The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 72: The Marshal's Traitor Lover


After Ye Ming finished all that, he sat quietly in the room and waited.

It didn't take long for him to hear the door open. He raised his eyes and saw Cosen and Brod walking in together with a slightly surprised look in his eyes. He immediately stood up, lowered his eyes and said respectfully, "You're back."

Corson stood at the door, the backlit figure seemed to have a darker face, and a very terrible emotion seemed to be brewing in the dark red eyes.

Ye Ming instinctively felt that something was wrong. Although Ke Sen's expression was very calm, he just felt that Ke Sen who came back after leaving was different from before. The trace of tenderness disappeared, and it returned to the bone-cold coldness of the first sight. … Could it be that he just sent out the information, did Corson discover it

Corson stared at the young man in front of him. He didn't look any different. If he hadn't already set up a hidden alarm program on the storage, who would have known that something had been passive

He wanted to believe him again, but it's a pity that a traitor is a traitor after all, and a monster is a monster...

This man doesn't deserve his trust at all.

Cosen's lips pursed into a straight line, the cold jaw line rose slightly, and the tone was slow and cold: "I'm back, are you surprised?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. He fixedly looked into Ke Sen's eyes and listened to his cold tone. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Ke Sen might have indeed discovered it.

That's right... It's only been such a short time since I returned to Corson's side. With his cautious personality, how could he not be more careful after experiencing betrayal? Maybe he has been guarding himself, and those trusts are not all true.

Ye Ming suddenly felt relieved when he thought of this, and even felt a little less guilty. Since Corson will definitely be able to track down Roy's identity soon, his goal has been achieved. Now he only needs to expose himself and be killed. That's it.

He would rather die in the hands of Corson than be captured by Hicks again, sinking into the endless darkness and despair.

Ye Ming slowly revealed a smile. At this moment, there was no camouflage of restraint and restraint on his face. The smile came from the heart, and his eyes were bright and dazzling, as if he had lifted a heavy burden and gained relief.

"It's a bit of a surprise," he said softly.

Then he suddenly pulled out the alloy dagger on his waist at the moment when Corson was absent-minded, and a sharp cold light flashed through the air, flying towards Corsen!

Ke Sen was captured by Ye Ming's smile at that moment, as if he saw the former Harvey looking back and smiling at him in the sun... But the next moment, the beloved who smiled at him was cold and ruthless. Draw the dagger and take his life!

The fantasy shattered in the blink of an eye and returned to cruel reality.

Ke Sen looked straight into those eyes, there was no warmth in those purple eyes, and there was no shy and innocent look, only ruthless, icy cold, fierce and bloodthirsty, and the sudden burst of powerful power from the youth was far more than C-rank, at least the strength of S-rank and above!

At this moment, he no longer has any reservations!

Ke Sen closed his eyes in pain, he turned sideways, the dagger rubbed his chin, leaving a shallow bloodstain, and then he grabbed Ye Ming's hands and punched him in the abdomen, smashing him heavily. Bumped out!

The huge force directly caused Ye Ming to smash the wall and crash into the lounge next door. Ye Ming missed a single hit and knew that he could not threaten Kesen at all. Ye Ming felt that his performance was already in place. It's not that he really wanted Corson's life. If it were other infected people, it would be time to commit suicide.

There was a smile in his eyes, and as soon as he grabbed the dagger, he would pierce his throat! However, he saw Ke Sen rushing in after him like a cheetah. The terrifying force made him feel like the ground was shaking the moment he landed. With a sudden wave of his hand, the dagger in Ye Ming's hand flew out. !

Before Ye Ming could regain his senses, he felt a chill in his neck, as if there was a piercing sensation. He turned his head to the side, and the last thing he saw was that Kesen inserted a syringe into his neck.

Ke Sen injected all the anesthetic into Ye Ming's body, watched him faint, then stood up again with his knees bent, quietly looking at the young man on the ground, his eyes filled with uncontrollable pain and disappointment.

When Brod came in, the battle was over. He glanced at Ye Ming on the ground angrily: "I knew he wasn't worth believing! You shouldn't be soft-hearted to him at all."

Kesen's hand was clenched tightly, the veins on the back of his hand burst out, and he said every word: "Never again."

