The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System

Chapter 94: Extra Adventures of Airplane 5


At that time, he didn't know that the diligent and diligent fighter to the sky, the scum villain Shen Qingqiu, had been replaced by the peerless troll Peerless Cucumber.

At the beginning, when he occasionally sprayed too much on this gentleman, he would curse it casually, and pray viciously that his cucumber would never be able to use it, no matter how unparalleled it was. Unexpectedly, to a certain extent, this curse was fulfilled.

Brother Bing is in a particularly bad mood these days.

Shang Qinghua can understand. As a stallion male protagonist who can be alone in the original book, now he has brought Shen Qingqiu over to lock it up - it's really just locked up. Do is off, do nothing else.

Can you believe it? ! As the original author, I can't believe it!

If the current Brother Bing could still be manipulated by his pen, in line with the principle of "making the protagonist happy, that is, making the readers happy", he would definitely let Luo Binghe rape Shen Qingqiu hundreds of times as if he was making pancakes over and over again. Hundreds of times (there is absolutely no personal grievance between him and Peerless Cucumber. Absolutely no.) The location of the Taoist venue is not duplicated. It's easy to talk when it's cooked, and it's natural to have feelings when it's fried...

Compared with the hard and simple life of Brother Bing, who did not know the taste of meat for three years, Shang Qinghua felt more and more distressed for his son.

Therefore, no one who does not have a long brain dares to come forward at such a moment to beg for fun.

Everyone in the Chamber of the Underground Palace is busy. While Sha Hualing sewed up her giant net that was smashed by Shen Qingqiu, she secretly glanced at Luo Binghe, biting her lip unwillingly from time to time. Mo Beijun lowered his eyes and took a half-doze in the west, Shang Qinghua was so idle that his legs were shaking.

He really had nothing to do, and he didn't expect to come to the council hall. But here is the Demon Race's territory. He followed Mobei-Jun without an inch, and he might be swallowed alive by other alien creatures.

I was about to climb over to Mobeijun's side, and at the risk of being beaten, I asked the king to change to a place with a more relaxed atmosphere to take a nap. Luo Binghe suddenly said two words.


Mo Qi in the hall stood up.

Luo Binghe said, "If your hearts are not ordinary to someone, how can you make him understand your heart?"


This is a medical emergency!

Although he asked very implicitly, no one could tell that he was asking for love counseling.

This kind of thing is actually brought to the subordinates for serious discussion. People (magic) really can't fall in love, and their IQ plummets when they fall in love.

Of course, no one will dismantle his platform and directly expose it, but this question is too... inconsistent with the style of the Demon Race, and for a while, there is actually no answer. In fact, the answer is so simple that an ordinary person can answer it. If you like it, just say it directly. But none of those present were "ordinary", and apart from Shang Qinghua, none of them were "humans". Mo Beijun thought for a while, and with his brain circuit, he didn't know what he meant by "unusual", and said, "Beating three times a day?"

Luo Binghe made a "stop" gesture with one hand and said wisely, "You don't have to answer."

Among the people present, the only one who has an advantage in gender and may be good at such problems is Sha Hualing, so the rest of the people turned their attention to her. Sister Sha, who is very popular in the original work, looked at "wtf why does the old lady provide this kind of consultation to the man who wants to get started", and drew her beautiful eyebrows and the corners of her mouth: "Why don't you ask Senior Dream Demon?"

Luo Binghe said, "I asked."

No one knows better than Shang Qinghua what kind of urinal answer the Dream Demon can give. Like him, this one is definitely a "do it first" faction! Shang Qinghua couldn't help but "puha" and broke his gong.

Sha Hualing was full of grief and grievance and had nowhere to throw fire, when she grasped this moment, she burst out: "Bold! What are you, not only dare to sneak into the council hall, but also dare to disturb the scene when the emperor is discussing important matters! "

This kind of question... can't be called a discussion, and he just sprayed it, how can he "disturb the scene"? Since it was not the first time that Sha Hualing had picked on him, Shang Qinghua had been able to take it lightly, sitting on the spot and pretending to be a mass of air. Sure enough, Mobei-Jun was indifferent. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Sha Hualing twisted her fingernails angrily and said, "Your Majesty, Mobei-Jun takes him everywhere every day. He never avoids suspicion. He even takes him to the council hall. What is this?"

