The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 63: The Marshal's Traitor Lover


At this moment, an inexplicable sense of familiarity was transmitted to Corson's heart along those deep eyes, and the already dead and frozen heart seemed to throb for a moment.

Corson stared at those eyes, and after a moment he realized in a trance that it was a completely different face from Harvey.

The black-haired young sergeant has dark purple eyes and ordinary facial features, completely different from the blond, handsome and dazzling Harvey, but... the familiar back figure just now, and the moment the young sergeant turned back, gave him an inexplicable shock. , but lingered in his mind.

Ye Ming, Charlie and the others were standing at the door. When they saw Ke Sen coming, they immediately stood at attention and saluted him with the same respect as the other soldiers.

Charlie, Hawke and the others all had bright eyes, and looked at Corson with admiration and excitement. The reason why they made an appointment to come to the gate was to hold a slight hope to see if they could meet Corson by chance. I didn't expect it to happen! So lucky!

The burning eyes in the eyes of the young soldiers were so sincere, and Colonel Raines, the base officer who followed Corson, smiled slightly. Everyone wanted to see the mood of their idols. He knew that he would not blame them for such a small matter. Yes, presumably the marshal would not mind.

Ye Ming stood in the crowd, and his eyes seemed to contain indescribable complex emotions. Although he stood upright like everyone else around him, raised his right hand on his chest, and the gesture of saluting could not find any fault, but it was inexplicable. …makes it seem like he doesn’t fit in with it all.

The commander of the base, Colonel Raines, glanced over Ye Ming, and was also a little puzzled. He always felt that the soldier's expression seemed a little wrong. Standing among the excited soldiers who were like fans, he didn't seem to be surprised at Corsen at all. The appearance of , and there is no surprise performance in the slightest.

Corson also noticed this, and they looked at each other like this, their eyes only falling on each other.

Although Rains thought Ye Ming was a bit strange, he didn't take it as a big thing. Although Kesen was very prestigious in Muhe Fortress, it was impossible for everyone to be as excited when they met him as fans when they met their idols. It's normal for two people who don't catch a cold or are introverted. It is said that there are still many people who don't like Marshal in the capital star.

He quickly retracted his gaze and said to Cosen in doubt, "Your Excellency Marshal?"

Ke Sen withdrew his gaze nonchalantly, suppressed the strange emotions in his heart, and said lightly, "It's nothing."

After speaking, he continued to walk out, and soon left here with the accompanying officers.

Colonel Raines had been sending Corson back to his mansion. When he was about to leave, Corson suddenly said to him, "Raines, stay here for a while."

Rains was a little excited when he heard it. He was just a small colonel, and he didn't have the qualifications to meet with Corsen at all. This is already very rare. Today, Corsen asked him to stay. Is there something wrong? ? But soon he recovered from his excitement again, and his expression was apprehensive. Corson has always been unselfish and demanding. Could it be that he felt that there was a mistake in his management to keep him

Corson didn't care about Raines' anxiety at all. His eyes were serious and he asked in a businesslike manner: "When was the last time you routinely tested the soldiers?"

Routine testing is specially carried out to prevent infected people from infiltrating into the army. Testing is carried out every two months. Rains froze when he heard it, and said nervously: "It was a month and a half ago, do you think we have any here? Infiltrated by the infected?"

Ke Sen did not answer this question, but closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes, his dark red pupils were as deep as the sea, and calmly said: "I will do it again tomorrow, and put it together with the all-round test of the soldiers' quality. , said to the outside world that it was to screen candidates for my personal guards."

Rains was shocked. Corsen's guards were the most powerful army in the entire Muhe Fortress and even the Human Federation. Only the best soldiers were eligible to enter. They were always screened layer by layer. When would it be his turn? Talent selected in the small base? The best soldiers here, I'm afraid they won't be qualified to go to Corson... And this incident came too suddenly, the shock was greater than the surprise.

Rains asked cautiously, "Are you really going to choose the Guards? Or are there other reasons?"

Corson looked at him and said lightly: "I think it is necessary to carry out a surprise test, but don't be alarmed. As for the selection of personal guards, you can do it at the same time. If there are suitable talents, I will not be stingy with the rules and can make exceptions. You Go get ready, I will wait for your test to complete before leaving."

Rains immediately understood what Corson meant. Raid inspections like this were common in the past. Although I don't know why Marshal Corson suddenly thought of conducting a surprise inspection on him, he would never disobey the order and immediately took the order. leave.

When Rains left, one of the commanders of the Guards around Corson, who had been following Corson's side, Colonel Broad stepped forward and asked suspiciously, "Why did you suddenly attack this place? Testing? We plan to go to the C331 base tomorrow, and we informed the base chief there yesterday."

