The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 44: Respawn manually


frontier land.

In the evening, the wind was strong, and it whizzed through the small town with sparse houses.

On the whole street, there was only a small tea shop with some warm yellow lights, which made it a little popular.

The so-called frontier land is not the border between countries or cities, but the junction between the demon world and the human world.

The two tribes belong to another world. Originally, there was an endless abyss in the middle of the tearing space, but there are always places where the isolation barrier of the other world is weak, and the time and space are confused. Smuggling across borders also occurs from time to time.

No normal person would like to live in a place where the demons are haunted, stealing chickens and dogs tomorrow to kill people and set fires tomorrow. Therefore, the borderlands will become less and less populated. Even if it used to be a prosperous city, once the otherworldly space is not clear, there will be a great migration in the end, and only the disciples sent by the cultivation world will be left alone to guard the border.

Lu Liu poured a bowl of hot wine for the newcomer, and followed a few people around the stove to greet each other: "Where did you come from, brother?"

"Come from the south."

"Where is it?" Several people looked at each other, making a clear look: "It's not easy right now."

The newcomer held the wine bowl and frowned, "Who said no? There will be a fight every three days, and no one can handle such a tossing method."

Someone in the corner interjected: "Cangqiong Mountain and Huanhua Palace belong to one of the four major factions, why are there so many riots over the years? There is no such thing as a big fight between the disciples on both sides. "

Lu Liudao: "How many years have you been staying in this hellish place where you don't shit? It's been too long without asking anything. It was the acquiescence of the heads of the two factions that made the disciples fight harder!"

"Why is this? Brother Six, please tell me."

Lu Liu cleared his throat and said, "This is very complicated to say. Do you know who is the head of Huan Hua Palace now?"

"I heard it's a hairy boy."

Lu Liu sneered: "If Luo Binghe can be called a hairy boy, you and I will live in vain. It is not easy to say that Luo Binghe was born in the Cangqiongshan faction, and he was the first disciple of Shen Qingqiu in Qingjing Peak. A conference of the Immortal League, topping the list, it is called a scenery."

Others wondered: "From Cangqiong Mountain, how can he be the head of Huanhua Palace?"

"After the Immortal Alliance Conference, Luo Binghe disappeared for three years. No one knew where he had been or what he had done. Shen Qingqiu said at the time that he was dead, so everyone was convinced that he was dead. Three years later, he made a comeback and became a pivotal figure in the Huanhua Palace, forcing Shen Qingqiu to blow himself up on the spot in Jinlan City."

The newcomer said, "I've never been able to understand this matter. Is this Shen Qingqiu wronged or damned?"

Lu Liudao: "I can't tell until now. The Cangqiongshan faction must be unanimous, and whoever mentions it will beat whoever. Their family has always been like this, and even the fact that An Dingfeng Shang Qinghua defected and entered the demon world is a sure thing. Don't let others talk too much. After the incident in Jinlan City, the Huanhua Palace changed its owners not long after, the old palace master retired, and he couldn't even see a single person. It was Luo Binghe who held the power, and whoever brought it up would kill whoever."

Someone muttered, "Just because of a dead man."

Lu Liudao: "The turmoil caused by this dead person is not small. Shen Qingqiu is a member of the Cang Qiong Mountain faction and one of the twelve peak masters. His body must be returned to Qingjing Peak and buried with the previous peak masters— But the problem is, Luo Binghe refuses to return the body."

Everyone thought of things like whipping the corpse and exposing the corpse, and they were horrified: "If you don't want to pay it back, won't the Cangqiong Mountain faction grab it? The Baizhan Peak Peak Master is still there."

Lu Liu spread his hands: "I can't beat it."

"What?!" Everyone's three views were destroyed. The positioning of Baizhan Peak in their hearts, that is, the undefeated God of War, is really unacceptable.

Lu Liudao: "You don't know? Bai Zhanfeng Liu Qingge has fought against Luo Binghe countless times since Jinlan City, and he has never won! This is not over yet. Luo Binghe brought Shen Qingqiu's body back to the Huanhua Palace, and never won. In a few days, I personally cut off Mu Qingfang from Qiancao Peak."

Someone said: "Qiancaofeng never asks about world affairs, saves the dying, how could he provoke this demon king?"

Lu Liudao: "Luo Binghe took people to Huanhua Palace and asked him to cure Shen Qingqiu." He sighed: "Everyone is hardened, what else can they cure?"

The newcomer said, "I see that when the two sides are fighting, the Cangqiongshan faction always loves to be called the running dog of the Huanhuagong Demon Race. What is this allusion?"

Lu Liudao: "This is because the entire Cangqiong Mountain faction does not know what is going on, and they all insist that Luo Binghe is of demon blood. However, several abbots of Zhaohua Temple have personally learned that the spiritual energy in Luo Binghe's body is running normally. Cangqiong Mountain still insists on it. That's what it's called... You come to me to repay grievances, and the two factions are getting bigger and bigger. I think there will be a day when all the boats will be overturned, and no one will have to live, so ah," he said at the end, not forgetting to comfort himself: "It's a good thing for people like us who were sent to guard the world to be free and leisurely."

