The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 14: The Second Heaven of Tianhe Warriors (14)


"The earth is perishing?" Mu Mu's first reaction.

"No, it's the death of the vampire."


"Vampires live by sucking human blood. Every time he sucks a person's blood, that person either dies or becomes a vampire. In the end, everyone becomes a vampire. What does a vampire depend on for a living? Doesn’t live long. So, in the end, vampires will all perish because they don’t have food. This is called self-destruction! Just like you humans are destroying the ecological balance now."

After hearing this, Mu Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but think about it: "Then you can raise people! Just like humans raise..." Oh my God! How could he come up with such an idea for vampires? It was terrifying, and I stopped, thinking I should die!

Ming smiled: "Not all vampires have this consciousness, just like you humans, not all of you are aware of the ecological environment. Once you wait for all vampires to have consciousness, it will be too late."

"Then...what do you want?" Mu Mu breathed a sigh of relief for himself.

"It's very simple, let this world be free of vampires..."

"You want to kill them?!" Mu Mu couldn't believe it, the prince killed his subjects? !

Ming looked at her angrily: "Who said I would kill them?!"

Mu Mu knew that he had said something wrong, "Then you..."

"I want them to stop living on blood-sucking, but to live like human beings!"

When Mu Mu heard it, she understood that this was what she needed to help her, helping his subjects live like people, no longer being a vampire. "Is that what you want me to help?"

Ming nodded.

"How to help?"

Ming picked up the wine glass and took a sip elegantly, "Have you heard of a lotus called fire lotus?"

"No." Is there such a plant in the world

Ming put down the wine glass, took his hand, and leaned on the back of the sofa: "Since I had this idea, I began to collect information on this aspect. Finally, I found an animal skin book in the Royal History Library. Happy, because it records a plant called fire lotus, which can make vampires no longer bloodthirsty. But... no one has seen this kind of plant, including vampires."

Mu Mu was surprised: "Since no one has seen it, how come there is this book?"

"I checked the author of this book and everything about this book. It is a very old book. The author of the book is a first-generation vampire. He is dead, but doesn't exist anymore... ..."

Mu Mu knew that the vampire would be wiped out and turned into ashes. But she wanted to know how he died, "How did he die?"

"When he was out foraging for food, he found that the light in the dark was the fire lotus. The fire lotus was red like blood. He was hungry and thirsty. He grabbed a fire lotus and ate it..."

"And then?" Mu Mu thought he didn't die like this, did he