The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 51: Fill the hole


The sound of tearing flesh. Worth your collection. 520.

And hoarse screams.

Shen Qingqiu pressed his temples tightly, and the scene in front of him gradually became clearer.

A sea of blood.

Corpses piled up in mountains.

Luo Binghe stood in this purgatory-like scene, standing blankly.

He was wearing black clothes and couldn't be dyed red, but half of his cheeks were blood red, and he mechanically and ruthlessly raised his sword.

Shen Qingqiu stared blankly at this scene.

Originally, as soon as he saw Luo Binghe, the image of him rolling off the bed with his body in his arms and rolling into a ball automatically appeared in his mind. But now, even the thought of evasion has been shocked to the point of fading.

Luo Binghe was actually killing his own dream creature. This is basically no different from taking a steel knife and stirring it in his brain.

If it weren't for the mentally retarded and ignorant, only a lunatic would do such a thing!

Although Shen Qingqiu used to say that Luo Binghe was a jerk and liked to abuse himself, but he had abused himself to such an extent that he couldn't laugh no matter what.

Luo Binghe raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were chaotic, as if he was unconscious. But his eyes suddenly brightened, and he immediately threw away the long sword in his hand and threw it far away.

He hid his blood-stained hands behind him and whispered, "Master."

Then, I suddenly remembered that there was blood on my face, so I usually wiped the blood on half of my face with my sleeve, but the more I wiped it, the more dirty it became.

Shen Qingqiu reluctantly calmed down and said, "...what are you doing?"

Luo Binghe whispered: "Master, I... I lost you again. The disciple is useless, and you can't even save your body."

Shen Qingqiu looked complicated.

So he tortured and killed the dream creature just now, as... self-discipline

No wonder Luo Binghe couldn't even perceive whether he was a product of an illusion or an outside intruder.

Shen Qingqiu really did not expect that Luo Binghe had reached this point. The way he is now is no different from being insane.

Looking at Luo Binghe's proficiency, it's probably not the first time he's done this. Shen Qingqiu couldn't bear it, he wanted to say it was a sin.

Shen Qingqiu sighed, involuntarily slowed down his voice, and comforted: "If you lose it, just lose it."

Luo Binghe stared at him blankly and said, "...But I only have that one now."

Did he really come here with a corpse and an empty shell for five years? !

Luo Binghe's voice suddenly became cold: "After Huayuecheng, I said that I would never lose Master again in this life, but I still let others take it away."

The deep hatred is as clear as the dark red in his pupils. The long sword that was thrown away by him was summoned to fly, piercing the several "people" who were struggling on the ground. Amidst the screams, Shen Qingqiu subconsciously held him down and scolded: "Don't mess around! Do you know that this is self-mutilation in a dream?!"

Of course Luo Binghe did not know that this barrier was created by him.

He stared straight at Shen Qingqiu, put his backhand on the back of his hand, and said after a while, "I know I'm dreaming. Only in a dream, Master, you would scold me like that."

After hearing this sentence, Shen Qingqiu suddenly woke up.

no. wrong.

You can't do this to Luo Binghe.

If you don't mean that to a person, you shouldn't give him hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the greater the chance of continuing to be delirious or even insane. Even in a dream, you shouldn't drag your mother-in-law like this.

When it is broken, it is broken, and if it is not involved, it will become an injustice. Shen Qingqiu resolutely pulled back his hand, straightened his face, put on a face that refused to let people be thousands of miles away, turned around and left.

As soon as Luo Binghe was thrown away, he froze for a while, then immediately caught up and said, "Master, I know I was wrong."

Shen Qingqiu said coldly, "If you know you're wrong, don't follow me!"

Luo Binghe said urgently: "I regretted it for a long time, but I have never been able to tell you. Are you still angry that I forced you to explode your spiritual body? I have repaired all the spiritual veins in Master's body, no deception. As long as I can enter the Holy Tomb... there must be a way to wake you up again."

Shen Qingqiu didn't answer, wondering if he should be woken up by throwing a few critical blows on his forehead, but Luo Binghe suddenly rushed up, surrounded him from behind, hugged him tightly, and refused to roll around. Let go.

