The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 78: Marshal's traitorous lover


As soon as Veronica said this, there was silence all around, and a needle could be heard.

The name Sarn is an eternal hero in everyone's eyes, but Harvey is a despicable traitor in everyone's eyes.

Now someone says they are one person.

If it was anyone else who said this sentence, people would only get merciless ridicule, and even angry counterattacks, because they felt that this was an insult to their heroes, just like their most admired and respected idols It is intolerable to be defiled.

If it wasn't for Veronica who said this at this moment, these angry soldiers would step forward and tear him into pieces without hesitation, letting him know the price of talking nonsense.

However, it was Veronica who said those words.

Sarn's twin sister, his direct blood relative, his closest relative...

A person who absolutely cannot lie, cannot make fun of this matter.

For a long time, no one made a sound.

Reason told them that it was impossible for Veronica to lie about this matter. Harvey was an infected person, which meant that he was once a human being, and the body of His Highness Sann has never been recovered, so Harvey was once a human being. , why is it impossible

But... Let them admit that the traitor they have hated for three years is their respected prince, but they are unwilling to admit this fact in their hearts.

As a colonel, Brod was very inconspicuous standing behind the group of generals.

He was very anxious and worried at first, but all of this suddenly disappeared after Veronica said that sentence.

He didn't doubt Veronica at all. It is impossible for Her Highness Veronica to recognize someone as her elder brother, unless Harvey is indeed His Highness Sarn, and Harvey is such an excellent and good person, why is it impossible for him to be His Highness Sarn?

On the contrary, Brod felt enlightened and suddenly realized.

Only a person like His Highness Saen can still keep in mind the mission of protecting mankind after becoming an infected person, after forgetting everything, never loses his human heart, and always sticks to his beliefs... Such a thing, only Saen Your Highness can do it.

Because he is unique.

Brod stood behind the crowd, staring at the young man beside Veronica. The young man stood there straight, without any timidity or fear, and his expression was calm and confident.

He has one purple eye and one golden eye, and he has an ordinary and slightly handsome face that may not be conspicuous, but his Ling Ran temperament and the dazzling light in those eyes almost captured all his mind …

At this moment, Brod deeply felt the gap between them, and the gap was constantly expanding. From then on, he probably could only look up to this person, but he was willing.

Brod suddenly said loudly: "I believe Her Highness Veronica! He is His Highness Sarn!"

This clear and clear voice broke the terrible silence here.

He was the first to stand up and say he believed.

Brod strode out over the crowd, looked at the crowd with firm eyes, and said in a clear and loud voice: "Her Highness Veronica will never lie to us, are you doubting her words?"

Brod's words made everyone recover from the shock, and looked at Ye Ming with horror, suspicion, joy, and surprise, all kinds of complicated emotions in their hearts.

They suddenly remembered that Marshal Corson had said before that Harvey was not a traitor, and there was also Roy's testimony. If what Roy said was true... then as the only infected person who did not betray mankind, his original body was Sa Your Highness En, it seems to make sense...

Since even the marshal believes in Harvey, and His Royal Highness Veronica also believes in him, why can't Harvey be really innocent

Maybe they were all wrong about him.

Veranika's sharp eyes fell on Admiral Monroe, and she said slowly: "Now we are going to see Marshal Corson, please lead the way."

Admiral Monroe was startled, his eyes kept changing, and finally he didn't stop him, but said in a deep voice, "Please come with me."

He brought Veranika and Ye Ming to Ke Sen's place before leaving.

As soon as Admiral Monroe left, other generals surrounded him and asked, "Monroe, what do you think of this matter? Is Harvey really His Highness Sarn? This, this is incredible!"

Admiral Monroe had a serious face and serious eyes: "Otherwise, do you think Her Highness Veronica will lie to you about this matter?"

Those people said one after another: "Of course we don't doubt Her Highness Veronica, it's just..."

Admiral Monroe pondered for a moment, and said: "For the time being, we will treat him as His Royal Highness Sarn, but... no matter who he used to be, he was reformed by Hicks after all, so it is best to be careful. You send someone to take care of him." Protect the marshal and watch over Harvey, don't let him walk around casually, as for the others... When the marshal wakes up, he will make a decision."

Everyone thought about it, and this is indeed the best way at present.

And if Harvey is really Sarn and still maintains himself, then... this is a good thing.

