The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 55: Revenge from the doctor


Jiang Ci's face turned pale, and he stared blankly at Ye Ming's crazy eyes... Even if the blood was dripping from the bite on his arm, he didn't seem to feel it at all.

During this period of time, Ye Ming was silent, but there were no other abnormal signs. Instead, he was very obedient. Why did this happen all of a sudden

At this moment, he was almost unable to think, the huge change made his mind blank, a chill circulated throughout his body, and his whole body was stiff, the only thing he remembered was not letting go of this person.

After a long time, Jiang Ci slowly turned his eyes, looked down at Ye Ming, and said in a hoarse voice, "Calm down."

Ye Ming still looked at him with hatred, he couldn't get rid of Jiang Ci's control, his eyes were cold and disgusted, "You murderer - you killed my son, you return him to me!"

Jiang Ci looked at this kind of eyes, and at this moment he suddenly asked himself, what the hell was he doing during this time... He did anything to revenge this person, hurt this person, and now this person is finally crazy.

He doesn't remember him, remembers nothing but hate.

Are you satisfied

Jiang Ci hugged Ye Ming tightly, he suddenly felt very at a loss, very helpless, very scared, he didn't know it would turn out like this.

He always thought he was enjoying the thrill of revenge, and wanted to let this person know his pain, so he kept torturing him and hurting him, trying to trap him by his side at all costs.

But when the damage is really irreparable, he regrets it like this.

He knew that his thoughts were ridiculous and contrived, even hypocritical and disgusting, but... There is no doubt that he regretted seeing Ye Ming like this, as if he had finally broken a certain critical point, and everything was instantly subverted.

This is not what he wants.

[Ding, Jiang Ci's blackening value is -20, the current blackening value is 40]

Jiang Ci felt that his arms were extremely heavy, he held Ye Ming in his arms, and said slowly and difficultly: "I am your son, I am not dead..."

please wake up please...

I promise, I will never hurt you again.

Ye Ming couldn't listen to it at all, he said sharply: "You are not! My son would not treat me like that! He is a good boy... You are not him!"

Jiang Ci felt a little hot in his eyes. He knew that now was not the right time, and he shouldn't ask such a question, but he couldn't help but ask: "Then do you like him... In your eyes, is he really good?"

Then why didn't you want him in the first place

Ye Ming stared and said, "My son is the best, you are not him!"

Jiang Ci smiled, this smile was a bit bleak.

It turns out that if you are crazy, you will think that I am very good, and you will like me... Is this your real thought, or is it just a self-deception deception

But... I want to take it for real.

Jiang Ci slowly released his hand and said, "I won't hurt you again."

Ye Ming finally got rid of Jiang Ci's control, and without thinking about it, he ducked far away, leaned his back against the wall, and looked at him fiercely, like a beast on the verge of desperation, staring at the enemy with bared teeth.

Jiang Ci raised his hands, indicating that he would not do anything, and walked out slowly from the door.

Ye Ming saw that Jiang Ci had left, and rushed over to close the door forcefully.

Hearing the door slam, Jiang Ci covered his eyes with his hands, raised his head and didn't speak for a long time.

He really wanted to go in and have a look, but he was afraid that it would disturb Ye Ming and make him more stimulated. At this time, he was fortunate that he had installed a camera here. The original intention was to monitor Ye Ming and prevent him from escaping, but now it was used for other purposes.

Jiang Ci didn't feel relieved to leave Ye Ming at home alone. Now his mental state is obviously abnormal, so he stayed in the living room and kept watching Ye Ming through the monitor.

Ye Ming sat on the edge of the bed with dull eyes, looking at the empty desk, silently shedding tears.

And Jiang Ci looked at him like this, the pain in his chest spread little by little, are you... looking at me? So you have, do you care about me? But why didn't you tell me before

After several hours like this, Ye Ming still didn't respond, as if he had lost his soul. Jiang Ci felt that this was not a solution. He couldn't let Ye Ming stay inside without eating or drinking. Ye Ming is already crazy, if he collapses too, it will only make each other fall into a worse situation.

Jiang Ci finally got up and knocked gently on the door, then pushed in.

Maybe time made Ye Ming calm down a bit, but he didn't react violently this time.

