The Show Begins

Chapter 16: The house is haunted


These words were very explicit, but they spoke the truth. After Tian Jing finished speaking, she leaned back on the sofa again, holding the document and started reading it, without asking him to leave.

After a long while, Lai Yang licked his lips and said, "Except for the lack of actors, content, repurchase rate and promotion, everything else is pretty good."

Tian Jing snorted and laughed, without even looking at him.

"Then do you have any good ideas? You can manage a building and have studied in the United States, so you must have some ideas, right?"

"Why should I tell you if I have a trick?" Tian Jing flipped a page of the document, staring at it seriously with her beautiful eyes.

"Don't be like this, Jingjing, Jingjing~"


Tian Jing closed the file, looked at Lai Yang and said, "I have helped you, and we are even now. I am going to sleep now, please leave."

Seeing that she was about to get angry again, Lai Yang thought quickly and shouted, "Wait a minute, I actually came here today to say something. Do you know that those merchants are planning to cause trouble for you privately?"

Lai Yang made this up purely on his own, but Tian Jing seemed to believe it, and there was a flash in her eyes.

Lai Yang was delighted, frowned deliberately, and sighed: "Alas, there is no way. If you don't renew the lease, it means that you will cut off other people's financial resources. Several people privately said that they would intercept you at night. You are in danger, don't you know?"

Tian Jing pursed her lips and teeth, looking somewhat embarrassed.

She may have always been dealing with people from the upper class, and everyone was polite to each other. She probably hasn't encountered many of these scoundrels from the lower class.

In addition, Lai Yang's words are very convincing.

"Hey, so I think you should move, or..." Lai Yang paused.

"Or what?"

"Or you can find someone to take you back. Hey, you don't live far from the company. I can take you back."

Tian Jing suddenly smiled, and her smile was so beautiful. Lai Yang was stunned for a few seconds and then smiled: "What do you think, is this a good idea?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

Tian Jing smiled and put the documents aside, saying with a raised corner of her mouth: "So I'll give you three seconds. If you don't leave, I'll call the police."

"Ah? Is it changing so fast?"


"Fuck, where's three? Why do we start from two?"

Tian Jing took out her cell phone and dialed 110. Lai Yang was so scared that he ran to the door and turned around and shouted, "Why did you change your attitude so quickly? And where is Yi?"


A pillow came crashing down on me!

Take a taxi back to the community

On the way, Lai Yang received a text message from Gu Qian, asking when he would come back to handle the transfer.

Lai Yang, who was already depressed, became even more upset after seeing the text message. In fact, until now, he still dreams about Gu Qian occasionally.

I dreamed of the carefree days in college. Gu Qian was always so fond of laughing at that time. They would stroll around the playground every night after evening self-study. They would sit on the lawn hand in hand and fantasize about life after graduation.

She said she wanted to rent a house with me and cook for me after get off work.

The smell of the mundane world of firewood, rice, oil and salt, took them on a time train and burrowed into the fantasy of their college days, making them both smile.

And now, Laiyang is standing in the fantasy future, but this world is very cold.

There is no daily necessities, no worldly affairs, only the brightly lit Shanghai at night and myself, all alone.

Lai Yang chose to ignore this message. He didn't understand why Gu Qian was so anxious to get a house. Did she still need this house

When they returned to the gate of the community, the vendor selling rice noodles was preparing to close the stall. Lai Yang stepped forward and asked Yuan Shengda if he had come to eat.

The vendor shook his head and said no, but he saw her return to the community more than two hours ago, and she seemed to be in a bad mood.

Lai Yang bought two servings of rice noodles and went to Yuan Sheng's door and knocked for a long time, but the other party didn't open the door. Lai Yang squatted at the door after placing the rice noodles, said something to the inside, and turned away.

But when he just reached the corridor, Yuan Sheng opened the door, hooked the rice noodles in, and slammed it shut.

"Damn it, you're quite active when eating!" Lai Yang cursed angrily.

After returning to the house, Lai Yang specially packed all the clothes that Gu Qian did not take away into the suitcase, then opened the QQ album and looked at the photos of their past love, his eyes gradually becoming red.

He wanted to delete all of them in one go, become strangers from now on, and completely wipe out everything that had happened.

But my finger stayed in front of the delete key for a long time and couldn't click it.

He smoked several cigarettes but couldn't bring himself to do it. Lai Yang was so angry that he threw his phone on the bed, stood beside the bed, pointed his finger and cursed: "You are such a bitch, the other person dumped you, what are you still reluctant to give up?"

"Delete! Delete! I'll give you three seconds."


Just after I shouted, there was a knock on the door. It was almost eleven o'clock, who could be knocking on the door

Lai Yang took a deep breath and opened the door. A gust of cold wind blew in, and a few strands of Yuan Shengda's hair were also blown in. She was wrapped in a nightgown, exposing a large area of her slender white neck and shoulders, and her beautiful watery eyes looked a little panicked.

She was also wearing bright lipstick, and her breasts were visible from time to time as she breathed heavily.

Is this a late-night seduction for yourself

If Lai Yang wasn't too familiar with her, this erotic scene would probably turn any man into a beast.

Yuan Shengda didn't notice the change in Lai Yang's expression. He pushed him away and went into the house. He put his hand on his chest and tried to calm his breathing.

"What's wrong with you? Seducing me so late at night?"

After Lai Yang finished speaking, Yuan Shengda glared at him fiercely: "Temptation! My room is haunted!"

"Uh..." If Lai Yang was an animated character, there would be three black vertical lines on his head at this moment.

Based on his familiarity with Yuan Shengda, he knew that the other party must be plotting against him.

Or maybe he was trying to find a way to reconcile with herself. He had used this trick when she was a teenager. They had a falling out at that time, and Yuan Sheng came running over and said that his house was on fire.

I was so scared that I ran back with her, only to find that nothing was there. After a final fight, we made up.

"Oh, it's no big deal, a male ghost or a female ghost?" Lai Yang said lightly.

Yuan Shengda's pretty eyes froze for a moment, and with trembling hands, he clutched his collar and said, "Ghost girl, she has been crying and hiding in my room. I heard it clearly."

With such acting skills, it’s a shame that she didn’t become an actor, Lai Yang snorted in his heart and spoke.

"That's not right. Your room is haunted. How can you put on lipstick when you come out?"

"I'm not wiping my mouth. I ate half of the rice noodles and I didn't wipe my mouth!"

"… "

Wow, this is a joke! Lai Yang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Yuan Sheng gave him a piercing look with her beautiful eyes, and took two pieces of paper from the coffee table to wipe her mouth.

"Okay, stop pretending with me. I was wrong today, so let's just let it go."

"Who's pretending to be you? It really is haunted!"

Yuan Shengda's voice suddenly rose, her words trembling a little, and she said that there was no need for her to come here in a nightgown in the middle of the night to lie to him. She was eating just now and heard crying in the bathroom.

She was so nervous that her throat was raised. But when she went to the bathroom and turned on the light, the crying stopped. But when she turned off the light, the crying started again...

The hairs on Lai Yang's body began to stand up. Although he was usually a braggart, he was actually a little afraid of things related to ghosts and gods.

Plus, Yuan Shengda’s description is extremely creepy.

It's almost midnight and this is an old residential area. Could it really be haunted

At this moment, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew in from the window and blew the bedroom door shut with a snap.