The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 70: The Marshal's Traitor Lover


Roy looked at Ye Ming with jealousy and shock in his eyes.

Since he betrayed human beings to join Hicks, he has been helping Hicks arrange the infiltration of infected people in the past few years. Not long ago, Hicks asked him again to provide a suitable identity.

After two tragic failures, it became more and more difficult for the human army to infiltrate. Roy had no way to choose a senior officer, so he chose Calvin, a patrol soldier from the remote F876 base, and offered him to Hicks's subordinate.

All of Calvin's relatives died when Fort Redrick was destroyed. He was the only one left, and he didn't have many familiar friends. Even if he was suddenly replaced, it would not arouse others' vigilance.

Most of the infected people have some problems in human self-recognition. Even with memory assistance, close contact may be noticed by people around them. It takes a period of adaptation. Moreover, the military investigation is very frequent and rigorous now, and those who want to keep quiet It's not easy to arrange people, and there is a lot of turmoil everywhere, and Calvin is a very suitable identity.

Roy is familiar with all the information about Calvin, so he recognized it at a glance. The soldier in front of him is no longer the original human, but the infected person arranged by Hicks. The replacement is a dirty and ugly person wearing a human skin. synthetic monster.

Roy knew that the mission of the infected was to continuously infiltrate the human army and obtain higher authority to help Hicks, just like Harvey at the time, but he didn't take Calvin seriously at all.

There are tens of thousands of Hicks of such ordinary infected people, most of them are cannon fodder, they may be discovered soon, or they may be executed if they can't turn the waves at all. Harvey is one of the exceptions. ... So Roy never expected that in such a short period of time, this infected person, who he didn't take seriously, approached Corson! Even had a physical relationship with Corson!

Roy stared at the young man in front of him, the hickey on the young man's neck made the jealousy in his chest boil, and he couldn't help thinking of Harvey again.

The existence that he was extremely jealous and hated.

Roy has been in love with Corsen for a long time. He was born in a noble family of the capital star. He has worshiped the powerful Corsen since he was a child and regarded him as his idol. Disgusting beast fight.

He works so hard to get Corson's attention, he keeps following in Corson's footsteps, and loves him wholeheartedly... But Corson is so unattainable, he seems to treat everyone equally, and is an impeccable human role model , but in essence he refuses people thousands of miles away, does not let anyone enter his heart, is alienated and indifferent.

But suddenly one day, another figure appeared beside Corson, that handsome blond officer, obviously from ordinary background, but standing beside Corson was not inferior, attracting everyone's attention like a dazzling sun .

It also caught the eye of Corson.

When Corson has someone he likes, he steps down from the altar and opens his heart to another person. Only when his eyes fall on that person will he become affectionate and gentle, and his smile will only will be revealed to that person.

Jealousy made Roy crazy, and he wanted to replace it.

Where are you not good enough? Are you not working hard enough? Why can't get Corson's attention even if he tries his best, but that low-ranking officer can get Corson's love

It's easy to get things that you can't get even with your best efforts.

He hates Harvey.

But no matter how angry and jealous it is, it doesn't help. The gap between him and Harvey is getting bigger and bigger, and he even wanted to leave here and return to the capital star. Suddenly one day his friend asked him, you also want to be with Harvey. It is the same

His friend is an infected person, and he sees the weakness and darkness in his heart and seduces him step by step.

His friend told him that Harvey was just an infected person, no different from those ugly monsters, that he could have everything he is today, it was given to him by Lord Hicks, and it was Lord Hicks who paved the way for him. He is not the heroic human soldier that Corson likes, but a fake created by Hicks according to human expectations.

If he can take refuge in Lord Hicks, Lord Hicks can also help him and give him everything like Harvey. Roy's heart is moved... And if Hicks promises to break the human front, it will not only help him gain Corson's favor, but also give him the supremacy among humans.

Even if he returns to the capital star, he can only inherit his father's title and become a little aristocrat who eats and waits to die in his life, but following in the footsteps of Hicks, he will become a hero of mankind and gain everything he could not imagine before. .

Although it is cruel here, there are also countless possibilities. Every day someone falls, and every day a new star rises.

