The Show Begins

Chapter 112: People's hearts are a little scattered


Just when I was wondering, Yuan Shengda also posted on his Moments with the same content as Aru.

Lai Yang lit a cigarette, took a deep puff and gave her a thumbs up, then thought about whether she had blocked her second father and second mother? After all, the old couple still thought that they were together.

"Master, there's something I've been holding back for a long time... I don't know if I should say it." Qianying finished making the poster and took a sip of lemonade.

"Go ahead."

"That's right, I think... they're not doing it right. It's just like us running real estate agencies. At the beginning, the business was easy to do. As long as you set up a shop at the entrance of a residential community in Shanghai, you would have customers coming every day. But because of imitations from peers and fierce competition, there are now a row of real estate agencies at the entrance of every residential community. In the end, no one makes any money."

Lai Yang held a cigarette, looked at Qianying for a long time, and said.

"You are absolutely right. So what should we do? Can we make our peers stop making money?"

"That's not what I meant. I wanted to say that you should plan ahead. Take selling houses for example. The market is so small. If you don't have a killer trick, you will definitely run into problems when the market is saturated. Just like when we entertained customers before, we just maintained normal communication. Now... Haha, in order to get customers to buy houses from me, I also worked as a nanny for them for a few days and cleaned up their family."

"Yeah? You still have this service?"

"Yeah, what do you think? The Morinaga real estate agency across from us had a meeting outside the door one morning. They weren't talking about houses, they were talking about psychology. I even listened for a while... about how to target potential clients through eye contact."

“Hahaha… You can write a joke about this.”

Laiyang couldn't stop laughing, and Qianying slapped him in annoyance.

"Don't laugh, seriously. Master, you have to consider our trump card. Cooperation with Guang Touring Entertainment is one, but I think the core of our industry is still the team. Now..."

Qianying paused and continued.

"Master, I told you not to be angry... I always feel that after the 1,000-person show, everyone seems to have dispersed a bit."

Lai Yang was stunned and looked at her.

"Anyway, it's different from when I first met you. Everyone seems to be worried, wrapped up in themselves, and unwilling to share... I can feel it. Master, you and Sister Sheng are not right. Brother Li is also weird. Brother Wen and Sister Yunlu are not here for the time being. Take today's meal as an example. I am sitting very uncomfortably."

The cigarette in Lai Yang's hand was burnt out. After putting it out in the ashtray, he reached out and touched his face heavily.

Even Qianying can see the problem, which shows that the team is really sick.

This disease is more serious than previous crises because it comes from the inside out.

Lai Yang didn't dare to tell anyone about Yuan Shengda's departure, but once she left, Alu would definitely leave as well.

Does the Boxiao Club still have a future

Why did it suddenly become like this

"Master? What are you thinking about?"

Qianying tilted her head to look at him, her long ponytail hanging on her shoulders. Laiyang looked at her oval face and forced a smile.

"Nothing, I was just wondering... whether I should buy a suite from you."


"But before that, can you go and do a thorough cleaning of my house? Look at my determined look, I am definitely your potential customer, hahahaha..."

千Sakura; "… "

At seven o'clock in the evening, more than a dozen newcomers came to participate in the open mic. Qianying was busy as the host and the event manager.

Lai Yang was smoking at the door, waiting for the "Hu Zi" of Guang Touring Art.

At about half past seven, an old model Passat stopped in a parking space on the side of the street. Hu Zi got out of the car, waved to Lai Yang and walked towards him.

He is quite tall and calls himself Hu Zi because of his full beard, which makes him very recognizable in the crowd.

After Lai Yang brought him in, the two sat in the back row and chatted with each other for a while.

Hu Zi is a very straightforward person and says whatever he thinks.

He even complained about his boss Su Yi in front of Lai Yang. He said that he could have arrived earlier today, but he was assigned a job at the last minute.

Lai Yang smiled and asked if there was overtime pay.

"There's a shovel! I was asked to watch a bunch of girls rehearsing for more than half an hour."

"Are you from Sichuan?" Lai Yang was a little curious.

"Yes, where is your hometown?"


"Oh... come closer."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Hu Zi asked Lai Yang what he thought about the cooperation. He said that now Mr. Su had handed over the communication to him. He was a straightforward person and asked Lai Yang to give a straightforward answer if they could cooperate.

"Don't be impatient, Hu Zi, you are too impatient."

Lai Yang imitated his words, smiled and asked: "At present, in addition to the tour,

, are there any other performing arts groups with a similar scale to yours?"

Hu Zi looked at Lai Yang with some caution.

"Do you want to cooperate with other companies?"

"No, I'm just asking."

"You can go to other companies if you want. You can search Shanghai Media Group, Oriental Performing Arts, and Poly Group's own performance company, but to be honest, they are unlikely to cooperate with you."


Hu Zi pursed his lips and said, "Think about it, the bigger the group, the less they lack people and good content. If the talk show is interesting, they can immediately find someone to write the script and cast their own actors. Since they have the ability to make these people famous, why don't they choose their own people?"

Laiyang listened carefully, and Hu Zi spread out his hands as he spoke.

"You know Zhou Libo, you are such a talented actor, and you have such great value, why did you set up Haipai Qingkou Culture Company? It still can't be combined with other companies, and you don't have any fame yet. If you apply to be an actor, maybe people will pay attention to you. But if you want to lead a team, it's impossible. That's why I told you, I don't know what your relationship with Mr. Su is, but it's a blessing for Guangxun to cooperate with you. I don't know what you are struggling with?"

"… "

These words left Lai Yang speechless. He did have this idea before talking to Hu Zi, but now it seems that this is indeed a unique opportunity given by the little turtle.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer as soon as possible. Someone in the team has asked for leave recently. I'll let you know when I get the answer."

Huzi nodded, and then asked if he could go up to perform later. He prepared a three-minute skit.

It seemed that he was indeed interested in talk shows. Lai Yang smiled and said no problem, then asked him to sit in the front row to prepare.

After a while, Lai Yang felt a little craving for cigarette, so he went out, lit a cigarette, and puffed it quietly.

Suddenly, Song Wen's call broke the moment of peace.

"Awen, why did you think of calling me? I see you and Yunlu are busy at home. Didn't you read the messages in the group?" Lai Yang answered the call with a smile.

"Uh, Brother Yang... I'm a little busy indeed. Um... are you in the theater right now? I want to ask you something."

"Speak." Lai Yang took a breath.

"Have you seen Xiaolu?"


A Sichuan flavor burst out of Lai Yang’s mouth!