The Show Begins

Chapter 114: Kill people and destroy their hearts


After returning home alone, Lai Yang discovered that there was a leak in the corner of the bedroom because of the rain last night.

The water spread along the slightly peeling wall to the ground, wetting a large area.

He quickly moved the suitcase in the corner and cleaned it carefully with a mop. When his hand accidentally touched the wet wall, his hand was covered with milky white cement.

Lai Yang suddenly became angry and called the landlord to ask him to come and fix it tomorrow.

After cleaning the house, Lai Yang sat on the bed, lit a cigarette, looked at the foggy night, and was about to send a message to Tian Jing, but saw a screenshot she had sent him half an hour ago.

It was the circle of friends where Yuan Shengda and Aru held hands.

Are they together? (Surprised.png)

Lai Yang took a puff of cigarette and replied: Well, we just started dating today.

A few seconds later, Tian Jing actually called him directly. Lai Yang flicked the ash and answered the call. Then her pleasant voice came over.

"They are really together? Why am I finding it hard to believe?"

"What's so unbelievable? Aru really likes Shengda, and he has been pursuing her for a long time. It's normal for them to be together."

"Oh... that sound is so loud, do you like it, Aru?"

"… If we can be together, then we must like each other."

Lai Yang exhaled a puff of smoke, and Tian Jing was silent for a while, not knowing what she was thinking. Then she changed the topic and asked.

"What do you think about the cooperation with Guangxun? I heard from Yu Bo that you haven't replied to them yet?"

When Laiyang heard the word "Yu Bo", his face darkened and he spoke with his chest heaving.

"Jingjing, I don't plan to cooperate with you anymore. Can you also tell Yu Bo that he doesn't need to worry about my affairs anymore?"

Tian Jing probably didn't expect Lai Yang to refuse. She was stunned for a moment and her voice became surprised.

"Why don't you cooperate? Is the other party's conditions too harsh?"

"It has nothing to do with the conditions. It's because of something else... Never mind. We can't cooperate anyway."

"What's the matter? Can you tell me?"

Lai Yang put out his cigarette, stood up and opened the window a crack. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, making him feel much more refreshed.

Afterwards, he briefly recounted the incident when he encountered the Cultural Bureau’s investigation during the performance.

Lai Yang is now very sure that this matter must be Yu Bo

Yes, Dusi is not that stupid. He was sitting in the stadium at the time. There was no reason and no possibility for him to do such a thing.

Lai Yang didn't say this to Tian Jing intentionally to discredit Yu Bo. He also wanted to remind Tian Jing so that she could understand Yu Bo from other aspects. After all, they seemed to have a business cooperation now.

But after he finished speaking, Tian Jing was obviously a little unhappy.

There was a moment of silence at first, and then he asked Lai Yang if he had any evidence

"… There is no evidence, but I know it in my heart, so I don't plan to go over to Guangxun."

"Laiyang, Yu Bo and I have known each other for many years. I don't think he would do such a thing. Besides... he really wants to help you. He has been keeping this matter in mind since he came to Chengdu. He also called his friend and asked him to cooperate with you if possible... I know you and Yu Bo have had a feud before, but you can't doubt him like that."

Lai Yang's mouth corners were slightly open, and the wind seemed to go through his mouth into his spleen and stomach, draining all the temperature out of his body.

In Tian Jing's opinion, she was framing the little turtle?

"Hmph, okay, I doubt him, but have you ever thought that he made those calls just to show you that he cares about me and to elevate his image in front of you? In fact, the things he did, both overtly and covertly, are so…"


The tranquility was interrupted by a burst of rapid breathing from the other end of the line.

"Let's not talk about Yu Bo for now. I think you should think deeply about whether to cooperate with Guang Xun, instead of making a decision casually because of someone or your personal mood. This is not a rational choice for you and the team."

Tian Jing inadvertently touched upon another thing that was bothering Lai Yang.

He clenched his phone, licked his slightly cracked lips, and spoke word by word.

"I won't go on the light patrol. I don't need the little turtle's help! This is my very rational answer."

These words might have hurt Tian Jing a bit, and her voice became much colder.

"You decide for yourself, Laiyang, you haven't changed at all!"

Beep beep beep~


Lai Yang angrily threw his phone on the bed, his eyes widened and he gasped for breath. His hideous face was reflected on the slightly foggy glass.

Haven't you changed at all

Tian Jing's words were heartbreaking, and Lai Yang was so angry that he sat on the edge of the bed and smoked several cigarettes before he calmed down a little.

After calming down, Lai Yang realized that this was the second time he and Tian Jing had quarreled.

But it was the most intense one.

He originally thought that although they were from different classes, their ideas were quite similar.

Only tonight did I realize clearly that there is a sea, a mountain, and a person between me and tranquility.

I can't completely blame Tian Jing, because she and Xiao Haigui have known each other for a longer time, and Xiao Haigui must have tried his best to maintain the image of a humble gentleman in front of her.

Therefore, Tian Jing would also be angry with him and herself.

After Lai Yang calmed down for a while, the image of "Military Advisor Li" flashed through his mind. He wanted to make a phone call to chat and talk about Yunlu and Song Wen, but Li Dian turned off his phone...

The water leakage in the corner began to spread to the ground, just like the well water seeping out from the ground, endlessly.

Lai Yang mopped the floor over and over again. The physical labor finally gave his brain a break. After finishing, Lai Yang sat in the living room and smoked.

At the same time, he also saw the painting on the coffee table.

In the painting, I was standing in the center of a stage with thousands of people, with my hands raised above my head, posing as a winner. A beam of light was shining down from above my head, making me look as great as Jesus!

But in reality, I am a complete loser.

The ex-girlfriend cheated on him, his career was not going well, the team was in disarray, and even the woman who could enter her own inner world chose to believe in another man tonight...

Lai Yang stroked the oil painting with his hand and asked himself, have I really not changed

After the cigarette was gone, Lai Yang sat quietly in the room for a while, then put on his coat and went downstairs.

As a result, when I walked to the gate of the community, I heard a woman's angry cursing coming from outside.

Lai Yang walked out quickly and saw that Xu Mo was being pulled by the arm by a drunk man.

"Let go! Will you let go? Get out—"

Xu Mo patted the man's chest, but the other party refused to let go. Because this was an old residential area and there were not many people outside, the man was probably tempted by her beauty.

After seeing this scene, Lai Yang's anger that had been suppressed all night suddenly came to an end. He rushed forward and kicked the drunk man to the ground with a bang.

"Why the hell are you acting crazy here? Are you looking for death?"