All of this finally made Roy fall completely.

As a human, he finally chose to join Hicks and became a traitor.

Hicks really fulfilled his promise and helped Roy, but the gap between him and Harvey was still very large. Will easily abandon Harvey.

Roy was unwilling to remain under Harvey even though he had taken refuge with Hicks, but unfortunately he had no way back at this time and could only continue on.

Until one day, it finally ushered in a turning point.

Hicks thought the time was right to attack humans. He ordered Harvey to steal the secrets and cooperate with it, but Harvey repented after stealing the secrets. He did not want to betray humanity, but prepared to escape. Let Roy go after him.

Roy didn't expect Harvey, who has everything, to make such a ridiculous move! He not only exposed himself, but also betrayed Hicks. Overnight, the favored man became a lost dog, and was wanted by Hicks and humans at the same time.

Roy couldn't contain the joy in his heart. He couldn't understand why Harvey did such a stupid act. He personally led a team of alien beasts to hunt down Harvey, dedicated him to Hicks, and according to Hicks' orders, Stealing secrets using Harvey's authority, and cooperating with Hicks when it attacks.

Hicks finally captured the almost insurmountable Redrick Fortress. Although he was blocked from the Muhe Fortress in the end by Corson, he was very satisfied with Roy's performance and did not hesitate to reward him. These three Over the years, it has been vigorously cultivating him, just as it cultivated Harvey back then, sending resources and credit to him continuously.

Roy finally got what Harvey once had, and he thought he could attract Corson's attention and even take Harvey's place next to Corson... but he soon found that it was his own delusion.

Harvey's betrayal made Corson, who was hard to get close to him, even colder. He closed his heart so that no one could approach him. He became colder and stricter. In addition, it is like an iceberg that is even more ancient.

Roy felt desperate about this, but he was not willing to give up. He thought that as long as Harvey was not around, he would always have a chance... He would be like Harvey back then, he just needed time.

But what did he see now

He actually saw another dirty infected person coming out of Corson's command room with a hickey on his body. Did Corson have sex with him? The marshal, who is almost never close to people, and who can only be looked up to at the top, actually had a relationship with a low-level soldier, an infected person!

It's just that I'm not as good as Harvey, isn't it even worse than this ridiculous low-level infected person? !

Roy just wanted to kill the person in front of him directly, or expose his identity, but if that's the case, Hicks probably wouldn't forgive him, he took a deep breath and looked at Ye Ming coldly, "Who are you, how could you be? it's here?"

He knew Calvin, but Calvin didn't know him, so Roy would not rashly reveal his identity.

Ye Ming looked at Roy with mixed feelings for a moment. This was the purpose of his return, in order to expose this traitor! It was he who killed countless innocent people and soldiers, and personally caused the destruction of Redrick Fortress.

He couldn't understand why Roy wanted to betray humanity as a human, but he would never give him another chance to betray.

Ye Ming suppressed the mixed emotions in his heart, glanced at Roy's epaulette, and stood at attention: "I am the Marshal's orderly Cavin."

orderly? Wouldn't it be necessary to get along with each other day and night, Roy's jealousy was like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, and his voice was gloomy: "What about Your Excellency Marshal? Please pass it on, Colonel Roy has something to report to him."

Ye Ming had an unnatural look on his face when he heard this, and said, "The marshal is not inside."

So this damn infected person not only slept with Corson, but also stayed in Corson's command room alone? Corson believes in loving him like that? Roy thought of this, and his reason finally broke. He would not hesitate to go to Hicks to get the attention of Corson. Maybe Harvey is gone, and another infected person takes Harvey's place... Then what is he?

Roy's eyes were cold, and he was about to have a seizure when he saw Corson walking from the other side of the corridor, his expression changed suddenly, and looked at Corsen with respect and hot eyes: "Marshal!"

Ke Sen nodded slightly, and his dark eyes swept over the two.

He deliberately left Ye Ming alone today, wanting to see what Ye Ming would do in the face of such a good opportunity.

