The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 96: Rebirth Big Boss Chasing Love


Lu Xiuwen wrapped Ye Ming's waist with one hand, supported his weak body and made him lean against his arms, his deep eyes swept across the small piece of smooth skin and delicate collarbone exposed by his slightly open front of the shirt... Finally, he slowly turned His eyes fell on Feng Shuo, his eyes were cold to the bone.

Thinking of Feng Shuo holding Ye Ming's hand just now, Lu Xiuwen even had the urge to chop off his hand.

Feng Shuo was also stunned by this change. His first reaction was an accident. Who broke in suddenly and hurt him? But soon he noticed that Ye Ming knew this person and called him uncle, which means... This dignified man with an extraordinary bearing is likely to be Ye Ming's elder. Feng Shuo was really panicked now.

He originally expected Ye Ming to be the kind of person who wouldn't say anything if he was bored, and he didn't make a big fuss and was not afraid of anything, so he moved his mind, but if he happened to be caught by Ye Ming's family when he was doing things, the consequences would be It's completely different.

Feng Shuo stood there with a very ugly expression. After all, he was just a student. In front of Lu Xiuwen, his instinctive momentum was greatly weakened, and because he was wrong, he was even more uneasy. He didn't know what to say.

Lu Xiuwen glanced coldly at the cup on the table, and his voice was cold: "You shouldn't have shot him."

Feng Shuo's scalp was numb from Lu Xiuwen's gaze, and he stammered, "Yes, I'm sorry, it's my fault..."

Lu Xiuwen sneered, if he wasn't afraid of scaring Ye Ming, he wouldn't be able to spare him now!

Lu Xiuwen didn't bother to talk to Feng Shuoduo any more. The words just now indicated that he was extremely angry. After speaking, he walked out with Ye Ming in his arms. Ye Ming's condition was what he was worried about now, and he didn't have time to talk to him. Feng Shuo was long-winded.

As soon as Lu Xiuwen went out, the bodyguard behind him walked in immediately, stopped Feng Shuo from left to right, and said coldly, "Mr. Lu, let us take you home."

Feng Shuo's expression changed, is this going to cause trouble to his parents? He suddenly said anxiously and angrily: "You step out of the way, what are you going to do!"

But the bodyguard had already received Lu Xiuwen's order, how could Feng Shuo escape? Feng Shuo must learn a lesson!

Lu Xiuwen felt that Ye Ming was powerless and continued to slide down, so he stretched out his arms and hugged him horizontally, got into the car, and then ordered the driver to drive home.

Ye Ming thought that he could not escape Feng Shuo's hand just now, but he did not expect that Lu Xiuwen would suddenly come down from the sky to save him, leaning against Lu Xiuwen's arms, he felt an unprecedented peace of mind, aggrieved and scared, tears kept flowing down, hugging Lu Xiuwen Xiuwen refused to let go.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming's frightened little white rabbit, his eyes fell on his flushed cheeks, and there was a trace of confusion, panic and fear in his moist black eyes. Shoot the back.

This also happened in the last life. I happened to come to pick up Ye Ming and discovered Feng Shuo's mind, and stopped all this in time. In order to prevent Ye Ming from having a shadow on his university life, he didn't want to leave a trace in his heart. Afterwards, he just quietly warned and punished the Feng family, so that Feng Shuo would not dare to provoke Ye Ming again.

From the beginning to the end... Ye Ming didn't know that Feng Shuo had such nasty thoughts about him.

At that time, Lu Xiuwen was very confident that he could protect Ye Ming for the rest of his life, and let him be carefree and happy, so he didn't want to expose him to too many dark sides. He could just deal with those things by himself... But in the end, it was painful. The lesson taught him that he could not protect Ye Ming from the dark side forever. Life is long, and there will always be people who will come in when he is not paying attention, and his excessive protection makes Ye Ming too naive and easy to be deceived. Actually it's not a good thing.