Ye Ming looked at the man in front of him with red eyes. It was this devil who killed his own child, imprisoned him here, and tortured him in darkness. Only by killing him! He can escape from here by himself, he must kill him, otherwise he will not be able to go anywhere...

But he is not his opponent, this demon is too powerful, which makes him feel very desperate.

Ye Ming watched Jiang Ci approach step by step, his body trembled slightly, and he knew that he would not let him go...

Before Jiang Ci approached, he saw Ye Ming hiding in the bed, looking at him with fear, resentment and despair, and suddenly did not dare to approach. He was silent for a long time, trying to say in a very soft voice: "I just want to call you out for dinner."

Ye Ming thought that he was facing a new round of torture. Who knew that this demon would change his normal behavior and treat him with such a gentle attitude. He was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was a new trick of the devil, and the devil is the best at disguising ! He just wants to give him hope first and then let him despair, he won't be fooled.

But if he wants to escape from here, he must kill this demon. Since he can deceive himself, he can also deceive him.

Ye Ming's expression changed slightly, he lowered his eyes and asked gently, "Are you really, won't you hurt me?"

This short sentence actually made Jiang Ci feel like he was in a desperate situation. No matter what, Ye Ming was still willing to communicate with him, which was a good phenomenon. He said very seriously: "I promise."

Ye Ming was still a little hesitant, as if he didn't dare to get too close to him.

Jiang Ci noticed it, and turned around without hesitation and went out first. He was afraid that Ye Ming would be hungry, so he had already made dinner, and now he can go into the kitchen and bring it out. But what surprised him was that Ye Ming quietly followed him into the kitchen. His steps were light, his face was pale, and he appeared behind him like a ghost.

Jiang Ci didn't dare to say anything more, for fear of irritating Ye Ming again, but he just picked up the dish and prepared to go out, but when he turned around, he just saw Ye Ming pull out the fruit knife on the knife stand, and his eyes rushed towards him fiercely!

Jiang Ci lost his mind for a moment, hid a little slower, the sharp blade slid across his shoulder, his hand shook, and there was a clatter, and the plates and vegetables shattered on the ground.

Ye Ming missed a hit and hit the edge of the pool.

Jiang Ci's lips trembled, Ye Ming wanted to kill him, but he didn't show any mercy to the knife just now, he wanted his life... This realization made him almost unable to maintain the only remaining calm and rational.

The air seemed to be squeezed out of the small space, suffocating.

Ye Ming turned around, the camouflage just now had disappeared, and the bitter hatred appeared in his eyes again.

Obviously he could almost kill this demon and escaped from here, but he still fell short! He looked at Jiang Ci's dark eyes... This demon knew that he was going to kill him, and he would definitely retaliate against him.

But he's had enough of it! He would rather die than let him be humiliated again!

Ye Ming tightly grasped the knife in his hand and stabbed himself in the chest without hesitation!

Jiang Ci's pupils shrank, and at this moment he almost instinctively rushed over, pinching his wrist tightly! His eyes were red, and he said sharply, "What are you doing?!"

Ye Ming's hand was tightly squeezed, unable to move at all, he sneered: "You can never hurt me again, I will not give you this chance!"

Jiang Ci's lips moved, wanting to say that I won't hurt you, but the pale language at the moment is the most useless, Ye Ming won't believe him.

He will never trust him again.

In his eyes, he was just a demon who would do anything to hurt him.

He thought he couldn't care less, but he didn't.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes, and his hands slowly exerted force until Ye Ming's face showed a painful look, his palms loosened, the knife finally fell to the ground, and then he directly pulled Ye Ming out and tied him to the chair.

Ye Ming was angry and anxious, his eyes were splitting, he knew that this demon was going to torture him again... But he would rather die than be bullied by this demon again!

Jiang Ci didn't do anything, but just entered the kitchen again, cleaned the broken dishes on the ground, and made another dish. Fortunately, I bought a lot of ingredients today. After a while, Jiang Ci came out with the food again, held it to Ye Ming's mouth with chopsticks, and said in a low voice, "Eat."

Ye Ming sneered, but didn't open his mouth.

