The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 50: Gate 2 of the New World


Liu Qingge said, "What did you do?"

He would never forget the scene just now. After slashing through the entrance with the Luan sword, the room was empty, only the shadows overlapped between the curtains on the table.

Liu Qingge knew that Luo Binghe was definitely inside, but he never imagined that he was not the only one inside!

Luo Binghe raised his eyebrows, took the limp body in his left hand into his arms, and said, "What did you say I did?"

Shen Qingqiu was about to kneel for him.

Two people, or a living and a dead person, rolled down from a bed-like place and cuddled together—it didn't look like they had done anything good! ! !

Liu Qingge didn't say a word, and stabbed it out. The Heart Demon Sword was still unsheathed, and Luo Binghe blocked Cheng Luan's edge with only the scabbard. The sword qi was dominating, he turned slightly to the side, blocked the cold sword qi, and shielded his body behind him, his face showing anger.

Liu Qingge also realized that when Chengluan was dispatched in such a narrow room, a careless, sharp sword energy might damage the corpse. He immediately recalled the sword to its sheath, and began to fight against Luo Binghe for spiritual power.

During the tumbling fight, the body's clothes were loose and slack, completely slipping to the waist, Luo Binghe's palm directly pressed against the fair skin.

Liu Qingge's eyes were bloodshot, and he said, "Beast, he is your master anyway!"

Luo Binghe said calmly, "If it was someone else, do you think I would do this?"

The disciples of the Huanhua Palace surrounded by several circles were all dumbfounded, unable to understand the current situation. Luo Binghe ignored it and focused on dealing with Liu Qingge. The spiritual energy in the air around the two of them is like boiling water, and the expressions on their faces are terrifying.

Shen Qingqiu was not afraid of disaster. He was simply unable to look directly.

…too heavy. Nima is too heavy!

Give him a brain hole like the surface of the moon, and he never thought that one day he would become one of the protagonists in this kind of heavy play!

The one in Luo Binghe's arms... is indeed dead, right? !

Absolutely right, because it was Shen Qingqiu himself who blew himself up! Is that his corpse? ! ? !

This is no longer an issue of Sith emptiness, and it is unacceptable without thinking about it! ! !

Although he couldn't look directly, he hadn't forgotten that the reason he came back was to help Liu Qingge.

To help Liu Qingge is to help himself (the corpse)!

Shen Qingqiu dodged behind Liu Qingge. The latter policeman, who thought it was a sneak attack, sneered and prepared to use his spiritual power to shake him away, but a hand was attached to his back, and a slow but firm and powerful spiritual current poured into his spiritual veins.

It felt inexplicably familiar.

Liu Qingge got help here, and Luo Binghe was suppressed a little. He didn't dare to be careless, he turned his head slightly, and out of the corner of his eyes he could only see the blurred face of the person behind him, as if something was covering his face. Liu Qingge whispered, "Who is it?"

Shen Qingqiu didn't answer, but added strength in his hands. The two incomparably powerful spiritual powers merged into a first-class. Although Luo Binghe could hold it, this aggressive spiritual power would follow his body and spread to the body he was holding in his hands. He can resolve it, but the dead cannot resolve it. Luo Binghe didn't want to damage the corpse, so he had to let go. The body was immediately bounced off by the boiling spiritual field and flew out.

After Luo Binghe let go, his eyes were firmly fixed on his body, with a helpless and unwilling expression on his face. Seeing his expression, Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt a little unbearable. Using this method to force him to let go is a bit like bullying him.

There were several disciples who didn't know how to move, Luo Binghe shouted, "Don't touch it!" He waved his sleeves from a distance, and there was screaming from there. Shen Qingqiu withdrew the spiritual energy behind Liu Qingge's back, tapped the soles of his feet, leaped forward, and took the body full of him.

Holding your own body, this feeling... is really not unusual.

Shen Qingqiu took a cursory look and saw that his former body was still very ruddy, his limbs were as soft as a living person, but his eyes were closed, as if he was in a deep sleep.

The spiritual energy of the deceased who died by self-destruction has been dissipated, and there will be no cultivation base in the body to help the corpse not rot. Moreover, the time of death has been more than five years, and it is impossible to do so by using ice to preserve it. There is no herbal smell on the body, and it should not have been chemically treated. I don't know what method Luo Binghe used to preserve it so perfectly.

Shen Qingqiu flashed a critical strike that split mountains and rocks, and when he raised his head, Luo Binghe was staring at him with a grim look on his face. Only then did Shen Qingqiu realize that all the clothes on the upper body of this body had slipped off, and he was holding him naked in his arms, touching and looking at it, no matter how he looked at it, it was an extremely... unhealthy picture.

He hurriedly pulled the corpse's clothes and sent it to Liu Qingge: "Catch it!"