This time I will let you know how many bad people around you covet you, only I am the one who treats you well and protects you selflessly, you can only love me and believe in me.

If I am truly abandoned by you, I can still get you in this way.

The car quickly arrived at Lu's house, and Lu Xiuwen took Ye Ming and strode out of the car, and put Ye Ming in his bedroom.

Ye Ming was so hot, biting his lip and rolling on the bed in discomfort, he looked at Lu Xiuwen at a loss, not knowing what Feng Shuo was drinking for him, his voice trembled and was afraid: "I... What should I do..."

Lu Xiuwen looked at him with deep pity, and gently let Ye Ming lean against his arms, his voice was low: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you."

Ye Ming stared blankly at Lu Xiuwen, not knowing how Lu Xiuwen could help him. At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his lower body. It turned out that Lu Xiuwen had directly pulled his pants down to his knees.

Ye Ming's face suddenly turned red as if it was on fire. If it was normal, it would be fine. Lu Xiuwen was originally his relative, but the current situation made him instinctively feel shy.

Lu Xiuwen lowered his head and said in Ye Ming's ear, "This is the only way to help you. If you mind, can you do it yourself?"

Ye Ming has come to understand a little bit. This is what Lu Xiuwen meant to help him. Although he is indeed more innocent, as a big boy, he has done this kind of thing himself, and it is normal... Several of his roommates often so…

It's just that he is so weak at the moment that he can't even lift his hands, so there's no way he has the strength to do it by himself.

Lu Xiuwen didn't show any eager expression, and always looked at Ye Ming with tolerant and calm eyes, obviously respecting his choice... Ye Ming looked at Lu Xiuwen like this, and suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, all men, uncle just Do him a favor, what are you thinking about? !

But despite this, Ye Ming was still blushing and feverish, buried his head in Lu Xiuwen's arms and said nothing, his shoulders trembled slightly.

The corners of Lu Xiuwen's lips twitched slightly, and a dark color slowly appeared in the bottom of his eyes. He lowered his head slightly, and his lips lightly brushed the hair on the top of Ye Ming's head, so light that Ye Ming didn't feel it at all.

Ten minutes later, Ye Ming slumped weakly in Lu Xiuwen's arms.

Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Ming was very uncomfortable at the moment, and his voice was soft and low: "It's all right, just sleep."

Ye Ming buried his face on the bed and made a muffled voice: "Oh."

Lu Xiuwen finally couldn't help but let out a very light, low laugh, turned around and walked out and closed the door.

It wasn't until outside the door that Lu Xiuwen looked down at his hand, thinking about everything just now... His eyes showed a deep desire, no one knew how much effort he had used to restrain the impulse in his heart, nothing I didn't do it to Ye Ming.

He wanted Ye Ming to be his person willingly, and now is not the right time, just to charge a little interest.

Ye Ming was lying on the bed, unusually quiet like a chicken, silent.

[888: Ye Sanfen, Ye Sanfen, what's wrong with you, why don't you speak?]

[Ye Ming: Who do you call Ye Sanfen? ? ? ! anger!]

[888: You, I'll give you the calculations, and you persisted for three minutes.]

[Ye Ming: Definitely more than three minutes! You can't make rumours without regard to the facts just to humiliate me!]

[888: Well, it’s not much, I’ll round it up for you.]

[Ye Ming:…]

[Ye Wei: This is not my problem, it is the problem of this body. How long can you expect a pure and innocent little virgin to last in this situation? This is also a practice, okay? (╯‵□′)╯︵┻ ━┻]

[Ye Ming: Think about my previous body! Which one is not majestic!]

[888: Hehe.]

Ye Ming's heart was ashen.

He blushed from shame just now, not because of anything else, but because the dignity of a man has been challenged!

The next day, Ye Ming didn't get up until three poles. Because of what happened yesterday, he wanted to avoid Lu Xiuwen. Who knew that when he got downstairs, he saw Lu Xiuwen waiting for him downstairs, so he could only bite the bullet.

