The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 32: The second heaven of Tianhe Warriors (33)


"Huh?!" The five were surprised with a little despair.

Ji Wuyou saw that there was no despair in the patriarch’s eyes. She always felt that this kind woman was a god and could help her. She did not give up: "Patriarch! Please! You can definitely let me find the glacier lotus!"

The patriarch smiled at her: "Good boy..." Ji Wuyou felt the sunshine. "You can find it when you go to the Ice Age."

The air instantly solidified! How can it be? Fengshen took a deep breath, "Ama, please give us instructions."

The patriarch smiled: "Open the space-time tunnel."

"Open the space-time tunnel?!" Jingzhen was puzzled. In fact, everyone is puzzled, only Ji Wuyou is secretly trying to figure out what she means. Jingyu continued: "What space-time tunnel? Where is it? How to open it? Who will open it?"

The patriarch raised his right hand and pointed, and everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, startled!

Ji Wuyou? !

Ji Wuyou looked at her pointing to her right hand, and understood something in amazement, misty and vague.

The patriarch lowered his hand and said: "The time-space tunnel will only open when the time coincides. Ji Wuyou is a strange person. Her birth time determines that she can open the time-space tunnel. Her birth time coincides with the time-space tunnel."

The room was quiet for three seconds.

"Then how can I open an accurate space-time tunnel?" Ji Wuyou said slowly. The four also calmed down and listened to the patriarch's answer.

The patriarch smiled at her, admiring her ability to change, "Mind. As long as you have the mind of the times and exclude all misconceptions, there is only a strong mind of the times in your mind, then the time and space tunnel of that era will appear in front of you. ."

After listening to Ji Wuyou's heart as bright as a mirror, he smiled, "Thank you, the patriarch!"

The patriarch nodded.

By the small river, Ji Wuyou stood alone against the wind. She was opening a time tunnel... The Patriarch, Yanyu, Fengshen, Jianpo, and Huo Ming stood 50 meters away from her, leaving her alone. Concentrate your mind.

"Glacier..." Ji Wuyou's mind always runs through this scene...

Jingzhen looked very anxious, but did not dare to move. She was afraid that a movement would make the bell on her body ring and affect her sister Ji.

The wind blew from the right side of Ji Wuyou. After a chill, his body moved slightly, and the wind suddenly gathered about one meter in front of her, becoming stronger and stronger! The patriarch couldn't help being startled. The bell of her left wrist rang with her slight movement. She knew that the space-time tunnel was about to open, and the five people saw the wind forming a gray vortex in front of Ji Wuyou, their hearts tightened, staring still!

"Wow"! It was as if something was blown away, the vortex became aquamarine, and a channel appeared!

"Appeared!" Yanyi jumped up for the first time, the bells ringing constantly on her body.

Ji Wuyou panted for breath, looking at the blue-white light channel with joy in his heart, something suddenly appeared in his mind...

The five happily walked over, and Yanyi pulled Huo Ming over: "Brother Huo Ming, hurry up! Go in with sister Ji, and wait for the passage to disappear!"