The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 53: Unashamed


Outside the Cangqiong Mountain Sect, there is an air defense barrier. Immortal swords from other sects have to enter the country without notice. If they enter without authorization, they will be thrown off track. Shen Qingqiu stopped at the foot of the mountain, sent Feijian back, and changed his clothes by the way. A hat to wear.

There are often cultivators in the town at the foot of the mountain, but today I didn't see many of them. Shen Qingqiu was feeling a little strange when someone asked, "This Immortal Master, you... but you want to send it to Cang Qiong Mountain?"

Shen Qingqiu nodded. The man said again: "It's not good to go now, okay?"

Shen Qingqiu's heart tightened, and he asked, "Why is it so bad?"

The man and the others looked at each other and said, "You don't know yet, do you? This mountain has been surrounded for two days."

After crossing the mountain gate and going up the ladder, he didn't even encounter a disciple who was guarding the mountain. Shen Qingqiu's ominous premonition grew stronger and he jumped several steps and dashed up.

The higher you go, the clearer you can see. There are thick smoke billowing from the sky in several places on the top of the peak, mixed with lightning and thunder.

The top of Dome Peak is in a mess, the forest is burned, the ice cones are all over the ground, and the eaves and corners are damaged. It seems that there have been several fierce battles. Outside the dome hall, the two sides with clear camps are facing each other. One is a monk in the human world, standing and lying down, and Mu Qingfang is busy in the shuttle. On the other side are the demon soldiers in black armor, and the blackness is overwhelming. Although it seems to be a temporary truce, as long as someone's sword is an inch longer than the sheath, the smell of gunpowder in the air will be detonated again.

It seemed that Luo Binghe no longer bothered to conceal his identity, so Shen Qingqiu was not surprised. The original Luo Binghe exposed his bloodline, and it was almost at this stage. It is a foregone conclusion that the superiority of the devil world has been settled, and the Huanhua Palace has also been brainwashed by him from the inside out. It's just that the face-ripping prospect feeds are different.

Although all the disciples on the peak were required to wear school uniforms, there were also many famous cultivators who did not have to be constrained by this. No one cared too much about Shen Qingqiu's inappropriate attire. He squeezed to the front of the hall and looked inside.

Yue Qingyuan sat with his eyes closed, Liu Qingge was behind him, and his palms were touching his back. The fluctuation of spiritual power around their bodies seemed to be unstable, and they were probably both in bad condition.

Goodbye to these two Sect Master Senior Brothers and the unfortunate Junior Brother, they seemed to have been tricked into this by him again, Shen Qingqiu felt extremely guilty, turned his head again, and his breathing became stagnant.

Luo Binghe stood solemnly on the other side of the hall.

He wears black, which makes his skin white and transparent, his eyes are very dark, but very bright, and his expression is cold, but it seems that two ghost fires are burning and jumping in his pupils. Mobei Jun stood behind him. Although he was the deputy, he raised his head slightly, like an ice sculpture that was naturally arrogant.

Seeing Luo Binghe with his own eyes again in the real world, Shen Qingqiu couldn't describe the complicated mood at the moment.

This person is certainly the culprit of his unfortunate life, but now thinking about it, it seems that he often misunderstood Luo Binghe and messed around, making things worse. He is responsible, he admits. Moreover, Luo Binghe was also humiliated by him. Therefore, although there is embarrassment, there is no hatred and disgust.

It's like seeing a girl who loves you to the death, no matter how ugly she is, or you have no feelings for her, at least you can't hate her. Although Luo Binghe was not a girl (but she was more troublesome than a girl), she was definitely the opposite of ugly.

Yue Qingyuan opened his eyes, and Qi Qingqi said anxiously, "Senior brother in charge, are you... okay?"

Yue Qingyuan shook his head, looked at Luo Binghe, and said slowly: "In the past, when the demons attacked the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, your Excellency fought against the demons, and your master protected the entire Qiong Peak with one body. But it was you who led the Demon Race and forced Cang Qiong Mountain to such a state."

Luo Binghe said indifferently, "If it weren't for the fact that the noble faction was too aggressive, I wouldn't want to do this either."