Jiang Ci's hand holding the chopsticks remained motionless, and the depths of his black eyes were a look of despair and coldness. The pain in his heart almost shredded his heart, and the wound on his shoulder reminded him of the tragicness of all this, but his face seemed to With an indifferent and hard mask, he said word by word, "I'll fuck you if you don't eat."

Ye Ming's eyes were filled with hatred: "You might as well just kill me!"

Jiang Ci raised the corners of his lips and said slowly, "I won't kill you, I will torture you slowly, but if you eat, I won't move you, you choose."

Ye Ming's lips were bleeding, and he began to struggle desperately again, but his wrist was red, but he still couldn't get rid of it. Jiang Ci looked at all this with a blank expression, until Ye Ming stopped moving, and then he took another chopstick and handed it to his mouth.

As if nothing could shake his resolve, cold and ruthless.

Ye Ming's eyes were red, he would rather die than bear the humiliation of this person, but he couldn't even control death... He didn't want to believe what he said, but he had to.

Finally, he slowly opened his mouth and humiliated and ate it.

Jiang Ci didn't say a word. After he finished feeding Ye Ming, he untied him from the chair, then carried him into the bedroom, tied his hands behind him and fixed him on the head of the bed.

He was afraid that Ye Ming would commit suicide if he was not careful. After doing all this, Jiang Ci turned around and left.

Jiang Ci walked outside, quickly instructed his subordinates to contact the doctor, and then returned to the living room to sit down. Only then did a look of pain and blankness appear in his eyes, and the previous indifference disguise was instantly shattered.

In this short half-day, the difficulty made him almost unable to persevere.

Jiang Ci's eyes were a little dazed. Now he knows how cruel his actions are, and he finally knows...

I forgive you, okay? No matter what you've done before, whether you've abandoned me or not, I don't blame you... Please get better, okay

I finally understand the meaning of the words you said to me at the beginning. You told me not to turn yourself into the kind of person you hate because of hatred. You will regret it... At that time, I didn't believe it, there was only hatred and I am unwilling to listen to you, and now I regret not listening to you.

But it was too late.

I want you to stay with me, but not like this...

[Ding, Jiang Ci's blackening value is -10, the current blackening value is 30]

Ye Ming woke up early because his hands were tied behind him, so he couldn't sleep very well, and it was inconvenient to turn over.

[Ye Ming: Hey, after the performance, I have to think of a way to get him to let go of me, this is not suitable for sleeping.]

[888: ... ] You only have sleep on your mind

[Ye Ming: Did my good son finally drop the blackening value yesterday?]

[888: Dropped, only 30 left.]

[Ye Ming: It seems that the godchild program I personally demonstrated was very successful! Back then, I was also familiar with various parenting manuals, but in fact I have to say, for the bear children... No matter how much the book is, it is not as effective as taking a loss on your own. You see, he really understands this time, the late youth rebellious period is finally coming to an end!]

[888's voice is indifferent: Well, your teaching is quite successful.]At a glance, you can tell that it is not biological.

Jiang Ci sat in the living room all night, and when it was getting brighter, he hesitated for a long time in front of Ye Ming's door, and finally got up the courage to push the door open.

He walked to Ye Ming's bed and was ready to face the hatred and curses, but to his surprise, Ye Ming looked at him very calmly, there was no hatred and madness in those dark brown eyes, only if there was any It seems sad, helpless and indifferent, just like before...

Jiang Ci's heart skipped a beat. He was afraid that he was dreaming. Could it be that Ye Ming is back to normal? His voice finally trembled uncontrollably: "You, are you awake?"

Ye Ming didn't answer, just looked at him blankly.

Jiang Ci's heart was full of ecstasy. He never knew that even if Ye Ming just looked at him so calmly one day, he would feel so satisfied. He clearly hated Ye Ming's indifference before.

But overnight, he began to miss the past.

He immediately stepped forward to release the restraints on Ye Ming's body, and he was at a loss, fearing that if he accidentally said something wrong, Ye Ming would be stimulated again.

After a while, he slowly said, "I asked you to go out to eat..."

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, he felt that Jiang Ci seemed to be different, and the chains on his feet were gone, but why did Jiang Ci change his attitude? He looked at Jiang Ci suspiciously.