Luo Binghe was about to take it, but was entangled by Shen Qingqiu. Shen Qingqiu was originally worried that Luo Binghe would provoke the Heavenly Demon Blood Gu, but he didn't know if he was insane or lost his head, but he didn't expect to use this trump card. Liu Qingge caught the body with one hand, and with the other hand easily repelled the disciples of Huan Hua Palace who rushed up. The corpse was thrown around by them, and the shirt was completely torn. As soon as Liu Qingge started, he felt that a piece of smooth skin was attached to the palm of his hand. It seems that they are not suitable, and they almost push people back. Fortunately, he finally resisted the urge, and when he took off his robe, his white clothes flew like wings, wrapped his body in his arms, and unsheathed by Luan.

Luo Binghe's pupils turned red, and Shen Qingqiu felt the spiritual energy from there skyrocketing.

The entire Huanhua Pavilion is like a sealed box. A bomb was placed in the box. The bomb exploded and the four walls collapsed.

Along with the flying sand and stones, there were two other things that hit the ground and made a sound of gold and stone.

Shen Qingqiu took a closer look and saw that it was actually two swords.

Zhengyang, Xiuya.

These two broken swords, which should have been broken into pieces, were repaired by some method, tied together, and placed in the Huanhua Pavilion. With the collapse of the pavilion, they saw the light of day again.

Seeing these two swords again, Shen Qingqiu didn't know what it was in his heart, and looked at Luo Binghe.

He was originally disheveled. After this wave of bombing, his clear collarbone and chest were exposed, and near his heart, there was a ferocious sword wound crawling.

Luo Binghe's self-healing ability is extremely strong, even if he cuts off his hands and feet, he can seamlessly connect back and even grow back. Unless he deliberately does not heal himself, there are no wounds on his body that cannot be healed without a trace.

Shen Qingqiu was shocked by his sudden surge of spiritual power, his internal organs were almost displaced, he shouted to Liu Qingge, "Go!"

It seems that since he came here, he has often been the one after the break? ! You must be moved by your own self-sacrifice! Liu Qingge glanced at him, and sure enough, without any hesitation, he left as soon as he said it, carrying the body and flying his sword, galloping out like lightning.

Luo Binghe watched as Liu Qingge carried Shen Qingqiu's body away, and there was a momentary blankness on his face.

He stood there dumbfounded, forgetting to even fight back, like a child who was taken away from the world, the most beloved thing in the world, and looked like the sky was about to fall.

Seeing this, Shen Qingqiu's unbearable feeling that flashed just now became stronger.

But I can't bear it. Continue to let him hold the corpse, I don't know what terrible development will happen!

He was planning to fish in troubled waters and slip away, but Luo Binghe would not give him this chance. All his anger was vented on him. Half of his sword was unsheathed. A dark shadow appeared.

That figure was swift and incoherent, dragged Shen Qingqiu and left. Luo Binghe asked himself with excellent eyesight, but he didn't notice how the two escaped. He stood there, the storm gathering in his chest.

The disciples of Huanhua Palace have been unable to get involved, but they also know that Luo Binghe will be in a rage tonight, and he will kneel in large numbers.

However, Sha Hualing arrived only at this time, hurried forward, and was shocked by Luo Binghe as soon as she arrived. She had known this moody man for a long time, and she didn't know why he angered him again, so she said in a panic: "Your Majesty, calm your anger. Your Majesty, calm your anger!"

Luo Binghe said: "The people you brought back are really nice."

This "not bad" was even scarier than hearing Luo Binghe make her kill herself on the spot. Sha Hualing's soul flew out of the sky and hurriedly said: "This subordinate has something to report! As soon as the intruder came in, the subordinate was aware of it and dealt with it. Liu Qingge was not the only intruder! This Baizhan Peak peak master also visited the palace at night. Inside, you can't break the maze. This time someone broke the maze first, and Liu Qingge was able to invade successfully."

Luo Binghe looked at the direction in which Liu Qingge Yujian disappeared, and slowly tightened his fists, his phalanges rattling.

Sha Hualing thought, Luo Binghe definitely doesn't care who the other intruder is, he probably only cares about Shen Qingqiu's corpse that was taken away, and hurriedly changed his words: "Liu Qingge alone takes that... This subordinate will bring people to chase!"

Luo Binghe said: "No need."

Sha Hualing trembled, her heart was cold, and an ominous premonition surged up.

Only Luo Binghe said coldly, "I'll go in person. You call Mobei up."

This time, Shen Qingqiu finally knew how gentle Luo Binghe was when he manipulated the blood in his body in the past.

If Luo Binghe really wanted to use the blood of demons to kill a person, then it couldn't be just the pain of the aunt. He can make your life worse than death. The pain is so painful that you can't stand still and can't speak. You can only roll on the ground. When relieved or used to.

After the anger of the chaos, Luo Binghe finally thought that there was such a thing as Heavenly Demon Blood.