Lu Xiuwen put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at him with gentle eyes, and said with a natural smile: "I got up, the rice has been warm for you, come and eat."

As if nothing happened yesterday.

Ye Ming's face flushed slightly, and he walked to the dining table silently and sat down. He didn't dare to look at Lu Xiuwen at all. Not only did Uncle Lu see what happened to him, he also asked Uncle Lu to help him solve the trouble. It's embarrassing to remember! So sorry! How could Uncle Lu help him do it!

Ye Ming just wanted to slam his head on the table.

Lu Xiuwen noticed Ye Ming's shyness, but he was in a good mood. In the last life, he had been restrained and restrained. Until he lost this person, he had never been so close to him. In this life, he finally touched this person. Under the guise of this... But sooner or later this person will truly and completely belong to him.

Ye Ming lowered his head to eat quietly, and thoroughly implemented the principle of not saying a word or going to bed.

When Ye Ming was about to finish eating, Lu Xiuwen said slowly, "From today onwards, you should move home."

Ye Ming raised his head abruptly and looked at Lu Xiuwen in surprise. He didn't expect Lu Xiuwen to bring this up again. Because of what happened yesterday, he was even more reluctant to live at home.

But Lu Xiuwen didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, his voice was a little serious, he looked at Ye Ming seriously and said, "I said before that people outside are of mixed good and bad people, and if you can't take care of yourself, you have to go home and live. "

Ye Ming opened his mouth and was speechless.

Lu Xiuwen's eyes were filled with worry, his jaw tightened, and he said word by word, "If I didn't arrive in time yesterday, do you know what would have happened?"

Ye Ming's face turned pale for a moment, and recalling Feng Shuo's actions, he also had a look of fear in his eyes. If Uncle Lu hadn't appeared in time, he would have been beaten by Feng Shuo...

"You trust others too easily, and you lack vigilance, so you can't protect yourself at all." Lu Xiuwen said in a deep voice, and finally made a direct decision: "In the future, you will not only go home and live, but I will send a car to pick you up every day to and from school. "

Ye Ming didn't want to do this, but he wanted to refuse but was speechless, Uncle Lu looked angry...

In the end, it was because he was too careless to let others take advantage of it, and he made friends carelessly. Not only did Uncle Lu not blame him, but he cared about him so much.

Lu Xiuwen saw Ye Ming shrugging his head with a look of self-blame, shame and sadness, his eyes darkened.

As I said, you will come back.

Look, it's actually very simple, I just need to indulge Feng Shuo a little bit, and let you know what abominable things he will do, not only can he touch you, but also let you stay obediently by my side, without me Sight.

This is the correct way to treat you. Blindly tolerant and doting will make you hate me.

Ye Ming went out after eating. There was a car waiting for him outside. Although Lu Xiuwen was strong, he made arrangements for him, but considering Ye Ming's adaptability, the arranged car was very low-key, not his usual car. The car, Ye Ming finally accepted a little bit.

When he got to the school, Ye Ming didn't let the driver drive the car into the school, but put him down not far away before returning to the dormitory.

[Ye Ming: Uncle Lu's trick is really good. It kills three birds with one stone. It not only makes me hate Feng Shuo, but also tastes the sweetness. It also makes me obediently go home and live under his nose all day long. It's easier when something happens, admiration.]

[888: You are not bad, I thought of it all.]

[Ye Ming: I have been awarded prizes.]

[888: Even the duration requires more practice, otherwise it will affect the quality of your nightlife.]

[Ye Ming:…]

[888: It is recommended to use with appropriate kidney-tonifying products.]

[Ye Ming: ...]Is this level impossible to pass? ! fall!

Ye Ming came to the dormitory awkwardly. Only Hu Lei was in the dormitory. His home was out of town. He didn't go home this summer and planned to live here for an internship and work. The other two classmates had already left.

Seeing Ye Ming coming, Hu Lei asked with a smile, "What did Brother Feng say when he left you alone yesterday? I think Brother Feng has always taken care of you. It would be great if he would let you intern at his company, tsk. Tsk tsk, having thighs is different."

