The Show Begins

Chapter 106: The duality of human beings


Lai Yang denied Li Dian's guess. It was not because he didn't trust him enough, but because it involved Yuan Shengda's reputation and he couldn't say anything.

The expression on Li Dian's face gradually faded away. Although it was very brief, it was deeply engraved in Lai Yang's heart.

The car stopped on the street next to the detention center, and the two of them went in and waited for more than fifty minutes before Li's mother changed her clothes and came out.

She had obviously lost a lot of weight, and had no makeup on her face or pearl earrings. Her skin was sallow, her eyes were heavy with bags under them, and her eyes were dull. She was completely different from when she came in.

Lai Yang was shocked, and Li Dian's eyes turned red.

After the detention center guard checked her personal belongings and confirmed that they were correct, he handed them to her. Li's mother bowed, took the things, ignored Li's check, and walked out of the detention center alone.

The sunlight outside was a bit dazzling at this moment. When Li's mother came out, she unconsciously covered her eyes with her hands. Lai Yang pulled Li and hurriedly followed. When they reached the side of the street, Lai Yang spoke first.

"Auntie, do you want to eat something first? There's a teppanyaki restaurant across the street. We just saw that there were quite a lot of people there..."

"Where's the money?" Li's mother stopped and glared at the two of them with a look as sharp as a knife.

"The money is in the car, Mom, I think..."

"Where's the car?"

It can be seen that she still has a lot of resentment in her heart, but she is just holding it back and not releasing it.

When they came to the mini car, Lai Yang opened the door, bent down to take it out, and handed it to Li Dian. Li Dian held the banknotes wrapped in kraft paper and took a deep breath.

"Mom, this is 50,000 yuan, take it back."

Mother Li took the brown paper bag, lowered her head and looked inside, then looked at Lai Yang and said, "Come here, I want to talk to you."

Lai Yang was a little confused. After looking at Li Dian for a few seconds, he chased Li's mother for more than ten meters before stopping.

Mother Li turned around and looked at Lai Yang expressionlessly: "Do you think your theater can last long?"

"... Auntie, I understand what you mean. Making money is important, but a person's pursuit and happiness are more important. Li Dian and I love this industry and performing. Even if there is no money to be made, we can still do it for a long time."


Mother Li chuckled, rubbed her red eyes with her hands, and said.

"Do you know how childish you are? I tell you, money is the most important thing in the world. Love, pursuit, and feelings are worthless in front of money! So I don't think highly of you. Instead of begging for money,

He is just like a beggar who makes money by selling smiles. It would be better for him to come back with me and find a stable job."

These words were unpleasant to hear and also touched Lai Yang's emotions.

"Auntie, I also think money is important, but it is not the most important thing. Take you and Li Dian for example. If you could spend more time with him, then it wouldn't be..."

"Hehe, companionship? Did Li Dian tell you that his father abused me?"

Lai Yang was stunned.

"Do you know why? It's what you said about companionship. I want to stay at home with my son, but when a man can't make money, he will just vent all his anger on a woman, slapping me in the face again and again..."

These words directly overturned Lai Yang's perception of Li's father. At this time, Li's mother forced herself to control her emotions, her chest heaving violently, but tears still overflowed unconsciously.

"Later, I went out to work and earned more than him! Li Dian was older now, so he didn't hit me anymore. But every night before going to bed, he would interrogate me like a prisoner, asking me who I went out to discuss business with, and who that man in my circle of friends is! Why is he like this? It's because he has low self-esteem and is poor!"

Mother Li kept wiping her tears and suppressing her hoarse voice.

"I can only go out and play mahjong. Only by playing mahjong day and night can I forget these pains. I tell you, poor people are the most indifferent and heartless. When you are poor, even your relatives will not help you, let alone others? If you can't even understand this now, I can almost see your future with Li Dian!"

At this moment, Lai Yang suddenly thought of the pregnant woman on the subway yesterday.

She squeezed in the crowd with her big belly. Everyone in the carriage chose to remain silent, some wearing headphones, some looking at the screen of their mobile phones, each of them isolated themselves in a world of their own.

Everybody was indifferent.

Maybe it’s not that they are indifferent, but because their own lives are a mess and they are exhausted, so they really have no time to care about others.

But this has the same ending as what Li's mother said: the poor are the most indifferent.

Then Lai Yang also thought of himself. When he saw Tian Jing and the little turtle together, he did feel a little inferior.

Although he has been trying to change this mentality, he can still imagine that if he is really with Tian Jing in the future, she will deal with all kinds of men every day for work, while he will stay at home helplessly...

That feeling will drive you crazy!

He was even more worried that if one day Tianjing got tired and "bent over" to talk to him, how miserable he would be then.

Love is really not just about companionship.


"And you don't know much about Li Dian. He looks like a very restrained person, but deep down he's just like his father. When he restrains himself to a certain extent, he goes crazy and does things crazier than most people. When he ran away from home, he smashed my refrigerator and TV and took all the money away. Did he tell you about this?"

Mother Li's words were more dazzling and more piercing than the sunlight behind her.

Mother Li's tears dried up, as if the pent-up emotions in her chest were released. She gasped and her voice gradually became steady.

"Everyone has two sides. If you only see one side, it means you don't understand him at all... So that's it. No one listens to me, so whatever..."

Li's mother turned around and left. Lai Yang stood there blankly. A few seconds later, Li Dian rushed over, looked at him, and then chased after his mother.

Heas if he was saying something to his mother, but Li's mother left without looking back, until Li Dian stopped dejectedly, until Li's mother disappeared in the crowd across the street.

Lai Yang took out a cigarette and picked up the lighter that Tian Jing had given him, but the sunlight just happened to be refracted into his eyes through the lighter, and his vision was flashed by the light, so the lighter turned black in a second or two...


Today I have gotten to know more about the other side of Li Dian, but what about Tian Jing

I have never seen her other side. Does this mean that I don't understand her

In the afternoon, Lai Yang, feeling upset, came to Xu Mo's studio.

Yuan Shengda's matter also gave him a headache, so he wanted to hear Xu Mo's guess first.

Xu Mo was still teaching painting to a few children in the studio, so Lai Yang sat bored in front of a clip, staring at a blank piece of drawing paper.

Gradually, he saw different faces on this piece of paper...

There are Gu Qian, Tian Jing, Yuan Shengda, Li Dian, Li's mother and himself. Every time a person appears, a different voice will appear in his ears.

Lai Yang covered his ears, buried his head in his knees, and closed his eyes, but the voice in his head could not be stopped.

It's asking Laiyang to make a quick decision!

Should I join Guangxun, or stay with Tianjing, or wait and see...

At this moment, Xu Mo's voice rang out.

"I thought you weren't coming. Hum, you finally have time to think about your childhood friend, right?"