Shen Qingqiu was hugged by him and his whole body was stiff, as if he was rubbed by something fluffy, his hair stood on end.

It's said that after blackening, you won't take the path of bitterness! Don't pull and pull!

Luo Binghe turned a deaf ear, and said, "Or is it the matter of Jinlan City that the master is angry?"

Shen Qingqiu said: "Not bad."

Luo Binghe refused to let go, and muttered: "When I just returned from the Abyss, I knew that Master, you declared that I was killed by the demons. I thought that Master was soft-hearted. I would like to ruin my reputation. Who knows, after seeing the master's attitude, I was afraid that I thought it was too beautiful. I was afraid that the master would hide it for me, but I just felt that I had taught a devil and ruined my reputation. "

He spoke pitifully, rushing out sentence after sentence, as if he was afraid that Shen Qingqiu would rudely interrupt him and would not let him continue, saying, "I really didn't arrange the sower. Let the Master be imprisoned in the water prison... I already knew it was wrong."

If it was the real Luo Binghe, I'm afraid there would not be such a time of endless talk. Probably only in the dream he created for himself, he dared to talk like this. Pushing him away at such a time was like slapping the head and face of a little girl who finally hugged the driftwood and cried sadly, which was a bit cruel.

Shen Qingqiu couldn't bear it, and felt absurd.

What's more absurd than trying to escape someone for so many years, only to find out that they didn't want to kill you at all, but to fuck you? Although the result was the same whether it was killing or fucking, Shen Qingqiu would run as hard as he could.

One was that he wanted to see him but couldn't see him, so he held the body for five years. The other is to avoid it, but I still feel that I see it more often.

He stiffened his hands, raising and lowering, pinching and releasing. In the end, he sighed and touched the head that was taller than himself.

Shen Qingqiu thought to himself: "Damn, I really lost!"

Well, a dark stallion male, let alone the harem now, maybe he is still a virgin. He has made himself like this, and he seems to be too unkind to make up for it. Shen Qingqiu still lost to the miserable Luo Binghe, and he still had his own sympathy.

Luo Binghe immediately grabbed his hand.

At the point of contact, Luo Binghe's palm felt slightly uneven, Shen Qingqiu looked closely and found that it was a sword wound.

Shen Qingqiu didn't understand what was going on with so many wounds on his body, but at this moment he suddenly remembered. At the Jinlan City night party, Luo Binghe played cat and mouse with him all the way, and when he finally caught him, he stabbed him with a sword. At that time, Luo Binghe directly grabbed the blade of Xiu Ya Sword with his hand.

As for the wound on his chest near his heart, he should not forget that it was stabbed by Shen Qingqiu when he forced him to go down at the Immortal Alliance Conference.

It seems that every time he goes to stab Luo Binghe, he never dodges. Because of this, Shen Qingqiu didn't even intend to stab him twice, but he did. After the cut is finished, the wound is not treated, but is deliberately preserved.

If in the past, Shen Qingqiu could still take it for granted that it was Luo Binghe's revenge, and he had to leave a wound to review his hatred for him, but now, what exactly does this kind of behavior mean, Shen Qingqiu can no longer deceive himself.

After reading such a long book, the child has grown up, but he never realized that Luo Binghe was an innocent boy. Affectionate stallion turned gay, and the last two words were removed immediately. Now this Luo Binghe, who was raised by him to the point where he didn't know where to go, has a more delicate mind than a little girl. easy to get injured.

Maybe it's not that he never found out, but that he never thought to find out. In the final analysis, Shen Qingqiu still regarded Luo Binghe as a character in a book. Most of the time, it's all about staying away. Luo Binghe, who had the strongest sense of existence in the original book, actually had the heaviest NPC halo in his eyes.

Facing Luo Binghe like this, even though Shen Qingqiu felt that it was terribly troublesome, he was really at a loss. A single dog has been around for many years, and finally someone seems to have so much interest in him, but it turns out that 1 is a man, 2 is his apprentice, 3 is a male protagonist, and 4 The expression is a bit perverted.

Should he wake him up, or just let him go crazy like this? Shen Qingqiu has a big head, but he doesn't dare to attack casually anymore.

For the first time in a long time, Shen Qingqiu realized how painful the feeling of "confusion" was.