Ye Ming was fine originally, but when he heard this, his face became a little ugly and a little angry, "Don't talk about him."

Hu Lei was stunned. Ye Ming has always been a good-natured and gentle person. Did he eat dynamite today? Suddenly he asked uneasy: "What happened to you? He, did he offend you?"

Ye Ming took a deep breath, a suspicious blush appeared on his face, how could he be so embarrassed to tell others about this? And I don't know why... What he thought most about that incident was not Feng Shuo, but the scene where Lu Xiuwen helped him with his hands. He turned his head and said, "It's nothing, I just think there is something wrong with his conduct."

Hu Lei scratched his head. Although he was very curious, Ye Ming didn't want to say that he didn't want to ask questions. As for the question of character, he had heard that Feng Shuo had some flowers, but it wasn't a big deal. Is there any other question

Hu Lei hehe said: "By the way, I'll wait for you, I found a part-time job as a tutor, and I'll discuss your part together, enough buddy."

Ye Ming smiled: "Thank you."

Although yesterday's incident was embarrassing, but fortunately nothing happened in the end, Ye Ming didn't want to remember it all the time, it would be fine to distance himself from Feng Shuo in the future.

Just a few days passed.

[Ye Ming: Why am I suffering? Shouldn't I be sleeping at home and playing games during the summer vacation? I don't need such a fulfilling life, please let me be a salted fish.]

[888: Be good, the salted fish will collapse.]

[Ye Ming: 555555]

Ye Ming pretended to be a bright young man and lived a fulfilling college life, while looking forward to his assists.

Uncle Lu is really too calm. If he doesn't stimulate him, I don't know how long he can endure it? It's really unbearable! And how can the blackening value be eliminated if the plot does not progress.

After another week passed, 888 told him that Feng Shuo had finally returned to school. Ye Ming, full of energy, was ready to meet by chance, and let the senior continue to use his residual heat to light up the road of love between him and Uncle Lu!

It can be said that Feng Shuo's life has been very difficult these days. He was escorted home by Lu Xiuwen's bodyguard, and only then did he realize that everything about him had been investigated by Lu Xiuwen long ago. What surprised him the most It was Lu Xiuwen's identity.

It's all to blame that Lu Xiuwen is too low-key, and he hardly shows his face in interviews, so Feng Shuo doesn't know him. If Lu Xiuwen reported his name at the time, he could directly scare Feng Shuo to his knees, but he actually caught Lu Xiuwen's attention. On the most precious person!

Their Feng family can't afford to provoke such a behemoth.

Lu Xiuwen didn't show his face. He just asked the bodyguard to tell him, and Feng's father beat Feng Shuo half to death, and promised in a low voice that such a thing would never happen again! But despite this, the family's business has been hit to some extent.

Feng Shuo really liked Ye Ming a little bit, but this liking was not enough for him to risk dragging down his own family, so he didn't dare to provoke Ye Ming again.

He was locked at home for several days before he was finally released, but he didn't expect to meet Ye Ming at school again.

Ye Ming also saw him from a distance, with a look of disgust in his eyes, and turned his head to leave.

Feng Shuo stood there with an embarrassed expression, his eyes changed and changed, he finally stepped up to chase after Ye Ming, caught up with Ye Ming in the woods, stopped him and said, "Gu Ran, wait, I have something to tell you. ."

As soon as Ye Ming saw Feng Shuo, he remembered what he had done to him, took a step back, looked at him vigilantly and said, "What are you going to say?"

Feng Shuo saw that Ye Ming hated him so much just now, and he quickly became concerned about it. He had to find a way to recover the loss after the incident had happened. If Ye Ming always hated him, he would say one more word in front of Lu Xiuwen one day. The Feng family couldn't bear it... So he had to beg Ye Ming's forgiveness. His father also explained to him that way, and Ye Ming must not let Ye Ming hate him.