... ... ...

Ye Ming and Veronica entered the treatment room together. The first aid cabin belonging to the marshal had already been opened, and Ke Sen was inside. The doctor watching over saw Veronica coming, and saluted respectfully: "Your Highness."

Ye Ming was worried about Ke Sen's injury, so he took a step forward and asked first, "How is he?"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, but he still replied: "The injury is serious, but the rescue is timely and there is no life-threatening danger. It will be fine when you wake up."

Only then did Ye Ming feel relieved, and turned to look at the emergency cabin, with a look of concern in his eyes.

Veronica is also very worried about Corson. If Corson really dies, it will obviously be a very big blow to the Human Federation, and Hicks will be even more powerful. Fortunately, Corson is fine.

Ye Ming thought about it, and said to Veronica: "I'll watch him here, if you have something to do, go first, I won't be in danger, and Brod will help."

Veronica was worried: "I'll accompany you."

Ye Ming looked at her seriously, and said seriously: "Now that Ke Sen is injured, it is the time when people are panicking, they need a spiritual support... There are still many things you need to do, to help stabilize the situation when Ke Sen is no longer , so do what you have to do now."

Veranika pursed her lips, her eyes were full of grievances, but she still said obediently: "Okay." What my brother said made sense, and I shouldn't keep acting on my emotions...

Ye Ming smiled at her with gentle eyes: "You have always done a good job, even when I'm not around... I'm proud of you."

It was obviously just a very ordinary sentence of encouragement, but Veronica's eyes suddenly turned red, and she almost wanted to cry again.

She has been carrying on her brother's mission and fighting all these years, wanting to be like him... It's a pity that she can no longer hear her brother's encouragement, see her brother's smiling face, no matter how much she does... this has always been her The most painful regret in my heart.

And now, she no longer has this regret...

Because just as she imagined, if her brother was still alive, he would be proud of her.

Veronica stared at Ye Ming, hugged him, turned around and strode out.

It wasn't until Veronica was completely out of sight that Ye Ming withdrew his gaze and looked in Kesen's direction again.

[888: Although what you just said is really touching, I still want to know, why did you send Veronica away?]

[Ye Ming: (⊙v⊙) What did I do? How did I send her away? She obviously left by herself!]

[888: Hehehe.]

... ... ...

Ke Sen slowly woke up, he opened his eyes, and saw a person lying beside him.

someone he loves.

The young man was quietly lying on his side, his eyes were closed, his eyelashes cast shadows under his eyes, his pale pink lips were like petals in the morning, and his fair skin had a soft color under the light of the setting sun.

This scene was so quiet and beautiful that Cosen suddenly felt like he was in a dream.

He has dreamed that the threat of alien beasts will no longer exist, and the human world is peaceful and stable. When he doesn't need to worry about fighting all the time, and he doesn't have to put his life in danger, he will take Harvey back to his distant land. A vacation planet in the Langluo star field, where the sun is very good, and I wake up in the same bed with the person I love in the morning...

This is the future he imagined.

Later, he experienced many things, which made him almost forget that he had imagined their future in this way.

His heart was once filled with sorrow and helplessness, and was also dominated by the anger and hatred of betrayal. Hicks pressed on every step of the way, and the human territory was lost again and again...

He lost his lover, many people he cared about, and he lost too much.

I no longer dream of such a day.

But he didn't expect that he could still see this scene. It's like waking up on a carefree morning with your loved one by your side. There is nothing more ordinary but beautiful in this world.

Ke Sen turned around gently, facing Ye Ming, he couldn't bear to wake him up, he wanted to just look at his sleeping face just like this... the satisfaction in his heart was indescribable.

He at least, didn't really lose him.

He is still fighting, but there is no longer only sadness, pain and helplessness in his heart, and he has become full because he has someone he wants to protect.

Ye Ming stayed by Ke Sen's side for the past two days, until Ke Sen finally came out of the emergency cabin, and was finally too tired to bear it, so he fell asleep beside him.

When he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw that Ke Sen had already woken up. On the stern face close at hand, his own face was reflected in those dark red pupils. He didn't know how long he had been looking at him like this...

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, then revealed a pleasantly surprised smile, and said with a laziness of just waking up: "You're awake."