Brod has been with Corson for many years, and he is his classmate, comrade-in-arms and friend. Facing him Corson's attitude should be more easy-going and natural, and some words are more direct: "I saw a person today, and I feel a little bit. Not right."

Brod asked, "You think he's infected?"

Corson was silent for a moment, then said, "Maybe, just test it."

Brod still doesn't understand, even if he really suspects that there are infected people here, just leave this trivial matter to Raines or other subordinates to deal with, why should he stay for this in person? Even change your originally planned itinerary for this

Corson didn't want to explain further, he said: "Help me notify the people at C331 base that I may arrive two days later."

Although Brod had doubts in his heart, he almost never questioned Corson's decision. Corson's keen sense of smell, accurate judgment and decision-making ability have always been admired by him, so he respectfully replied: "Yes!"

Cosen waited for Brod to leave, and he was alone in the room, with a look of pain in his eyes.

He thought of that person again, and all the tragic things he couldn't forget.

It's all his fault. It's because he believed in people he shouldn't believe, and he made such a big mistake. Even if he takes a lifetime to atone for his sins... No matter how much he regrets, he can't bring the dead back to life.

Ye Ming returned to his dormitory, he pondered for a while, and felt that his performance should be enough to attract Kesen's attention.

[Ye Ming: I think my one turn, two turns and three winks are a perfect match! He definitely noticed me. With the keenness of my marshal, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to my obvious abnormality! Especially in the case of two tragedies, it is even more impossible to take any possible hidden dangers lightly.]

[888: That's right, I just observed that he has instructed Rains to conduct surprise tests on you in the name of selecting personal guards.]

[Ye Ming: It's really rigorous, attracting his attention is the first step, and then I will use my excellent performance to get this place in the Guards!]

[888: Hehehehe...] Didn't he use his abnormal performance to make him more suspicious

[Ye Ming: By the way, I was too involved in the performance just now and forgot to ask, how much is his blackening worth?]

[888: Not much, only 100.]

[Ye Ming: ... ] He felt like taking a pill.

Ye Ming fell asleep with grief. Because of his roommate Charlie's snoring, he hadn't slept well for many days, so he had to get out of here sooner!

Early the next morning, the bell rang in the barracks. As soon as they got up, they quickly got dressed and went to the playground to gather.

Charlie's face was confused, he didn't wash his face, and his voice was confused: "What's the matter? Why did you gather all of a sudden?"

Ye Ming's eyes were deep, and in those dark purple eyes like dark gems, there seemed to be an indescribable sadness, and said, "I don't know either."

Charlie looked a little dazed. Since the roommate came back from vacation, his temperament seems to be different from before... Even the melancholy look is so good-looking, it makes him feel a kind of noble temperament.

But this roommate is not from a very ordinary civilian family. His parents are salesmen. He has not received any higher education. He dropped out of school to run a business when he was a teenager. Muddy legs... Where is the appearance of such quality as now, people can't help but feel ashamed.

Can sadness elevate a person's temperament? ?

Ye Ming saw Charlie looking at him distracted, and asked with concern, "What's the matter with you?"

Charlie finally regained his senses and smiled awkwardly: "It's nothing, nothing..." I can't say that I'm fascinated by a man.

At this time, Chief Rains came to the stage to give a speech, saying that the base would conduct an all-around test for all soldiers and select a backup candidate for the Guards for Marshal Corson. This is a rare opportunity for them, and be sure to seize it!

As soon as Rains finished speaking, there were bursts of cheers from below. The soldiers seemed to have been hit by a huge pie in the sky, and they were all gearing up to show their skills. Glory! Not only a symbol of one's own strength, but also the status of his family can be improved, he is respected, and he has a lot of face to speak out.

Of course, there are also people who are greedy for life and are afraid of death and do not want to be in the limelight, and just want to live in a small base, but after all, such people are very few. In today's severe environment, most soldiers are not afraid of death and are full of fighting spirit!

Charlie was very excited, but before he was excited for a second, he lowered his head and said dejectedly: "Hey, we patrol troops are running with us, there is no hope at all! I think it is even the first special team of Chief Rains. , it's not necessarily that anyone can be selected, and those bastards can only feel superior in our small place."

Ye Ming is very worried. He has been trying to find a way to get close to Corsen. It is best to join the Guards. If today's test is good enough, there may be hope to attract his attention, but in that case... It is too inconsistent with Calvin's original Quality indicators, the consequence of outstanding performance attracting attention is likely to expose one's own identity.

So he was very conflicted.

The test started soon, and they entered different rooms. There were many all-round tests, but this time, the daily routine infection test items were added beforehand.

