The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 93: Demon Venerable is my former Taoist companion


Zong Jun stretched out his hand tremblingly, wanting to touch Ye Ming's eyes lightly, but stopped when he was less than an inch away from his eyelashes.

Ye Ming blinked his eyes, and seemed a little puzzled and surprised, but a clear expression appeared on his face. He felt Zong Jun's hand shaking while holding him, he sighed inaudibly, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, With a faint smile: "I'm fine, don't worry."

The arrival of this day, in fact, they all knew that it would be sooner or later, but they didn't expect that the time he insisted on... was shorter than expected.

No matter how deep the love is like the sea, it can't match the ruthlessness of time and the will of God.

Ye Ming raised his hand and wanted to touch Zong Jun's face, but it was pitch black in front of him. This time, he bumped into Zong Jun's shoulder. His hand slowly moved up, along Zong Jun's neck, chin... on his face.

The cool fingers touched Zong Jun's skin and traced his outline, as if to use this method to remember this person in his heart.

Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Although I can't see you anymore, I still remember your appearance, and I won't forget you."

Just like you won't forget me.

Zong Jun's eyes were red and his lips were shaking, yes... I know you won't forget me, I know.

Ye Ming said, "Don't be sad, I'm actually quite satisfied."

Zong Jun closed his eyes in pain, how could he not be sad? He once thought that this person didn't love him, and he worked hard to resurrect this person... just to keep him by his side.

No matter how much hatred, no matter how much resentment, in the end it is impossible to see it and let it go.

Even if this person doesn't love him, he still wants him to live and live by his side.

Now he finally understood that Ye Ming loved him, but this time, he didn't even have a chance to save him. He was going to lose this person completely. He brought him back with his own hands and destroyed him with his own hands.

They could have been immortal companions, but they had to part ways.

Ye Ming saw that Zong Jun didn't speak for a long time, although he couldn't see Zong Jun's expression, he knew that he must be very uncomfortable at the moment. This man... always likes to blame himself for his mistakes, just because he loves him.

Ye Ming sat up slowly, he couldn't see it, but he held Zong Jun's hand and could feel Zong Jun's temperature, and he felt extra reassured, because these countless years... This person's companionship and care have become him Part of life, he knew that unless the person died, he would always protect him.

Whenever he looks back, this person is by his side.

Ye Ming smiled lightly and said, "Three thousand years ago, I was already dead. stole it for me. After all, you and I are not detached. No matter how long this road is, it will come to the end."

"It's just fate, it's not your fault."

Zong Jun felt that the blood all over his body seemed to have frozen, and he couldn't move. After a long time, he finally made a hoarse voice: "It shouldn't be like this."

You could have lived for a long time, you didn't have to die for me to grab the spiritual wall, you didn't have to be trapped in the spiritual wall because of me and couldn't get free, and you didn't have to... end up in a wreck, and you didn't even have a chance to reincarnate.

None of these should be.

Ye Ming smiled: "But I think my life is not bad."

He raised his head and slowly kissed Zong Jun's lips. Although those eyes were dull and dull, like a gem dusted with dust, he still seemed to be able to see his persistence and firmness from them. Even death could not cover up his light.

Ye Ming said: "I'm very fortunate to have you to accompany me on this lonely journey of seeking immortality. The only thing I regret is that I stabbed you with the sword... The only thing I regret is that I killed The person I love the most, didn't even have time to say an apology."

"Until he died, I didn't let him know that I love him."

"But I didn't expect... The person I love is still alive, I still have a chance to see him again, I still have a chance to say sorry to him in person... I also have a chance to let him know my heart."

"Even if I don't become an immortal... I have no regrets in my life."

Ye Ming's soft laughter, as if it came from far away, drifted into Zong Jun's ears, with a tender and intoxicating tenderness: "So you know... I don't blame you."

Zong Jun finally stretched out his hand, slowly and tightly hugging this person, his eyes sad.

Hmm... I see.

I see.

[Ding, Zong Jun's blackening value is -1, the current blackening value is 0]

Ye Ming was blind, so he didn't go down the mountain again, and Zong Jun stayed by his side with him every step of the way.