Qi Qingqi laughed in anger: "Ha! Ha! The Cangqiongshan faction is too aggressive, and the world should listen to it. You white-eyed wolf betrayed your teacher's door and was ungrateful. You forced your master to explode in front of you. Even the dead are not spared, I don't know what to do with his body, and now I bite, who is pushing people too much?!"

Luo Binghe turned a deaf ear to her ridicule, and said dumbly, "Who's next? I'm going to pick this inscription."

Shen Qingqiu was startled and looked up. The inscription Luo Binghe said was probably referring to the banner and plaque hanging high in the dome hall. The word "Cangqiong" was inscribed by one of the ancestors of the Cangqiong Mountain School. The years are long and the significance is extraordinary, which is equivalent to a face of Cangqiong Mountain. Anyone who picks up this inscription is equivalent to slapping the Cang Qiong Shan faction in the face.

At that time, Sha Hualing rashly led a group of generals to surround the peak of the dome, and the idea was to bring this inscription back to the demon world to show off its might.

Qi Qingqi said: "If you want to fight, you will fight. You will burn down a cave for a while, destroy a mountain gate for a while, and now you have to pick up this inscription. What does it mean? Are you not willing to give a piece of torture?"

Yue Qingyuan said, "Junior Sister Qi, stay safe and don't be impatient." He stood up. Although he was at a disadvantage, his expression was as steady as Mount Tai, and he didn't disturb the military's heart. , is a person from Qingjing Peak. After his death, he must be buried in the tomb of Qingjing Peak's past peak masters. It is safe to be buried in the ground. Unless you wipe out all the Cangqiong Mountain factions, as long as someone in this sect survives, no matter how long it takes, Qingqiu Junior Brother's body will never be handed over to you."

Several people present shouted in unison: "Exactly!"

Shen Qingqiu knew that they would have this attitude. It was precisely because the Cang Qiong Shan faction would do everything in his power to protect his body that Shen Qingqiu had to come back and ventilate with them.

After the initial shock and confusion, Shen Qingqiu calmly thought about it and figured it out. The corpse was just a corpse, Luo Binghe took it as he wanted, and played with him as he pleased. When he came back in person, Cangqiongshan just let it go. But he came too late.

Luo Binghe pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly. He lowered his head and said slowly: "I will never do anything to Cangqiong Mountain in person. I will not kill a disciple of the Cangqiong Mountain faction. But I have time, and I will consume it slowly."

The three words "slow consumption", one by one, clearly smashed into Shen Qingqiu's ears, and his heart suddenly sank.

Luo Binghe would never be the kind of person who would be so polite and playful with you. After he was too lazy to pretend to be false, if he wanted anything from a certain faction, he would take the most direct and effective method: bloodbath, kill it all, and then take it away.

But Luo Binghe was able to spend two days with such patience. It didn't look like he had such a leisurely mood, but more like he was waiting for something.

For example, waiting for Shen Qingqiu to come out by himself.

Shen Qingqiu clenched his fists.

Luo Binghe said: "Do it."

Mo Beijun gave an "oh", took a step forward, and suddenly said, "I've done it many times."

The pile of exploding icicles and the pitted surface walls outside the hall are all his masterpieces.

Luo Binghe said: "Then just find someone to do it for you."

Mo Beijun nodded, stretched out his hand and fished out a timid man.

He took the man out like a chicken, threw it into the large open space between the two sides with a plop.

Shang Qinghua got up in a hurry, and Cangqiongshan sent everyone to see him, and fire burst out of his eyes.

More than them, Shen Qingqiu also spit out fury in his eyes and mouth: You jerk off to the sky, chicory, hastily! ! !

Qi Qingqi pulled out his sword and shouted, "Traitor!"

Shang Qinghua apologized and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Qi, you have something to say. Don't use swords and swords..." Qi Qingqi stabbed with a sword long ago and said angrily, "Who is your junior sister!" Shang Qinghua hurriedly avoided and went to the desert. Beijun hides behind him. Mo Beijun showed no mercy and kicked him back with one kick. Shang Qinghua said with a bitter face: "I have no choice but to do this, don't do this, let others see the jokes of us fighting each other."

Too shameless. Shang Qinghua is really less disciplined than he thought, and it's so shameless to be able to say such things now!

