The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 35: The Second Heaven of Tianhe Warriors (36)


Ji Wuyou did not comment, waiting for him to continue to say: "The ability of the Trina Warriors is only one of the reasons why they became Trina, the main reason, not the only reason. It also depends on their genes, personality and various aspects. Comprehensive ability, understand?"

"Understand—" Ji Wu said lazily: "It's like you are you, I am me, he is him, everyone is different."

"Smart." Huo Ming smiled.

Ji Wuyou said: "You haven't told me yet, what about the sword break?"

"Sword Break can condense water into a sword by synthesizing its own body strength, but..."

"I know, it's not an ordinary sword!" Ji Wuyou wanted to jump over and get straight to the subject.

"I don't mean this, I mean-no sword can hurt him."

Ji Wuyou became interested and straightened up: "Isn't that the undamaged body of King Kong?" He wanted to laugh after he finished speaking.

Huo Ming's eyes shifted, and he looked helpless, "Did I say that he is the Immortal King Kong?"

"Huh?" Ji Wuyou stopped laughing, "What's the matter then?"

"It's a body broken by a sword... If it is injured by a sharp weapon, it can heal naturally in a few seconds..."

"Ah?! Isn't it!" Ji Wuyou was surprised, "So amazing?!"

"Yeah, it's so amazing."

"Wow... I'll try to stab him with a sword if I have the opportunity!"

"Wow, don't mess around!" Huo Ming looked at her with a vicious expression of you, "Whether it hurts the internal organs or the muscles or bones, the sword will be over!"

"Didn't you say that he will heal automatically?"

"I mean the surface of the body, not the inside of the body! Heh! He is not a Superman and he is not a fairy. Is he still alive and kicking when you shot or pierced the body with a sword! Really..."

"Oh!" Ji Wuyou was a little embarrassed, but also thought it was quite fun.

Ji Wuyou leaned on Huo Ming and fell asleep, and the two got up and went out of the cave to search for the glacier lotus. With Huo Ming's ability to protect his body, Ji Wuyou no longer felt cold, so he returned his clothes to Huo Ming.

Click! A tree branch on the ground was trampled off by Ming, and she walked two steps. Looking back at Mu Mu, she was struggling to walk.

A certain mountain forest in Yunnan is full of lush trees and is full of primitive sights. It has not been developed, polluted, or trampled. Ming found this place. He thinks that such a primitive forest might... You can find fire lotus. However, the two searched for three days and three nights without gain. To be precise, they searched for three nights. After the sun went down, the evening began. Because vampires are afraid of sunlight.

Mu Mu only stared at the ground, fearing that she might fall. She stretched out a hand at this time, and she hesitated for a second before grabbing it. When Ming pulled her in front of him, Mu Mu suddenly felt a sense of panic. This vampire prince has a charming appearance and powerful strength. After some time together, Mu Mu's fear of him gradually diminished, and he slowly entered into one. Kind of like state. But she restrained herself from having any affection for this vampire. After all, he is a vampire. Even if he is a human being, he is too good. He is so good that I dare not touch it and I can't like it!