Zong Jun seemed to adjust his mood very quickly, and he didn't want to make Ye Ming feel at ease in his last days because of his own sadness. He pretended to be free and easy and said to Ye Ming with a smile: "What do you want to eat today, I'll give it to you. Do."

Ye Ming thought for a while, and his voice was gentle: "I don't really want to eat anything, I like everything you make." What he didn't see was the pain on Zong Jun's face under the relaxed tone of his voice. How desperate.

Zong Jun heard the words and went to cook for Ye Ming. In fact, their cultivation base has already been fasted, and they don't need to eat at all, but in this last time, he just wants to be a pair of ordinary people who love each other with Ye Ming... Besides, Ye Ming's body As the situation worsened, Zong Jun made the treasures of heaven and earth into food for him to eat. Even if he just drank poison to quench his thirst, he couldn't watch Ye Ming die and do nothing.

No matter how desperate he is, he will do his best until the last moment.

It didn't take long for Zong Jun to finish the meal. Because Ye Ming couldn't see it was inconvenient, Zong Jun fed him with his own hands and put the dish to his mouth.

Ye Ming smiled slightly, without the pain and panic of blindness, nor the fear of facing death, he was calm and comfortable.

But the more he was like this, the sadder Zong Jun was, because he knew that Ye Ming didn't care because he didn't want him to suffer. He always thought about him like this...

And he had never really understood before, Ye Ming's heart for him.

At night, Zong Jun hugged Ye Ming and fell asleep. He didn't do anything, just hugged each other. He kept looking at Ye Ming with his eyes open. Even after 110,000 years, he would never forget what this person looked like. Still want to see more... Remember, be more careful...

Ye Ming couldn't see it, nor did he notice that Zong Jun hadn't slept all night.

After another two days, Ye Ming found that his sense of taste disappeared. He couldn't taste the taste of Zong Jun's food. No matter what he ate in his mouth, he didn't have any feeling. Pretend to be the same as usual.

This day, Zong Jun cooked for Ye Ming again. He gave Ye Ming a bite and asked, "How is it?"

Ye Ming still smiled and said, "Very good."

Zong Jun breathed a sigh of relief, this spirit grass was very precious and rare, and it was the first time for him to do it, so he was afraid that it would be bad, but he felt relieved when he saw Ye Ming eating with relish, and when Ye Ming was about to be full, he would just do whatever he wanted. After taking a sip, Zong Jun's expression suddenly changed.

The taste is not good at all. This spirit grass conflicts with one of the spirit medicines, and it is so unpalatable that he can't even take a second bite.

Zong Jun slowly raised his eyes to look at Ye Ming with a look of despair in his eyes.

Ye Ming didn't know Zong Jun's expression. Seeing that he was silent for a long time, he asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Zong Jun's throat was choked and he was speechless. Can you eat it so badly? Or... you don't even know what you're eating...

Zong Jun pursed his lips tightly, and said with difficulty for a long time, "It's nothing."

If you don't want me to know, I just don't know.

If you don't want me to be sad, I will pretend not to be sad.

Zong Jun put away the table with a wave of his hand, gently picked up Ye Ming and walked out of the house, then came to the bamboo forest to put him down, and the two walked hand in hand.

Ye Ming is very familiar with this bamboo forest. When the cool breeze blows at night, there will be a faint fragrance, which is refreshing, but today, apart from the cool breeze, he doesn't feel anything... His sense of smell has also been lost.

The degree of deterioration of this body is getting faster and faster.

In the evening, the two returned to the house and lay on their bed. Ye Ming couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of Zong Jun, and said softly, "Talk to me for a while. "

Because soon, I will not even hear your voice.

Zong Jun's voice was hoarse and he smiled lowly: "Okay, what do you want to hear..."

Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "Just tell me, what I don't know, how did you survive at that time."

Zong Jun was reluctant to recall those painful and dark memories, but if Ye Ming wanted to hear it, there was nothing he couldn't say. With a flash of memory in his eyes, he said slowly, "Actually, I didn't expect that I could survive... At that time, I woke up and found that I still had a wisp of soul left, and I drifted into the Demon Realm with the wind. I was not willing to die like that, thinking that I would come back to see you no matter what, and stand in front of you again, and I survived."