Qi Qingqi scolded: "Who are you from the same sect? You let the monsters in at the Xianmeng Conference, and thought that the Cangqiong Mountain sect disciples who were killed and injured were your sects? Defeated and went to the devil world, thought we were your sect? Fight up the mountain with this messed-up devil today. Come on, you also have the face to call yourself the same family?!"

The two of you are chasing after me in the temple, it's a farce. Shen Qingqiu watched from the side, and his emotions rose and fell: "Chop chop chop... chop him to death! Fuck! It's almost! Junior sister chops his crotch [down!!!"

The other side is jumping, but this side, no one can laugh.

Liu Qingge withdrew the spiritual power added to Yue Qingyuan's back, calmed down, and stood up. Cheng Luan trembled in the sheath, buzzing constantly.

Yang Yixuan clenched his fist and said, "Master, you have been fighting that devil for a day!"

Liu Qingge said solemnly, "Retreat."

Luo Binghe glanced at him, smiled, and said softly, "My defeated general."

He spoke in a low voice, but his words were clear and clear, and the ending sound rose, which could be heard by the whole hall. Liu Qingge's hand holding the sword clenched tightly, and lightning flashed in his eyes. There is nothing that can make Baizhan Peak feel more shameful than the word "defeated general".

Yang Yixuan was angry and immediately counterattacked: "The devil's bastard!"

Luo Binghe didn't take it seriously: "Yes. I'm a bastard. The entire Cangqiong Mountain sect was picked by a bastard, isn't it glorious? Not only Qiongding Peak, but I can pick all the remaining peaks one by one, and let the world know that Cangqiong Mountain is the leader of the cultivation world. How about Pie being killed by a bastard and unable to fight back?"

Ning Yingying said sadly, "Luo... Luo Binghe, isn't even Qingjing Peak, you have to burn it to be happy?"

Luo Binghe didn't even think about it, and immediately said, "No." He seemed to be stunned for a moment, then paused before saying, "... Qingjing Peak has every plant, every tree, every bamboo and every house, if anyone dares to damage it, Never forgive."

Liu Qingge hummed in his nose, and Cheng Luan burst into a rage: "It's a slap in the face."

Sword energy swept across Luo Binghe's cheeks, causing his hair to be messed up. Luo Binghe put his hand on the sword hanging from his waist, and sneered, "It's beyond your own power."

However, the two swords did not meet again in the end.

Shen Qingqiu stood in the middle of the two, the sword energy from both sides collided violently, and immediately cut the bamboo hat he was wearing pretending to be in half. With the tip of his left finger, he clamped Chengluan's sword, preventing Liu Qingge from attacking another inch; with his right, he firmly pressed Luo Binghe's hand on the inner demon, preventing him from unscabbing.

In fact, there is absolutely no need to fight anymore.

Shen Qingqiu looked to the left and then to the right, yet he hadn't said the word. Luo Binghe grabbed his wrist with a backhand, as if an ice hoop was firmly attached to it.

The smile on Luo Binghe's face was almost twisted, and he said word by word, "Caught."

Rao is that Shen Qingqiu was already mentally prepared, but when he looked at this face from a close distance, he couldn't help being horrified.

After a moment of silence, there was an uproar in the hall.

Yue Qingyuan was extremely stunned, and his voice trembled slightly: "But... Junior Brother Qingqiu

Qi Qingqi even forgot to cut Shang Qinghua, who quickly took the opportunity to roll back behind Mo Beijun. Ning Yingying tugged at Mingfan, who was dumbfounded, and murmured, "Senior brother, am I right? What's going on, that's... Master?!"

Ming Fan said: "It seems like... and like... isn't it?"

Yang Yixuan's painting style was exceptionally different. He was shocked: "Isn't this movement technique peerless Huang... Senior Huang?! Why does Senior Huang have the face of Senior Uncle Shen?"

Thank you for not saying the whole id!

Liu Qingge's eyes suddenly widened, and his usual calmness was smashed.

He said, "'re not dead?"

Shen Qingqiu's original guilt and gratitude shattered into scum. He couldn't accept it and said, "Junior brother, what's your expression like? Are you unhappy that my brother didn't die?"