Luo Binghe was also indifferent: "You see him every day, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

Sha Hualing almost fainted.

This is the first time Brother Bing has expressed his opinion on his existence in months! Shang Qinghua's heart suddenly burst into ecstasy, "My son took care of me, hahahaha". Who knows, Luo Binghe looked at him and said, "Since you laughed, does that mean you have something to say?"

"..." Shang Qinghua was speechless. Sha Hualing gave a "Ha!" and said, "Your Majesty's question is very true. Since he is so familiar with Shen...he is so familiar with people, he must have some wonderful insights. I'll just wait and listen."

Shang Qinghua looked back at Mo Beijun, who was sitting behind him. Seeing that he really had no intention of helping himself, he said resolutely: "... This... Of course there is something to say! The secret is in one word: 'entanglement'! "

"As the saying goes, strong women are afraid of entanglement, and strong men are afraid of tender mothers. As long as you work hard, the iron pestle can be ground into a needle. Even if he is straight into an embroidery needle, he can also break it into a paper clip!"

Sha Hualing said: "What is straight and curved, don't speak the dialect of the human world. Your Majesty, I think he is trying to make a mystery!"

Luo Binghe completely entered the state, and murmured, "I haven't been entangled enough? Not enough?"

Shang Qinghua said incessantly: "Entanglement is the main policy guideline, but in addition to this mantra, there is another very important point to pay attention to. Gentlemen, you must know that a woman's love comes from worship, and a man's love comes from pity. A woman's love comes from pity. Let's not discuss the situation for the time being, I believe that no woman will not be subdued by the emperor's peerless majesty and demeanor, so we will only discuss another situation. If you want a man to understand you, ah no, you , understand your thoughts and respond, then what should I do? It's easy to handle, no man doesn't like weak, cute, docile objects. So what is cute? Cute is someone or something that can arouse pity in people's hearts , so the subject must be very well-behaved and…”

Flattery and ghosts flew together, and the crowd in the hall spied on Luo Binghe, who was sitting high above: his face was gloomy, his pupils were sharp red, and his murderous aura was surging. (man) The most vivid annotation of the four characters. The distance between weak, cute, docile, well-behaved and other words is like a moat.

Sha Hualing couldn't help but snorted.

Shang Qinghua quickly shut up. Luo Binghe rubbed his temples: "Go ahead."

After getting approval, Shang Qinghua continued to analyze, he said maliciously: "We can take Shen Qingqiu as an example. He is a straight man... What does a straight man mean? Oh, a straight man is a normal man... Of course I It's not that you are abnormal. He values his dignity as a teacher very much, and teachers like to favor obedient students, so if you want him to like it, the first step is to be obedient... "

The monsters and ghosts in the hall were almost stunned before his speech.

Sha Hualing: "Presumptuous! Do you mean to make you dress up, pretend, pretend to be pitiful, and listen to his words? How can you do such a shameful thing when you are a dignified ruler of the devil world!!!"

That's what it means to me!

Sasha, you turn your head to see the thoughtful expression on your family's lord, does he seem to think this kind of thing is shameful

When Shang Qinghua finished his 20-minute love consultation, Sha Hualing had strangled him thousands of times with her eyes. As soon as Luo Binghe left, Shang Qinghua hurriedly moved to Mobei Jun's place. Side, leaning tight, seek shelter.

Mo Beijun squinted at him: "So if you want to be liked by men, the most useful way is to pretend to be pitiful?"

Shang Qinghua thought for a while, "Theoretically speaking, is that right?"

Mo Beijun stretched out his hand.

Shang Qinghua thought he was going to be beaten again, and hurriedly hugged his head. But he didn't expect the expected pain. Mo Beijun just tapped on the top of his head.

Then he seemed to be in a good mood and got up and walked outside the council hall. Although Shang Qinghua was inexplicable, he couldn't hold back the staring eyes of Sha Hualing, so he took three steps to keep up.