Jiang Ci noticed Ye Ming's puzzled eyes, and had some guesses in his heart. He asked softly, "Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Ye Ming thought about it for a while, he only remembered that they were watching TV on the sofa after dinner, but he couldn't remember what happened later. He said, "We were watching TV, and then..."

He frowned, as if trying to think.

Jiang Ci had already learned the answer, but of course he didn't want Ye Ming to really remember it. He said in a deep voice, "After watching TV, come back and rest. I'm not at home if I have something to do at night."

Ye Ming's voice was hoarse: "Is that so?" Why he didn't remember at all...

Jiang Ci said in an unquestionable voice, "Yes."

Ye Ming didn't think about it anymore, he stood up and walked outside, Jiang Ci had already made breakfast. He finished breakfast silently, and went back to his bedroom to wait for Jiang Ci to lock him up, but Jiang Ci didn't do that, but said, "I have a friend who is coming to see me today."

Ye Ming finally showed a surprised look. This was the first time Jiang Ci had let him see an outsider.

Jiang Ci had already quietly sent Ye Ming's changes to the doctor via text message just now, and told him that it was best not to be found out by Ye Ming. The doctor should be here soon.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Ci walked over and opened the door. The person who came was a middle-aged man with glasses. He looked ordinary but looked very kind. He was dressed in casual clothes. Ci looked at each other, then walked in.

Ye Ming thought that the friends Jiang Ci could bring to the house would definitely not help him, and it was useless to ask for help by himself, he just sat there expressionlessly.

Jiang Ci and the doctor chatted for a while, then suddenly answered a phone call, turned to Ye Ming and said, "I want to go out for a while, come back later, please help me greet the guests." After that, he left.

Ye Ming still didn't respond. He was just imprisoned here and had no obligation to greet Jiang Ci's guests. Jiang Ci's request was meaningless.

But the guest didn't seem to mind Ye Ming's indifference, instead he took the initiative and smiled at Ye Ming: "Introduce yourself, my surname is Zhang, how about you?"

Of course, Jiang Ci didn't really have anything to do. He was standing downstairs and never felt that time was so difficult. After about two hours, Dr. Zhang came out of it.

Jiang Ci rushed up anxiously, his voice low: "How is he doing?"

Dr. Zhang raised his glasses and said: "The situation is not very good, his reaction and thinking are very slow, and his actions are also very slow, indicating that his mental state is not completely normal, but it seems to be back to normal compared to yesterday's situation. , how long has he been like this?"

Jiang Ci's eyes dimmed. Was Ye Ming already so serious? But he didn't even notice it before, he just thought that Ye Ming had just given up his resistance. The emotion of regret filled his chest, and he said in a somber voice, "It's been more than a week."

Dr. Zhang added, "I heard from you that he tried to kill you yesterday, and he hated you very much."

Jiang Ci couldn't hold back the painful emotions in his eyes, his throat stiffened, and he nodded.

Dr. Zhang said: "You were not in there just now. It was a good opportunity for me to be alone with him, but he didn't have the slightest intention to talk to me or ask for help. According to common sense, an imprisoned person who has lost his freedom People will do whatever they can to get away, but he doesn't do it. It shows that he thinks that he can't escape at all, even if you open the door and let him go, he will not leave, because he believes that you will take him away. I can't get rid of it at all... Judging from his actions yesterday, you are the key to his loss of hope. He subconsciously thinks that only by killing you can he get out of the desperate situation, so he will make such a move. And after the failure, he will see Suicide to get rid of it all."

Jiang Ci's face was pale, and he murmured, "Is that so..."

Because he is the source of his pain, he wants to die like this...

Dr. Zhang frowned, and then said: "But people's toughness is actually very strong. It stands to reason that such a short period of imprisonment should not cause such a devastating blow to a person's psychology, even if he hates you again. It will evolve to this point so quickly... He reacts like a person who has been in despair for a long time, because he has lost his hard-earned hope again, and it will deteriorate rapidly. I think he should have been there before Mental issues, what you're doing now is just an incentive."

Jiang Ci was stunned, as if he didn't want to believe this fact, "Has he been like this before?"

