The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 77: Buried Ridge


The crowd crowded here were all people with the most sensitive five senses, whether they were nearby or not, they all turned to Shen Qingqiu, hundreds of pairs of eyes, all kinds of eyes, surrounded him from all directions.

The folding fan unfolded, Shen Qingqiu silently blocked half of his face, and half-closed his eyelids in a reserved manner.

Luo Binghe walked over, the river wind was blowing obliquely, the hem of the black clothes was sloppy, and the sword hanging from his waist was actually Zhengyang. Behind him, Mo Beijun raised his neck on the left, Sha Hualing enchantingly on the right, followed by the disciples of Huanhua Palace who had not seen him for a long time, and at the end was a small group of Mozu black armored infantry.

Shang Qinghua was mixed in the middle, and he went back and forth, and he was slippery like a loach, and the style of painting was extremely inconsistent. The two met face to face, their eyes both released hooks, the hooks formed a ball, and thousands of knives stabbed and stabbed with thousands of swords. It was very lively.

Luo Binghe walked across in a majestic manner, standing as a third party standing on the top of his head. Especially the Cangqiongshan faction, who fought with Huanhua Palace for a while, and now they are particularly jealous. But after listening to Zhaohua Temple's words, they seemed to be friends rather than enemies at the moment, so they had to endure and hold back.

Qi Qingqi said vigilantly, "Two masters are serious about what they said?"

Luo Binghe smiled: "Qi Fengzhu is suspecting that Zhaohua Temple has also been eroded by me?"

Seeing that he was about to get entangled again, Shen Qingqiu hurriedly said: "When Master Wuchen speaks, there will be no falsehood."

Hearing this, the hundreds of gazes that had originally dissipated from him seemed to be greatly stimulated, and they gathered in the past once again.

Qi Qingqi glared at him fiercely, with a state of hating that iron is not steel, (crossed out) women's colleges do not stay (crossed out).

Luo Binghe fixed his eyes on him, and said softly, "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, this disciple misses you so much."

Didn't I just see it last night...

If someone else said the phrase "I miss you so much", it would definitely give everyone present goosebumps, but Luo Binghe has the hardware and settings that "no matter what you say will not make people feel incompatible", so everyone's The focus was not shifted to him. Shen Qingqiu felt what was going on with the "inhuman onlookers", and gave a vague "um".

There was still a three-point smile on the corner of Luo Binghe's mouth, and he continued: "Northern Jiangnan sauce has always been in constant disputes, and does not agree with the merger. This time, I would like to help and join forces with you to defeat the enemy."

Seeing that Luo Binghe is standing with his hands behind his back, he looks like a human being, who would know that he is the most secretive person who likes to lie on people, cry and act like a spoiled child... a strange creature.

Who will believe it!

Yue Qingyuan calmly said: "Forgive Yue's doubts, last time Zhaohua Temple broke up unhappily, and now Palace Master Luo suddenly wants to join forces with the cultivation world to repel his biological father..."

Luo Binghe said succinctly: "I'm only for one person. I don't know anything else."

This time he didn't say who it was for, but, was there any difference? Does it make sense

The idiot also knows who this "one person" is!

Shen Qingqiu had no choice but to act like a fool again. In the snowy winter, he turned the arty folding fan into a fan, and wished he could blow away all the gazes projected from all directions nine days away.

One of the sect masters laughed dryly and said, "Shen Fengzhu really taught a good apprentice. It is a great blessing for me in the realm of self-cultivation."

Although what he said was "teaching a good apprentice", his tone was the same as "marrying a good husband". Hearing Shen Qingqiu's fanning movement carried a bit of murderous aura. Wuwang looked like he wanted a staff to ram these two immoral things to death on the spot. Master Wuchen hurriedly said: "Since Lord Luo Shi is willing to help, it would be even better. Please also ask the head of Yue to preside over the overall situation."

Yue Qingyuan has always been the mainstay of the various factions who can act at the critical moment by default. At this time, they naturally began to make arrangements.

"Zhaohua Temple, please arrange the rest of the staff to hold up the barrier and prevent the Buried Bone Ridge from continuing to fall. Be sure to prevent it from connecting with the river surface."

Master Wuchen looked embarrassed: "You should try your best. However, Luochuan is wide, the two sides of the strait are far apart, there is nowhere to stay, and the foundation is unstable, so it is not suitable to set up an array."

