The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 54: The Second Heaven of Tianhe Warriors (55)


Ji Wuyou gradually became quiet... No more yelling, no more twisting, only closed eyes and lay in Jianpo's arms, panting weakly... Jianpo gently used his sleeves for her Wiping the sweat beads on his forehead: "Fengshen, what's the matter?"

"Hold her into the house first!" Fengshen got up.

Huo Ming also got up, Jianpo picked up Ji Wuyou, and the four of them entered the house. Mu Mu froze on the spot, flustered undecided, only feeling that what he had done made Ji Wuyou so painful, Ming lifted her up, patted her back gently, signaled her not to worry, she nodded at him knowingly. The two of them picked up their backpacks and went into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, Jianpo put Ji Wuyou on the sofa, and the five people gathered around her, saying: "It's Huolian, Huolian made her suffer so much..." Several people looked at him, he Looking at Ji Wuyou, "The so-called all things in the world grow and restrain each other. The fire lotus and the glacier lotus are just a pair of plants that restrain each other in the world. Therefore, they do not grow in the same place and are far apart. Only in this way can they survive each other but worry-free After eating the glacier lotus, you found the fire lotus again, and you just let the couple meet again. Because of the survival instinct, they of course released their own strength to resist each other, so worry-free suffers, the power of extreme cold It hurts her heart, and no one has suffered from the extreme heat before the fire lotus has been eaten by anyone." At this point, she pointed to the backpack, "If you want to take it out, don't let it go. Worry to see."

Several people looked at the backpack together, Mu Mu looked at Ming again, and then turned to Fengshen: "This fire lotus was found in the time of Qin Shihuang. After eating it, Ming will no longer be a vampire... .. . "Speaking of which, the four of them looked towards Ming

Fengshendao: "Very good! There is one less vampire in the world!" Jian Po and Huo Ming also knew. The three of them didn't have time to take care of them, they just put their hearts on Ji Wuyou, thinking you would eat if you want to change, or kill if you don't change.

Mu Mu continued: "But... now, what happens if Ming eats the fire lotus? The two of them..."

"It's very simple, just don't see each other for a lifetime!" Fengshen replied.

A seemingly simple sentence contains too many unacceptable facts. Mu Mu was stunned. One was the person she liked, and the other was her only good friend. She also secretly thought about the happy scene of everyone being together, but now, there is nothing! The two of them won't be able to meet for a lifetime, is this a kind of helplessness or a kind of sadness? She doesn't know, she can't think about it anymore, everything seems to be doomed, it can't be undone...

Ji Wuyou knows Mu Mu's mood at the moment. When she first saw Mu Mu and Ming, she felt that the relationship between the two was unusual. What happened next made her even more aware of Mu Mu's deep feelings for Ming. As Mu Mu slowly squatted down and held her hand, she said: "It's okay Mu Mu, not meeting doesn't mean anything! There will always be a solution to things..."

Watching Ji Wuyou hold back the uncomfortable and forced smile, listening to her feeble voice, Mu Mu didn't dare to feel sad, and smiled at her and nodded. Ji Wuyou felt good, sat up, and said to Ming, "Your name is Ming?"

"Yeah!" Ming smiled friendly.