The Second Heaven of The Celestial Warriors

Chapter 56: The Second Heaven of Tianhe Warriors (57)


"Worry-free!" Mu Mu shouted when he saw Ji Wuyou. She was very happy that Ji Wuyou was able to come to class today, and hadn't seen him in two days!

"Hey!" Wuyou smiled at her and ran over. The two walked to the classroom together...

"Are you free to come to class today?" Mu Mu asked with a smile.

"I don't know yet! It's just okay this minute, who knows if this thing will scream in the next minute!" As she said, she raised her left wrist and shook the communicator in front of her eyes.

Mu Mu smiled: "I hope you can attend class this morning!"

"Hope!" As soon as the voice fell, there was a "swish" when a boy stepped on a skateboard and passed in front of the two! Mu Mu whispered, the book in his hand was knocked to the ground, Ji Wuyou had no time to take care of this person, and knelt down to help Mu Mu pick up the book... Who knows that the boy turned his head and blew at both A rogue whistle, loud! Ji Wuyou frowned, and the two looked at each other. The book was already packed. The two stood up and looked at him. He also stopped there and blinked at the two, full of ridicule!

"This person is crazy!" Mu Mu said.

If the person didn't turn his head to give a whistle, didn't stop blinking, but said an apologetic "I'm sorry!" then he would be fine today.

Ji Wuyou breathed out gently from her nose. She knew what she was going to do next. At this moment, the same people came to the person on the skateboard, whispered a few words, looked at them together, and laughed teasingly. Ji Wuyou shook his head helplessly. He took off the schoolbag and handed it to Mu Mu: "Help me get it."

Mu Mu knew that she was going to teach this group of people. Although she knew she would not suffer, she was a little worried after all. He took the schoolbag and said, "No worries, leave them alone!"

"It's okay! I didn't get up this morning for a run, and now I am active!" After speaking, he turned to face the group of people.

The group of people immediately came to their attention: "Hi! Beauty! Something is going on? Want to play?!"

Ji Wuyou just tilted his head impatiently, pointing his finger at the person: "You!" He moved his hand in his direction and motioned him out.

He smiled at his companion, stepped on a skateboard and came to Ji Wuyou, circled her, whistles constantly, and his face was full of triumph! Ji Wuyou only gently raised the corners of his mouth and kicked it out! He suddenly fell far away!

This move is like lightning, fast and accurate! A group of people and Mu Mu were stunned in place! I saw that the man fell to the ground with an expression of pain and couldn't get up. Ji Wuyou stretched out his hand without touching his foot and patted the dust on his feet, put down and stood still, exhaled, hugged his hands and looked at the group of people with an indifferent air, the group just kicked With one kick, he went up without fear...

Ji Wuyou just didn't expect that there should be such a guy in his school. He usually only pays attention to a wide range, but he didn't realize that there is such a rogue around him. What a negligence. Today is a lesson! After a while, a group of people fell to the ground with three punches and two kicks. Seeing the groaning all over the floor, she only gave a blank look in disgust, and took Mu Mu to the classroom.

Mu Mu was extremely excited: "You are too powerful, too powerful! What a great fight!" Then there was an expression of admiration, "You are too cool!"