The man in the corner said confusedly: "I can't figure out what's going on with this pair of master and apprentice and these two factions."

"Qiu Shen is like the sea is one explanation, but there is another explanation..." Lu Liu was about to gossip with great interest when suddenly, there was a clatter from outside the door.

Everyone in the room was immediately alert, and the tiredness and tiredness of the previous ones were swept away, and they each prepared weapons and weapons.

The borderlands are sparsely populated and desolate. They are the only guards stationed in the entire town. Those who go out to patrol will not come back so quickly, and the few remaining residents will not come out to hang out in the middle of the night.

There was no answer in the house, and after a long while, the wooden door was knocked twice.

Lu Liu said sharply: "Who is it!"

Suddenly, a gust of overcast wind blew through, extinguishing the oil lamps and candles on the table, and the room was pitch black, only the dark red light of the stove charcoal burned faintly.

The shadow of a man with a sword on his back appeared on the door and window paper, and the man said loudly, "Sixth brother, it's me. It's too cold today, so I'll be back first, open the door and let me come in and have a warm drink."

The rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief and scolded: "Are you going to die, old Qin, just knock on the door and don't speak, I don't know if you thought you were eaten by a ghost!"

The man outside the door smiled. Lu Liu felt something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't catch the string and said, "Come in!" and opened the door.

A gust of cold wind blew in outside the door, and it was empty.

Lu Liu slammed the door shut and said solemnly, "Light the lamp."

The newcomer's hands trembled slightly, and he turned around and squeezed a fire tactic. The firelight trembled and reflected a few figures. Before he lit the candle, he turned back and said hesitantly: "Sixth brother, I... I want to ask you. ."

Lu Liu said impatiently, "What are you dawdling for?"

The newcomer said, "There used to be only six people in our house, right?"

"But why do I look... like there are seven?"

Dead silence.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and I don't know who moved the hand first. Lu Liu shouted, "Lights up! Lights up!" Everyone hurriedly cast fire tricks, but the movements were too messy, the firelight swayed wildly, the figures swayed wildly, and the shaking made people's eyes faint, but it became more and more difficult to see who was who, and everyone was afraid If you hurt your own people, you don't dare to use a ruthless hand, and call the thing that comes in to fish in troubled waters, a knife here and a knife there. Lu Liuzheng was angry and was suddenly strangled by the neck.

He rolled his eyes, his feet gradually lifted off the ground, and he couldn't see what was pinching him. Just thought it was going to die at this time. The door abruptly bounced to both sides, and a gust of wind swept in.

A figure entered aggressively.

Not seeing how he punched and kicked, Lu Liu heard a strange cry in his ear, which seemed to come from pinching his own thing, and then his throat loosened.

The six people in the house were still in shock, and some were already lying on the ground. The man snapped his fingers, and several oil lamps in the room lit up.

He looked down for a moment, then got up and said, "No problem. I fainted."

This man was covered in black mud, as if he had just been dug out of the grave, and his face was full of beards, which covered his facial features. Lu Liu stared at him and looked up and down for a long while before clasping his fists and saying, "Thank you for your help!"

The man put a hand on his shoulder: "I have something to ask next."

Lu Liu: "Please speak."

The other party said, "What year is it now?"

When Shen Qingqiu was covered in mud and fell from the mountain, he really wanted to blow the plane up to the sky ten thousand times. Exploding the spirit body or the flower is optional.

At the beginning, the most enrolling method he envisioned was actually suspended animation.

But what's the point of suspended animation

The puppet feigned death and escaped from the golden cicada, and the TV series were too good to be played.

So the method he used was really dead.

On that day, he really blew himself up, and by the way, he extradited most of Luo Binghe's runaway demonic energy, and it is not an exaggeration to say that his spiritual veins were shattered.

To die, to live later.

Riyuelu Huazhi is simply called "meat zhi", which means it literally. Although this zhi is not very useful for cultivation, it is a collection of the essence of the heaven and earth, the sun and the moon. If its seedlings are kept in a place full of aura, guided and cultivated, carefully shaped, watered with blood and matured At that time, you can grow a *living body. The body can grow, but the soul cannot be created in this way. That is to say, what is planted is an empty shell without a soul, which is perfect for a container.

"If you plant a small plant in spring, you will reap a big plant in autumn", it is no longer a dream!

Lu Huazhi is not a Chinese cabbage, and it can also be fed with a little dung water. Shen Qingqiu planted several seedlings of Luhuazhi that were discarded, and only planted one that did not grow crooked.

Shang Qinghua and him calculated the coordinates of each place early and performed remote operations. At the bottom of the tallest building in Huayue City, a teleportation formation was set up. When the sun was at its peak, Shang Qinghua set up another push formation on Cangqiong Mountain. Once Shen Qingqiu's soul left his body, he would be teleported to the border where he was buried long ago. Among the mature Luzhi deep in the mountains.

Three locations, three arrays, connected by a straight line is the most stable equilateral triangle cycle, absolutely stable and absolutely reliable.

The only flaw is someone.

It's really reliable to jerk off to the sky with chicory.