The testing items for infected persons are divided into two categories: genetic testing and psychological testing. After years of improvement, these two tests are sufficient to identify 99.9% of infected persons.

Genetic testing is to detect whether there is a fusion gene of alien beasts in soldiers, because infected people are all made by Hicks using human and alien beast fusion, but the degree of fusion, concealment, completion, and proportion are different. Most can be detected.

The psychological test is to check the emotional response of the soldiers. According to the experience summed up by people, although the infected person made by Hicks has a human appearance, it lacks human emotions. Thinking of themselves as humans, despite their efforts to hide and act as humans, is different from real humans.

Because the detection mechanism of the human army is getting stronger and stronger, the probability of Hicks putting infected people into the army in the past two years is much lower than before. Besides, the Muhe Fortress is so big, and it is really distributed to these many bases. The infected people are actually Rare.

At least Charlie has served for a few years and has never seen an infected person here, so he doesn't pay much attention to these two routine monitoring, and he is very relaxed and comfortable.

Charlie just finished drawing blood, and said to Ye Ming with a smile, "I'll go out first, I'll wait for you outside—"

Ye Ming was about to nod his head when he suddenly heard a violent crash from the psychological testing room next door! Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Charlie's voice stopped. In the blink of an eye, he saw that the wall in the next room was smashed, and a person rushed out!

Strictly speaking, it is not a person anymore. It wears the same dark green military uniform as them, but it is on all fours, with blood-red eyes, dense scales on half of its face, and its hands and feet are as long as it is strange. Bending, with a barbed tail at the end of the spine, opened his mouth to reveal his fierce fangs and roared towards them!

Charlie is terrified! Standing there dumbfounded and motionless, Ye Ming's eyes narrowed, and he quickly rushed over and threw him to the ground! Dodged the attack of the infected!

This is a heavily guarded military camp. Soon, someone concentrated fire on the visible infected person. The infected person had nowhere to escape. After tearing up two ordinary soldiers, he was killed quickly. The blood hole, before his death, his eyes were fierce and ferocious, very terrifying.

Charlie was trembling all over, and he couldn't react at all when the infected person jumped at him just now! If Ye Ming hadn't knocked him down, he would be the one who died now!

He looked at the half-human, half-beast monster on the ground and recognized that he was a member of another camp. He had been drinking together not long ago, but now his face was completely different. Where is the unrestrained and enthusiastic comrade-in-arms, just a Downright monster!

Charlie's lips trembled: "We, here... there are also infected people... "

It was the first time he had seen a real infected person, and only when he faced it in person did he realize how terrifying it was. The power brought by that moment made him unable to move his legs... Even the infected person was so terrifying. How terrifying the original beast is... It is said that there are giant beasts in the sky that are bigger than the fort...

Ye Ming's expression was calm and indifferent. This was just a very low-level infected person who had merged with the Lizard Beast. It seemed that the genetic sequence was not stable, so it was easily exposed.

Soon soldiers came and took the body of the infected person away, and told everyone not to worry and continue testing.

But how can you not be worried

Most of the soldiers in the patrol army had never really fought against alien beasts. It was the first time they saw such a terrifying scene.

Corson stood in the tallest building, quietly watching what was happening below.

Rains stood behind Corson, his face pale, he did not expect that there are actually infected people in his army! If it wasn't for Corson's reminder, I would have missed him, and I don't know what serious consequences it would cause.

Rains looked at Corson with more and more admiration! How did Marshal Corson find out? He said gratefully: "Thanks for your reminder, otherwise we would not have found an infected person invaded."

Ke Sen's expression is still cold and serious, as if everything in front of him is nothing at all, and his voice is low: "Continue." He is just a low-level infected person, and this is not his goal.

Rains froze: "Yes!"

At the end of the day, every soldier at the base was tested, and no one was found to be infected. Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Ming's test after that was also very smooth. In fact, he hoped to take this opportunity to enter the Guards of Corsen, but that happened just now. If he performed too well, he might face a new investigation and training. Q, so it's just that the performance is quite satisfactory, which is a little better than Calvin itself.

But I'm afraid I can't get close to Corson like this. What should I do? Does it really have to be revealed

When he went back, Charlie had to take Ye Ming and invite him to drink, saying that if it wasn't for Ye Ming today, he would have explained his life there. Although Ye Ming was reluctant to go out, he still went anyway.

In the evening, Rains reported to Corson with today's test data: "Your Excellency Marshal, this is the data of all soldiers with grades A and above today, please read."

Cosen flipped through it and said lightly, "Give me all the personnel information."

Rains was stunned for a moment, that would be too much, but he did not question Corson's order, and still took all the personnel information.

Ke Sen looked through each of them, and after an hour, he finally pulled out Ye Ming's information and said, "I took this person with me."

