance seemed so weak.

Jiang Ci stroked his neck, his sharp and narrow black eyes stared into his eyes, the corners of his lips rose, and the tenderness and madness in his eyes intertwined: "Dad... We will never be separated again, you can never leave me behind again."

We'll be together forever and ever, I promise.

Ye Ming looked into his eyes, in this familiar room, he was like a son at the moment, like a demon, ruthlessly tearing apart his entire world.

The room wasn't very big, and the bed wasn't very big either. It was an old wooden bed. Even though it was covered with thick quilts, it was still a bit crowded, so that Ye Ming felt that all the bones in his body were about to be shattered.

He looked up at the ceiling in a daze. The familiar ceiling and corners were a bit shabby. He had lived in this home for nearly ten years.

At the beginning, he decided to take good care of this stolen child, and finally came here in hiding, and regarded it as their home. After living here for so long, he poured countless memories here.

At this moment, the once beautiful memories have also begun to be full of sin and ugliness.

Jiang Sheng hurt him, so he would spare no effort to get revenge on Jiang Sheng, so he stole his child in desperation, vented his hatred for Jiang Sheng on him, and finally the child came to take revenge on him.

It was he who made this innocent child the continuation of his hatred with Jiang Sheng.

When is the time for retribution, he finally understands this truth now, but it is too late.

Ye Ming was lying on the bed so weakly, his tears wet the sheets, the suffering he was going through at the moment was the retribution for his wrongdoing, but he didn't want to do this, he also wanted to be a good person with a clear conscience, without hurting anyone People, live a good life, with their wives and children...

He only did one thing wrong, and he would pay the price with his life.

But what about Jiang Sheng? It's so unfair why he hasn't paid his price yet.

Since that day, Jiang Ci has lived here with Ye Ming. He will only unlock the chain when he is eating and taking a bath. At any other time, he will lock Ye Ming in the bedroom. The length of the chain is only enough for him to move around in the room. He needed Jiang Ci's help, all of which made him feel ashamed.

However, Jiang Ci never tire of taking care of Ye Ming himself. He enjoys any time he spends with him, and he doesn't feel dirty or tired. He just likes to call him Dad on the bed. It was as if he wanted to go back in time.

Ye Ming stayed at home and ate, slept, slept and ate every day without leaving the house. He had nightlife every night, and his stomach grew fat. He didn't need to do anything else, that is, he was very painful when Jiang Ci was close to him. He fought desperately at first, but then he seemed to finally give up and let Jiang Ci do whatever he wanted.

A heart like ashes.

[Ye Wei: 嘤嘤嘤, 嘤嘤嘤, I'm really miserable... A son would do such a thing to an old father, is it a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature.]


[Ye Wei: 嘤嘤嘤, 嘤嘤嘤, I like him so much, but he hurts me like this... Why don't you sympathize with me.]

[888: Sorry, I can't get into the show, and don't insult the word like. Indifference jpg]

[Ye Ming: How can you QAQ like this]

[888: Then why are you doing this? If you had directly resigned Xiao Jiang to his parents, he would never have treated you like this, and he might not have even remembered you. If you had talked to him earlier this time, he wouldn't have treated you like this. Isn't he making mistakes step by step now that you condone and seduce him? In the final analysis, you left him for experience points, not really wanting to take care of him, but now you have chosen the shortcut of hurting others and yourself for convenience. I don’t think you deserve any sympathy for this. Do evil and do not live, if there is gain, there will be loss.] Besides, this spicy chicken is not painful at all!

Ye Ming doesn't like such a calm and rational system without a sense of humor, fall!

[Ye Ming: You are ruthless, ruthless, and unreasonable! You cold and impersonal data!]

[888: Thank you for the compliment, I have always been proud of not being a human being, especially after meeting a human like you.]

[Ye Ming:…]

[Ye Ming: You don't have to sympathize with me, then you still have to sympathize with Chen Zhao, he is really miserable...]

[888: Well, then I will reluctantly sympathize.]

A few days later, Ye Ming still did nothing.

[888 said impatiently: Do you still remember the business? Didn't you say you wanted Jiang Ci to know the truth? It's been almost half a month, why haven't you acted?]