Although there were no mistakes like "arms and thighs did not grow together" or "critical parts were broken" that Shen Qingqiu had worried about before, the Riyueluhuazhi, which was ripened with chemical fertilizers, really had side effects.

When he first woke up, Shen Qingqiu waited quietly for a while, but didn't hear that hateful Google Translate sound.

He was overjoyed: the system didn't come out, hahaha the system didn't come out! The labor and capital have changed hardware and don't install your virus software, hahaha! Although I only temporarily let go of my heart, I couldn't help but dance... dance and dance.

His whole body is still buried in the soil and can't move!

After being buried for a day, Shen Qingqiu shivered and crawled out until he was able to control his limbs.

The moment he broke out of the ground, before he could indulge in the fresh and free air, he fell headfirst. Ah, my body didn't obey me again, and I fell down.

For a whole day, he did radio gymnastics while walking until night, when Shen Qingqiu acted like a normal person.

The human-shaped mold used the appearance of Shen Yuan in his previous life. Not as good as Shen Qingqiu's immortal style, but still a good skin, just a bit of a decadent feeling of being a little white-faced and waiting to die. But because when raising Luzhi, part of his blood and bones were used, it would have an impact no matter what. Shen Qingqiu rolled to the edge of the stream and shaved his beard with a sharp rock. This face was still very similar to Shen Qingqiu's. He silently picked up the beard and put it back on his face.

After finally rolling down the mountain, I caught this passerby and asked—five years have passed!

He could understand that when he first woke up, his body was uncoordinated or he couldn't move occasionally because it needed a break-in period that should be configured, but what happened after being buried for five years? !

Well, rants are rants, Shen Qingqiu is quite satisfied with the current situation. This body... simply bursting with spiritual power!

Originally, Shen Qingqiu's body, if there was no unsolved messing up from time to time, was considered to be full of spiritual power, but compared to the current feeling, it was like two bars of electricity (enough) and full battery (just after charging and unplugging). removed the plug). Or simply say that he himself is a generator! It's more agile than reborn and Yi Jin Xi Maru.

Is this the rhythm he wants to hang up too? !

Shen Qingqiu felt that he seemed to have picked up a little bit of the dignity of the reborn!

Lu Liudao: "It's really ashamed that the guards still want to save Your Excellency. That thing just now..."

Shen Qingqiu listened to what he had just said and said, "This thing probably doesn't come from the devil world. It can imitate the shape and voice of a familiar person, and can't enter the door without being invited by the owner. It seems to be an 'uninvited guest' from the ghost world. The two worlds are connected, and it is not surprising to see the influx from the border breach."

This kind of uncommon ghost can also come easily, and everyone is slightly curious while admiring it, how this person suddenly appeared in the borderland. Lu Liudao: "In recent years, the invasion of the demons has become more and more serious, and even other evil spirits have also poured into the world. I am afraid a war is imminent... Oh, you haven't asked your immortal name yet?"

Shen Qingqiu's sentence, "Hehe, I'm just going down is not good. The first master of Qingjing Peak of the Cangqiong Mountain in the Central Plains cultivates the elegant sword Shen Qingqiu." Before reaching his throat, he made a sharp turn. It was so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost reported an old number. He couldn't think of another name for a while, so he pondered for a moment, and then spit out four words: "Peerless cucumber."

It is decided that the past is like smoke. From now on, I will use the id of the book review area for many years.

After speaking, Shen Qingqiu floated away. Only one room was left in the petrified wind.

After a long while, the newcomer murmured, "What he just said was... peerless... what is it?"

Lu Liu guessed: "Peerless... yellow flower?"

"Isn't it a peerless crown?"

"No no no, it seems to be a peerless wild flower!"

Shen Qingqiu stepped out a few feet away, and the soles of his feet slipped.

Well, let's think about it again, change the title...

The author has something to say: Thank you for the diving bomb of Aranggn, the rocket launcher of classmate nys, the grenade of Jiujiugn, orli, shinyshyness, night love, Yi and Fengxing, night charm, this year and the time, the other shore, Balai, Ximen Roasted Wings 3, Amaterasu Mengshen, Zhang Siwen, Bansu Fried Rice, Qian Zixuan, Incongruous Pig, Cold Water, Wangcheng, Sweet Potato, Guiying, Gugu, Please look for the attack and control, _(:3∠)_ , 829946, Bao Mi Bai, rjgh, Xia Dian, Shi Xu, Mr. Xiaomantou, Xiaohong's sister, Bao Mibai, Zhaoyun Chuxiu, angry freckles, Guo Xiaoyuan, Uncle and so on are the most loving ones , Shang Yu, Xi, Sandpiper, Shattered Eyes, Zang Zi, Xiao Erlang gn mines.

Yesterday, there was another typo and omission, I couldn't bear it—

The transition chapter upgrades the equipment for Mr. Shen

The next attack is a little better.

A lot of people are calling for foreshadowing, but some foreshadowing will not be used up so quickly ヾ(●w●)ノ

It seems like I took a swipe just now and published two new chapters. If you see two new chapters that are the same, don't click