But to his surprise, Ye Ming had no intention of stealing secrets or flipping information after he woke up, and he didn't even show any abnormal expression. Maybe he was completely indifferent before such a good opportunity, especially when he deliberately mentioned his attack plan on Hicks in front of him today...

But Ye Ming didn't have any abnormality. Instead, he looked awkward, as if he was worried that staying here alone would cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so he didn't even dare to look around.

Acting like a loyal and upright human soldier.

For the first time, Ke Sen had a trace of doubt in his heart that he should not have. He felt that Ye Ming was not a traitor, but a spy, which would be too unqualified.

Because of the inexplicable conjecture in his heart, Ke Sen was a little upset. How could he be soft-hearted for an infected person again and again? If Ye Ming was not a traitor, why did he leave in the first place, and why did he secretly come back with a new face? There is no other explanation for all this.

He knew that Ye Ming was going to Brod's place in a while, but he didn't plan to show up, but he didn't expect Roy to just come over, and it seemed that he planned to embarrass Ye Ming.

He didn't even think about it, he just came out...

Kerson nodded to Roy, then said coldly to Ye Ming, "Go to Brod's."

Ye Ming was about to leave when he heard the words, and suddenly heard Roy shout, "Wait."

Ke Sen frowned, looked directly at Roy with emotionless eyes, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Roy stared at Ye Ming and seemed very suspicious of him. He said, "Is it true that he said that he is your orderly? I just left not long ago, and I didn't know you were replaced."

Cosen said lightly: "Yes, I don't think I need to tell you about this." He knew very well what Roy thought of himself and knew that he liked him, but there were many people who liked him. The obligation to respond to those feelings.

Roy was very embarrassed when he heard it. He is no worse than Harvey back then, but Corson still didn't look at him, and even his attitude didn't matter.

Ke Sen coldly said to Ye Ming again, "Corporate Calvin, didn't you hear my order?"

Ye Ming was agitated, lowered his eyes and said, "I'll go right now!"

When he turned to leave, he gave Corson a complicated look, as if there was an illusion that Corson was defending him in front of Roy, but this shouldn't be true...

Ke Sen watched Ye Ming leave, then turned around and said to Roy, "Come in if you have something to say."

Roy hated his teeth, but he was only a colonel after all, and it was impossible for him to really embarrass his subordinates in front of Corsen, but then his eyes flashed a ruthless look, he can't do anything now, but if Cosen knows the identity of the infected person of Calvin, so he will not continue to keep him!

As long as he leaks a little bit of wind, he can get rid of Calvin quietly, but this can't be done deliberately. It would be bad if Hicks knew about it, or made Corson suspicious of him.

Roy walked into Corson's command room, sat down in front of him, and reported on his work at other bases during this period. Finally, the topic turned to Ye Ming and said, "Although I know it's inappropriate, I want to ask What is your relationship with the soldier just now?"

Corson was a little impatient, and his voice was low: "Colonel Roy, are you asking about my private affairs?"

Roy gritted his teeth and said: "Of course I have no right to inquire about your personal affairs. I just think the soldier just now is a little suspicious. Have you investigated his identity? Is it safe to keep it by your side? After all, some infected people are pervasive... We are all Worry about what happened to Harvey."

Corson's face turned completely cold, and he looked straight at Roy.

Roy's forehead dripped with cold sweat. He knew that these words might touch Corson's inverse scale, but he absolutely could not tolerate that infected person continuing to enjoy Corsen's favor.

Kerson looked at Roy for a while, then spoke slowly, his voice not warm at all: "Of course I won't let what happened in the past repeat itself. You don't have to worry about this. If you have nothing else to say, just go out."

Roy was very frustrated. He had tried everything to no avail. He just said this on a whim today, and Corson would probably dislike him even more.

It's all bloody Harvey's fault, bloody infected people's fault!

Roy walked out of Corson's office, his teeth rattling and his eyes dark.

Ye Ming came to Broad and watched Roy and Corson talk while training.

[Ye Ming: This little spicy chicken wants to frame me. Even if he doesn't know I'm Harvey, he can't tolerate the relationship between me and Kesen. It's not easy to be provoked, and jealousy makes people ugly.]

[888: I guess yes.]