Ke Sen stared deeply at Ye Ming, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Ye Ming shook his head, and said softly: "Don't say sorry, I know you've worked very hard, it's good that you can come back."

Corson stared at the person in front of him emotionally, suddenly wanted to kiss him, hug him, and then he did.

This kiss was tender and lingering, with mutual connection of mind and heart, making people fall in love with each other... Ke Sen reluctantly let go of Ye Ming, sat up and said, "I should have been in a coma for a few days, what's going on outside?"

Although he would like to have this person now, but now is not the time for lust, Hicks is watching, the infected are making trouble everywhere, and he still has a lot to do.

Ye Ming understood Ke Sen's concerns. If it was before, he would have taken the initiative to let Ke Sen leave, but today he hugged Ke Sen's waist from behind, and said: "With Veronica here, you don't have to worry. Stay with me for a while? I almost... thought I'd never see you again..."

When he said this, his voice trembled a little...

When Ke Sen heard it, his heart ached. Although Ye Ming always put the overall situation first, never cared what he endured, and would not make excessive demands, but he was still worried...

He cares about himself.

Ke Sen felt Ye Ming holding his hand, this person's gentle movements were harder to break than the strongest cage in the world, firmly bound him under his control, and made him willing to go through fire and water for him .

Ke Sen turned around and hugged Ye Ming, saying, "We will never be separated again."

Ye Ming lowered his eyes, but avoided Ke Sen's gaze, and said softly, "Let's do it once."

Ke Sen was taken aback, he didn't expect Ye Ming to make such a request, his heart was full of surprise and surprise, they hadn't been this close for a long time...

Before they separated that year, they had just confirmed their relationship and expressed their intentions. They have been in love and polite, and there has been no more in-depth communication.

Reunited three years later, because of a misunderstanding and out of revenge, I hurt this person in such a way. Even the first time that should have been beautiful was full of humiliation. This has always made Ke Sen feel guilty and self-blame , became an unresolved knot in his heart.

So he has never made this kind of request again, let alone any excessive actions.

It's not that he doesn't want to get close to this person, but that he doesn't want to hurt him, and doesn't want him to think of those unpleasant memories.

It was supposed to be the most beautiful thing between lovers, but it was clouded by a misunderstanding and became an indelible scar in his heart. For Ye Ming, this scar would only get deeper, heavier...more painful.

But at this moment, Ke Sen lowered his gaze, and only saw Ye Ming's slightly trembling eyelashes, his slightly flushed face, and the opening and closing of light-colored lips under the bridge of his straight nose, "Don't you want me? Or do you think Does my current status embarrass you?"

Ke Sen's eyes darkened in an instant, and there were turbulent emotions boiling inside. He hugged Ye Ming tightly, and his voice was hoarse: "No, I just..."

Ye Ming put his face on Ke Sen's neck, and said softly, "Call me Harvey."

The person who met and fell in love with you, who has everything and your wonderful experience, the person who has our common memory, his name is not Sarn, not Calvin, but Harvey...

All the decisions I have made are worthy of my heart and the world, but I am too cruel to you.

If I have no choice, I hope the last memory left to you is that I love you.

Ke Sen's chest rose and fell, he heard Ye Ming's soft voice, the breath passed his neck like a feather, and landed on his heart, making the blood in his whole body seem to be boiling.

Yeah... to me, you're not anyone else but Harvey.

Just the one I love.

There was emotion in Ke Sen's eyes, he pressed Ye Ming onto the bed, and kissed his lips forcefully.

... ... ...

This is a gentle and intense exchange between lovers who share the same mind.

Putting aside the misunderstanding and estrangement, the two embraced tightly.

All these beautiful things seem to have finally washed away the only haze left between them. They are the closest lover and the most trustworthy comrade-in-arms. No one or anything can separate their hearts.

Ke Sen kissed Ye Ming's lips, reluctantly got up from the bed, stared deeply at Ye Ming for a while, and finally turned and left.

Ye Ming slept until midnight before waking up, Ke Sen was no longer by his side, he lifted the quilt, and slowly got dressed.

[Ye Ming: The ten-day deadline is coming up, it's almost time to leave.]

[888: You should have left a long time ago, so you have been delaying Veronica for so long because of this breakup?]

[Ye Ming: Why do you say that about me, I am not such a person (*/ω╲*)]


[Ye Ming: But I'm really satisfied with Keke, um... SSS-level humans... I can't taste it in other worlds...]

