The Show Begins

Chapter 53: Resign together


Lai Yang never thought that he would meet a little turtle here.

Moreover, he brought a New Year's Eve gift, but he himself came empty-handed, which made him look pale in comparison.

"Why are you here?" The little turtle looked at him unfriendly.

"I'm helping Jingjing clean the house. I came here early in the morning." Lai Yang fought back unyieldingly.


Early in the morning

The little turtle's face suddenly turned several shades darker. If he were a character in a game, his health bar would have been much lower by now.

But he soon forced a smile and looked at Jing Jing: "Jing Jing, do you have time tonight? My family is not here, let's have the New Year's Eve dinner together?"


Lai Yang felt a small knife piercing his heart, and the blood groove emptied out.

The little turtle's cry is so quiet and kind.

"Okay, let's go together tonight." Tian Jing replied with her pretty eyes, a happy smile on her face.

Puff puff ~

Two knives stabbed at me!

Is she serious

Lai Yang sat on the sofa and looked at the two of them. The other two were standing, while he was sitting.

Why does it feel a bit like a light bulb

"Then come over tonight. Lai Yang said he wants to cook. He is a pretty good cook. You can try it too." Tian Jing smiled, with red lips and white teeth.

Lai Yang wanted to die at this moment.

I actually have to cook for the little turtle? Is this fair

Could it be that Tian Jing was deliberately mad at me because I said I had kissed Gu Qian

"Don't bother, I've already reserved a table, how about... going together tonight?"

When the little turtle said together, he looked at Lai Yang with some provocation.

The quiet and graceful figure also turned around, the black ponytail swayed slightly, and the little mouth raised an intriguing arc.

"Laiyang, do you want to come with us?"

Lai Yang felt a sudden pain in his heart.

He probably understood that Tian Jing only treated him as a friend.

Just a friend like the little turtle, so there is nothing unique about it.

After realizing this, the tip of my nose suddenly felt a little sour, and the high confidence I had just had disappeared in an instant, and a feeling of loss came over me.

"No, you guys go ahead, I have to go back to the theater now."

He was not angry with Jing, but he just realized his position.

As he put on his coat and passed by Tian Jing, Lai Yang caught a glimpse of her smile fading from the corner of his eye.

When he reached the door, Lai Yang suddenly thought of something and turned around to look at the two men.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Tian will be there in the evening.

If you come to the show with your friends, I don't think there will be enough seats. Why don't you go watch a movie or something..."

Standing in the living room with a quiet and slender figure, her beautiful face looked a little cold. Her big eyes were as cold as autumn water, looking at Laiyang.

Without waiting for her reply, Lai Yang "fled in panic".

His desperate character was once again exposed.

After breaking up with Gu Qian, Lai Yang felt like a hedgehog. Once he received a little shock, he would immediately wrap himself up into a ball of thorns.

He was afraid of being rejected, afraid of being too sentimental, and afraid that after all this time, the clown would turn out to be himself.

In this case, it is better to stay away from anything that may hurt you.

But why, my heart is becoming more and more depressed

It was getting dark and the taillights of the vehicles on the road turned red.

The redness faded and turned into circles in Lai Yang's sight.

Because it is New Year's Eve, the atmosphere in the theater tonight is particularly warm and the audience is packed.

And 99 percent of the audience are young couples.

They are in high spirits, they enjoy love, enjoy this restless night, celebrate the New Year together, and gain happiness together.

The theater was very lively, but Yuan Shengda and Tian Jing were not there.

So the excitement belongs to others and has nothing to do with Laiyang.

"The most frightening thing about Chinese New Year is when a child covers his ears and smiles at you and you don't know where the firecrackers are."

Lai Yang was telling jokes on the stage, but his eyes kept looking out the door from time to time. The more he repeated this, the more frustrated he felt.

He adjusted his state and began to interact with the audience.

"Hey young man, are you from Shanghai?" Lai Yang turned the topic to a young man in the front row.

The other person shook his head shyly, then smiled and put his head directly into his girlfriend's arms.

Damn it!

This dog food caught me off guard~

"My boyfriend is shy, you should ask someone else~" The girl smiled and reached out to touch her boyfriend's head, causing everyone in the theater to burst into laughter.

The corner of Lai Yang's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hey, it's good to have a partner. I haven't been home for two years. People in the village are saying that I'm in prison. I wanted to go back this year to clarify things, but I can't go back alone. People will suspect that I've been released from prison."

Lai Yang made a bitter face, which made everyone laugh again.

As they laughed, several couples in the front row interlocked their fingers and held each other tightly.

Depend on!

After stepping down, Lai Yang took the time to ask Li Dian, "Where is Lord Yuan Sheng?"

The reply I got was, I don’t know, I lost contact…

Yunlu and Song Wen were also a little worried. They both said that they could not contact Yuan Shengda. The phone was connected, but no one answered.

Lai Yang opened WeChat and was wondering how to send a message to her, but he saw that Tian Jing had updated her Moments half an hour ago and sent a picture.

In the photo, there is a high-end open-air restaurant, and not far away is the brightly lit Oriental Pearl Tower.

A beautiful woman smiled sweetly at the camera, and next to her sat a gentle man with a very happy look on his face.

Anyone who sees this picture will think they are a perfect match, a perfect match.

Lai Yang turned off his cell phone, watched the performance on the stage, listened to the laughter from the audience, and suddenly a song rang out.

"Laughter, cheers, noisy atmosphere, but the heart is cold~"

"The spotlight is a blessing, but I can't shout, wait a minute~"

The performance ended with applause.

Li Dian was a little angry with Lai Yang, so he didn't say much to him and left early with the other actors.

Song Wen was smoking at the door. Yun Lu came to the backstage, looked at Lai Yang who was in a daze, and asked him in an unhappy tone if he had quarreled with Sister Sheng.

Lai Yang lit a cigarette and said, "Your boyfriend is still waiting for you to get a room... It's New Year's Eve, let's go."

"Brother Yang, although I shouldn't say this, I think you are a little too harsh on Sister Sheng."

Yunlu, with her hair tied into a bun, sat down with an imposing manner.

"Usually, Sister Sheng makes jokes about you and President Tian, and I follow suit. But in fact, every time I do, I feel sad for Sister Sheng."

"Are you kidding me? Are you still sad after teasing me?"

"Forget it, Brother Yang, let me tell you clearly, Sister Sheng likes you!"

Lai Yang's hand holding the cigarette trembled a little, but he looked at Yun Lu calmly.

Yunlu was a little surprised and asked Laiyang if he wasn't surprised

"What's so surprising? We've been misunderstood like this since middle school. I'm immune to it."

Yunlu raised his head and let out a long sigh, looking at Laiyang with a bit of disappointment.

"She really likes you!"

"Did she tell you that herself?"

"No, but when you performed at the mall and you carried President Tian into the mall, the heartbreak in Sister Sheng's eyes could not be faked, so from then on, I knew she liked you."

Yunlu paused for a moment and continued, "I heard from Brother Li Dian that you want to fire Sister Sheng. If you did this because of President Tian, then I am really disappointed in you. She is leaving, and I will resign with Song Wen."

"You decide for yourself!"