When Rains saw it, he frowned and said puzzledly: "His quality rating is only C, and he is a patrol soldier with no combat experience and no higher education, why did you choose him? "

"He's very quick to react, he's the most adaptable in that group of patrols, and he saved the people around him in time today, and I think he's got a lot of potential," Corson said.

Rains thought that the soldier's performance today was good. Although he thought it made sense, he always felt that something was wrong... In the end, he didn't dare to ask more questions and left with Corson's order.

Brod waited for Rains to leave before asking Corson, "Why did you choose him?"

He is not Rains. He has been by Corson's side for a long time, and his vision and knowledge are much broader. He is also familiar with Corsen's style. With the mere quality of Ye Ming, he is far from being qualified to be a back-up. He does not think that Corson What Sen told Raines was the real reason.

There was an icy light in Kesen's dark red pupils, and he really gave a different answer: "I suspect that he is an infected person."

Brod was shocked: "But his test was fine."

"You forgot? Tests aren't 100% accurate," Corson said.

Brod was a little silent. He couldn't help thinking of Harvey. He could handle all the tests smoothly for many years. There are also such infected people, but they are very few... This is an extremely unlikely event. In the face of such a senior An infected person can't be judged unless the other party reveals his own faults. Why does Corson think this person is an infected person

"If it's just guesswork, we can have Raines watch him more and be careful, there's no need to take him around, it's dangerous and troublesome," Broad said.

Ke Sen's eyes darkened: "No, include him in the Guards, and you will monitor him for me yourself."

Brod was startled and even more puzzled.

But Corson was reluctant to explain more, but ordered: "You go and do it now, don't make him suspicious."

Although Ye Ming's test was normal, he just felt that there was something wrong with this person. This was an intuition that had been in danger for many years.

He closed his eyes, and today the scene of Ye Ming flying to save lives reappeared in front of him. It was obvious that Ye Ming and Harvey were different in appearance and physique. The only similarity was the back, but he felt inexplicably familiar... He and Harvey Years of birth and death, familiar with each other's every look, every movement, they used to have such a tacit understanding...

But now, all this only makes him feel depressed and sad.

And that's what prompted him to choose to monitor Ye Ming in person, probably just because he was very similar to that person... But what was he thinking? It can't be Harvey. How dare he come back

Ke Sen's hand grabbing the back of the chair slowly exerted force, his jaw tightened, and there was only a cold and sharp color in his eyes when he opened his eyes. If you are really a high-level infected person, you can't escape.

Ye Ming and Charlie went back drunk, but hadn't forgotten their business, and asked 888 to tell him about the situation on Cosen's side.

After reading it, he finally felt relieved.

[Ye Ming: To be honest, I'm really worried that Cosen doesn't want me, and lets Rains or others monitor me, so I'll be busy all the time... Now it seems that the favorability level I brushed at the beginning is still effective, just because Unfounded familiarity and guesswork, even a trivial matter of checking spies can make him go into battle in person, he is really different to me!]

[888: ... You are not afraid?]

[Ye Ming: I'm afraid of dying QAQ... But the task is important, so I have to let him continue to deepen his suspicion of me! Now he just suspects that I am a high-level infected person, and because he is similar to Harvey, he treats me so solemnly, it is not that he suspects that I am Harvey... And the next step is to make him doubt my true identity!]

[Ye Ming: Corsen's blackening value is all for Harvey. If he doesn't know my identity, I will be busy no matter how busy I am. It is impossible to lower his blackening value, so I must let him know about me. Who is it ^_^]

[888: You are not worried that he knows your identity and directly kills your relatives?]

[Ye Ming: It depends on how well I grasp it. If I grasp it well, it will make him feel that I have enough value to use. He may consider killing me later, so that I can buy time and opportunity to clean up the white... After all, I have always been It’s very embarrassing to be pressed and beaten by Hicks, Hicks can use me to attack humans, he should also want to use me to attack Hicks, our marshal is still very shrewd and strategic~]

[888: Hehe.]What if someone wants to die and can't stop it? Of course not.

Ye Ming woke up late the next day because of a hangover, and was finally woken up by someone.

Charlie grabbed Ye Ming's shoulder and shook it desperately, shouting excitedly, "Kavin! Wake up! Wake up! You are going to see the marshal!"

The author has something to say: 888: Are you excited about going out of business

Ye Ming: Keke.

888: What are you laughing at

Ye Ming: I didn't laugh, I said Keke!

888: Don't laugh like that, it's too wretched.

Ye Ming: …

Corson: My wife is calling me :)


Author bacteria: I almost don't know the word Ke, it's all your fault! ╭(╯^╰)╮