Liu Qingge's face turned blue and black, black and white, colorful and wonderful. Many people are similar to him. Before Shen Qingqiu could take another sentence, he turned his face away with one hand. Luo Binghe said: "Finally willing to come out?"

Shen Qingqiu was caught by him so that his bones were almost broken, only his legs could move, and he couldn't lift his knees and kick his key parts in public, that would be too indecent. Thinking of something, faint anger turned up again.

"You did it on purpose," he said.

Luo Binghe said, "What do you mean by Master?"

Shen Qingqiu said: "You don't slaughter the mountain directly, but you spend so much time slowly, just to lead me out."

Luo Binghe said with a sneer, "Master, there are occasions when you guessed the disciple's mind right. The disciple is really overjoyed. I wish I could beat my chest and my feet, and I will definitely remember this moment for the rest of my life."

Liu Qingge withdrew his sword, swayed his body, seemed a little dizzy, pointed at Luo Binghe, and said, "You, let him go."

Luo Binghe dragged Shen Qingqiu into his arms and said impatiently, "What did you say?"

His actions were strong, Shen Qingqiu took a deep breath, and the smoldering fire that was suppressed rose three feet high: "When did you know that the one in the dream is mine?"

If Luo Binghe hadn't discovered the flaw, how could he have guessed that he didn't die and successfully waited for a rabbit in Cang Qiong Mountain

Luo Binghe said: "Master looks down on me too much. Even if I didn't doubt it the first time, if I didn't notice anything abnormal the second time, it would be really stupid."

Shen Qingqiu nodded and said, "You are not stupid. I am stupid."

Only he was stupid enough to think that Luo Binghe was so insane that he couldn't tell the difference between a foreign invader and a fantasy product.

Shen Qingqiu said: "Since you found something abnormal, why didn't you expose it?"

Is it fun to accompany the acting teacher, the disciple, and the filial piety

Luo Binghe looked at him: "Why do you want to expose it? Isn't Shizun also very happy to be coaxed by me?"


Ha ha.

Shen Qingqiu kept his mouth shut and didn't answer. He continued to speak leisurely: "There have been several times when I was almost able to follow my dreams to find out where you are, Master. If that's the case, there's no need for this one to happen today."

Luo Binghe's face turned gloomy again, pinched his shoulders, ten fingers hard, and said hatefully: "Or at the beginning, Master, don't run away, don't hide from me, then many things will be completely different."

Dare to make such a big fuss, the initiator is actually himself. And this logic sounds really reasonable. Said it right!

In some respects, Shen Qingqiu felt that this conclusion was quite correct. He does not die if he doesn't do it, he has been doing it, so death is a deserving of any kind of virtue.

However, Shen Qingqiu did eat soft and not hard. But you can't let him slap in the face after eating. Said: installed.

Luo Binghe was not a delicate and pitiful little white flower at all. Shen Qingqiu was tired of following him in his dream for so long, thinking that Luo Binghe thought it was a dream anyway, and it was nothing to comfort him, Shen Qingqiu said all the sticky words of comfort, he touched his head and hugged him again, afterward, he They were all hypocritical enough to get goosebumps.

When he thought that he was really troubled by this in his dream, but in fact these were all under the control of the other party, Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole and dig into a hole.

So ugly.

The author has something to say: thank you, zzzsl, evening, sweet potato, the base friend of the ball, orli, Tianwang loves the tiger, the setting sun is like blood, night love, fruit garden, gooee, gray ink, Oda Mi, Fengyue Boundless, Bao Mi Bai, Shadow, Kanwenke, Sheyu, Xuanjing and his 200 boys, Bianjun, Meigu, Huinantian, Shattered Eye GN's mines

Next is the fanart time~ The gn in the omg group is really talented. There are still many pictures, a few pictures a day will be released slowly!

In fact, don't ask me about the character's hairstyle _(∠)_ I don't know what hairstyle I have, no concept

Luguang gn's Spring Mountain Hate! ! ! Hope it won't be harmonized! ! ! The picture is slightly bigger to stretch the inner wall!

Hand-painted egg yolk fungus gn! Beautiful hair~

The coloring master of 108 cat food gn ^_^

Yukka sauce girl attack Luo classmate ^_^ I really want to knock it down

At this time, the little sheep Luo