[Ye Ming: I'm brewing emotions, this kind of thing has to come naturally, and I can't eat a fat man in one bite ^_^]

[888: Hehe.]Isn't it really too comfortable to slack off

Jiang Ci came back from outside that day and cooked a table of meals by himself, all of which were home-cooked, and then he went to the bedroom and released Ye Ming.

Ye Ming's expression was getting gloomier every day, and he basically didn't speak, like a walking dead. He looked at the food on the table blankly. These were the dishes he often cooked for Jiang Ci in the past. His craftsmanship is actually not very good. Well, it didn't taste very good after many years of cooking. Later, when Jiang Ci grew up, he took the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking. This kid is more talented than him in everything he does, even cooking is better than what he does. it is good.

This scene seems to be the same as before, as if they have not separated, they are still in their own home, this child is still so well-behaved, calling his father...

He was nice to him, well-behaved and obedient.

But no matter how similar it was to the past, the torture every night would brutally tear the illusion apart, telling him that they could never go back to the past.

It was just an endless torture, and the former home became a cage for him, and all the good memories were shattered.

Ye Ming's eyes were a little dazed, and he couldn't focus. He picked up the chopsticks slowly, stuffed the food into his mouth one by one, chewed it for a while before swallowing it.

Jiang Ci can clearly feel that Ye Ming's resistance is getting weaker and weaker, and he can hardly struggle anymore. If it weren't for the occasional weak resistance and painful eyes, he even thought that Ye Ming would no longer matter.

This is what he wanted. He finally got the obedience of this person, completely possessed him, so that he could no longer escape from him, but the dullness in his heart had nowhere to vent.

The empty place was not filled, but became more and more empty.

[Ding, Jiang Ci's blackening value is -20, the current blackening value is 60]

After dinner, Jiang Ci asked Ye Ming to sit on the sofa, turned on the TV, the news was playing, Jiang Ci was next to Ye Ming, looked at him with fondness, and said with a nostalgic smile: "We used to be like this, we have eaten Do you remember when we sat and watched TV together?"

Ye Ming didn't answer, didn't even look at Jiang Ci, watching TV as if his soul was empty.

Jiang Ci's eyes darkened, his face tightened, he took a deep breath, and said slowly, "You talk to me for a while, and I won't move you today, okay?"

Ye Ming still didn't respond, as if he hadn't heard at all.

Jiang Ci's hands clenched tightly, his chest heaved a little, what the hell was he doing? What are you expecting? Don't say that this person didn't want him in the first place, even if he didn't abandon him, he wouldn't forgive him for what he did now, right

But he is an uncontrollable extravagant hope that this person can still treat him like before.

But that's impossible... He has no turning back. A voice in his heart was saying to give up, and another voice was saying that he could not give up. Two voices were pulling in his body, as if to tear him in half.

Ye Ming's indifference caused the darkness in Jiang Ci's heart to continue to breed, and the resentment and violence that had been suppressed for many years began to go out of control. He put Ye Ming on the sofa, stared into his eyes, and said coldly, "It seems that you Do you like being treated like that by me? Are you used to it..."

Ye Ming didn't care about this level of verbal humiliation. He turned his head slightly and felt his shirt torn open, and a cold kiss fell on his neck...

Only by letting go of everything can he tell himself to persevere and regard all this as the ordeal given to him by God...

Seal the soul in the depths of the body, isolated from the world.

He turned his head sideways and closed his eyes for the last moment, his eyes swept across the open TV, a familiar well-dressed figure appeared on the TV, and the host's voice fell into his ears: the charity fund founded by the well-known entrepreneur Jiang Sheng is in This year, he helped… out-of-school children, and he said that he would invest more… to help more people… to make more contributions to society…

That man has become more mature and handsome, and he can accept everyone's admiration and respect with peace of mind. No one knows how dirty and ugly he is inside.

Ye Ming's eyes suddenly turned red.

The ordeal God gave him is all bullshit! All his ordeals were given to him by that person, and he was the source of all his sufferings! Now his son is also hurting him... He is imprisoned in this small place, living a dark day, while that person appears on TV, confuses others with a hypocritical smile, and lives a high and beautiful life.

The hatred that filled his heart boiled again.

What he wanted to forget, he wanted to go out, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't take revenge, he couldn't hurt that person, the only time he made a mistake, he also hurt others and himself in the end, so he really thought about giving up …

But how did God treat him? I want to drag him into that nightmare again!