Lu Xiuwen was not easy to fool, but Ye Ming was innocent and kind-hearted. As long as he pretended to admit his mistakes sincerely, he would definitely not care about himself again.

Feng Shuo thought of this, showing a look of self-blame and guilt, and said to Ye Ming, "I, I want to say sorry to you."

Ye Ming really didn't like Feng Shuo, how handsome and gentleman this senior was before, and when he thought about his behavior, he felt even more unacceptable. open."

How could Feng Shuo let Ye Ming leave like this? He grabbed Ye Ming's wrist, his handsome face seemed to be a lot haggard, and there was still a bruise on his chin, which was obviously beaten, he said in a pleading voice: "I'm sorry... I, I am true. I like you, but I didn't restrain myself to do such a thing, I have already paid the price."

"Do you like me?" Ye Ming's voice seemed a little strange.

Feng Shuo looked into his eyes seriously and said, "Yes, I really like you, I have liked you for a long time, that's why... I have been close to you. I really just acted on impulse, and I promise I will never dare to do so again. now, please forgive me."

Ye Ming still wanted to leave.

Feng Shuo saw that Ye Ming was unmoved, with a faint look of pain in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I know this is all my fault... I shouldn't say anything, but even my family's company has been implicated in this incident. I really knew I was wrong..."

He looked very sad, and the emotion in his eyes seemed so sincere, as if he really made a mistake on impulse just because he liked it. And his pitiful and miserable appearance made it even more unbearable to look at.

Ye Ming finally hesitated, he couldn't forgive Feng Shuo's behavior, but did Uncle Lu still hit his family's company? Looking at Feng Shuo's appearance, it seemed that he was really suffering recently, and Ye Ming was a little soft-hearted.

Since Feng Shuo has already paid the price, he doesn't need to be so ruthless, and he looks really pitiful...

Ye Ming sighed: "Forget it, I won't bother with you, you can go."

Feng Shuo seemed to be in disbelief and looked at Ye Ming excitedly.

Ye Ming paused and said, "I'm leaving."

Feng Shuo didn't stop him this time, but looked at Ye Ming's back, his eyes became calm and gloomy. He was such a deceitful and easy-hearted guy. That way... others believe what they say.

It's a pity that although he likes Ye Ming very much, Ye Ming is really not someone he can touch, and it is enough to get Ye Ming's forgiveness.

Ye Ming left Feng Shuo and came to the school gate. Lu Xiuwen's car was already waiting there and took him home.

At this moment, Lu Xiuwen was having a meeting in the company. When the meeting was over, his subordinates had already placed Ye Ming's whereabouts for a day on his desk.

Lu Xiuwen took a serious look. The front was all normal, just some internships and social practices, and he was with his roommate Hu Lei, but when he came back at night, he ran into Feng Shuo.

Thinking of Feng Shuo and Lu Xiuwen's face turning slightly cold, he had already warned the Feng family sternly, presumably Feng Shuo had already learned a lesson and did not dare to hit Ye Ming again.

Sure enough, the report said that Feng Shuo went to Ye Ming to apologize, and he didn't make any move of overstepping. It seemed very sincere.

But Lu Xiuwen looked at Feng Shuo's words, his eyes became colder and colder. This kid didn't seem to be fully learned, and he was playing tricks between the lines. Instead of honestly admitting his mistakes, he used liking as an excuse to obscure his behavior. , and sold misery to gain sympathy, apparently because Ye Mingtian was sincere, soft and kind, so he did this on purpose.

Such an insincere apology would never be accepted on Lu Xiuwen, but Ye Ming accepted it.

Even though Feng Shuo had done that kind of thing to him only a few days ago, Ye Ming was still persuaded by him, and he easily forgave this person. Lu Xiuwen couldn't help but feel angry and disappointed in his chest, reminding him of it. those things of the past.

At that time, Song Qin was also like this, and easily deceived Ye Ming.