[888: Hehe!]

Hicks's attack becomes more and more fierce every time. This is the last fortress of mankind. As long as Muhe Fortress falls, Hicks' alien beast army will ruthlessly wreak havoc on the human territory. Human beings will become food from the masters of the universe. Endless fierce battles.

Muhe Fortress must not be broken, Hicks must die, without Hicks, the ownerless herd will not have the current threat.

Ye Ming wore a neat military uniform, stepped on boots, and walked out of their house.

It was already late at night, but the base was still brightly lit, and the number of casualties was increasing every day. In the face of a huge threat, human beings put aside those intrigues and fought against the beasts fearlessly.

As the marshal, Ke Sen couldn't rest for a moment.

It was already a rare indulgence just now.

Ye Ming left the base and returned to Veronica's manor. Because of his status, he was absolutely free to come and go from Veronica.

But Ye Ming did not go to see Veronica, but came to the open space of the manor, staring at the huge silver-white mecha in front of him, this is his Sun Chaser. He reached out and stroked the fuselage, and when he was about to go up, he suddenly heard a sad voice behind him.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Ye Ming's body froze, he turned around slowly, and saw Veronica standing not far away, with unexpected emotions in her purple eyes, her lips trembling slightly, her expression seemed to be very fragile.

This scene hurt Ye Ming's heart, because he was connected by blood, he could almost feel Veronica's pain at the moment...

It's not that he doesn't want to say goodbye, but he can't bear to say goodbye.

Veranika understood Ye Ming's eyes, and the last hope in her heart was shattered. Her voice was trembling, her fists were clenched tightly, and she bit her lips, "Do you want to leave us again..."

Ye Ming sighed softly, raised his eyes and said, "I'm the only one who can get close to Hicks."

Veranika suddenly became excited and said loudly, "We can kill it! We can win, and you don't need to sacrifice it alone! I won't let you go, and I won't let you leave me again!"

"Really..." Ye Ming's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and then he smiled, "I'm very glad to know who I am, very happy to meet you...really..."

"Although I have no memory of the past, I have never forgotten what I want in my heart and what my mission is... Vera, if Sann is still alive and has not left, she will do the same as me It's your choice, do you understand?"

Veranika's eyes were red, she did not accept such a result! They just met again!

Ye Ming watched her tenderly, then suddenly kicked hard on the ground, quickly rushed in front of Veranika, raised his hand and hit her neck forcefully before she could react!

Veronica didn't expect Ye Ming to make a sudden move, she didn't have time to react, she just felt dizzy before her eyes, and fell down powerlessly.

Ye Ming quickly reached out to support Veranika, gently placed her on the ground, and kissed her on the forehead, with sad eyes and a soft voice: "I'm sorry."

But if Sarn is still alive, he will, like me, prefer to die for human beings... If the meaning of his existence is to be able to kill Hicks, then he will not hesitate at all.

Veranika slowly closed her eyes powerlessly. She wanted to reach out and grab the person in front of her, but she couldn't. She could only see his back getting farther and farther away, tears streaming down her eyes silently, desperate and helpless .

Ye Ming boarded the Sun Chaser, he lightly touched the joystick, and the surrounding light curtains instantly lit up.

"His Royal Highness San, do you need me to serve you?"

The corners of Ye Ming's lips raised, revealing a shallow smile, he said: "Yes, this is our last battle, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of anything because I don't have the emotion to be afraid."

Ye Ming laughed loudly, and flew out with the control of the mecha.

[Ye Ming: Now I'm going to save the world Oye! ! !]


[Ye Ming: So excited, so chicken jelly.]

[888: Hold on tight, after all you still have to save the world, pay attention to your image.]

[Ye Ming: Yes, yes, I have to pay attention to my image! let's go!]

... ... ...

Ke Sen was in the largest command room of the base with other generals. There were more and more beasts outside the Muhe Fortress, and the overwhelming attacks came one after another. The body and size of the human army also brought a lot of pressure... The situation is not optimistic.

All the generals had solemn expressions. At this time, no one was in the mood to fight among themselves. Their only thought was to keep this group of strange beasts out of Muhe Fortress! If they are attacked by them, the tragedies of Fort Laris and Fort Redrick will be repeated, and the chance of them surviving is less than one in ten thousand.