Yue Qingyuan thought for a while, and said, "Zhicangqiong Mountain sent Yifeng's disciple Yujian to protect him. How about forming a formation in the air?"

Luo Binghe suddenly said, "You don't need to be so troublesome."

With his head on one side, Mo Beijun came out of the queue, walked to the riverside, stepped on the water, and his figure did not fall. Where he passed, the ice spread rapidly, but for a long time, this area of water was frozen three feet, and the range continued to expand, and the swimming fish were frozen in the ice. I believe that as long as he is given a little time to freeze the middle reaches of Luochuan, there will be absolutely no problem.

The advantage of the demon output is innate. Surrounded by amazement and unwillingness. Wuchen repeatedly thanked him, Luo Binghe didn't show any arrogance, he just looked back at Shen Qingqiu with bright eyes.

His face was almost full of "Please touch your head!" "Please praise!".

Shen Qingqiu didn't know what to say, so he nodded implicitly and said reservedly, "Well. Well done."

A smile spread across Luo Binghe's lips. For some reason, Shen Qingqiu seemed to be infected, so he also raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately pulled down as soon as he realized it, only then did he control his expression.

Yue Qingyuan then assigned tasks. Tianyiguan continued to spread to other places outside Luochuan where merging visions began to appear, protecting and evacuating the people. Next is the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

Yue Qingyuan pondered for a while, and said, "When the first wave of southern border demons broke the boundary, it was on Baizhan Peak."

Only forty people came to Baizhan Peak, and some people couldn't help but ask: "Most of the southern border demons are beast-shaped, and all of them are extremely powerful. Can forty people really block the first wave of attacks?"

I actually doubt the fighting power of the fighting race (… )!

Liu Qingge stepped on the rocks with one foot, and the sword spikes and black hair with white sleeves fluttered in the wind. He didn't answer directly, but said coldly to the disciples behind him: "If you didn't kill a thousand people, go to Anding Peak by yourself."

Forty people shouted in unison, "Yes!"

Shang Qinghua murmured weakly: "Don't discriminate against An Dingfeng..." Logistics is innocent, long live logistics!

Yue Qingyuan continued to arrange, Qiongding Peak, Xianshu Peak, Qiancao Peak... each took his place and performed his duties. Seeing Luo Binghe's laid-back style, Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but ask, "How many people have you brought? Don't you make arrangements?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt countless ears pricked up, holding his breath to eavesdrop, and even the whispers suddenly became much smaller. The three graceful twin Taoist nuns nearby let out a smirk.

Luo Binghe said: "I have brought everything I can. The arrangement is not easy." Then he pointed to Sha Hualing and Mo Beijun behind him: "Let Jiuzhong-jun give it to her. The ugly beasts will be given to him."

... Is this to let the daughter go to the father again, it's just...

Shen Qingqiu said, "Is there any more?"

Luo Binghe nodded solemnly: "Also."

He showed a smile and said, "Master, give it to me."

There was a sound of coughing all around, and Shen Qingqiu couldn't hang his face.

He snapped the folding fan, held it in his hand, adjusted his expression, and said sternly: "I have something to say to the former Anding Peak master, you can run in with the masters for a while, and discuss the plan to meet the enemy."

He didn't care how the others responded, he ran away, grabbed Shang Qinghua, and dragged him to a slightly remote tree like a pig. Shen Qingqiu said, "Why haven't you died yet! You should have died eight hundred chapters earlier, why hasn't Lord Mobei killed you yet!"

Shang Qinghua straightened his collar: "Shen Da, you should have died earlier than me, you are still alive and kicking, are you embarrassed to talk about me?"

Shen Qingqiu propped his forehead and took a deep breath: "Brother Xiangtian, chicory, jerking off chicory, are you lacking in love, ah? The original setting of 'Shen Qingqiu' you said was that childhood was A perverted abuse?! You just like to write about the bitter and tragic past?"

Shang Qinghua: "Sad people are more popular."

Shen Qingqiu: "Shit! Two high-rise buildings for castration have been smashed, you tell me this is because of high popularity?"

"Isn't that what I cut and set?" Shang Qinghua put out his arguments and reasoned with him: "Brother Bing, is it miserable? Popularity, high or not?"

How dare you take Luo Binghe as an example!

Shen Qingqiu slapped him: "How much do you like to use this meme?"