In the end, there was still a lot of fuss.

Buried Bone Ridge, as designed in his original outline, exploded into countless flying sand and rocks, billowing with smoke.

He also took the opportunity to be heroic and rescued Mobei Jun, who couldn't fly. When he grabbed his hand in the air, Shang Qinghua could clearly see the shock in his eyes.

Maybe because of his good performance, his treatment has been improved recently, and he was allowed to go back to his hometown in Cangqiong Mountain.

Yue Qingyuan, a great and kind person, disregarded his previous suspicions and allowed him to return to Anding Peak to continue to be a nominal peak master. These days in the idle dwelling, Shang Qinghua was really idle for the first time. After finishing the stock of melon seeds, I suddenly remembered that the system has not made a sound for a long time.

Shang Qinghua rarely took the initiative to poke the system once, and the system gave him a shocking response.

System: [Goal achieved. Back to the city attachment is downloading.]

Shang Qinghua: "..."

After a while, he started shaking the shoulders of the (non-existent) system: "Goal achieved?! Back to the city annex?! Which back to the city annex?! Is that the one I thought? Ah? The system is great, your first time Say so many words, you can say a few more words, please, speak up!!!"

System: [The original design of "The Proud Immortal Demon Way" is basically achieved, the emotional line is slightly deviated, and the goal is achieved. The attachment of returning to the original world has been downloaded. Please enable the return to the city program.]

He agrees that the original design has basically reached this point, and all the pits that should be filled have been filled, but the "slight deviation of the emotional line" is not right, how can it be said that it is a "slight deviation" when Brother Bing has gone to stir the foundation? Well, alright, alright, in his original design, Brother Bing has no love line. It doesn't matter if you want to add one, so there is so much nonsense... Does it mean that he can return to the original world? ! ? !

Shang Qinghua burst into tears.

He hasn't written for a long time. I miss flying to the sky, the even-matched black and pink vest, the group of trolls in the book review area, the rewarding ditch, the laptop he used since his freshman year, which often crashed and crashed, and the huge files in the hard drive, you know , and the boxes of instant noodles piled up spectacularly behind the swivel chair. He had not had time to try the latest flavors after buying them at wholesale prices.

The system pops up a dialog box: [The attachment is downloaded. Whether to enable? ] followed by two buttons of different colors.

[Yes][Next time]

Shang Qinghua impulsively wanted to press the red button on the left.

But I don't know what was holding my arm.

In fact, he didn't have any relatives there.

In the early years, my parents divorced, went their separate ways, and had their own new families. Occasionally have a meal together, no matter which side, he feels that his existence is very abrupt, politely serving dishes, politely smiling, more polite than eating with real strangers.

Although his father is his legal guardian, when they don't meet, except for occasional phone calls during Chinese New Year and holidays to ask him if he needs money, there is no more interaction between the two sides. Sometimes he even forgot to ask him if he was short of money, but he never reminded him. No matter where he is or who he is facing, what he is most accustomed to and good at is smiling.

After all, they are adults, and it is impossible for them to pay for college tuition. He will find a way for living expenses.

That is, during the period of "thinking of a way", he inadvertently registered a vest for the destination and began to write.

At the beginning, it was purely for venting, and I could write whatever I wanted. Although it was terrible and it was a problem to put it on the shelves, it also received praise from a group of special people.

One time, I suddenly wanted to change my style to see if I could save the subscription that my editor was too lazy to bother with, so there was a hit "The Proud Immortal Magic Way".

After flying to the sky, he became enlightened, and he "thought of a way".

The more you write, the more you live, the more you live, the more you write. As a typical dead otaku, people with good relationships and good temperaments are all online, far apart. There are basically no friends like Mo Beijun.


Mo Beijun? friend

He actually positioned Mo Beijun as a "friend"? !

Shang Qinghua was frightened by himself, so he hurriedly went to get a bag of keel melon seeds, a specialty of Qiancaofeng, and ate three catties to suppress his shock, and went to sleep.

When he was dragged down by Mobei-Jun and dragged down the Anding Peak and into the northern border of the Demon Race, he was dreaming after eating the melon seeds with a mouthful of salty taste. He was frozen awake.