This is the last time I've ever been soft on you, someone I've loved so much... It turns out that trying to believe in you is the only and stupidest thing I've ever done in my life.

Ye Ming's eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes. He found himself lying on a cold metal bed. His hands and feet were separated by two-finger-thick solid metal rings, and his neck and waist were also locked with metal rings. The whole person could not move at all.

He is not unfamiliar with this environment. When he was Harvey, he also participated in the interrogation of other infected people by the military. At that time, he stood outside watching others interrogate other infected people, but now it is his turn.

Each of these synthetic monsters is very fierce, especially after showing the original form of alienation, it is even more ferocious and powerful, so the military has made special torture equipment for these infected people, and firmly fixed them, lest they suddenly break free and violent hurt.

This metal bed is made of the hardest alloy, even if it is subjected to ultra-high temperature and weapon attacks, it will not deform, and no infected person can break free.

[Ye Ming: It’s dangerous, but luckily I didn’t succeed in committing suicide…]


[Ye Ming: Now is the time to race against the god of death! Before Roy's little spicy chicken fell off the horse and confessed, Keke must not let me go!]


Ye Ming tried to struggle for a while, but he didn't move.

At this time, he heard the thumping sound of military boots walking on the ground. In the silence, it was like stepping on a person's heart. He turned his head slightly and saw Corson walking in.

Ke Sen is dressed in a straight black uniform, his stern face is like a mask made of ice, he can't see any expression, his dark red eyes look at him, his upper body leans forward, and he slowly said: "You know that you are facing what, is it?"

Ye Ming also looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Ke Sen's eyes grew darker, his thin lips pursed slightly, and he spit out a sentence: "I hope you are willing to speak, so that I don't have to do this to you."

Ye Ming suddenly smiled, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and said, "I want to kill you and dedicate it to Lord Hicks."

Ke Sen stared at him, without speaking for a long time, his eyes were like a dry and dead desert.

He thought... that's the only thing you wanted to say to me.

All the past, the good times, that I thought I was loving, are all fakes, tear open the fakes, revealing hideous fangs, the only thing you want to do is kill me.

Corson thought he was going to be miserable, but maybe it wasn't that bad.

Because for the past three years, he has been immersed in this kind of pain all the time. The infected person created by Hicks, he ruthlessly betrayed him and caused such a tragedy, he wanted to kill him.

So at this moment, when he finally heard this person say these words in person, Corson was not surprised at all. Those pains fermented and fermented, and finally became a kind of numbness. waves.

Ke Sen slowly stood up straight, looked down at Ye Ming lightly, turned and walked out.

The sound of dong dong dong's footsteps is getting farther and farther.

Ye Ming felt that the place was quiet for a while, and then he heard footsteps approaching, but as soon as he heard it, he knew that this time it was not Corson, but someone else.

Corson was standing outside the torture chamber, watching the scene inside through the one-way glass.

Brod was also here, looking inside with cold hateful eyes.

Three hours have passed, and despite the glass isolation, there is no sound inside, but just by looking at it, you can know what kind of torture that person is suffering.

But Brod didn't have the slightest heartache, he only had hatred in his heart, he said: "He still refuses to explain a word, I think we should increase the intensity of torture, for such a rare high-level infected person like him, Maybe ordinary punishments are useless at all."

Corson didn't respond, his eyes almost fixed on the man, and his eyes were bright red.

It's useless, this person can't say anything... So far, human beings have never succeeded in making an infected person submit to speak. These are all meaningless actions. You should free him. This is what he can give He was finally kind, but... how could he have such a thought, is he still soft-hearted

Harvey is the most advanced infected person detected by human beings. He used to have a very high status and was highly valued by Hicks. Unlike those low-level infected people, he must know something...

He even, it is possible to know the whereabouts of Hicks.

This is a matter of life and death for human beings.

He should not have any fluke-hearted mentality. As long as there is a possibility of getting a breakthrough, he cannot let this rare prisoner go. This is the rational and correct decision a leader should make.

As for the whereabouts of the data, Corson is not worried at all. It is a bait he specially released, and it will not reveal any real secrets. Moreover, a hidden program has been implanted in it for a long time, which can help him track the whereabouts of the data.

It was only because Ye Ming deliberately eliminated the traces before sending it and set up reverse tracking, so he couldn't find out the direction immediately, but even so, it was only a matter of time before the traitor was found out.