[Ye Ming: He has already framed me once, how is it possible that he wants to frame me a second time? I've seen him upset for a long time. It's always been me who dumped the blame on others, and this is the first time someone has dumped the blame on me.]


[Ye Ming: I will see who framed who this time, I won't be named Ye if I don't throw the pot back ^_^]

[888: You really don't have the surname Ye now.]

[Ye Ming:…]

Ke Sen watched Roy leave, his eyes were cold and lost in thought, Ye Ming was indeed the infected person, but Roy said that sentence was by no means fair, just selfish.

He actually didn't care what Roy said. What annoyed him was that even if he didn't love Harvey anymore, he still didn't like others to slander him in front of him out of jealousy and selfishness.

The next day Ye Ming came to Kesen's side. After Kesen finished his business, he called Ye Ming in front of him and stared at his face.

Ye Ming showed a slightly uncomfortable look and stood there nervously, as if he didn't understand why Ke Sen was looking at him like this. He has been thinking about Roy since yesterday, but he has no proper clue as to what to do.

Ke Sen's eyes were dark, and he couldn't tell what his emotions were. After a while, he ordered in a deep voice, "Come here."

Ye Ming then stood a little further forward.

Ke Sen stood up from the chair, the distance between the two was extremely close, Ke Sen lowered his head slightly, and the tip of his nose almost touched Ye Ming's forehead.

At such a close distance, Ye Ming could strongly feel the aura of aggression brought by Kesen, and when he remembered the feeling of being possessed by him, his body trembled slightly. It was not a good memory for him, so much so that it made him now Some were afraid of Corson's approach.

He used to like him that much, and he still likes this person now, but this kind of love is no longer pure, as if something beautiful and pure has been beaten to pieces, even if it is still treasured in my heart, but it is not what it used to be. The contradictions are painful.

Ke Sen raised his hand and squeezed Ye Ming's chin, forcing him to raise his head and kissed his lips without warning.

Ye Ming's eyes widened in shock, his mind went blank, as if he couldn't believe that Ke Sen would make such a move, and this kiss was so gentle, different from the roughness before, with a little cherished taste, just like... It used to be the same .

Cosen closed his eyes and felt the throbbing that this person brought him. The softness of his lips was the same as before, and he would never forget it.

He'd been dying to kiss him again, he knew it shouldn't be, but he did it anyway.

This person is like some kind of addictive poison. Even if his reason tells him not to approach him, his instinct is hard to get rid of.

Ke Sen suddenly pressed Ye Ming on the table, grabbed his hands and pressed them on top of his head, staring at those purple eyes with dark red pupils, and kissed him again forcefully.

Ye Ming froze for a moment, then closed his eyes in pain.

No matter how gentle the kiss was, and how it looked like before... They are not what they used to be after all, they are just subordinates that Corson used to vent their desires, and the tenderness is just an illusion.

Why does Cosen do this... I actually understand it in my heart.

Because he doesn't love himself anymore, no longer loves a despicable infected traitor... He is no longer the person he likes to cherish.

Then, no matter how ruthless he has become from now on, and even having a relationship with others, who has the right to accuse him

It's only normal that Corson doesn't like him anymore.

Ye Ming's face turned pale, he didn't resist, he lay there obediently, wanting to wait for this difficult process to pass, and suddenly heard Ke Sen whisper in his ear: "You don't like me treating you like this, do you? "

Ye Ming felt the warm breath in his ears, and his heart was full of sadness. He knew that he should say no. As a soldier, he wanted to satisfy the Shangguan. It was not a wise decision to disobey Kesen, but at this moment he had no way to disobey his heart. say this.

Because he was really sad.

Cosen gently stroked his earlobe, the corners of his cold and sharp lips rose slightly, and said, "But I like you very much, because you are very like someone I once loved."

Ye Ming's body froze, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Ke Sen in fear. These words made him almost unable to care about his sadness. He could even faintly feel that when Cosen said those words, there was some kind of cold killing intent, did he recognize himself

Ke Sen stared at Ye Ming's eyes, the expression in those pupils was as deep as the vast universe, he slowly said, "Will you betray me like him?"