Dr. Zhang said: "It's not necessarily like this, but it's definitely different from normal people. When I talked to him, I found that he didn't talk about the past, and he was very repulsive. It must be very painful and he didn't want to be known. Maybe his past experience is the key to causing him to be like this. If you think about it, this is very important. By the way... You also told me that he suddenly fell ill when you tried to violate him yesterday, and it happened at that time. Something else? Something different than usual?"

Jiang Ci thought for a while, "Nothing special, we are on the sofa... The TV is on... "

Dr. Zhang asked, "What's on the TV?"

Jiang Ci said: "I can't remember, but I will find out."

Dr. Zhang nodded and said, "Contact me again if there is any situation, please pay attention and don't stimulate him any more. It is a good phenomenon that he can regain consciousness, but if he continues to touch the key points that stimulate him, it may happen again at any time. sick."

Jiang Ci said seriously: "I see."

He sent the doctor away, and immediately sent the TV stations he might have watched yesterday to his subordinates, and asked them to send over the program list at that time.

Jiang Ci raised his head and looked upstairs. He knew that Ye Ming was there, but he suddenly lost the courage to go back.

This reunion has been torturing each other from the very beginning, and now it has finally reached the point of irreversibility.

Revenge... It turns out that it really doesn't make people relieved.

Jiang Ci didn't dare to go in or go too far, so he sat in the car downstairs and started desperately recalling the past... The doctor said that Ye Ming had mental problems before, but Jiang Ci couldn't remember.

In his impression, Ye Ming has always been very normal, with a gentle and kind personality, and is a very good person, so he loves him like this, even if he has hurt him...

once... hurt him...

Jiang Ci suddenly sat up straight, his pupils contracted, and some fragments of his forgotten memory began to emerge.

He suddenly remembered that when he was very young, maybe before the age of five, Ye Ming was not so kind to him... He locked him at home, beat him, scolded him for starving him, and looked at him like an enemy...

He was too young at that time, and those memories were too painful, so they were deliberately forgotten.

But at this moment, Ye Ming's hateful eyes appeared in front of him again. Those eyes suddenly overlapped with Ye Ming's twenty years ago, and painful fragments began to emerge... Another cold-faced Ye Ming slowly appeared in the In front of him, a completely different Ye Ming from his memory...

His eyes are full of hatred, his face is twisted and ferocious, sometimes violent and sometimes indifferent, like a demon... No, that's not him!

Jiang Ci inserted his hands into his hair and held his head, with a painful expression on his face.

At that time he was just a child who didn't know anything, why did Ye Ming hate him so much? There's no reason at all, isn't it? He is the one who is hurt... So, is it Ye Ming who hates him, or does he hate others through him

Why did he steal himself from Jiang Sheng, just for the money? But was it just because the money was worth it that he hated himself so much? As if he was his mortal enemy...

Ye Ming's hateful eyes towards him and Doctor Zhang's words made him finally remember those childhood memories that he had forgotten.

He never knew that he hated him so much... It turned out that this hatred started a long, long time ago.

Not just yesterday.

And what happened at that time, causing Ye Ming to endure such despair and pain, and thus his face turned hideous

Jiang Ci's thoughts were in chaos. At this time, the phone rang, and his subordinates sent the program list. Jiang Ci watched one by one, and suddenly saw such a program on XX Channel: An interview with the charity fund founded by Jiang Sheng.

The words Jiang Sheng came into his eyes, making his hands tremble, and he almost failed to hold the phone.

All the broken, distant, incredible memories are slowly coming together...

Are there so many coincidences in this world

Probably not.

He suddenly got up and hurriedly opened the car door and rushed upstairs. He came to Ye Ming's bedroom in a chaotic manner. When he wanted to go in, he suddenly stopped. He wanted to go in and ask Ye Ming directly, but he was afraid of face Facing the cruel truth that he didn't want to believe, he stood there in a daze.

After a long time, he finally reached out his hand slowly, gritted his teeth and pushed the door in.

The author has something to say: Xiao Ye: Intermittent neuropathy, a gold medal to avoid death, just ask if you are afraid.

Jiang Ci: I'm afraid of death...


Jiang Sheng: I had a nightmare yesterday, and felt that my good days were coming to an end...