They tortured Ye Ming, and the more important reason was that they hoped to get more information from him.

Like Hicks.

Corson's eyes were as red as blood. That damned monster, the devil, was the one who manipulated all this and brought about these countless disasters. Only by killing it can it truly end all this and prevent the tragedy from repeating itself.

Corson clenched his fists and suddenly turned around and walked into the torture room.

The soldiers inside saw Corsen coming in, stopped what they were doing, and stood by respectfully.

Ke Sen stared at the young man in front of him, his short black hair was messy on his forehead, his purple eyes were painful, his body was covered in blood, his skin was lifted to reveal red muscles, and his bones were broken inch by inch...

Ye Ming saw Ke Sen coming, turned his eyes to look at him with difficulty, and said coldly: "If you have the ability, kill me, I, ah, I won't know anything, tell you."

Kesen has interrogated many infected people, and each infected person is very cruel and will never give in, but Ye Ming is still the strongest person he has ever seen. Even if he is covered in blood and tortured like this, his eyes are still clear and stubborn arrogant.

Most of the infected, one third of the way through this level of punishment, will reveal their true form due to excessive pain, and then their consciousness will go into a frenzied confusion, the self-protection mechanism makes them start to lose their ability to judge, incarnate They are the most primitive beasts, so that people can't get any information from their mouths.

And Ye Ming still maintains a complete human appearance until now, he even has his own consciousness, instead of incarnation of an irrational beast.

But this is actually not a good thing, too strong, but to endure more pain... Because the infected person who loses consciousness will be executed, and being awake means that there is still the value of torture.

Ke Sen lightly pressed the controller next to the metal bed, the metal bed tilted slowly, and finally kept it at a 60-degree angle, allowing Ye Ming to stand half-standing, so that he could see himself in the mirror.

Corson's voice was hoarse: "Do you still know which infected people are hidden in the human army? Do you know where Hicks' body is hidden?"

Ye Ming's expression was distorted by pain, but he still pulled away the corner of his mouth, showing a cold smile: "I don't, know, know, just know, don't, will, tell you."

Ke Sen stared at him for a while, then turned his head and said, "Come in."

With his permission, a man in a white coat walked in. The man's long black hair was tied behind his head with a headband, and he had a pair of green eyes.

"Dr. Slideley, you said you have a way to get him to speak?" Corson said lightly.

Dr. Slideley said with a smile: "It's just a possibility. I can't guarantee it, but I think I can give it a try."

Ke Sen nodded slightly: "Then try it."

Sladeley's eyes lit up with excitement, he walked to Ye Ming and circled him twice as if he was looking at a cherished treasure, exclaiming, "This is really the rarest special infected person I have ever seen. , it's perfect... You must know that those low-level infected people are all ugly monsters, they can't bear this kind of torture at all, they always reveal their true colors easily, and their consciousness is weak, and they don't even have much research value."

Sledley turned back and said excitedly to Corson: "I think the difference between him and those low-level infected people is that he is a part of a human being and a part of an alien beast fused more perfectly, and his original body must also be a A very powerful human with a near-perfect genetic chain, so he can always pass our tests. I can't wait to see what he looks like."

Ye Ming looked at him coldly, his eyes fierce.

Slideley smiled at him, "Don't look at me like that, I'm helping you."

He opened the metal box he brought, took out a syringe, and smiled at Ye Ming: "Over the years, I have been focusing on researching infected people, and I am very interested in their manufacturing principles... At that time, the government spent a lot of money to make We researched the way to treat them, so I developed a separation agent to try to peel off the alien part of the infected person's body, but unfortunately failed... This kind of separation agent will only make them reveal the original more quickly. They cannot be turned back into human beings at all. Because of the continuous failure of the project and the occurrence of accidents, the government finally terminated the project, they believed that the infected people had no value in treatment. It’s a pity…”

The corners of Sladeley's lips twitched, and his green eyes flashed a strange light: "To be honest... I don't think this kind of separation agent can treat you, after all, it is useless to those low-level infected people, let alone to you. What about high-level infected people with perfect fusion? But in the initial treatment process, I found that this separation agent has a side effect, that is, the pain of splitting it brings is far better than any kind of punishment, and most of them have used it. Those infected with this separation agent did not survive, and died in agony."