But this is not the most important thing... The most important thing is the countless fertile territories behind them, where their relatives and friends live, all of which will become territories ravaged by alien beasts.

On the huge light curtain in the middle of the command room, several starry sky behemoths were desperately hitting the defense line.

Lieutenant General Kasha's eyes were red, and he suddenly said loudly: "Marshal, I apply to activate the ultimate weapon, we won't be able to defend for long!"

This time Hicks' attack was stronger than the previous two. Obviously, he was determined to win this last fortress. As long as it was broken here, human beings would have no resistance, so they played all their cards.

Even without those infected people, it would be very difficult for Fortress Muhe to resist Hicks.

But humans are not without cards. In fact, the huge A001 base star, the steel fortress built by humans, is itself a huge ultimate weapon.

Corson pursed his lips tightly, his eyes serious.

Before that time, the use of the ultimate weapon was limited. He thought that Hicks still had a stronger attack, and he couldn't use it until the most dangerous time. More importantly, once Hicks knows that humans still have such weapons, it will definitely shrink back and dare not show up...their hope of killing Hicks is even slimmer.

Once Hicks came back to his senses, the meaning of this weapon would be lost, and it would be meaningless to kill some strange beasts, because they were endless.

Ke Sen said slowly: "Wait a little longer."

The surrounding atmosphere was solemn, and everyone looked at the light curtain without blinking.

At this moment, in the fierce battle, a dazzling silver-white mecha flew out! Her huge wings drew a fluent arc in the dark universe, and rushed into the herd of beasts with overwhelming momentum, beautiful and heroic!

Everyone stared wide-eyed and looked at this scene in disbelief. Although the mecha was so powerful and beautiful, it seemed so small in the overwhelming herd of beasts. She couldn't kill all the beasts. This was a suicide attack!

Ke Sen also looked at this scene in disbelief, and then his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Your Highness Veranika! Come back!"

Is she crazy? Don't you know that you will die in this way? Back then, I watched Saen alone being overwhelmed by alien beasts in order to cut off his heir... After a few years, do I want to watch his sister die fighting for human beings again

A person's blind sacrifice has no meaning at all.

And even for the sake of Sarn, Veronica must not be allowed to die!

Ke Sen pressed one hand firmly on the table in front of him, his face livid, "Your Highness, this is an act of disobedience to military orders. I am now the highest officer here, and I order you to come back! Now, immediately!"

But no matter how he called, the mecha didn't intend to turn back at all. Just when Kesen couldn't bear it and wanted to go out to stop it himself, suddenly the communication was finally connected, and a person appeared in the communication video.

But not Veronica, it was Harvey.

The generals stared at this scene in a daze, their mouths grew too big and they couldn't close their mouths. The changes one after another made them almost unable to recover and react.

How is this going? !

The young man was wearing a neat black military uniform, even the neckline was buttoned up meticulously. There was a smile on his handsome face, and a confident and gentle expression in his eyes. heartbreak.

He smiled slightly, his voice clear and bright.

At this moment, there was silence in the huge command room, only his voice echoed.

"Hicks valued me and kept asking me to come back... I don't think he'd pass up any chance of taking me back and integrating me into his body."

"I have injected the nano-tracker into my blood. As long as Hicks devours me, you can locate it based on me and annihilate it in one fell swoop."

"But it should be noted that once it devours me, it will soon discover the abnormality, so the time left for you to react is very short. This is the only... chance to find it and kill it."

When the young man said this, he seemed to be about to end the communication, and the attack he was facing became more and more intense, so his body shook a bit.

Numerous herds of beasts began to flock to him, and it seemed that just as he expected, Hicks would do whatever it took to catch him back.

He put his hand on the switch that cut off the communication, and looked back at them for the last time, but that gaze seemed to pass through the time and space of the universe, and only fell on one person. The eyes seemed to be talking, telling that person , I trust him and believe that he will not let him down.

He said: "Please be sure to win."

Communications were then cut off.

Although there is only this sentence, at this moment, everyone here understands that this sentence is not addressed to everyone, but only to that person...

He wanted to tell him that for the sake of mankind, he must win.

Ke Sen stared at the screen in front of him, the communication stopped, the figure of the young man disappeared completely, and the white mech was too far away to see in the blink of an eye...

Do not! No, not allowed!