What he said was an understatement, but no one knew the danger in it. There were demons everywhere. With a remnant of his soul, he encountered countless dangers of losing his soul and nearly died countless times... But he still persevered in the end. , endured endless pain, endless torture, and finally became a true demon.

It's just that there is no need to tell Ye Ming about the difficult details, because Ye Ming will blame himself.

Zong Jun hugged Ye Ming lightly, and said with a low smile in his voice: "Probably it's time to die. As long as I think of you, I don't want to die."

His voice was laughing, but his eyes were full of sadness.

Yes, because of thinking of you, thinking of you, whether it is hate or love, it is you in the end. It is you who made me survive in such a situation with an obsession.

And this time, what else should I remember

Almost no more.

Ye Ming's gray eyes fixed on Zong Jun's direction, and suddenly some hot liquid flowed down the corner of his eyes.

Seeing him cry, Zong Jun said very distressed and bewildered, "What's wrong?" He tried to simplify those things as much as possible, and didn't mention the difficulties and dangers. Why did Ye Ming still cry? He hurriedly said: "I'm fine, I live well now, it's all over."

Ye Ming shook his head, still didn't speak, just silently wept.

He didn't have the courage to ask a question, and he didn't have the courage to ask Zong Jun: Then will you live as well as you do now

He was afraid of getting an answer that he couldn't bear.

Those who cultivate immortals have a very long life, but they are more firm and persistent when dealing with feelings. When they move their sincerity, they become obsessed... It is not as short as ordinary people's lives, but they can still be in the middle of the night.

Probably a long, long time ago... Probably from the moment when they became Taoist companions, witnessing in the heavens and the earth, and the heart, soul, spirit and spirit blended together, he knew that Zong Jun would not abandon him and live alone.

At this moment, he thought about how great it would be if Zong Jun could also go to and fro.

Ye Ming closed his eyes and said softly, "It's nothing."

In the end, he still failed to ask that sentence, failed to make excessive demands.

He has hurt Zong Jun for three thousand years, so is he going to make a more painful decision for him? This is not what Zong Jun wants.

Ye Ming fell asleep in a daze, and woke up in a daze, and suddenly found that there was silence in his ears.

[Ye Ming: Mom, I'm so scared, it's too quiet if I can't hear or see! All kinds of ghost movies flashed in my mind 5555, why do I watch so many ghost movies! ! !]

[Ye Ming: I feel flustered wherever I go, and I’m afraid of stepping on the air every time I take a step. You don’t know how hard it is for me to pretend to be calm. As a new blind man, it’s really hard for me to be calm. I need time to adapt. QAQ]This is too hard to pretend...

[Ye Ming: 5555 Why don't you talk to me, just talk to me.]


[888: I'm not your mother.]

The air fell into an eerie silence.

[Ye Ming: I was wrong, you are my father QAQ]

[Ye Ming: Dad, let's talk to me for a while, I'm so scared!]

[888: Don't worry, you won't live long.]

[Ye Ming: Dad QAQ]

Ye Ming couldn't listen, couldn't see, couldn't eat, and felt that he was almost a living dead. If he didn't have 888, let alone three days, three seconds would be enough for him.

Zong Jun slowly woke up, looking at the sky outside, the sun shining in from the east, and it seemed to be no different from every morning before.

He hugged Ye Ming and whispered in his ear, "Qianhong..."

Ye Ming didn't respond.

Zong Jun thought he was still awake, so he called out lowly, and then said: "Mu Yuanqing sent a message to me yesterday, saying that he would come to see you today, he has been very busy recently, and he has recruited a lot of new recruits for Xuanguang Sect. disciple."

But Ye Ming seemed to have not heard at all.

Zong Jun was slightly startled, stroked his face, and called out again, after a while... His eyes showed sadness.

You can't hear it, can you

Every minute and every second of every day, like a blunt knife cutting flesh, has made Zong Jun numb to the point of pain, and he will no longer have any emotional fluctuations.