Thinking of Luo Binghe's miserable kneeling on the ground to pick up the teacup, his small and thin body carrying two buckets of water and struggling to run back and forth on the mountain ladder, and huddled in a ball at night, shivering with his arms in the corner of the woodshed, he shivered. I was in a panic, and it was uncomfortable not to beat someone up, and this person must be masturbating to the sky!

Shang Qinghua looked at his face and said in surprise: "...What expression do you have, don't tell me this is distressed? I wipe, I always thought you were straight!"

Shen Qingqiu kicked him: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! Tell me, how exactly should Tianlang-Jun fight!"

Shang Qinghua: "Didn't I say everything? I can't even think of how to fight."

Shen Qingqiu: "If you can't think of it, think about it now. The logic of this world is established by you. According to your thinking, it must be..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Binghe's voice floated: "Master, can we talk about it? If it's almost there, it's time to set off."

It's only been five minutes!

Shen Qingqiu suddenly turned around and said, "Let's go?"

Luo Binghe said, "Sect Leader Yue and I both think it's best to send ten people to draw swords. Master, will you go? I'll go if you go."

Shen Qingqiu said: "Yes."

After a pause, he pointed at Shang Qinghua: "Take him."

Shang Qinghua was shocked: wipe wipe, I didn't get the strategy, I didn't want to go to the Buried Bone Ridge dungeon, thank you!

Shen Qingqiu raised his eyebrows: I didn't have a strategy, I just slapped myself on the road, and slapped a fresh and hot one out. No thanks.

Liu Qingge and Bai Zhanfeng were in charge of staying at the ice surface, Shen Qingqiu passed by him, suddenly turned back, and half-truthfully said: "If you want the apprentice to kill a thousand, then the junior must kill 10,000 to set an example. ."

Liu Qingge hummed, "If you dare to come, kill him."

Shen Qingqiu: "Do you feel relieved this time?"

Liu Qingge thought for a while, then reluctantly said, "Senior brother is here."

Luo Binghe pulled Shen Qingqiu by the corner of his clothes and said, "Master, take me to fly."

Shen Qingqiu looked down at his waist: "...Don't you have a sword."

Facing Shen Qingqiu alone, Luo Binghe immediately became arrogant and arrogant, and said shyly, "Recently, the demonic energy has been used too much and too little spiritual power. I kind of forgot how to use it."

The other ten people were all looking at this side, Shen Qingqiu couldn't hold back any longer, and said indiscriminately, "Come up!"

Yu Jian flew high into the sky, and as soon as he entered the Buried Bone Ridge, he immediately landed. Therefore, Luo Binghe didn't hug him for long.

The place where they landed was a jagged pile of rocks, with dead bones growing in the gaps between the white stones. Looking up, the dark strange trees are towering, and the qiu knots are intertwined. I don't know what monster's screaming, mixed with the sound of old crows, echoed in the ridge.

It should take a while to search in the mountain before finding the Inner Demon Sword. Shen Qingqiu reminded: "There are many monsters in Buried Bone Ridge, it's best not to touch anything that seems to be alive."

Luo Binghe was a demon, so he had to express his sincerity in cooperation at this time, so he naturally walked at the forefront, and Shen Qingqiu walked side by side with him.

As the two walked, Luo Binghe touched him and quietly held his hand.

Wuwang coughed loudly, Wuchen Amitabha, Yue Qingyuan's eyes moved calmly.

Shen Qingqiu was short of breath for a while, his forehead, cheeks, neck, earlobes were hot and hot, and he slowly pulled out his hand.

The moment the palm of his hand was empty, the bottom of Luo Binghe's eyes seemed to instantly turn into a wilderness covered by ice and snow.

Soon, he laughed, lowered his voice, and said, "What are you afraid of. They want to ask me, and they dare not say anything."

The author has something to say: the manuscript box

Thank you Angel~

Zhuo Lian threw a landmine

puff puff threw a mine

puff puff threw a mine

zzzsl threw a grenade

snowlinxue threw a mine

Jiu Ji threw a landmine

Jiu Ji threw a landmine

Jiu Ji threw a landmine

Baomi Bai threw a mine

Salem threw a mine

108 cat food gn picture ~ I want to lie down in my arms too _(:3)∠)_

Suddenly I remembered that there was a picture that I received in the wrong folder and didn't post it. It's really a sin to hold it down for so long. Don't be harmed!