You want to die alone, and you want to sacrifice for mankind alone! You are always so selfless, so great, have you ever thought about me? Have you thought about someone who is still alive and still loves you

You just came back, are you leaving us again

At this moment, Ke Sen lost his mind, his only thought was to save him, stop him, and bring him back! His eyes were about to burst, he turned around and rushed out!

Why would you make such a decision selfishly! Why are you leaving me again

Obviously it was just yesterday, we were still doing well, and I am still looking forward to our future... Obviously, yesterday was still doing well...

Seeing that Ke Sen was about to rush out of the gate, those generals finally reacted, and they rushed over to stop Ke Sen desperately. At this time, any of them was calmer and more rational than Ke Sen.

If Hicks can be killed by sacrificing Harvey alone, and victory can be won, it is undoubtedly the luck of mankind.

Although it is too cruel for Harvey... no, it is too cruel for His Royal Highness San, but this is his hope! He wants them to win!

But Ke Sen's eyes were red, he was already crazy, as an SSS-level human, the most powerful fighter present, the group of generals swarmed up, almost unable to stop Ke Sen, Lieutenant General Kasha grabbed Ke Sen's arm, was caught He flung himself out, and Admiral Monroe stood in his way, broken ribs from the blow.

But even so, he broke his arms and legs and spit out blood, but he still tried his best to stop Ke Sen.

"Let go of me! I'm going to save him, we must have other ways!" Ke Sen's eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, crisp footsteps sounded, and a tall woman with silver hair and purple eyes walked over, raised her hand and slapped Ke Sen on the face.

Ke Sen turned his head sideways, he looked at the woman in front of him, suddenly froze and couldn't move, and couldn't shoot her.

With tears in her eyes, Veranika bit her lip and said word by word: "It's too late."

Hearing this sentence, Ke Sen's eyes were filled with dead silence. These words seemed to drag him out of some kind of inescapable crazy dream and drag him into another lifeless hell, letting him know that everything is irreparable .

No matter how painful it is, it has no meaning...

Because it was too late. He has lost him.

Veronica stubbornly raised her head, tears rolled in her eyes, but they didn't flow down anyway.

She turned her head to look at the light curtain in front of her, and said hoarsely, "Look, that's the image sent by the Sun Chaser."

People followed her voice and looked back at the light curtain.

The Sun Reacher was completely damaged and could no longer fight. Surrounded by herds of beasts, she flew into the depths of the universe, and gradually... a barren planet appeared in front of them.

The planet is hidden in a pile of meteorites, and it is very inconspicuous. It is full of potholes, as if there are many holes in it.

As the distance got closer and closer, people discovered that the surface of the planet was actually made of flesh, and what looked like tentacles from a distance were actually huge tentacles. Suddenly, a huge gap opened on the fleshy surface. A huge golden vertical pupil appeared—the next moment, the image completely disappeared, leaving only darkness.

But people are still immersed in this shocking scene.

After a long time, someone tremblingly said: "That... is Hicks' body..."

Hicks turned out to be a planet, a living planet.

A terrifying planet with countless tentacles and eyes.

Its size is countless times larger than any starry giant beast, and any alien beasts and humans are so small in front of it, so it has such a huge mental power to remotely control those beasts, and can synthesize those infected people in its own body …

It is disguised as a barren and inconspicuous planet, cautious and careful, no one has ever discovered it...

At this moment, the tracker on the light curtain emitted a bright red light.

Veranika's eyes were red, her voice was hoarse, she turned to Ke Sen and said firmly, "Brother trusts you, do you want to make his sacrifice meaningless?"

Corson's hands were shaking.

Hicks had already devoured Ye Ming, and they merged into one... Killing Hicks was equivalent to killing Ye Ming.

Veranika couldn't hold back her tears at last, but her gaze was firm, as if looking at the person who would never return through the universe.

My brother, is this what you wish for

Admiral Monroe and all the other generals looked at Corson, and they said, "Marshal, please open your arms."

The ultimate weapon can only be activated with Corson's highest authority.

Only the ultimate weapon can wipe out a Hicks the size of a planet in one fell swoop. This is the closest they are to victory and the only hope of winning. If Hicks is allowed to escape this time, they will never find him again. it.

In its place is the catastrophe of human extinction.

Sarn is dead, and Hicks must die too.