He didn't continue to call Ye Ming, he just hugged him and lay there quietly.

The world is so quiet, except for the occasional breeze, there is no other sound, only the two of them in the world... only each other, and nothing else.

In the afternoon, Ye Ming woke up, he quickly realized that he couldn't hear, but his expression was calm.

This was a death that had been foreseen, no accident, only helplessness.

Ye Ming said softly, "Are you still there?"

Zong Jun didn't speak, he just held Ye Ming's hand and clasped his fingers.

Ye Ming knew that he was by his side. His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he had nothing to say. In the end, he just smiled, "I'm a little sleepy, and I want to sleep a little longer."

Zong Jun nodded and looked at him tenderly.

Ye Ming had just woken up, but he felt very tired, so he closed his eyes again, fell asleep again, and only said these two words in total.

Zong Jun just looked at him like this, without blinking.

After a long time, Zong Jun gently picked up Ye Ming and walked to the edge of the cliff at the top of Wangyun Peak.

The sun gradually sets, and the red light illuminates the clouds. It looks like a sea of red clouds. The colors are getting farther and darker, extending to the boundless distance... It seems that there is no end.

Zong Jun lowered his head, looked at the person in his arms, and said softly, "You told me before that you like the scenery here the most."

He knew that Ye Ming couldn't hear anything, but he still spoke to himself.

"You used to stand here alone, and every time you look at it, you feel as if you will become an immortal on the spot at any time, leave this world, leave me... no worries."

"I work so hard to stand by your side, but I just want to be able to catch you, keep up with you, and become your concern."

"Thinking that if you really want to leave one day, no matter where you go, I can be with you..."

Ye Ming fell asleep quietly, his face as cold as a fairy was reflected by the setting sun, and he was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

The jade between his eyebrows, with a sudden click, completely shattered, covered with mottled cracks, and lost the last ray of light, like a dull stone without any spiritual energy, and it can no longer be seen that the entire immortal cloud world is fighting Grab the spiritual wall.

At the same time, his body lost the last trace of warmth.

Maintaining the appearance of sleep, it turned into eternity.

Zong Jun lowered his eyes and stared at the person in his arms. This spiritual tool he built by himself eventually lost his soul, leaving only a cold body.

Just like the two thousand years before that.

For those two thousand years, he faced this icy body day after day, summoning his soul day after day, calling him back... And now, what he has left is still this icy body.

Zong Jun's eyes were gentle and nostalgic, and he lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming's cold lips.

You said, you have no regrets in your life.

In fact, I shouldn't have any regrets. I got your love, what more regrets can I have? Should be satisfied.

I have said that eternity and eternity will never be separated.

Three thousand years ago, I made this promise, and three thousand years later, I still keep my promise. Wherever you are in this world, there is me, no matter where you go, I will accompany you.

Live and die together, never give up.

Mu Yuanqing hadn't come down the mountain for a long time, because of Ye Yin's death, Tianhai Palace was expelled, and Xianyun Realm gradually returned to calm, and everything was left to be done.

As the eldest disciple of the Xuanguang Sect, he was busy with things. One day, he went to the bottom of the mountain to recruit new disciples, and went to a town that Ye Ming and Ye Ming had been to before.

Mu Yuanqing accidentally saw a human snack, which tasted similar to what he and Ye Ming had eaten before. Thinking that Ye Ming also liked it, he bought some and brought them back.

He did not stop along the way, afraid that things would be cold after too long, and soon came to Wangyun Peak.

It was just that there was no one on Wangyun Peak, and Mu Yuanqing searched for a while, in the bamboo forest, in the house... After searching everywhere, Ye Ming and Zong Jun could not be seen, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Mu Yuanqing searched all the way up, and finally came to the top of Wangyun Peak.

The top of the mountain was empty and unobstructed, Mu Yuanqing stared blankly at the front, and the thing in his hand fell weakly to the ground.

In the boundless sea of clouds, Wangyun Peak's mountaintop cliff edge.

There were only two swords stuck in it alone.

One Cang Xuan and one Zhu Shui.