"Because you are different from them, I was worried that the effect would be insufficient, so I enhanced this potion." Sladeley smiled at Ye Ming: "If it works, then congratulations, you will become a human being. , if it's useless, it's just death at best, anyway, we have no other way to make you speak."

Ye Ming laughed out loud, "Then why haven't you tried it yet?"

Sladeley shrugged: "Because you are too different, and you are different from those low-level monsters, I can't help but want to talk to you more. Don't worry, I will use it for you, you must I will never forget the taste."

After he finished speaking, he took out the syringe, inserted it into Ye Ming's vein, and injected all the separating agent into it.

The medicine came on very quickly, and soon Ye Ming felt as if every cell was burning and boiling.

He had been tortured by Hicks for three years, and had undergone a terrible experience of making a new face. No punishment would be more painful for him than that, but the moment the potion entered his body, he seemed to feel it again. When it came to the pain and fear from the depths of the soul dominated by Hicks, he opened his mouth and let out a shrill hissing sound.

Cosen stood by, clenching his fists tightly, he watched the young man being fixed on the metal bed, his body began to spasm, and he struggled desperately with his eyes tightly closed, blood flowing down his body, blood vessels on his skin bursting Up and down, muscles tied together in severe pain...

He has seen many scenes that are countless times more tragic than this, but when he sees the person he loves being tortured like this, even if he has a strong and cold heart, he can hardly stand it... But he finally Still did not run away cowardly, but forced himself to stand here and watch all this without blinking.

Tell yourself that you punished your loved ones with your own hands, that you sacrificed your loved ones for the sake of humanity.

Tell yourself, don't forget the price you paid.

So even if you don't risk your life and spend all the rest of your life, you have to kill Hicks, drive out alien beasts, and protect humans, otherwise... What's the point of all these sacrifices

Sladeley looked at Ye Ming excitedly, and muttered to himself: "I'm really curious, what kind of alien beast did you merge with? There are currently 13,425 types of alien beasts recorded by human beings. There are 128 species above S rank, I think you should at least be fused with S rank or above alien beasts…”

Just a few minutes passed. In these few minutes, everyone looked at Ye Ming without blinking, until his seizure finally stopped, and the whole person returned to calm, lying there motionless... But he still looked like a human being. .

Sladeley frowned: "Impossible, why hasn't it been transformed, still human?"

When Kersen heard this, he suddenly grabbed his collar, his voice trembling with depression, "What's going on? Isn't he an infected person?"

Sladeley waved his hands again and again: "Impossible, if he's not an infected person, this separating agent has no effect on him at all, wait, look at him-"

Ke Sen turned his head and saw Ye Ming slowly opening his eyes.

His left eye is still like a violet gem, but his right eye has turned into a golden vertical pupil. The originally ordinary face, because of the golden and purple pupils, looks bewitching and beautiful, as if there is a bewitching charm. strength.

Corson's eyes fell into those eyes, and his mind was taken in, and he was speechless for a while.

Sladeley took a breath and let out a voice of amazement. He looked at Ye Ming's golden eyes and began to take notes with a small notebook, "What kind of beast is this? There are very few kinds of beasts with golden eyes. And only one eye changes, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment... Longxi beast? Tianlie beast? Or... Well, no matter what, this is the most perfect infected person I have ever seen, and he retains a near-perfect human being The size, but the power of other beasts... It's an incredible masterpiece... Compared with those defective products, this is the real complete fusion."

Ye Ming thought he would die in that pain, but he still survived, just like he was tortured by Hicks for three years and still alive, death is such a luxury.

He opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror in front of him. At that moment, a terrible heart palpitations entered his heart.

He had a feeling...

He seemed to see Hicks through that golden eye... His eyes were exactly the same as Hicks.

Ye Ming closed his eyes in pain.

[Ye Ming: I have a little bit of an accident...]

[888: What is unexpected?]

[Ye Ming: I have always known that I am very special. At first glance, it is the treatment of the protagonist. I can tell from the fact that Hicks is so troublesome, baby, I am definitely not an ordinary person! Didn't you see that it used Roy and other infected people as cannon fodder? I was so disobedient and hard to tame. It kept me patiently for three years, and then kindly let me out. This is not its usual style... But I still did not expect that it turned out to be this body made from a part of itself, I suddenly became a little curious about Harvey's original body ^_^]

[888: … Well, you are quite special.]

