The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 10: The Second Heaven of Tianhe Warriors (10)


"Fight! Hit all those ghosts and get down!"

"Hit...hit?! Then the two of us are not coolies?!" How unfair! The main reason is that this is unfair to Huo Ming.

"Stupid girl!" Fengshen knocked her head, she let out a painful "Oh", and Jianpo smiled away from her face. "He teased you! When it comes to fighting, no distinction is made. Everyone is fighting and everyone is killing. Then you will understand!"

Ji Wuyou looked at Huo Ming. He was still playing on the computer, as if it had nothing to do with him. She was determined not to shame her partner! Can't hold back! Can't!

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ji Wuyou went to his room, just wanted to take a bath, and rushed out when he thought about it wrong. The three people in the living room said, "I didn't bring a change of clothes!"

Huo Ming stopped his hand typing on the keyboard, Fengshen and Jianpo laughed, and Huo Ming said, "Go for the sword!"

Jianpo's smile froze on his face, and then looked at Fengshen with a bitter face, and Fengshen spread his hands innocently. Jianpo gave him a roll of eyes and went upstairs.

When she arrived in front of Ji Wuyou, she pulled her into the room, the door closed, "Did you find it?"

"What are you looking for?" Ji Wuyou didn't understand.

"Looking for the wardrobe!" Jianpo said as he opened the wardrobe door! Ji Wuyou was stunned! It's full of girls' clothes, including underwear!

Ji Wuyou was too scared to speak. The sword broke and closed the closet door, "Is it all right now?"

Ji Wuyou boldly said: "You... you bought it?"

"Yeah!" Jianpo said naturally, "We know that you are obsessed with cleanliness, and Huo Ming even washed it for you! Don't worry about wearing it!"

Ji Wuyou was so frightened when he heard that, he took a big breath of cold breath, almost did not bleed, and couldn't stand it for a while, and suddenly burst into laughter...

Jianpo was a little anxious: "Hey! Why are you laughing!"

Ji Wuyou thought of the embarrassment of the three big boys buying girls’ underwear. That scene made her laugh so hard, "No...nothing...Who told you I have a cleanliness fetish? Ah?"

"That's a slight cleanliness!" Jianpo was a little embarrassed.

"No, no, just because I was born in a family of doctors, I love cleanliness, and I don't have a cleanliness..." She gradually stopped laughing.

"Hmm...then you should take a shower and go to bed soon!" Jian Po said, going out.

"Wait!" Ji Wuyou stopped him, "How do I know if the clothes fit?"

Jianpo smiled, this time it was Ji Wuxian's turn: "I want to ask you something!"

"Don't worry, you must fit!" Ji Wuyou was a little uncomfortable listening to Jian's broken tone, but he saw a smirk. "All the information about your partner, of course, must be accurate, your height, weight, and measurements. .. ... ”

Ji Wuyou's eyes stared, isn't it

"But..." Jian Po saw her staring and stood at the door, "It seems that his chest is a little smaller!" He closed the door and fled quickly!

"You!..." Ji Wuyou got angry nowhere, this group of... this group of perverts!