After waking up, Shen Qingqiu opened his eyes and there was a snow-white gauze above.

Someone pushed in the door, closed the door softly and slowly, and said, "Awake?"

Shen Qingqiu turned his neck and squinted his eyes.

Looking at people under the lamp is better than looking at people under the moon. The man was born with a good appearance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

It is definitely the eyes raised by Dew Lake.

Shen Qingqiu sat up with a reel, the ice pack fell from his forehead, the man bent over to pick it up, put it back on the table, and replaced him with a new one.

Seeing this, Shen Qingqiu originally kept a lot of "who are you" and "what do you want" in his mouth, but he was too embarrassed to say it out. He coughed and said reservedly, "Thank you, Your Excellency, Huanhua Palace for your help."

The young man stood by the table and smiled: "There is a saying, the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a spring. Besides, the kindness of Shen Xianshi to me is far more than dripping water."

First, he really is Bai Lulin's snake man.

Second, he knew that the person under this shell was Shen Qingqiu.

Shen Qingqiu asked tentatively, "...Tianlang-Jun?"

The reason why the ancient celestial bloodline brought a "heaven" is because of rumors that this bloodline has fallen into the devil from the fairyland.

The bloodline was purer than Luo Binghe, in order to suppress the demon blood in Shen Qingqiu's body.

Then, here comes the problem. Among the blood of the demons, there were only two names given in the original work and Shen Qingqiu knew: Luo Binghe, and his father. He could only guess who.

It's just that there are no more than three things. Shen Qingqiu's strange guessing method, which has not been wrong so far, finally hit a wall here.

The man shook his head and said, "Shen Xianshi recognizes me as Your Majesty, which is too flattering."

Hearing the word "Your Majesty", Shen Qingqiu finally knew what role this was.

As soon as the original book opened, Tianlang-Jun had already been suppressed under the mountain. As for the battle a few years ago, because the male protagonist’s relationship with the stallion had little to do with the road to the stallion, I took the plane to the sky a little bit, and only said, “It’s not that many masters of self-cultivation in the enemy world joined forces to besiege, and they were suppressed in XX Mountain. Under this condition, he will never be turned over, and his confidants will be separated from the dead and wounded."

What exactly is xx mountain? Shen Qingqiu never thought about this issue. But after being stimulated, he finally suddenly remembered what xx is.

Shit, Bailu Mountain! ! !

Bailu Forest on Bailu Mountain! ! !

Shen Qingqiu looked up and down the man.

This is Luo Binghe's father's "confidant general"!

Looking at it now, he can no longer find the deformed shadow of the snake man.

Shen Qingqiu swallowed his throat and said, "Dare to ask your Excellency... your name?"

The man said politely, "Tianlang-Jun is seated, Zhuzhi-Lang."

As soon as he finished speaking, a prompt sound came from the system: [Complete the completeness of the plot and the character spectrum, B box +300. The pit-filling project is started, and the b cell +100!]

Shen Qingqiu suddenly burst into a burst of uncontrollable excitement.

"Filling the hole" definitely refers to the headless murders in the original work that have never explained the murderer behind the scenes.

This was the reason (one of) why Shen Yuan despised "The Proud Immortal Demon Way" the most. It was also the most hated thing that made him pound his chest and gnash his teeth after reading the article!

Now, he has begun to draw out characters who have not appeared in front of him, and the system has also started the pit-filling project. Could it be that, next, is it about to uncover the mystery of the truth of those giant pits that reach the sky? !

The author has something to say: Xie Xi, Fog and Clouds, A Lingling, Hui Nantian, Sweet Potato, Night Love, Listening to Rain Xiaoxiao, Guoxiaoyuan, orli, zzzsl, Roubaozi, Shadow, Zangzi, Wu Tianshu, Xiaotian Secret, Life, Heavenly King Loves Earth Tiger, Zhijin, I Am a Tree, Jinghuai, Baomi Bai, Wangu Kurong, Bianjun, Plum Bone, Leslia, Willow, Duo, history, Tan Ye mines of gn

Feeling very bad today, I changed it many times, sorry for the late...

It's not a rival in love, it's a second debate on the opposite side ^_^

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