Ke Sen stared at the screen that had been turned off. He couldn't see that person, couldn't hear his voice, but his last words still echoed in his ears.

He said: Please be sure to win.

You believe in me like this, believe that I will definitely follow your will, protect your will, you believe in me... will not make your sacrifice meaningless.

Because we had such a tacit understanding, we are not only lovers, but also comrades who can be trusted and relied on.

But at this moment, I would rather not be able to read your eyes or understand your words, put aside all righteousness and stick to it, and just be a willful person.

Because sometimes, persistence is really tiring and painful. can I be willing to let you can I be willing to let you die so that you can't rest in peace

Cosen finally slowly raised his hand. He felt that his body was in danger, but he kept telling himself that this was the wish of his loved one, and he should follow his wish...

His hand landed on the starter, and he pressed it at the last moment before the light spot of the tracker disappeared.

A huge bright beam of light seemed to run through the entire universe! The beam of light shot through any blocking beast, turned them into fly ash, and finally shot through the planet, blooming a dazzling light in the universe, like a star shining in the night sky, bringing sparks to the endless darkness Light.

This scene was so magnificent that everyone held their breath.

Cosen kept the pressing motion, motionless, that slight movement seemed to pull his soul away, taking him and that person away.

I swore to protect you with my life, I swore to never let you fall into Hicks' hands again, but I couldn't...

I can't do anything.

I failed to save you back then, but today, I still failed to save you, and instead killed you with my own hands.

Just because it's your will.

Everyone in the command room stared at the beam of light fixedly, until the beam of light disappeared and calm returned, and everyone remained motionless.

Is Hicks dead? Did they succeed

No one is sure.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a colonel in the corner shouted in surprise: "The attack of the herd has weakened! They, they are starting to be confused!"

Only then did people slowly regain their senses, the command room became busy again, and the generals connected with the frontline troops one after another.

"Hello? How are you?"

"A herd has escaped? Really?"

"They no longer cooperate with each other? Are they showing their flaws? Chase! Hurry up and take the opportunity to pursue!"

"Hicks is dead, Hicks is dead!"

Veronica looked at the scene in front of her, turned around and walked out suddenly.

Ke Sen lowered his head and looked down at his hand. Something seemed to gush out of his eyes, but because he was too sad, they dried up before they fell. In the end, it seemed that only a drop of liquid fell on the back of his hand, but Not sure if it's true.

He won the victory, but why is he even more sad and desperate

... ... ...

Because of Hicks' death, the alien beasts no longer know how to cooperate and are not afraid of death. These beasts were quickly killed by humans and fled in all directions. Although there are still many things to be done, although the alien beasts cannot be killed, they will be wiped out. crisis has dissipated.

A few days later, a video appeared on the universe network. Everyone in the Human Federation saw the young man with one golden and one purple eyes driving a silver-white mecha into the herd of beasts like a god. The last words spoken before being swallowed by Hicks.

His confident eyes, smiling lips, his appearance is engraved in everyone's heart.

The words he said echoed in everyone's heart.

This person has a completely different appearance and voice from Sann...but they have the same heart, whether they are human or not, whether they have memory or not, they always remember to protect the human heart.

That is the real, indelible heroic spirit... Although he died, he lives in everyone's heart.

No one will ever forget him.

Everyone who has ever slandered him feels ashamed and ashamed.

Humans mourned for him for three full days.

The name of Harvey, like Sann, is remembered by everyone and engraved in human history... But it is no longer a traitor who is spurned by others, but a true hero.

He brought people hope and victory.

Three months later, Roy was escorted to the capital planet and sentenced to death for the whole universe.

It is said that before his death, he was delirious due to too much torture, but no one sympathized with him.

Hicks died, the alien beast was defeated by humans, and the crisis in Muhe Fortress was lifted, all of which made people cheer... But Cosen refused to return to the capital, Xingling Gong. He only issued a statement that the victory should not belong to belonged to His Majesty Sarn, and everyone who died in battle.

After many years passed, he never left the frontier.

Although the war has been won and his loved one is gone, he still has a lot of things to do. He wants to regain the territory he lost, he wants to kill every strange beast, and he wants to stay in the place where his loved one disappeared. place, continue to inherit his will.

He doesn't want him to be alone in the dark vastness of the universe, because he'll be here with him.

For eternity.