The Show Begins

Chapter 116: Different concepts


When Lai Yang opened the door, he happened to meet Yuan Shengda who was at the corner of the stairs.

Her oval face showed fatigue, her cheeks were flushed, she smelled of alcohol, and her eyes were confused and stunned.

Xu Mo leaned over to glance at the two of them, then gently closed the door.

"Where is your boyfriend? Didn't he send you back?" Lai Yang asked first.

Yuan Sheng rolled his eyes at him and walked upstairs without saying a word.

"Hey, are you feeling cocky now? I'm asking you a question. What's going on with Yunlu? Where is he?!" Lai Yang shouted from behind.

Yuan Shengda walked into the room with heavy steps and lay down on the sofa in the living room. His messy hair covered half of his face, and when he breathed, a few strands of hair were blown up by the corners of his mouth.

Lai Yang was stunned for a few seconds, sighed, bent down to pick up her slippers, sat next to her and planned to help her change her shoes.

As soon as her hand touched Yuan Shengda's ankle, she suddenly sat up and screamed, "What are you doing?"

"Help you change your shoes. Am I going to pick your hamstrings?"

Yuan Sheng was stunned for a few seconds, then bent down to take off his shoes, "No need, I can do it myself... Let's keep a little distance from each other in the future, after all, I have a boyfriend."

"… "

Lai Yang's mood cooled instantly. He said "oh" and took out a cigarette and lit it.

“What kind of distance?”

"I don't know... Anyway, we keep an eye on each other."

"Okay, then tell me about Yunluren first? What happened between her and Song Wen?"

"Aru sent her to the hotel. She and Song Wen have different ideas. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm sleepy."

Lai Yang didn't know what to say. He looked up at the bedroom balcony, where many clothes were hung out to dry, including fluffy pajamas, sky blue jeans, and the long skirt with small pearls on the chest...

Just as he was about to leave, his stomach growled and Yuan Shengda glanced at him.

"You did this on purpose?"

"What are you doing on purpose?" Lai Yang looked surprised.

"So you came to see me tonight just to have a meal, right? How shameless! I'm already dating someone else, and you're still so shameless..."

"I'm so..."

As soon as Lai Yang stood up, Yuan Shengda pushed him down, "Sit down! I haven't eaten yet, you will eat all my leftovers, you just waste food every day..."

Yuan Shengda was really drunk and his speech was illogical.

But she really staggered into the kitchen, muttering to herself as she fiddled with things.

Do you think your dad is Li Ka-shing? You throw away the food you can’t finish… You’re crazy! I’ve been hungry all day, burp~”

She burped loudly, the sound was sticky; "Ah, why can't I light the fire?"

"Open the valve of the gas tank first." Lai Yang shouted from the living room.


There was a whirring sound of fire coming from the kitchen.

"I know... Did I ask you? You're such a troublemaker, wondering who owed you money in their past life..."

"It's too loud, how about I do it..." Lai Yang stood up again.

"Sit down!"

When Yuan Shengda came out again, there was fried noodles with egg on the white plate in her hand.

The noodles were boiled in water, the color was normal, but the two fried eggs on top were burnt black...

After she put the plate on the coffee table, she went back to her room and fell asleep on the bed without eating a single bite.

Lai Yang looked at the bowl of noodles and suddenly thought of the scene in the movie "The God of Cookery" where the ugly woman played by Karen Mok presented Stephen Chow with a bowl of noodles when he was homeless on the streets.

That noodle, and this bowl, are a bit like...

Lai Yang ate everything without leaving any residue. After washing the dishes, he lay on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and smoked. He ended up falling asleep there in a daze.

Laiyang had a dream...

In the dream, everyone got married, Tian Jing and Yu Bo, Yuan Shengda and A Lu; their wedding dates were on the same day, in the same church.

When Lai Yang arrived at the church door, a white dove happened to land on the cross on top of the church, as if looking at him.

Then, a luxury car drove over and the white dove flew away. Lai Yang looked back and found that the people who got off the car were Li Dian and others.

As far as I can remember, they all seemed to have become talk show stars, especially Li Dian, who was even called the Godfather of Talk Shows. He became friends with many stars, published books, and made movies...

Lai Yang ran towards them excitedly, but when he got to everyone, Li Dian looked at him coldly and asked, "Who are you?"


Lai Yang suddenly woke up, gasping for breath.

He turned his head and looked towards the bedroom. The door was open and Yuan Shengda was not there.

It was already daybreak, and the amber sunlight cast vertical strips of golden light on the floor.

Lai Yang then realized that he was covered with a blanket, which had a faint scent of cloves.

After getting himself a glass of water, Lai Yang recalled the dream carefully. The loneliness in the dream that chilled him to the bone frightened him.

It was 10:17 in the morning. Yuan Sheng sent a WeChat message saying that she would go to the hotel to find Yunlu first. She probably couldn't perform tonight, so she asked Laiyang to make arrangements.

Li Dian also sent a message at around 8 o'clock in the morning, saying that Song Wenren was at the theater and asked Lai Yang to come over...

The team is in chaos right now, but there is no information in their big group called “Make You Laugh”.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lai Yang first asked Yuan Shengda for the hotel coordinates, then called Li Dian and asked him to take Song Wen directly to the hotel.

"Laiyang, I think the matter is a bit serious. How about you come over and listen first, and then we go find Yunlu?" Li Dian said on the phone.

"No, many things need to be discussed face to face. You can take him there directly now. We'll meet at the hotel."

After hanging up the phone, Lai Yang folded the blanket and put it back in the bedroom, then took a taxi and left.

The hotel where YunThe hotel where YunLu stayed was also near the theater. When Lai Yang arrived, Li Dian and Song Wen were already in the hotel lobby.

Song Wen's hair was as messy as dead grass, there was a circle of stubble at the corners of his mouth, and he had heavy bags under his eyes. It seemed that he had not slept well all night.

"Hey, why are you like this?" Lai Yang asked.

Song Wen could no longer utter "hehe" and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Brother Yang, Xiaolu has a bad temper. My mom just said a few words to her, and she started to act like this with me. I... she..."

Song Wen was so anxious that he couldn't speak, Li Dian added.

"After he and Yunlu returned, they wanted to buy four sets of wedding clothes for the bride. Yunlu's mother attached great importance to the ceremony. She thought that the clothes were a symbol of face, so they had to be expensive. As a result, they spent 8,000 yuan on two sets of clothes. Song Wen's family didn't understand and thought that the bride was too troublesome. Maybe his mother said something to Yunlu, and then... it became like this."

"Actually... there are many, many things that I didn't expect to happen. It's just that our concepts are not in line with each other."

Song Wen was so anxious that his eyes turned red and his voice trembled.

"Even if I took out all my money, it's still not enough for the betrothal gift. My parents are ordinary workers and they save more than 2,000 yuan a month. They bought two sets of clothes with the money they saved for half a year, but her family still thinks it's cheap... I feel that I... I am using my parents' hard-earned money to flatter her mother. I feel sour in my heart but I can't say anything, but she still treats me like this!!"

Lai Yang took a breath of cold air. This difference in concept made him think of Gu Qian again.

Then he thought of the tranquility that was even more different from his class.

Assuming that I can be with her in the future, is it inevitable that we will reach this day