The person who dragged him out just now took advantage of the chaos, probably brought him to a safe area, slowed down, and helped him up. Shen Qingqiu wanted to sit down and didn't want to leave, but he had no strength to speak, and was dragged around half-dead for a while, and that person finally realized that something was wrong.

He put Shen Qingqiu on the ground and listened to the gentle and refreshing voice, speaking slowly, as if it was a young man, and asked in a concerned tone, "How are you? Did you get hurt just now?"

Shen Qingqiu moved his lips, but still didn't have the strength to say a word. Now there are hundreds of millions of Gu worms in his blood vessels, biting and swelling, squirming and twisting, it feels disgusting and painful.

Luo Binghe really wanted to kill him now.

Shen Qingqiu suddenly thought of what would happen if Luo Binghe knew who he was. In the final analysis, he was unlucky, and Luo Binghe seemed to be unlucky too. It's not clear who is more unlucky than who.

He went through all the deeds of these years quickly from beginning to end, which was really funny. Simply absurd. I just laughed twice, and then there was another burst of pain, and I really rolled on the ground twice. Seems like this will ease it.

He was held down by the man before he rolled twice. He touched Shen Qingqiu's forehead and cheeks. His sparse beard had almost fallen out, and he was sweating coldly. Then he touched Shen Qingqiu's heart and belly. .

For some reason, the places he touched would feel a little better. Shen Qingqiu took a breath and couldn't help but say, "Brother, where are you... touching?"

In the past, he really didn't care where others touched him, and where he liked to touch him, please do it yourself. But since Luo Binghe opened a series of new world doors not long ago, Shen Qingqiu's three views that have been formed over the past 20 years have been severely impacted.

The first point is same-sex [friendship problem!

The man let out an "ah" and quickly let go and apologized: "I'm sorry. I... didn't mean it."

Shen Qingqiu said: "Don't, don't! Just touch it! Please continue! Thank you!"

It wasn't an illusion, as soon as this person let go, Shen Qingqiu immediately felt pain. He seems to be... Really able to appease the blood of the demons!

Shen Qingqiu turned his head, under the moonlight, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but it was roughly a bright and handsome outline, and his eyes were very clear, overlapping like dew, reflecting Shen Qingqiu's shadow and the moonlight.

Shen Qingqiu looked at those eyes, his mind seemed to explode, his body was numb with pain, he sighed, curled up slightly, formed a fist with his five fingers, and slammed it on the ground.

Nope, Nima's way of dying is too stupid!

Suddenly, Shen Qingqiu's back collar was lifted, his jaw hurt, his mouth was pinched open, and a stream of liquid was poured into it.

His tongue was numb and acid refluxed in his stomach. He couldn't taste the liquid, but it shouldn't be something to drink. He choked and wanted to spit. : "Swallow it."

Shen Qingqiu's Adam's apple throbbed violently, and in a hurry, he swallowed the liquid. A few traces of unknown liquid leaked from the corner of his mouth, he buried his head and coughed violently, and the man patted him on the side.

Shockingly, after the liquid entered his abdomen, the pain of the blood worm bite that had tormented him all the way quickly subsided.

He has never heard that there is an antidote to the demon blood!

Shen Qingqiu felt comfortable in his body, but his heart was lifted. He grabbed the man's chest and clothes: "What did you drink for me?"

He broke Shen Qingqiu's fingers apart one by one, took them from his chest, and said with a smile, "Does it still hurt now?"

No more pain. It really doesn't hurt anymore.

But it's scary because it doesn't hurt anymore.

As the tongue's sense of taste gradually recovered, Shen Qingqiu felt that the blood in his mouth became stronger. Intense to the point of almost nauseating.

The original book made it very clear that all medicines have no effect on the blood of demons.

Only the blood of the demons can check and balance the blood of the demons.


Not only did he drink it twice, but he also drank two celestial blood with different original owners.

Shen Qingqiu felt that he was really worthy of the eight characters of being an unprecedented person and a future person.

The author has something to say: Thank you Oda Mign for his deep-water torpedoes, Ariangn's rocket launchers, and Rural Honestygn's rocket launchers, grenades, and mines. There are also hand grenades from Huinantian and Sancun Sunlight. Shadow, taotao, orli, zzzsl, Bale, Sancun Sun, reeeeena, Yan Yan, Yelian, Desolate City, Xi, Cang Cang, Engeramy, … , Oda Mi, Su Xiaoruo q, Bansu Fried Rice, Boiled Water, Abe Mingye, _( :3∠)_, Xiaoluan, conejo, Xue Baoniang, 2578429, eyes105, Guoxiaoyuan, eggplant, I am a wax, rasion214, mortal world unparalleled in the past, rice white, wind blowing butt cool, socks, The mines of Yi and Fengxing and Roubaozi gn. It seems that there are still missing gn not brushed out, sorry qaq

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