The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 7: The pit male protagonist did not discuss (catch bugs)


Although it's just the upper body stripped, it's scary enough.

Shen Qingqiu is a great master after all! This figure with a red upper body, wearing only these trousers and white boots, and falling to the ground with his limbs tightly bound by thin hemp ropes, is a nuisance! where! Sample! It looks like a little white face who was caught raped on the bed with tender flesh, no wonder the system deducted so many points!

Shen Qingqiu's face turned red and white. He wanted to dig a hole in the ground with his sword and bury himself for a while, but his saber disappeared.

No wonder Luo Binghe seemed to be a little embarrassed just now, he must be thinking, seeing Shen Qingqiu's embarrassed appearance, he must be severely beaten and revenge when he goes back.

Ning Yingying whispered: "Master, you are awake, Yingying is so scared..."

Fear? If you're afraid, don't run around, sister! Shen Qingqiu was helpless.

At this moment, there was a smirk from behind.

A black figure emerged from the darkness.

"What the Cangqiongshan sect is, it's nothing more than that. If the Cangqiongshan sect, which claims to be the largest sect in the world, is like this, the demon world will conquer the human world just around the corner." After that, there was a burst of laughter.

The other party's head and face were covered with black veils, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like a voice that had been smothered by opium.

Shen Qingqiu squinted his eyes, "Skinker?"

"The famous Xiu Ya Sword was planted in my hands today, so happy! Shen Qingqiu, ah, Shen Qingqiu. You can't even guess who I am!"

Shen Qingqiu said, "There's nothing you can't guess about this."

Skinner: "… "

Shen Qingqiu: "You are Die'er."

Skinner: "..." It lifted the black veil and said violently: "Impossible! How did you guess!"

Shen Qingqiu was speechless.

Can he say, do you think I'm blind? Can't you see the figure? The first thing a man looks at is his body shape. He is bulging forward and backward, with a small waist in the middle. It must be a woman. And this kind of upstart-style decoration can't be seen in ordinary places. Do you think I don't know that I have been transported back to Chen's house? Although there are many women in Chen's house, I have seen so many of them. The one who knows the name is Die'er. If you want me to guess, of course I can only guess Die'er. I don't even know the name of others. How can I guess? Who knows what to do with a guess? Who would have known that you were so impatient that you wouldn't even be able to deny it, and you would just lift the veil of mystery!

Can he speak? Can you tell? !

If he said the above reasoning and analysis process, he would definitely be sentenced to ooc. So I could only keep it a secret, and complained bitterly in my heart.

Die'er - it should be said that the skinner, the state adjusted very quickly, with the face of Chen's concubine, he regained a very charming and proud smile: "Yes, it's me! Shen Qingqiu, you can guess your head. I can't understand, why is it a weak woman like me?"

Shen Qingqiu sat upright with a crooked body and changed to a more comfortable posture.

The boss has a tradition of confession time, and he has to give this face.

Die'er didn't need his encouragement, she continued: "The skinners come and go without a trace, not because of the ability to escape from the sky, but because every time I kill someone, I change a new one. The skins. Wearing the skins of those women, imitating their behavior, sneaking into the crowd of mortals without knowing it, looking for the next target."

Shen Qingqiu caught the doubt: "No."

Die'er's face was gloomy: "What's wrong."

Shen Qingqiu said: "If you change your skin every time you kill someone, for example, if you kill Die'er and take her skin, you will become a 'die'er, but there is still a skinned corpse, Die'er. , don't people wonder that there are two butterflies?"

After thinking about it, he suddenly became enlightened.

There is no DNA identification technology in this world. After peeling the skin, it is a blur of flesh and blood. It is difficult to tell who is who.

Die'er said: "Looks like you understand. Yes. I will use the body of the latter woman to replace the body of the former woman. For example, when I killed Die'er, I was wearing Xiang'er's skin. Everyone thought that Xiang'er was still alive at this time; after wearing Die'er's skin, Die'er's body was disguised by me as Xiang'er's body and was discovered."

Luo Binghe had been listening silently, his eyes flickering, with faint anger, the boy's little sense of justice was aroused by the vicious behavior of this maddened demon. Ning Yingying didn't understand at all, but didn't dare to interrupt.

Shen Qingqiu really admired these villains, too professional ethics, not only to expose his own psychological activities, but also to explain his detailed methods and thinking of committing crimes. For example, showing up and speaking is really... more serious and responsible than a teacher who takes the college entrance examination class!

Shen Qingqiu said: "You have to change your skin every once in a while, is it because of your pleasure, or is it not necessary?"

Die Er sneered: "Do you think I will tell you?"

You've already told me a lot, okay sis (or eldest brother?), not bad for this one!

Die'er walked towards the place where Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe were bound. Luo Binghe remained calm, and Ning Yingying shouted, "Monster! Don't come here! Master, save me!"

Butterfly smiled and said: "Your master was bound by me with the 'Binding Immortal Cable', and the spiritual power of the whole body cannot flow, and it is impossible for him to protect himself. How can I save you?"

No wonder Shen Qingqiu had been secretly exerting his strength just now, but he felt that his spiritual power was stagnant, and he didn't have the abundant feeling he used to have.

Die'er fell into the mode of talking to herself again: "Damn, if it wasn't for my practice of magic power, I would need to constantly change skins to gain popularity. You little girl has smooth skin and is a famous disciple, I guess It can be used for a long time. When your skin is sucked dry by me, it will be your master's turn. If the Xiu Ya sword can be used by me, it is not a waste of life. "

Luo Binghe: "..."