[Ye Ming: Brother, do you know Harvey's original identity?]

[888: At present, there is insufficient information to accurately detect.]

[Ye Ming: Ah, ignore this for now. Speaking of which, I thought of a particularly apt advertisement for that separating agent!]

[888: What?]

[Ye Ming: "Hey! Monsters! Don't show my old grandson!"]

[888: ... ] He wants to send him to the West! ! !

After a long while, Sladeley stopped taking notes, frowned in distress, and muttered to himself, "Isn't even this useless? Then the other medicines are even more useless..."

Cosen suddenly said, "Enough."

Slideley asked, "Aren't you going to continue the torture?"

Ke Sen looked at him coldly and said slowly: "Didn't you say that this is the most terrible punishment for the infected? Can you think of other more useful torture methods?"

Sladeley sneered.

"You all get out of here," Corson said.

Dr. Sledley reluctantly left, and the soldiers immediately turned their heads respectfully and left, and soon only Ye Ming and Kesen were left here.

Ke Sen walked to Ye Ming, he wanted to reach out and touch this man lightly, but after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't move.

Up to now, any soft-hearted, hesitant, or wavering has no meaning.

Ke Sen put his right hand behind his back. He looked up at the mirror. In the mirror was him and Ye Ming, like a picture in a picture frame. Unfortunately, Ye Ming was covered in blood and looked too tragic. Neither are beautiful.

Ke Sen hid the pain in his eyes, turned his head and said in a calm voice, "I don't actually hate the infected that much. It's not so much hate, but helplessness and despair of being powerless."

Ye Ming's eyelashes trembled, and this sentence made him unable to open his eyes, so he fell into Ke Sen's deep pupils, and his eyes met.

Corson stared at him and said, "They were once human, and before they were transformed by Hicks, they may have been our relatives, friends, familiar people... They were originally one of us, people we love... As long as they still have a glimmer of hope for salvation, I'm not willing to give up."

"But it's useless. The cruel facts tell me that they are no longer one of us. If they still retain any trace of their human nature... they would not have the heart to kill their relatives and betray their fellow citizens. ..." Corson's voice was as cold as cold iron: "The bloodthirsty hearts of those alien beasts invaded their bodies, used their bodies, and hurt the people they once loved... If they really still have consciousness to survive in this body Somewhere in the world, being imprisoned and seeing all this with your own eyes, you will definitely feel hopeless and painful."

"So, killing them is the only relief we can give them."

Ye Ming stared at Ke Sen in a daze, his eyes were sad and sentimental. He could probably understand every word that Ke Sen said... He could even empathize with him, because he was still stubbornly surviving as a human heart, so he would do it for himself. The tragedy caused and the pain and remorse.

Despair and pain for his own helplessness.

So now, my love, can you set me free

Ke Sen looked at Ye Ming's eyes. The person in front of him had an eye that belonged to a beast, but the emotion contained in it seemed to belong to a human being. It was so sentimental and delicate that his heart was filled with delicate pain.

Cosen closed his eyes: "I once fell in love with an infected person. He looked exactly like a human being. We fought together and died together to protect human beings. He is my favorite... people, and what I want to protect most. People. But one day, he left like that... He took away not only my love, but also the secrets of Redrick's Fortress, and the hope for the survival of countless human beings... "

Corson's voice was depressed and heavy, and every word seemed to take a lot of effort, "I've been thinking, if we have a chance to meet again in our lifetime, before I have to kill him, I want to kill him. Just be human and ask him one last question."

Ye Ming's lips trembled, and he suddenly wanted to say everything in his heart, but what's the point of saying those things now, will Ke Sen believe it? … The mistake has been made, and instead of letting Corson continue to struggle and suffer, let himself die silently like this. After all, he is no longer a human...

Ke Sen suddenly took a step forward, looked at Ye Ming with sad eyes of incomparable nostalgia, lowered his head and said a word in his ear... This sentence made Ye Ming's pupils shrink, and his throat hardened in disbelief.

He heard Corson whisper in his ear: "I always wanted to ask you, when you watched countless people die because of you... Have you ever regretted the pain in your heart? Harvey."