The Show Begins

Chapter 27: Adrenaline rush


Lai Yang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a surprised tone: "No way~ Why are you so gossipy?"

Xu Mo's eyes were as charming as silk, and her mouth exuded orchid fragrance. "Also? Who else do you want to gossip about?"

"No, just... a friend of mine." Lai Yang admired the woman's ability to control details.

"Female?" she asked.

Lai Yang nodded awkwardly, then immediately changed the subject and asked Xu Mo what job he did.

She took a sip of the wine, her red lips stained with water as she said, "I run a painting studio, also in Xuhui District, not far from here."

These words made Lai Yang look at her again. He said that she had a faint literary and artistic temperament, and it turned out that she was really an artist.

"Of course. I didn't realize that your job is to wear sexy clothes, strike a pose and stand there for people to draw you?" Lai Yang said with a smile.

Xu Mo pinched Lai Yang's waist, causing him to almost cry out in pain. After a brief apology, he let go.

"Humph, I finally understand you tonight, you smooth-talking man, you're just being picky, right?"

Hearing the words "glib-tongued", Lai Yang had a wry smile on his face and thought of Tian Jing again.

Actually, I usually just argue, I don't have any bad intentions. It's mainly because I developed this habit since I was a child, otherwise how could I do talk shows

Normally on stage, you need to play tricks with the audience, and you have to know the scale well.

This is an art.

Lai Yang could tell from Xu Mo's expression that his manners were acceptable and the other party did not feel disgusted. Instead, this sentence brought the two of them closer.

Lai Yang said that he could visit her studio when he was not busy. Xu Mo nodded in welcome. After the two listened to Yuan Shengda's talk for a while, Xu Mo said with a slightly sad expression.

"Laiyang, let me ask you something. Suppose... you broke up with a girlfriend you had been dating for many years, would you still go look for her?"

Suddenly, the thorn in Lai Yang's heart was touched by her.

He looked at Xu Mo's somewhat sad face and knew that she was still fantasizing about her boyfriend coming back to get back together. Hadn't he also had this fantasy about Gu Qian

"Why did you break up?"

"He... cheated on me." Xu Mo's voice gradually faded.

"...Oh, so even if he comes back, do you still want him?" Lai Yang sighed heavily and took a big sip of water.

Seeing Xu Mo silent, Lai Yang reached out and gently patted her shoulder and said, "Be happy my friend, the world is not worth it."

"That's true. Who said that?" Xu Mo forced a smile.

Lai Yang pointed to the stage and said, "It's a very original song. Li Dian and I like to say it sometimes. It's a funny phrase."

Just as the two were chatting, the door of the theater was pushed open a crack, allowing Qianying to slip in like a kitten. Lai Yang's eyes were fixed, and a surge of blood began to boil in his body.

Wasn't she in a meeting? Why is she here again

Seeing the quiet moment, Lai Yang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and waved at her.

"This girl is so beautiful and has a great temperament. Is she your friend?" Xu Mo asked quietly from the side.

Seeing Lai Yang nodded, she let out a long "Oh" and said, "I finally understand."

"Ah? What do you understand?" Lai Yang looked at Xu Mo a little confused, but she stopped talking.

Tian Jing also saw Lai Yang, but she didn't come over. Instead, she sat alone in the front row, which made Lai Yang a little confused.

Lai Yang bent over and came to Tian Jing's side. He squatted on the ground and looked up at her pretty face. He asked happily, "Is the meeting over?"

"Well, why are you here if you're not with your friend?"

"Uh... I came over to say hello to you. What do you think about the performance?" Lai Yang said softly.

“Under consideration.”

This ambiguous answer made Lai Yang a little crazy.

At this time, Yuan Shengda also stepped down from the stage, and a new actor came up to tell jokes. Lai Yang, who was still squatting on the ground, looked up at her long eyelashes and big watery eyes and said.

"Let's go, shall we take you back?"

Tian Jing thought for a few seconds, then nodded and stood up, while Lai Yang also quickly went backstage to say goodbye to everyone.

Yunlu was looking at her newly bought clothes in the mirror backstage, and turned back with a smile and said, "Brother Yang, are you going to be a flower protector again?"

Li Dian and Song Wen glanced at her at the same time, then looked at Yuan Shengda, but she was chatting with Xu Mo who had just entered the backstage, and ignored Lai Yang.

After feeling a bit embarrassed, Lai Yang turned around to leave, but Yuan Shengda suddenly said in a low voice.

"Hey, the rice noodle stall closes early tonight. Do you want me to go back and bring you some?"

Lai Yang handed the room key to Yuan Shengda and told him to take a copy and leave it directly in the room.

Just as he turned to leave, he found that everyone was looking at him strangely, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Lai Yang walked out of the theater and saw a quiet and slender figure standing in the wind.

The cold wind of late winter blew a few strands of her hair in front of her eyes. She used her jade-like fingers to spread her hair apart, and looked at him with a pair of beautiful, sparkling eyes.

Laiyang walked up to her with a smile and walked with her on the cold winter streets.

"Is that beautiful lady your new friend?" After walking for a while, she asked with her red lips slightly opened.

Lai Yang took a while to realize that she was talking about Xu Mo, but what made him curious was how Tian Jing knew it was a new friend

After asking this question, Tian Jing smiled softly and said, "I saw her sitting next to you, shy but happy. I guess you just met her. Are you lucky in love?"

Lai Yang was slightly stunned by what he said. What does it mean to be shy and happy at the same time

How come I didn’t feel it at all

But just when he thought of this, Lai Yang suddenly raised his lips and said, "Hey, Jingjing, you are observing carefully enough? Are you so concerned about me?"

She glared at Lai Yang with her beautiful eyes, and said with a snort, "I care about you, idiot."

Hearing her say this kind of "common saying", Lai Yang felt happier. The image of a quiet female president is becoming less and less, and the image of a little woman is becoming more and more.

Maybe it's because I'm familiar with it.

When they were almost downstairs of her community, Lai Yang was just about to ask her if she had eaten, but Tian Jing's flat belly involuntarily gurgled when she heard the sound.

Her pretty face instantly turned red, and her snow-white skin was as rosy as the sunset. Under the reflection of the street lights, Lai Yang's heart was filled with excitement.

"What are you laughing at? I'm on a diet and don't eat at night." Tian Jing glanced at Lai Yang and said softly.

"You need to eat enough to have the energy to lose weight. Do you like shrimp porridge?" Lai Yang was attentive and smiling. After all, she had not agreed to the performance yet.

After buying the ingredients, Lai Yang went to Tianjing's kitchen again to get busy. Although he had never asked Tianjing how good her cooking skills were, he could tell from the last time she cooked brown sugar water.

As for cooking skills, I guess the best she can do is fry an egg.

Just as Lai Yang was peeling shrimps by himself, a pleasant voice rang out beside him: "Do you need help?"

Lai Yang glanced sideways upon hearing the voice, but this one glance made his heart beat faster and his adrenaline surge.