Lu Xiuwen was very angry and very angry. He raised his children for more than ten years with all his heart, and he betrayed and left him like this. He would rather trust outsiders than believe him... All this made him unwilling and painful, as if there were some dark emotions in his heart. It grows, making him almost unable to control himself.

If Feng Shuo's behavior can be forgiven, will you forgive me generously for what I do to you? You are so soft-hearted and deceitful anyway.

Lu Xiuwen threw the documents heavily on the table, his face full of pain and struggle.

Lu Xiuwen didn't move for a long time. He took a deep breath and started to handle business affairs, and it was not until very late that he finally walked out of the company's door.

All the way, Lu Xiuwen sat in the back seat and closed his eyes. When he got home, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to the driver, "Put the car in the garage, and you go out first."

Although the driver was a little confused, he still obeyed Lu Xiuwen's order and stopped the car.

Lu Xiuwen's slender fingers tapped lightly on his knees, and there was a deep and dark look in his black eyes. He had endured it for a long time, seeing his beloved person in front of his eyes every day, but not touching them. Suffering only he knows.

Since he has already decided that he wants to have this person in this life, it is impossible to continue like this forever. He must let Ye Ming accept him slowly.

Like a hunter, approach the prey little by little, test the prey, and let the prey have nowhere to escape.

Lu Xiuwen calmly opened the refrigerator in the car, took out a bottle of high-quality wine, took a sip, swallowed it after a while, then poured some of the wine on his collar, and finally opened the car door and left go in.

Because it is relatively late, Mrs. Zheng has already gone back to rest, and only Ye Ming is sitting downstairs watching TV. The reason why he is waiting here is to tell Uncle Lu that he should stop attacking Feng Shuo's family. After all He didn't really have an accident, and Feng Shuo also learned a lesson. He always felt that it was too much to kill his classmates like this...

But Lu Xiuwen didn't come back. When Ye Ming was a little sleepy, he heard the sound of the door opening, and saw Lu Xiuwen was drunk and walked in a little unsteadily.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, then immediately jumped off the sofa to help Lu Xiuwen. Did Uncle Lu drink too much while socializing outside

In Ye Ming's impression, Lu Xiuwen has always been calm and self-contained, and no one dares to drink his wine in his capacity. It is almost impossible to get drunk. I can't help but worry a little. Uncle so drunk

Lu Xiuwen's entire body almost rested on Ye Ming's body. He didn't expect that his thin body would be so heavy. Ye Ming almost lost his footing and was brought down, so he quickly clenched his teeth to support Lu Xiuwen, and said anxiously: " Uncle, are you okay? I'll take you back to your room to rest."

Ye Ming thought that today was not the right time to talk, so it would be better to talk about it another day.

Lu Xiuwen put one hand on Ye Ming's shoulder, resting his chin on Ye Ming's neck, and stared at Ye Ming's slender and fair neck with dark eyes, so close...

And the fragrance of Ye Ming's body attracted him like some kind of deadly poison... Lu Xiuwen's eyes darkened even more.

Ye Ming finally dragged Lu Xiuwen to the second floor, opened the door with one hand, and moved to the bed.

Seeing that Lu Xiuwen's bed was in front of him, Ye Ming showed a relieved expression, and was about to lift Lu Xiuwen's arm to put him down. Suddenly, he felt the world spinning. When he reacted, he was already pressed against him by Lu Xiuwen. Down.

Ye Ming was so pressed that he could hardly breathe, he stretched out his hand to push Lu Xiuwen away.

But Lu Xiuwen remained motionless. Those black eyes that were always gentle and tolerant on weekdays were filled with emotions that Ye Ming couldn't understand at the moment.

"Uncle?" Ye Ming shouted anxiously without pushing Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming's lips, the pale pink lips opened and closed, as if he was telling him some kind of invitation, tearing apart the only restraint he had left... Lu Xiuwen suddenly grabbed Ye Ming's hand and squeezed hard. I pressed it on top of my head, bowed my head and kissed it!