Shen Qingqiu: "..."

What did you just say? "Did you think I'd tell you" right

Not only did he tell me now, but he seemed to have said something incredible and revealed his future plans!

The villain's IQ in this world is really hopeless. Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt very tired and wanted to add a little more points, why is it so ups and downs!

Shen Qingqiu communicated with the system: "Dear, if something goes wrong during the mission and I drop it, is there a chance to read the file and start over?"

System: [Unbreakable golden body is the protagonist's privilege.]

Mom. That is to say, my life is not guaranteed at all, and I might die before I succeed in my apprenticeship.

The villain always has the good quality of "answering any question", Shen Qingqiu wanted to delay the time, and threw a question to Die'er: "Didn't you always only attack young and beautiful women?"

"I didn't say that I would only start with young and beautiful women. As long as they have good skin and delicate skin, I will start with all of them. It's just that most men's skin is not as good as women's, and old skin is not always as good as young ones." Die Sure enough, Er continued to talk, suddenly his eyes turned green, and his face changed to a coveted face, and a pair of hands painted with scarlet cardamom touched Shen Qingqiu's upper body, "However, people who have practiced immortal arts really don't. The same. Even though I am a man, my skin is smooth and delicate. I… haven’t used a man’s skin for a long time…”

Shen Qingqiu felt goosebumps when he touched his hands, and he had to make an inviolable posture. Disgusted and sympathetic.

It's a bit pitiful to think about this monster. It seems that he was originally a male, but he had to use a woman's skin all the time because of the practice.

Even so, it had a charming concubine's face after all, and Shen Qingqiu was a little embarrassed to be touched like this, and he couldn't help but shrink back slightly.

In Luo Binghe's eyes, the impact of his appearance was not ordinary.

In the past, I had seen Shen Qingqiu's aloof posture and sneering expression a lot, but at this time, I could see that this face was blushing slightly uncontrollably, and the eyes were withdrawing, and Shen Qingqiu's upper body, except for a few The thin but unbreakable immortal rope and the red marks that were strangled, only the long black hair was scattered, trying to hide it. Luo Binghe's heart was filled with an indescribable sense of entanglement.

If Shen Qingqiu was asked to find a metaphor for this feeling, it would be like a man watching a movie like that, only to find out that the protagonist is the one who asks him to answer questions every day in class, and beats his palm three hundred times if he can't answer. like an English teacher. Delicate mood!

Shen Qingqiu suddenly grinned.

Butterfly said vigilantly: "What are you laughing at?"

Shen Qingqiu said slowly: "I'm laughing at you, buying caskets and returning pearls. There are three people here, but the one that is most suitable for your skin, you haven't noticed."

Luo Binghe's face changed when he heard this.

He couldn't have imagined that he was thrown into the water inexplicably!

Shen Qingqiu didn't say anything. Who is Luo Binghe? The true identity of the family is the descendant of the ancient demons, the future young master of the demon world, and the bloodline is strong. Ordinary monsters, if they can get his skin, let alone repair the damaged monster, it is possible to dominate the world.

Die'er looked back and forth at Luo Binghe. The latter tried to remain calm, but was at a loss in his heart. I can't understand why the focus suddenly focused on him.

Die'er said: "Even if you want to lie to me, you have to tell a credible lie. Although this kid has good skin and bones, he is also very tender. How can he compare to your cultivation in the middle stage of Jindan?"

Shen Qingqiu tilted his head and smiled and said: "With your vision, it's no wonder that the practice is not good. You don't even think about it, what kind of person I am, Shen Qingqiu, if this kid is really just good looking and useless, why should I accept him as a beginner? My disciple? If I want a disciple with good roots and talent, and every year I crowd the people who seek admission to the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, is it not enough for me to choose? They are mysterious and secretive, and naturally they cannot be understood by outsiders."

Butterfly was immediately shaken. Very good, this villain really has a very low IQ, and after thinking of this rhetoric full of loopholes, he is actually skeptical!

Shen Qingqiu struck while the iron was hot: "If you doubt it, it's easy to handle. I'll tell you a way to prove my words. You go over and slap his Tianling Gai, and you'll know if I lied to you."

Luo Binghe's face turned pale on the spot.

No matter how precocious he is, he is only a child now. Even an adult is rarely able to change his color when faced with death, not to mention that he is only fourteen years old.

Shen Qingqiu tried his best not to look at him, and apologized repeatedly in his heart, I will definitely make up for it in the future!

Ning Yingying was terrified: "Master... Master, you... You're not telling the truth, are you?"

Shen Qingqiu's heart was tense, so he couldn't care less about coaxing her, he just smiled at Die'er: "Whether it's true, you'll know after a try. It's just a slap on the head of a little boy, even if I Lie to you, you won't suffer, right? Or, you are worried that what I said is true, so you dare not take this slap?"

For those who didn't understand the truth, this was undoubtedly pushing Luo Binghe to death.

Luo Binghe was completely unbelievable, he thought, does Shen Qingqiu hate him to such an extent

He couldn't help struggling to get up, the rope tied to his body kept tightening, and Ning Yingying was so sore that he didn't dare to come out.

Shen Qingqiu's words and tone were very inductive. Die'er thought about it, it was indeed the case, people have killed a lot of people, is it still afraid that it will not be able to beat it!

It hummed: "I want to see, what the hell are you doing?" As he said that, he strode towards Luo Binghe, his hands raised and palms down!