The person who did evil on him was Jiang Sheng's son, and he also came to take revenge and hurt him! I hate it, I hate it! Why is he going through all this! The line of sight in front of him began to distort, and he suddenly bit Jiang Ci's shoulder hard! There was a bloody taste in the mouth.

He began to struggle desperately, resist, and would rather die than live like this again, he wants revenge! Why should he be bullied like this.

Jiang Ci felt a sharp pain, and found that Ye Ming was looking at him with incomparable hatred, and the expression seemed to want to bite his flesh and blood. He had never seen such hateful eyes in Ye Ming's eyes, never before.

No matter how he treated him before, no matter how disappointed and angry this person was, he never showed such deep hatred, as if he was his mortal enemy.

Jiang Ci was a little absent-minded, because of this absent-minded effort, Ye Ming got rid of his control and ran out.

Ye Ming seemed to be a little confused and didn't even know how to run outside. He just wanted to dodge the person who hurt him. He rushed into a room in a panic, closed the door with a 'bang', and locked it with a click. !

It was only then that he felt relieved, and he finally avoided the control of the demon for a while.

Ye Ming raised his eyes and saw a small room with a narrow bed next to it, and a desk and bookshelf by the window. On the bookshelf were some middle school textbooks, which were neatly placed on the table. Packed stationery box, and a dusty pencil.

This is... his son's room.

He fixedly looked at the not spacious desk, walked over timidly, and stood a few steps away. He blinked, and a young man appeared there.

His profile was very serious, he memorized his homework stroke by stroke, and when he saw him coming over, he turned around and showed him a smile, his eyes kind and admiring.

This is his favorite child, he's been with him all the time... He's always been here.

Ye Ming suddenly missed him very, very much, but he didn't dare to extend his hand, for fear that everything that was beautiful in front of him would disappear.

There was a strong crash behind him, a sound like the death knell of a soul-chasing death, and darkness approached behind him, drowning him and his child together and dragging him into the bottomless abyss.

Ye Ming covered his ears, not wanting to hear the sound, but the sound penetrated the eardrum and hit his heart.

Finally, with a loud noise, the thin wooden door was knocked open.

The illusion in front of him disappeared in an instant, the smiling boy disappeared, the textbooks and notes opened on the table disappeared, and everything returned to its original appearance.

Ye Ming's eyes flickered, and tears kept streaming down. Where did his child go? Where was the child he loved so much

He lost him.

He regretted leaving him.

Jiang Ci ignored the wound on his shoulder. Just now, Ye Ming's sudden reaction was very wrong. It was Ye Ming's obedience during this period of time that made him negligent.

He looked at Ye Ming standing blankly in front of his desk, not daring to irritate him too much, and walked over slowly.

At this moment, Ye Ming turned his head, his face was full of tears, and he looked like a lost dog.

Jiang Ci was very distressed. For the first time, he regretted what he had done. He shouldn't be so tight. He said slowly: "I won't do anything, you come first..."

Ye Ming took a step back, his eyes were a little dull, this tall man was handsome and looked very similar to his child. How could he look like his child? Who is he

He thought and thought, looked and looked, the face of the person in front of him slowly distorted and changed, and finally turned into Jiang Sheng's face.

He is Jiang Sheng! Or the devil sent by Jiang Sheng, he is here to torture him, it is not enough for Jiang Sheng to knock him out of the dust, but also to knock him into hell, so that he will never be born again!

He finally knew who he was!

Jiang Ci walked over step by step, Ye Ming's current state is very abnormal, he was afraid that he would accidentally hurt himself, but as soon as he approached, he found that Ye Ming wanted to escape again!

Jiang Ci didn't even think about it, reached out and hugged Ye Ming tightly in his arms.

Ye Ming opened his mouth to bite him, his eyes were splitting, his eyes were full of fear and bitter hatred.

Jiang Ci looked at his unfamiliar eyes, his heart continued to sink, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared. He gritted his teeth and said, "Do you still recognize me... I'm Jiang Ci..."

As soon as Ye Ming heard this name, as if he was stimulated by something, he let out a shrill scream, looked at him with icy eyes of incomparable hatred, and said hoarsely: "You are not! You are not my son, my son is already dead. , you killed him!"