Mobeijun threw him to the ground, facing the snow like a knife in the northern border, his outline and expression became sharper and sharper.

Although he is very handsome, very handsome, but Shang Qinghua is too cold to appreciate this handsome, and his tongue will freeze if he wants to flatter, so he shut up honestly, wrapped himself in the quilt and got up trembling. An ice and snow bunker protruded from the ground in front, Mo Beijun walked straight, Shang Qinghua quickly followed.

The gate of the bunker made of ice bricks rumbled open and closed, passing through the long stairs, and no one was on the way, until there were a few guards and maids near a dormitory who did not dare to come out.

Shang Qinghua glanced at Mo Beijun's face, although it was arrogant and indifferent as in the past, it was a little more solemn.

He couldn't help but ask, "Well, Your Majesty, how long are we going to stand here?"

Lord Mobei didn't move his head, his eyes turned to him: "Seven days."

Shang Qinghua's absolute fall.

That's all, maybe I'll go back and continue to jet off soon. Take advantage of these seven days and say goodbye. After all, after he went back, no one would beat him often, make him a cow and a horse, and he would be served tea and water.

After standing for a while, I felt more and more cold. The Mobei clan's site is really not a place for people to stay. Shang Qinghua kept running and jumping in place to avoid being frozen alive into an ice sculpture. Mo Beijun looked at him, a smile flashed in his eyes, he reached out and squeezed one of his fingers, as if the chill was sucked away by him from the point of connection, Shang Qinghua felt that it was not so difficult.

Just more and more emotional about the upcoming parting. More and more reluctant.

Thinking about it, in fact, apart from being bad-tempered, Mobei-Jun is not very good at living, he is spoiled, and he likes to beat people. He is quite good to him.

Good benefits, good salary. Even if beating is commonplace, he is the only one who can be beaten, not others. Besides, he hasn't beaten him much recently.

Shang Qinghua was deeply worried about his distorted outlook on life and happiness.

In case he really went back, in case Mo Beijun suddenly wanted to find someone to beat him up again, but he couldn't find him anywhere, then imagine the situation, there is still a bit of sadness in the end of the song. .

Suddenly, the chill came back to him. Mo Beijun said coldly: "Where are you going?"

It was only then that Shang Qinghua found out that, under the sadness, he actually talked about his mental activities like this.

This is really going to be "sad".

Mo Beijun's hand was so tight that he almost broke his index finger: "Now you say you want to leave?"

Shang Qinghua hurriedly said, "No, no, not now!"

"Not now?" Mobei Jundao: "What did you tell me?"

Follow the king all his life. Said it countless times as a slogan. But he thought that no one took this sentence seriously...

After a long silence, Mobei Jun said: "If you want to leave, leave now. You don't have to wait for seven days."

Shang Qinghua was stunned, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm really gone, and I won't be able to meet again from now on."

Mo Beijun looked at him with the eyes overlooking the ants from a height of 90 million feet, and asked: "Why do you think I would care about this?"

Rao is Shang Qinghua's face that has been practiced for years to be invulnerable, and he shrank in front of his expression and words. He still wanted to speak, but the development of things exceeded expectations.

Mobei Jundao: "Go away."

The body suddenly flew backwards and hit the steel-like ice wall. The severe pain was only numb for a moment in the back, and immediately spread to the internal organs.

Mo Beijun didn't even raise his hand, and didn't even forget to glance at him. Shang Qinghua's throat instantly filled with warm liquid full of rust smell.

Although Mo Beijun beat him almost daily, and often made him "roll", which should be taken for granted, but Shang Qinghua had never felt such a strong hatred and anger.

Like countless times before, he got up from the ground, silently wiped the blood from his mouth, and silently gave up an unappreciated smile.

After standing for a while, still wanting to speak, Mobei Jun shouted unbearably: "Get out!"

Shang Qinghua hurriedly got out.

To be honest, although no one would know what was on his mind, he still felt a little embarrassed.

For the thoughts of "Mobei Jun" and "friends" that flashed by before.